Ten Surprising Features That Make a House More Valuable - Frederick Real Estate Online (2024)


Table of Contents

  • What Features Make a House More Valuable?
  • Good Bones
  • Good Flow
  • Updated Kitchen
  • Updated Bathrooms
  • Energy-Efficient Systems
  • Ample Storage
  • Useful and Efficient Garage
  • Appropriate Number of Bedrooms
  • Curb Appeal
  • Outdoor Space
  • Location, Location, Location
  • In conclusion: Features that Make a House More Valuable

What Features Make a House More Valuable?

When searching for your dream home, you probably have a list of must-haves in mind: a spacious kitchen, updated bathrooms, perhaps a backyard oasis. But what if I told you that there are features that make a house more valuable? That’s right – beyond the obvious factors, there are unexpected elements that can significantly impact the worth of your property.

In this article, we will delve into these surprising features and provide you with essential insights to help you make the best decision when it comes to buying or improving your home. From the importance of location and good bones to the energy-efficient systems and curb appeal, we will explore it all.

By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of what can truly make a home retain its value, and even appreciate over time. So, whether you’re in the market for a new home or planning to spruce up your current one, pay attention to these surprising features – your real estate investment will thank you.

Good Bones

Let’s start by examining one of the key factors that can make or break your home value: the presence of good bones. Good bones refer to the structural integrity and foundational strength of a house. It’s what lies beneath the surface, unseen to the naked eye but critically important in determining the long-term value and stability of a property.

When a house has good bones, it means that the foundation is solid, the walls are straight, and the overall structure is robust and well-maintained. These foundational elements provide a level of assurance to potential buyers that the house will stand the test of time and require fewer costly repairs or renovations down the road.

Why are good bones so important? Well, think of it this way: just like a person, a house relies on a strong foundation to support everything else that comes after it. Without a solid foundation, cracks may appear in the walls, doors may no longer close properly, and floors may become uneven. These issues not only affect the visual appeal of a home but also raise red flags for potential buyers who want a property that is safe, reliable, and durable.

Good bones in a home include much more than the foundation. Homes with a sound roof, well-maintained HVAC system, updated plumbing, and energy-efficient windows have the advantage of being seen as a sound investment. These are the most costly elements in a home and are important to maintain in a house. Buyers understand that they won’t have to immediately sink their savings into costly repairs or replacements. Instead, they can focus on personalizing the space and making cosmetic updates that align with their preferences. This peace of mind can be a strong selling point and may even lead to higher offers or a quicker sale.

It’s worth noting that good bones don’t necessarily mean a house has to be brand new or recently built. Older homes can also have excellent structural integrity if they have been well-cared for and maintained over the years. In fact, some buyers specifically seek out older homes with good bones because they embody a sense of history, craftsmanship, and character that may be lacking in newer constructions. Homes located in historic districts or areas with cultural significance can have higher values due to their uniqueness and historical charm.

Good Flow

Just as good bones provide a strong foundation, good flow ensures that a house feels functional, practical, and inviting. When it comes to creating a living space that resonates with potential buyers, the overall layout and flow of a home are often just as important as its structural integrity. This intangible quality can greatly influence the overall desirability and marketability of a property, making it a feature that homeowners should pay close attention to.

Imagine walking into a home and feeling an immediate sense of ease as you move from one room to another. That’s the power of good flow. It’s about creating a seamless transition from space to space, allowing for effortless movement and a natural progression throughout the house. A well-designed flow ensures that each room serves its purpose while also maintaining a sense of connectedness and cohesion.

When a home is poorly laid out or has a choppy flow, it can disrupt the overall experience of living in the space. Rooms might feel cramped, hallways may be narrow and obstructive, and there might be awkward transitions between different living areas. This lack of flow can make a home feel disjointed and hinder its functionality, detracting from its overall value.

On the other hand, a home with good flow possesses a certain harmony. It allows for an easy and intuitive navigation, with rooms that flow seamlessly into one another. Picture a well-designed hallway that leads you from the living spaces to the bedrooms, providing a clear and logical path through the home.

Ultimately, the flow of a home is not just about physical movement, but also about how it contributes to the overall feeling of comfort and practicality. When a space is well-designed and functional, it becomes more inviting and enjoyable to live in. Potential buyers recognize this and are drawn to homes with a good flow, as it allows them to envision themselves effortlessly moving through the space and making it their own. A functional layout is one of the key features to look for when buying a home.

As we delve further into the key features that make a house more valuable, it’s important to keep in mind that good flow sets the stage for the rest of the house. With a well-designed flow, potential buyers will be eager to explore what lies ahead, including the highly sought-after updated kitchen.

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Updated Kitchen

As we continue to dissect the elements that can significantly impact your home’s value, there’s one area that holds a special place in the hearts of buyers: the kitchen. Renowned as the heart of the home, the kitchen is where nourishment and togetherness intertwine. A well-designed kitchen with thoughtful updates can be the defining factor that sets your home apart from others on the market.

When potential buyers step into a home with an updated kitchen, they immediately get a sense of the care and attention that has gone into maintaining and enhancing the property. The gleaming countertops, modern appliances, and stylish cabinetry create an atmosphere that whispers luxury and functionality. These subtle cues don’t go unnoticed; they pique the interest and captivate the imagination of those determining whether this house is the perfect fit for their needs.

An updated kitchen is not only visually appealing but also highly practical. It’s a space that seamlessly blends form and function, allowing for efficiency and ease in meal preparation, cooking, and entertaining. The thoughtful layout and ample storage solutions make daily tasks a breeze. A kitchen that feels like a well-oiled machine is a dream come true for potential buyers.

Moreover, an updated kitchen can serve as a beacon of modernity amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether it’s sleek stainless-steel appliances, elegant pendant lighting, or a stunning backsplash, these contemporary touches speak volumes about the home’s overall design aesthetic. They indicate that the property is up to date with current trends and showcases a level of sophistication that resonates with buyers seeking both style and comfort.

Add to these points that the kitchen is the most expensive room in the house. The potential thought of immediately having to invest in the kitchen is most often a reason why a buyer will take a pass with an otherwise perfect home. A well-designed updated kitchen is one of the crucial features that make a house more valuable.

Updated Bathrooms

Now that we’ve explored the impact of an updated kitchen on your home’s value, let’s delve into another space that often holds sway over potential buyers: the bathrooms. Similar to a modern kitchen, updated bathrooms can significantly enhance the overall appeal and value of your home. In fact, these personal sanctuaries have the power to make or break a potential sale.

Ten Surprising Features That Make a House More Valuable - Frederick Real Estate Online (1)

Just like a sleek and stylish kitchen, an updated bathroom exudes a sense of modernity and sophistication. From contemporary fixtures and elegant faucets to updated tile work and spa-inspired amenities, a well-designed bathroom can create an oasis of relaxation and comfort. Today’s homebuyers are drawn to bathrooms that showcase a blend of functionality and aesthetics, providing them with a tranquil escape from the world outside.

The importance of a renovated bathroom is not just limited to its visual appeal. Upgraded bathrooms often boast improved functionality, with features such as dual vanities, spacious walk-in showers, and ample storage space. These modern conveniences can greatly enhance the daily living experience, making the home more attractive to buyers who prioritize comfort and convenience.

In addition to enhancing the overall appeal of your home, updated bathrooms also speak to the maintenance and care put into the property. A well-maintained bathroom with updated fixtures and finishes gives the impression of a home that has been diligently cared for. This can instill confidence in potential buyers, assuring them that the property is in good condition and reducing any concerns about potential costly repairs or renovations.

Furthermore, updated bathrooms can offer significant cost savings in terms of energy efficiency. With advancements in water-saving technologies and eco-friendly fixtures, revamped bathrooms can help reduce utility bills and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Homebuyers today are increasingly conscious of environmental impact and appreciate the inclusion of energy-efficient features in their prospective homes.

As we’ve examined the impact of updated bathrooms on home value, it becomes clear that these spaces have a significant role to play in attracting potential buyers. From their modern appeal and functional enhancements to their reflection of a well-maintained property, updated bathrooms can make a compelling case for buyers to choose your home. With this in mind, let’s now turn our attention to the next exciting feature that can have a substantial impact on your home’s value: energy-efficient systems.

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Energy-Efficient Systems

In addition to the aesthetic and functional appeal of updated bathrooms, energy-efficient systems can have a significant impact on the value of your home. With the growing awareness and concern for environmental sustainability, homebuyers are increasingly prioritizing energy-efficient features in their search for a new property. These systems not only offer cost savings in terms of utility bills but also contribute to a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle.

From heating and cooling solutions to renewable energy sources, energy-efficient systems can greatly enhance the appeal of your home. High-efficiency HVAC systems, for example, can provide better climate control while utilizing less energy, resulting in lower energy costs for homeowners. This not only saves money in the long run but also reduces the environmental impact associated with excessive energy consumption.

Furthermore, energy-efficient appliances and fixtures throughout the home can add significant value. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient lighting options such as LED bulbs, which can last longer, consume less energy, and provide better illumination compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. Similarly, opting for energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines can not only save homeowners money on their utility bills but also make the home more appealing to potential buyers.

Energy-efficient systems are a key feature that can make or break the value of your home. By investing in these systems, you not only reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future but also enhance the appeal of your property for potential buyers. By prioritizing energy efficiency, you position your home as a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious choice in the real estate market.

Ample Storage

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Ample storage is a highly sought-after feature that can impact the value of a home. Potential buyers are often on the lookout for homes that offer enough space to store their belongings, making storage capacity a crucial factor in their decision-making process.

Having ample storage in a home provides practical benefits for homeowners, allowing them to keep their living spaces organized and clutter-free. It enables them to neatly arrange their belongings, from clothes and linens to kitchenware and recreational equipment. With sufficient storage options, homeowners can optimize their living areas and create a sense of order and functionality.

Moreover, abundant storage can contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of a home. Properly designed and well-organized storage spaces, such as closets, cabinets, and pantries, can enhance the visual appeal of each room. When potential buyers walk into a home and see ample storage options, they envision a tidy and well-maintained living environment, which increases their interest in the property.

Additionally, having sufficient storage can also cater to the future needs and growth of homeowners. As individuals accumulate possessions over time, having extra storage space becomes increasingly important. Buyers often consider the long-term suitability of a home, and ample storage capacity provides them with the flexibility to adapt and accommodate their changing requirements, such as expanding their family or pursuing hobbies that require additional storage space.

Useful and Efficient Garage

A garage is, in itself a useful part of the home, in any climate. Whether a garage is attached or detached, useful garage updates can enhance the value of a home.

Implementing storage and organization solutions can greatly improve the functionality and appeal of a garage. Simple additions like wall-mounted shelving, pegboards for tools, and overhead storage racks can maximize space and keep clutter at bay. Potential buyers appreciate a well-organized garage that offers ample storage options.

Upgrading the garage floor can make a significant difference in both aesthetics and durability. Options like epoxy coatings or interlocking floor tiles not only enhance the appearance of the garage but also provide a more resistant surface to spills, stains, and wear and tear. A clean, well-maintained floor can impress potential buyers and add value to the home.

Enhancing the lighting in the garage can create a brighter and more inviting space. Installing LED light fixtures or adding task lighting in specific areas like workbenches can improve visibility and functionality. Additionally, consider incorporating motion-sensor lights for added convenience and security. Adequate lighting not only enhances the usability of the garage but also contributes to the overall safety and value of the home.

Appropriate Number of Bedrooms

As we consider the various features that can impact the value of a home, it’s important not to overlook the significance of having an appropriate number of bedrooms. The number of bedrooms a home has should be in keeping with similar homes in the neighborhood and in the price range. A home doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and it isn’t sold in a vacuum either. The comparable homes in the market will affect the value of every home.

When potential buyers are searching for a new home, they often have specific requirements and expectations in mind. One of the primary considerations is the number of bedrooms needed to comfortably accommodate their family or potential future family expansion. A home with an appropriate number of bedrooms offers the flexibility for homeowners to create functional spaces for themselves, their children, or even guests.

An insufficient number of bedrooms can limit a home’s marketability and appeal. Buyers may pass on a property that doesn’t meet their minimum bedroom requirements, leaving the seller with fewer interested parties and possibly a lower potential selling price. On the other hand, having an excessive number of bedrooms can also be detrimental to a home’s value. Extra bedrooms that go unused can be seen as wasted space and may not contribute significantly to the overall value of the property.

Furthermore, the appropriate number of bedrooms extends beyond just the present moment. Buyers often consider the long-term suitability of a home, thinking about potential changes and needs in the years to come. A home that offers room for growth, such as an extra bedroom or flex space, can be especially attractive to buyers who are thinking about expanding their family or foresee a need for room to accommodate hobbies that require additional space.

In essence, having an appropriate number of bedrooms is one of the features that make a house more valuable and more salable. If a house won’t sell because of condition, especially a ‘fatal flaw’, like not enough bedrooms, the only remedy is price. As we delve into the next section on curb appeal, we will continue our exploration of the features that contribute to the overall value of a home, ensuring that you have the insights necessary to make informed decisions about your property.

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Curb Appeal

Curb appeal refers to the attractiveness of a property as seen from the street. It’s the first impression that potential buyers get and sets the tone for their perception of the entire home. A well-maintained exterior, beautiful landscaping, and an inviting entrance can make a significant difference in how a home is perceived and valued.

When buyers approach a property, they want to be greeted by an aesthetically pleasing sight. A well-kept lawn, neatly trimmed shrubs, and vibrant flowers can create a sense of pride and care that resonates with buyers. On the other hand, a neglected exterior can turn them off immediately, making them question the overall condition of the home.

In addition to the physical elements, curb appeal also extends to the overall style and architecture of the property. A cohesive design, architectural details, and a visually appealing façade can elevate the perceived value of a home. It conveys a sense of thoughtfulness and quality that buyers appreciate. And the great thing about creating and maintaining curb appeal is that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Outdoor Space

Now, as we transition into the next section on outdoor space, we’ll continue exploring the features that contribute to the overall value of a home. By understanding the significance of curb appeal, you’ll have the insights necessary to make informed decisions about your property’s exterior.

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When it comes to evaluating a home’s value, the outdoor space is often an influential factor that can make or break a deal. An appealing outdoor area can significantly enhance the overall desirability and marketability of a property, enticing potential buyers to envision themselves living and entertaining in the space.

One crucial aspect that can positively impact a home’s value is the size and functionality of the outdoor space. Whether it’s a spacious backyard, a private patio, or even a rooftop terrace, having ample room for outdoor activities and relaxation is highly coveted. Potential buyers often appreciate the versatility of an outdoor area that accommodates various needs, from hosting barbecues and social gatherings to providing a tranquil retreat for solitude.

Furthermore, the landscaping and maintenance of the outdoor space can play a significant role in determining its value. A well-maintained garden, lush greenery, and strategically placed foliage can create a visually appealing environment that adds an element of natural beauty to the property. On the other hand, neglected or poorly maintained outdoor areas can detract from a home’s overall appeal and potentially decrease its value.

Another feature that can greatly enhance the value of a home is the inclusion of functional and well-designed outdoor amenities. Consider the addition of a well-equipped outdoor kitchen, or even a cozy fire pit area. These enhancements not only provide additional recreational opportunities but also add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the property.

Additionally, the privacy and security provided by the outdoor space can significantly impact its value. Potential buyers often seek a sense of seclusion and protection in their outdoor areas, whether it be through the installation of tall fences, gated entrances, or the strategic placement of landscaping elements that shield the property from prying eyes. Such measures can enhance the property’s desirability and ultimately contribute to its overall value.

As you make decisions about your property’s outdoor space, it’s essential to consider how these various elements can influence your home’s value in the eyes of potential buyers. By investing in a well-designed and well-maintained outdoor area, you can create an inviting and attractive space that adds significant value to your home.

Location, Location, Location

Lastly, a discussion about homes that maintain their value wouldn’t be complete without addressing the concept of location. Location influences a home’s value because it directly impacts the quality of life, convenience, and desirability for potential buyers. Homes that are located near important amenities such as schools, hospitals, shopping centers, public transportation, and employment hubs tend to have higher values.

The quality of the neighborhood and the sense of community play a big role in home values. Homes in a safe, well-maintained subdivision with attractive surroundings, parks, and recreational areas are more desirable. A strong sense of community often leads to higher property values. Over time, certain neighborhoods become associated with prestige, luxury, or exclusivity. This reputation can lead to higher demand and, subsequently, higher property values.

Homes with scenic views, waterfront access, or proximity to natural attractions like parks, lakes, mountains, or beaches often command higher prices due to the aesthetic and recreational benefits they offer. When it comes to higher end homes, the aesthetic appeal of the surroundings is one of the features that make a house more valuable.

On the contrary, homes in areas with higher crime rates will often suffer lower values comparatively. Buyers should always do their due diligence when searching out information about crime or sex offenders. A helpful, trustworthy real estate agent can give you the resources to make your search more thorough.

While features within the home itself are important, the surrounding environment and neighborhood play a critical role in determining a property’s market worth. The home’s features can often be updated or changed for the better, but location cannot be changed. When searching for a home that maintains value, don’t overlook location as a key feature that can make or break your home value.

In conclusion: Features that Make a House More Valuable

As you embark on the journey to find your dream home, it is crucial to keep in mind the surprising features that can make or break its value. From location to energy efficiency, updated kitchens to outdoor spaces, each aspect plays a vital role in determining your home’s present and future worth. By prioritizing these factors, you ensure that your investment will not only retain its value but potentially appreciate over time.

So whether you’re a prospective buyer or a homeowner looking to improve your current space, take heed of these essential insights. Let your real estate investment flourish, and let your home become a haven that not only brings you joy but also adds value to your life. Remember, the choices you make today will shape the value of your tomorrow.

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