The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (2024)


Written By Kelly Keating

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (1)

If you're looking for deer-resistant herbs to plant in your garden, you've come to the right place. Deer love to munch on plants, but there are a number of herbs that they don't particularly care for. In this blog post, we will discuss 12 deer-resistant herbs and their benefits. So, if you're looking to keep your plants safe from deer damage, be sure to consider adding some of these herbs to your garden!

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Features of Deer-Resistant Plants

Deer are less likely to eat plants that are:

- Aromatic

- Hairy

- Spiny

- Bitter or pungent tasting

-Tough or leathery


While there is no guarantee that hungry deer will not eat a deer-resistant plant, they are less likely to nibble on these types of plants.

12 Deer Resistant Herbs

It's no secret that deer can be a nuisance in the garden. They love to eat plants, and they can quickly decimate a flower bed or vegetable garden. If you're looking for ways to keep deer away from your plants, you're in luck! Here are 12 deer-resistant plants and their benefits. So, if deer are a problem in your garden, be sure to give these herbs a try as a natural deer repellent.

1 Basil

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (2)

Basil is a deer-resistant herb that is perfect for use in the garden. The strong smell of basil deters deer from eating it, and the plant also contains thymol, which is an irritant to deer. When planted in deer-prone areas, basil can help to keep deer away from other plants in the garden.

In addition to being a plant that repels deer, basil is also a versatile culinary herb that can be used in a variety of dishes. The leaves have a mild, sweet flavor that pairs well with tomatoes, garlic, and other herbs. Basil is also a popular ingredient in pesto and other sauces.

Basil grows best in full sun with well-drained soil. There are up to 150 varieties of basil and they have different smells like lemon, cinnamon, anise, and lime. So try some different varieties to find the one you like best!

Whether you're looking to keep deer out of your garden or simply add some flavor to your cooking, basil is a great option.

RELATED: Basil Companion Plants: the Best and Worst Plants to Grow Nearby

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (3)

2 Greek Oregano

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (4)

Greek oregano is a deer-resistant herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. The herb has slightly hairy leaves and a pungent, spicy smell.

Greek oregano is often used in cooking, as the strong flavor can enhance the taste of many dishes. The herb is also known for its medicinal properties, and it has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including colds, stomach problems, and headaches.

In addition to being deer resistant, Greek oregano is also relatively easy to grow and care for. The herb prefers full sun and well-drained soil, and it can be propagated from seed or cuttings.

As a result, Greek Oregano is an excellent choice for gardeners who are looking for a deer-resistant herb.

3 Rosemary

If you're looking for deer-resistant herbs to add to your garden, rosemary is a great option. Deer tend to avoid eating plants with strong scents, and rosemary has a very distinct, herbaceous smell. Additionally, the foliage of the rosemary plant is quite tough and bitter, making them unappealing to deer.

Rosemary is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The herb can be used to flavor a variety of dishes, and it is also known for its ability to improve memory and concentration. When grown in deer-prone areas, rosemary can help to keep deer away from other plants in the garden.

Rosemary grows best in full sun with well-drained soil. The plant can be propagated from seed or cuttings.

The plant also has a number of other benefits. Rosemary is drought-tolerant and can thrive in poor soils. It's also an evergreen, so it will provide year-round interest in the garden in warmer zones.

If you're looking for an herb that deer won't eat, rosemary is a good choice.

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Rosemary Companion Plants

4 Sage

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (6)

Every gardener knows the frustration of deer damaging their delicate plants. However, there are a few deer-resistant herbs that can help to keep deer away from your garden. Sage is one of these deer-resistant herbs. Sage is a perennial herb that produces small blue or purple flowers. The strong scent of camphor helps to repel deer, and the hairy leaves make it unappealing for deer to eat.

In addition, sage is a drought-tolerant plant, so it can withstand long periods without water. As a result, sage is an ideal plant for areas where deer are a problem.

Sage is also known for its healing properties. Sage is easy to grow and can be used in cooking, medicinally, or as a decoration. The leaves of the sage plant are used to make tea, and the flowers can be used to make a tincture. Sage can also be used in potpourris and sachets.

Sage grows best in dry, alkaline soil. It is important that you have good drainage. Sage is easy to propagate by cuttings or layering.

So if you're looking for a deer-resistant herb that can add beauty and flavor to your garden, look no further than sage.

5 Thyme

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (7)

Thyme is a particularly good deer-resistant herb because it is very pungent and has a very strong flavor. This makes it less attractive to deer, who prefer milder-tasting plants.

Thyme has been used for centuries for its culinary and medicinal properties. It is also an easy-to-grow herb that can be used in a variety of dishes. Thyme can be used to flavor meats, soups, and sauces. It is also a key ingredient in many kinds of stuffing. In addition to its culinary uses, thyme is also known for its medicinal properties such as treating respiratory problems, colds, and stomach issues.

Thyme grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. The plant can be propagated from seed, cuttings, division, or layering.

So if you're looking for deer-resistant herbs to add to your garden, thyme is a great option. Not only will it help keep deer away, but it will also add flavor and nutrition to your dishes.

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6 Yarrow

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (8)

If you're looking for a deer-resistant herb to plant in your garden, you can't go wrong with yarrow. Yarrow is a hardy perennial herb that is known for its resistance to deer. Deer don't like the aromatic foliage of yarrow and will avoid eating it if they can.

Yarrow is also known for its ability to attract butterflies to the garden. Butterflies help to pollinate plants.

Yarrow comes in a variety of colors including red, pink, lilac, yellow, orange, and white. There is definitely yarrow for every garden.

Yarrow grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. It is a drought-tolerant plant that does not require a lot of water. It can be propagated from seed, cuttings, or division. Dividing it is the best way because yarrow can become invasive and it is best to control its spread.

It is important to note that yarrow is a poisonous plant for pets like dogs and cats.

So if you're looking for a deer-resistant herb to add beauty and attract butterflies to your garden, look no further than yarrow.

RELATED: Deer Resistant Grasses: How to Grow Them and Why Deer Stay Away

7 Chives

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (9)

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) are a member of the Allium genus, which also includes onions, garlic, and shallots. They have a reputation for being deer-resistant. They are perennials that come back year after year, and they produce purple flowers that are attractive to bees.

When it comes to deterring deer, there are a few things you should know about chives. First of all, they have a strong scent that deer find unpleasant. Secondly, the spikey flowers are sharp and can cause mouth irritation if ingested. As a result, deer are typically not interested in eating chives.

In addition to being deer-resistant, chives are also relatively easy to grow. They can be started from seed, bulbs, or division, and they prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Chives are also quite versatile, and their leaves can be used in soups, salads, and other dishes.

So if you're looking for a deer-resistant herb that's easy to grow and can add flavor to your cooking, consider adding chives to your garden.

8 Catnip

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (10)

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a member of the mint family that is beloved by cats but disliked by deer. The herb is a perennial that has heart-shaped leaves that are opposite of each other on the stem. The blooms are small and white and they occur in clusters.

Catnip is known to be a deer-resistant plant. The essential oil in catnip repels deer, making it a great choice for gardeners who are looking for a natural way to keep deer out of their yard.

This hardy herb also has many uses in the garden. The leaves can be added to salads or used as a garnish, used for tea, and the flowers can be used to make a pretty and fragrant addition to any bouquet.

Catnip is a low-maintenance plant that requires little care once it is established. It will happily self-seed in the garden. It likes full sun and well-drained soil. Otherwise, it isn't too particular about soil. It is also drought-tolerant.

For these reasons, catnip is a good choice for an herb garden if you are concerned about deer damage.

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (11)

9 Mint

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (12)

If you're looking for a deer-resistant herb, mint is a great option. Mint is a member of the Lamiaceae family, which also includes other deer-resistant herbs like rosemary, basil, and thyme.

Mint is also a good choice for a deer-resistant herb garden. The strong scent of mint is off-putting to deer, who will avoid eating plants that smell strongly of mint. In addition, the leaves of mint plants are usually quite fuzzy, which can also deter deer from taking a bite.

In addition to being deer-resistant, mint is also known for its ability to repel other pests, like ants and mosquitoes. You can also use mint in many different ways in your cooking or as a decoration in your home. Mint is also a key ingredient in many popular drinks, like mojitos and mint juleps.

Mint grows best in full sun or partial shade and in rich well-drained soil. It is a perennial herb that will come back year after year. You can start mint from seed or cuttings. Just be careful where you plant it as mint is a vigorous grower that can quickly spread through your garden.

If you're looking for an herb that offers both flavor and pest control, mint is a great choice and makes for a great companion plant.

10 Lavender

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (13)

Lavender (Lavandula) is a fragrant, drought-tolerant herb that blooms in late spring and summer. It grows best in full sun and well-drained soil, and its pretty purple flowers make it a popular choice for gardens. It also attracts pollinators.

Lavender is also an excellent deer-resistant herb. Its strong scent deters deer from eating it, and the plant's woody stems make it unappealing to browsing animals. In addition, lavender is relatively resilient and can recover quickly from light damage.

There are many reasons to love lavender. The herb is beautiful, fragrant, and versatile. It can be used in cooking, crafts, and home decor.

As a result, it is an ideal choice for gardeners who want to add a splash of color without worrying about deer destroying their plants.


The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (14)

Borage (Borago officinalis) is a beautiful, easy-to-grow herb that has many uses in the garden. It is even considered a medicinal herb.

This annual plant grows well in sunny areas with well-drained soil, and it blooms from early summer to fall. The flowers are very attractive to bees and other pollinators, making borage a great choice for wildlife gardens. Borage is also a good deer-resistant herb, as the hairy leaves and stems are not very palatable to deer.

In addition to its usefulness as a deer deterrent, borage is also a hardy plant that can tolerate poor soil and drought conditions. It is easy to grow and maintain, making it a perfect choice for beginners and experienced gardeners alike.

Whether you're looking for a way to keep deer out of your garden or simply want an easy-to-grow herb, borage is an excellent choice.

12 Bee balm

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (15)

Bee balm (Monarda) is a deer-resistant herb that produces clusters of beautiful, colorful flowers from mid-summer to fall. The flowers are attractive to bees, hence the common name "bee balm." Bee balm is a member of the mint family and is native to North America.

The aromatic leaves of bee balm contain compounds that are offensive to deer, making them less likely to consume this herb. Deer also don't like the fuzzy texture of the leaves, so they tend to avoid it even if they can't smell it.

It is easy to grow in average, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Bee balm is an aromatic herb with a somewhat pungent flavor that can be used in cooking or dried for potpourri. The leaves and flowers can also be used to make tea.

Bee balm is a beautiful addition to the garden and makes an excellent cut flower. Best of all, it is a deer repellent, making it a good choice for those who live in areas where deer are a problem.

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The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (16)

The Best Herbs that Repel Deer

Deer can be a major problem for gardeners, as they can quickly destroy plants. However, there are many deer-resistant herbs that you can grow in your garden to deter these animals.

In this article, we have listed twelve of the best deer-resistant herbs. These plants are not only beautiful but also offer pest control against deer.

If you are looking for a natural way to keep deer out of your garden, consider planting one or more of these deer-resistant herbs.

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Kelly Keating

Hey there, meet Kelly Keating - a passionate gardener who loves to share her experiences and tips with the world. Her blog posts on Gardener Basics are packed with valuable insights on how to care for your garden, regardless of whether you're new to gardening or an old hand. Want to learn more about Kelly's journey in gardening and her published work in top gardening publications like Today, Homes & Gardens, House Digest, Daily Express, and Ferry-Morse. Check out her full bio!

The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (2024)


The 12 Best Deer-Resistant Herbs for Your Garden — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews? ›

The deer-resistant herbs with these high ratings include basil, Greek oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme. Deer keep their distance from these delicious herbs because of the plant's strong-smelling essential oils or the foliage's intense aroma.

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The deer-resistant herbs with these high ratings include basil, Greek oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme. Deer keep their distance from these delicious herbs because of the plant's strong-smelling essential oils or the foliage's intense aroma.

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The best way to keep the hungry deer out of your garden is with soap bars. Simply punch some holes in each bar, string them up around trees, and fencing near where you grow to produce–the sweet scent will be too much for even the most determined herbivores!

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A few of the most common include: catmint (Nepeta), bee balm (Monarda), lavender (Lavandula), salvia/sage (Salvia), creeping thyme (Thymus), ornamental onion (Allium), Russian sage (Perovskia), ornamental oregano (Origanum), anise hyssop (Agastache) and yarrow (Achillea).

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Cinnamon: This is another smell that deer hate and tend to avoid. Like the above plants, you can use this to deter deer without worrying about adverse effects on family members or pets.

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Smelly and strong tasting plants : Onions, garlic, leeks, chives, dill, mint, and fennel are not preferred by deer. As a rule herbs and spices are somewhat deer resistant, but deer love basil and parsley.

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This includes rosemary, lavender, thyme, sage, oregano, and tarragon. The essential oils of herbs throw off the olfactory system of the deer and send them looking for other food sources.

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Compare Top Deer Repellents
Deer Out Concentrate Deer RepellentMultiple species32 ounces
Bobbex Concentrated Deer RepellentMultiple species2.5 gallons
Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent GranularDeer and Rabbits5 pounds
Orbit Motion-Activated Sprinkler SetMultiple species2 units
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6 days ago

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Area repellants are applied on or around the plants desired to be protected, using odors to repel deer. Examples of area repellants considered effective for white-tailed deer are putrescent egg solids, ammonia soaps of higher fatty acids, predator urine, blood or meat meal, human hair, and bar soap.

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A mixture of hot sauce, garlic powder, liquid dish soap, and water keeps deer away. Other scents they don't like are mint, oregano, sage, and thyme. Add these to your garden to repel deer.

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Deer don't like to walk on unstable surfaces. If they make a beeline for certain plants, place a sheet of welded-wire fencing on the ground in their pathway.

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The scent and texture of the foliage make it less appealing to deer and rabbits, but bees will enjoy its blooms.

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Answer: Thyme is a mint, and on the whole, deer dislike the strong smell of many plants in the mint family (Lamiaceae), so mints, like thyme, can repel deer.

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Certain plants, such as rhubarb, are toxic to deer. Deer usually also avoid root vegetables (which require digging) and prickly vegetables such as cucumbers and squashes with hairy leaves. Cultivars with strong odors such as onions, garlic and fennel are not palatable to deer.

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Rosemary: Like lavender, the strong scent of rosemary can help deter deer.

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There aren't any plants that are truly Deer proof. Fortunately, there are varieties that are less favorable or what we refer to as resistant. Any plant with an offensive aroma will irritate their sense of smell. They also tend to avoid plants that are fuzzy, prickly or bitter.

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Do deer eat Rosemary? No, they don't. Hence, Rosemary is an excellent deer resistant plant to keep them away. However, do note that in regions with very high deer traffic, you may encounter starving deer.

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