Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (2024)

Canadian Couch Potato2020-02-03T16:46:14-05:00February 26th, 2015|Categories: Discount Brokers, Foreign currency, Taxes|Tags: Discount Brokerages, Foreign Currency, Taxes|100 Comments

Norbert’s gambit with the Horizons US Dollar Currency ETF (DLR/DLR.U) is often the most cost-efficient way to convert Canadian dollars to US dollars, or vice-versa. Many investors perform the gambit in an RRSP, but if you’re swapping currencies in a non-registered account, you should be aware that it can have tax consequences.

At brokerages such as RBC Direct and BMO InvestorLine, you can place the buy and sell trades within minutes of each other. But several other brokerages do not allow you to journal the ETF from the Canadian side of your account to the US side (or the other way around) until the buy trade settles, which takes two business days [as of September 2017]. During this interval, the US-Canadian exchange rate can move significantly, and a big swing could stick you with a capital gain or loss when you make the sale.

What’s more, calculating this gain or loss can be tricky, because both the purchase and sale need to be reported in Canadian dollars. That means any transaction in DLR.U needs to be converted from US dollars. For example, if you’re selling DLR.U, you would look up the Bank of Canada exchange rate on the settlement date and use this value to report the proceeds in Canadian dollars. The difference between this amount and your original purchase price is your capital gain or loss.

Play it a gain

Let’s assume Mallory wants to convert $50,000 CAD using Norbert’s gambit. She buys DLR on Monday, February 17, when the US dollar is worth $1.238 CAD, so DLR is trading at $12.38. Ignoring the trading commission, her order looks like this:

Trade dateSettlementOrderSecuritySharesPrice (CAD)Total (CAD)
February 17February 19BuyDLR4,038$12.38$49,990.44

Mallory waits three business days and then journals DLR to the US side of her account on the settlement date, February 19. She then immediately places an order to sell all 4,038 shares of DLR.U, which is trading at $10.00 USD:

Trade dateSettlementOrderSecuritySharesPrice (USD)Total (USD)
February 20February 22SellDLR.U4,038$10.00$40,380.00

To see if there is any capital gain or loss, Mallory will need to convert the proceeds of the DLR.U sale to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate on the settlement date, which is February 22. Note that it has now been five days since she placed the buy trade, and currencies can rise or fall sharply over that time frame. We’ll assume the US dollar has climbed almost three cents to $1.264, which means the proceeds of Mallory’s sale are worth $51,040.32 CAD (that’s $40,380 USD × 1.264). When we subtract the value of the original purchase ($49,990.44 CAD) we’re left with a capital gain of about $1,050. If Mallory is in a 40% tax bracket, that will cost her more than $200 in taxes.

Don’t trust your brokerage

The example above is a bit extreme: $50,000 is large amount, and a three-cent change in the exchange rate in just five days is a tad pessimistic (though certainly possible). If you’re doing a smaller gambit, chances are your gain or loss will be relatively minor. For what it’s worth, I recently used Norbert’s gambit twice to convert small amounts of USD in a non-registered account. Using the method described above, I calculated a $13 loss on the first trade and a $25 gain on the second, for a trivial net gain of $12.

Unfortunately, my brokerage (Scotia iTRADE) saw things differently. I’ve written before about why you should not trust your brokerage to accurately calculate the adjusted cost base on your ETFs, and I found that out first-hand when I received my annual Realized Gain/Loss Report for the year. It inexplicably indicates a $420 gain from the two DLR trades. I have no idea how they calculated the book values they’re using, and an email to customer service didn’t help. It’s no wonder the report includes the following disclaimer:

Scotia iTRADE provides cost basis and associated realized gain and loss information to you as a courtesy service and for informational purposes only and not for official tax purposes. Such information may not reflect all adjustments necessary for tax reporting purposes. You should verify cost basis and corresponding gain/loss information provided by Scotia iTRADE against your own records when calculating reportable gain or loss resulting from a sale.

One other issue may come up in this discussion. The CRA has a $200 exclusion on capital gains from foreign exchange, which means you don’t need to report any gain under that amount. You might be tempted to invoke this rule and elect not to claim a small gain you incurred doing Norbert’s gambit. However, this rule applies to cash conversions and was designed to avoid creating a taxable event every time Morty and Helen exchange a couple thousand bucks before heading to Del Boca Vista. While any gains or losses on DLR are due only to the exchange rate, it’s an investment fund, not cash. Any gains or losses from transacting these funds should be reported to CRA.


  1. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (1)

    TroyMay 18, 2015 at 2:58 pm

    Ah. Thanks for the quick reply. I was concerned because I track DLR and DLR.U on Google Finance, but DLR has recently disappeared from Google Finance. I thought maybe something more drastic had occurred.

  2. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (2)

    ArthurAugust 30, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    Hi, I couldn’t comment on the Complete Guide to Norbert’s Gambit and I wanted to ask something related:

    Why are DLR and DLR.U the ideal vehicles for Norbert’s Gambit? How do they compare with other interlisted stocks such as TD, RY, POT, BBRY?

    DLR/DLR.U are investment funds but they only hold cash, right? (related to tax consequences and interpretation)

    It seems that for some brokerages such as BMO IVL, using an interlisted stock such as TD will let you sell through the online platform instead of having to call in to sell DLR.U

  3. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (3)

    JRSAugust 30, 2015 at 6:00 pm

    I believe the reason is so that you only face currency risk, rather than both currency and security risk. That being said – I have used the gambit several times with DLR and DLR.U in my TD Direct investing account (non-taxable) accounts – and the entire transaction usually takes about 4-5 days. I can do the buy and sells online, but I have to journal the shares from one side of my account to the other, by calling into the brokers, and I have to wait for the journaling to settle (about 2 days) before I can sell on the other side. Given the time delays involved, the risk of currency fluctuation is quite high. I have not tried the gambit using a different security, such as TD – but I would certainly consider it if both the buy and sell could be done back to back.

    Has anyone tried the gambit in a taxable account using TD Direct Investing using something other than DLR / DLR.U? I would be curious to hear the results!

  4. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (4)

    Canadian Couch PotatoAugust 31, 2015 at 8:14 am

    @Arthur: As JRS has said, the reason to use DLR is that it protects you from the possibility that the price of the stock could move during the interval between your two trades. Obviously this risk is reduced if you are using a brokerage that allows you to place the two trades online within a minute or so of each other.

  5. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (5)

    JananiSeptember 3, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    Hi..I am a canadian citizen living in USA for the past four years. I am looking at buying real estate here but banks require 20/ down. I have funds in cad savings account and rrsp.can you advice on the best way to convert cad to usd ?

  6. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (6)

    ArthurSeptember 4, 2015 at 11:34 pm

    Thanks CCP. The guide for BMO IVL says you have to call in to sell DLR.U on the same day, and I was wondering if that was only the case if using DLR / DLR.U. In May 2014, I bought and sold RY online CAD/USD without having to call in. I’ll be doing it again when markets open after Labour Day and can post an update here.

  7. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (7)

    AndrewOctober 30, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    I have been using the Gambit for many years to move money between my US and Canadian Brokerage Accounts at TD Waterhouse. I typically used one of the interlisted big banks and performed a near simultaneous buy and short sell of the stock. It was great- almost zero risk and currency exchange with no commission.

    Unfortunately, my most recent attempt at the Gambit was blocked by TD Waterhouse. To make matters worse, they allowed the long order to go through, then cancelled the short sale on the reasoning that I was “shorting the box” against SEC rules. It left me long on the stock exposed to a large position, and despite my protestations, the brokerage refused to reverse my long position or execute my short trade.

    “Don’t trust your brokerage” so true…

  8. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (8)

    SouthpawFebruary 3, 2016 at 9:35 am

    @Julien, CCP: not sure if any further clarity on tracking ACB of USD cash sitting in the brokerage account. I’m looking to convert back to CADy and recall dozens of exchanges to USD from back in the mid 2000’s and my broker only keeps a short history of transactions. As such, I have no idea what my ACB would be. I’ve been very diligent on ACB tracking for securities but the cash thing is something that didn’t cross my mind until recently.

  9. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (9)

    FrançoisJune 8, 2016 at 8:49 am

    Hi Dan (not sure if you monitor old posts, but this seemed like the best place for my query)

    I understand the whole capital Gain/Loss issue. What i am unsure is wouldn’t DLR.u which is effectively US$ and US$ cash be considered similar assets and therefore not a cristallisation of G/L, and that the effective gain/loss is only realised when you use the US$ to purchase something else?

  10. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (10)

    Canadian Couch PotatoJune 8, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    @Francois: You can realize a gain or loss any time your purchase price and sale price for a given asset are different when measured in Canadian dollars. So if you use $10,000 CAD to purchase $8,000 USD and then sell those USD for the equivalent of $10,100 CAD you will book a $100 gain.

    You can even realize a gain on foreign cash:

  11. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (11)

    MattOctober 22, 2016 at 6:48 pm

    Could you write a similar post for the opposite case? The one where you have U.S dollars, buy DLR.U, journal it to DLR, and sell to end up with canadian dollars? Some of us at the office are interested to know where along the process you end up with that $1050 capital gain (in your example). It’s confusing.

    For example, if you start with 100k USD that you obtained when the exchange rate was at par, and do the Norbert gambit today, when DLR is 13.25, you end up with 135k and so, 35k of capital gain. Is there any gain or loss in that case? Much appreciated.

  12. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (12)

    Canadian Couch PotatoOctober 24, 2016 at 8:01 am

    @Matt: Your example is flawed, because if the currencies were at par DLR would not be at $13.25. The price of DLR.U is more or less fixed at approximately $10 USD, and the price of DLR moves up and down with the exchange rate. So if the currencies were at par the price of DLR would be very close to $10 CAD.

    The key point here is that the capital gain always needs to calculated using CAD. If you buy $100K USD today and sell it immediately for $135K CAD when the exchange rate is 1.35, that is not a capital gain, because in CAD terms those two amounts are equal in value. The only time a capital gain would occur is of the exchange rate changes during the interval between the two transactions.

    Hope this helps.

  13. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (13)

    PeterMarch 15, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    I’m wondering if using the near instantaneous short sell method can still create a capital gain. For example, I short sold 100 TD ($5233 USD), bought 100 TD.TO ($7029 CAD), and immediately had them journaled on March 7. The positions cleared from my account the next day.

    My short sell was worth $7045 CAD on the settlement day (March 10), but I bought 100 TD.TO for $7029 on March 7. Is there a $16 dollar capital gain?


  14. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (14)

    DanielAugust 27, 2017 at 4:20 pm

    Hi Dan!

    Thanks so much for all your time and efforts – I have learned and gained so much from your articles, blog posts, and white papers. Love the white papers!

    My question involves my TD Direct Investing based RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan). I’ve been told that there is no way to perform Norbert’s Gambit in an RDSP because there’s no USD subaccount like with TD’s RRSPS. The only thing I have is automatic washing when I sell USD investments.

    Unless I’m missing something, I have one of two choices re: USD investments in my RDSP. The first is to simply take the currency conversion loss (e.g. TD’s spread) OR simply not invest in USD ETFs (e.g. VTI) in my RDSP and stick them in my RRSP instead where I can use Norbert’s Gambit.

    And advice would be greatly appreciated as the RDSP is a rather obscure investment vehicle relatively speaking.

    Thanks for your time and help!


  15. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (15)

    DanielAugust 27, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    Sorry, one more option! I suppose I could have an ETF like VUN in my RDSP – it’s unhedged. But correct me if I’m wrong, it avoids currency conversion fees (because it’s a CAD ETF) but also loses the currency diversification that comes from VTI. VUS I’m avoiding based on your advice on hedging and because it’s the same as VUN.

    Thanks again!


  16. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (16)

    Canadian Couch PotatoAugust 27, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    @Daniel: I would suggest avoiding US-listed ETFs in an RDSP, as they have no meaningful advantages in these accounts.

    VUN and VTI have exactly the same currency exposure, even though one is traded in CAD and the other is traded in USD. This is a common misunderstanding:

  17. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (17)

    NealSeptember 3, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    Hello hello!

    This is an awesome informative post. To the best of your knowledge is the Norbert’s Gambit method possible with the actual Disnat platform (non-registered account) ? Thanks again!

  18. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (18)

    Canadian Couch PotatoSeptember 5, 2017 at 8:07 am

    @Neal: I’m afraid I do not have experience with the Disnat platform.

  19. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (19)

    Trav.November 27, 2017 at 7:14 am

    I have a few questions with your comment:
    “The key point here is that the capital gain always needs to calculated using CAD. If you buy $100K USD today and sell it immediately for $135K CAD when the exchange rate is 1.35, that is not a capital gain, because in CAD terms those two amounts are equal in value. The only time a capital gain would occur is of the exchange rate changes during the interval between the two transactions.”

    This might be out of topic and with out using “Norbert’s gambit with the Horizons US Dollar Currency ETF (DLR/DLR.U)”
    …but what if you receive income from the US. For example, the income is 100K USD today in your US account and you wire that into your Canadian bank when the exchange rate for that day is 1.35. That money become $135K CAD in your Canadian bank for that day. You spent $135K CAD immediately in Canada within that day. To my understanding, you have a 35K capital gain and that needs to be reported because that is capital gain for that day, right? Or is that incorrect? As far as I know, the tax exempt is 200 capital gain only but 35K or 35,000 is more than 200. Therefore, the 35K needs to be taxed, is that correct? I want to believe that I am not correct. (SIDE NOTE: I understand that these are big numbers but these are only examples).

    If I use “Norbert’s gambit with the Horizons US Dollar Currency ETF (DLR/DLR.U)” then there is no capital gain at all? Let’s say, I am the one earning income from the US and I received that 100K and it exchanges to 135K CAD. I do not have to pay any capital gain tax for that 35KCAD or 135KCAD if I spend that within the same day? Interesting. If I do not spend it that same day, there is still no capital gain? If so, can you provide me with documentation or please refer me to a link so I can find out more. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.

  20. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (20)

    Canadian Couch PotatoNovember 27, 2017 at 7:36 am

    @Trav: I think you’re confusing a few issues here:

    RE: “The income is 100K USD today in your US account and you wire that into your Canadian bank when the exchange rate for that day is 1.35. That money become $135K CAD in your Canadian bank for that day. You spent $135K CAD immediately in Canada within that day. To my understanding, you have a 35K capital gain and that needs to be reported because that is capital gain for that day, right?”

    No, that is incorrect. There is no capital gain, because if the exchange rate is 1.35 then $100K USD is equivalent to $135K CAD. A capital gain only occurs if an asset is worth more when you sell it than when you bought it. You received the USD income when it was worth $135 CAD, and it still has the same value. No capital gain.

    I think the key point here is there can only be a capital gain or loss if the CAD/USD exchange rate changes during the interval between when you bought and sold the USD.

    It also makes no difference when you spend the money. After all, no one can possible track which specific dollars they are spending.

    Regarding your last question, you can realize a gain or loss using Norbert’s gambit in a taxable account, as described in the blog post. If you buy and sell the shares of DLR on different days, the exchange rate can change during that time, causing a gain or loss.

  21. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (21)

    KaDecember 1, 2017 at 11:41 pm

    I’m curious, how does the ETF’s management fee (0.45%) factor into the cost of the conversion?

  22. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (22)

    Canadian Couch PotatoDecember 3, 2017 at 2:14 pm

    @Ka: Because you are holding the ETFs for only a day (or in some cases only few minutes), the effect of the management fee is negligible.

  23. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (23)

    NimaJanuary 25, 2018 at 7:41 pm

    I understand you leave yourself open to volatility while the trades settle, but you did just make some money by doing so, if there are cap gains taxes. I don’t think it’s a huge deal to pay tax on the gains, you did just make that money. You should be happy you didn’t have a big loss, instead of focusing on the tax burden of the gain.

  24. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (24)

    DanielFebruary 25, 2018 at 6:30 pm


    Why are the exchange rates based on the settlement dates? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use the trade dates instead? Is there a CRA bulletin or document regarding this? Also, if the brokerage automatically journals the shares on the same day (e.g. RBC DI), is it even necessary to track gain/losses considering the spread introduced by the brokerage fees? Even if the exchange rate were to swing violently between each transaction, how would you estimate any gain/loss considering the Bank of Canada only reports daily exchange rates?


  25. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (25)

    Canadian Couch PotatoFebruary 25, 2018 at 8:32 pm

    @Daniel: See this article from

    In October 2015 at a Roundtable on Taxation of Financial Strategies and Financial Instruments, as per document 2015-0588981C6 , the question of foreign exchange transactions was discussed, including whether the exchange rate to be used should be the one on the transaction date (trade date) or the settlement date. CRA responded that the Bank of Canada exchange rate for the settlement date should be used.

  26. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (26)

    JusJuly 24, 2018 at 1:28 am

    Here’s my thinking to avoid the complication of potential capital gains (I’m using Questrade, but the principle should remain the same for anything). Keep in mind that my argument is simply academic right now, for the sake of avoiding having to report Norbert’s Gambit.

    This is based on the assumption that I have a maxed RRSP, but I have plenty of unused contribution room in my TFSA. If my RRSP isn’t maxed, I’m not sure I see any benefits to this idea…?

    1. I fund my TFSA in CAD.
    2. I purchase DLR.
    3. I journal it to DLR.U.
    4. I sell DLR.U, thereby adding USD to my TFSA.
    5. I withdraw the U.S. funds to my USD Account with my bank, or I transfer the USD to my non-registered account on Questrade to purchase U.S. stocks. (Yes, I realize you may question this wisdom, if I have unused TFSA room, but my argument is academic right now.)
    6. I get my contribution room back in my TFSA next year, based on the Canadian value of my USD withdrawal on the day I transfer it out of my TFSA.

    Am I missing anything, or would this completely shelter me from having to worry about tax implications from Norbert’s Gambit? The only risk I can see is that I could lose a small portion of my TFSA contribution room if the U.S. dollar is lower when I withdraw/transfer the money out of my TFSA.

    Also, does Questrade inform the CRA, and I’ll see the CAD-converted contribution room next year on my tax return? I’m pretty sure I can track it for my own records, but I’m not the one to notify the CRA of a TFSA withdrawal, correct?

    Ultimately, my argument is for those interested in acquiring U.S. funds through Norbert’s Gambit, and also avoiding the hassle of tracking it for tax purposes or paying tax on capital gains, when it’s not possible to use an RRSP in this manner.

    Thanks for looking this over.

  27. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (27)

    ArthurOctober 18, 2018 at 2:49 am

    Questrade reports to CRA a CAD-equivalent amount that you withdrew.from your TFSA. Correct that you don’t have to report. And you would track it yourself to understand your own contribution room.
    I think this is one way to do Norbert’s Gambit “tax free”
    but you only get to do it once per year
    and I don’t think the tax implications are typically that bad to only allow yourself to use TFSA to do it.
    Besides, if it ends up the other way, which could just as easily happen, you lose out on the capital loss.

  28. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (28)

    AshOctober 26, 2018 at 4:02 am

    Is there any issues using this ETF as a dual citizen?(head aches with reporting canadian listed ETFs) Or am i better off using a stock to exchange funds?

  29. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (29)

    DaveJanuary 9, 2019 at 11:34 am

    FYI: I recently tried using the Norbert Gambit at Disnat using DLR EFT without success. After speaking with support, I was informed that Disnat’s platform has a limitation preventing them from journaling stocks from the TOR stock market in a US$ account. It automatically assumes the stocks from the TOR stock market are in CND$ and won’t allow them to be journaled to a US account. The person I talked to suggested using TD stocks instead which is present on both US and CND stock market.

  30. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (30)

    TaofrFebruary 4, 2019 at 9:09 pm

    @Dave: Two years ago, a Disnat agent told me exactly the same thing. Last year, Disnat told me by email that the operation is possible. I call, the agent says he will inquire, and leave a message the next day to say that it is impossible. I call back, I talk to another agent, and he manages to do the operation. It was to move the title HXS / HXS.U from my CAD account to my US account. This title is similar to DLR / DLR.U. This year, I did the operation again, but the agent still said it was impossible. I showed him that it had been done the year before, he inquired, and he succeeded!

  31. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (31)

    RobApril 26, 2019 at 5:43 pm

    Hi…would my fee-based investment advisor be able to use Norbert’s Gambit to convert dollars? Or is this gambit exclusive to DIY investors? What’s the technical term I’d use to ask? Thanks.

  32. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (32)

    Canadian Couch PotatoApril 29, 2019 at 1:41 pm

    @Rob: Any advisor who trades stocks and ETFs can do this. There’s no technical term for it: everyone just calls it Norbert’s gambit!

  33. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (33)

    PhilippeJune 10, 2019 at 1:11 pm

    @Taofr: That’s funny because a Disnat agent just told me it was not possible to transfer DLR from a CAD account to it’s equivalent (DLR.U) in a USD account. I just sent an email asking them confirmation about this.

  34. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (34)

    Canadian Couch PotatoJune 10, 2019 at 1:16 pm

    @Philippe: It is always theoretically possible to journal DLR/DLR.U. But some brokerages won’t do it because they don’t want you to use Norbert’s gambit and cut into their profits on currency conversion.

  35. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (35)

    TJJuly 29, 2019 at 11:18 pm

    Hi Dan, If one is converting large amounts in his and her rrsp’s from Canadian listed etf’s to us listed etf’s via Norberts Gambit, is there some way to do this to reduce the currency risk? Timing the currency markets?
    To explain further. We have large amounts in our rrsp’s invested in Canadian listed etfs. We need to sell the Canadian listed etf’, use Norberts Gambit to convert CAN to US dollars. Then purchase the US listed etf’s. All within the RRSP’s accounts.

    Do we time the currency market? I don’t think this is possible. What is the historical average exchange rate b/w Can and US dollars? Or is this futile? Or is it best to slowly convert the Can to US dollars over a 1 to 2 yr time period?

  36. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (36)

    Canadian Couch PotatoJuly 31, 2019 at 8:38 pm

    @TJ: I would look at this as similar to a dollar-cost averaging situation. Clearly you cannot time the currency market any more than you can predict whether stock markets will move higher or lower. But you can spread out the trades over time to reduce the odds of going all-in at an unfortunate time. You should not have the expectation that you will end up with a better result, but you might reduce your anxiety, and there is some value to that.

    If you do it, I would suggest you pick the dates ahead of time (for example, 25% now and another 25% every four months, so the whole amount is invested within a year). Don’t fall into the trap of setting a target exchange rate that might never come.

  37. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (37)

    HughOctober 6, 2019 at 5:35 pm

    “The price of DLR.U is more or less fixed within a penny or two of $10 USD”
    I just looked at and it seems to be $10.14. How does that large divergence happen? Is it because this is a weekend?

  38. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (38)

    Canadian Couch PotatoOctober 7, 2019 at 8:53 am

    @Hugh: I was going too far to say “a penny or two.” It would be more accurate to say just say “close to $10,” as it clearly can creep up more than a few cents. This would likely happen if the exchange rate moves sharply in a short period of time. I’ve changed the wording in the comment accordingly.

    From time to time Horizons “consolidates” the units to get the price back to $10 USD. This is a little like a stock split (where you would receive two shares for each share you currently hold, and each one is worth half as much as before), but with a much smaller ratio:

  39. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (39)

    DaveNovember 28, 2019 at 2:42 pm

    Am I able to set up a dual-currency account in an RRSP or TFSA account and will TD Bank allow DLR shares be journaled over to DLR.U.TO?

  40. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (40)

    Canadian Couch PotatoNovember 29, 2019 at 8:18 am

    @Dave: Yes, you can do Norbert’s gambit in registered account as well. Have a look at Justin Bender’s video on how to do this at TD Direct:

  41. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (41)

    JohnFebruary 23, 2020 at 2:36 pm

    I have fairly regular need to buy USD. One thing I noticed about DLR.TO is the ask is usually 0.5% to .75% premium to current exchange rate. What I have begun doing is keeping a “float” of 1200 Telus shares on the Canadian side. I don’t mind holding this over the long term as it has a fairly good history and pays a decent yield. When I’m going to do the Gambit, I buy another 1200 shares of Telus. Within 30 seconds I journal the original (With TD you can do it online) 1200 shares over to the US side and 30 seconds after that I sell them. I realize it will trigger a capital gain (or loss) on the original Telus shares but I view that as a pay tax now or or pay tax later scenario. What it eliminates is the 2-3 day risk of exchange rate volatility over using the buy and wait method. Not including the realized tax, I find I am extremely close to the posted BOC exchange rate.

    One thing I’m curious about is if the CRA will disallow a capital loss on the disposal of shares under the superficial loss rule.

    All thoughts are greatly appreciated. Lots of deep thinkers here.

  42. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (42)

    Max BarbonJune 28, 2020 at 6:32 pm

    But paying 2.5% to do the instantaneous conversion using the Banks exchange fee is always more costly !!!!!!

  43. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (43)

    Mr JMHNovember 27, 2020 at 8:33 pm

    Apart from potential capital gains, isn’t there also a tax filing requirement using T1135 for the fact that you held foreign property (US securities) during this transaction, however transitory ? Assuming of course the transaction was not executed in an RRSP account.

  44. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (44)

    Canadian Couch PotatoNovember 27, 2020 at 9:48 pm

    @Mr JMH: No, DLR.U is Canadian-domiciled ETF, even though it is denominated in US dollars. It is not considered foreign property.

  45. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (45)

    MathJanuary 17, 2021 at 9:45 pm


    Thanks for all the good info.

    Does the superficial loss rule apply for Norbert’s gambit? Meaning can we buy dlr and 2 days later sell dlr.u and report that loss in the trade was in a non registered account (the rule says the buy need to be 30 days before the sale). And can we repeat the gambit again the week after ? Or we need to wait 30 days after the sale to buy DLR again so we don’t trigger the superficial loss rule ?


  46. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (46)

    DarekFebruary 23, 2021 at 9:43 am

    How do others report Norbert Gambit of DLR -> DLR.U to CRA when the entire process was completed in a few minutes? In particular, I have found that RBC Direct Investing has reported the T5008 to CRA (TurboTax imported it in) but did so in USD with no book value reported. Is it suggested to simply fill in the corresponding “Box 20 (Cost or Book Value)” with what was reported in “Box 21(Proceeds or Settlement)” so as to not potentially trigger an audit? My concern here is that as per other comments here, I do not personally believe I am in a capital loss or gain scenario here; however, using what I actually purchased DLR with and comparing it to DLR.U converted by the BoC rate that day results, in my scenario, with some losses… and some gains.

  47. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (47)

    KristinaMarch 2, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    I have the same question as Derek above:

    “How do others report Norbert Gambit of DLR -> DLR.U to CRA when the entire process was completed in a few minutes?

    In particular, I have found that RBC Direct Investing has reported the T5008 to CRA (TurboTax imported it in) but did so in USD with no book value reported. Is it suggested to simply fill in the corresponding “Box 20 (Cost or Book Value)” with what was reported in “Box 21(Proceeds or Settlement)” so as to not potentially trigger an audit?

    My concern here is that as per other comments here, I do not personally believe I am in a capital loss or gain scenario here; however, using what I actually purchased DLR with and comparing it to DLR.U converted by the BoC rate that day results, in my scenario, with some losses… and some gains.”

    Bottom lines: It would be good get a clarification on those near simultaneous transactions and how to correctly determine if there’s any taxable capital gain to report. Also, since CRA has a T5008 for for the transaction, how to report this to satisfy CRA.

    Thank youi

  48. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (48)

    Canadian Couch PotatoMarch 3, 2021 at 7:46 pm

    @Darek and Kristina: The first point to clarify is that the book value on T5008 slips are frequently wrong, even with CAD securities. I would never trust them for USD securities. Brokerages are very clear that the T5008 is for information only, to remind you that you sold one or more securities during the year and may need to report a gain or loss. They are not official tax slips like T3s or T5s.

    The second point (see the comments from February 25, 2018 above) is that CRA has said that when calculating book values you should use the USD/CAD exchange rate on the settlement date, not the trade date. The difference of two business days can result in a small capital gain or loss. This is a nuisance to report, but it is technically the correct procedure. We do this for our clients every year at tax time, and it’s a pain!

  49. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (49)

    PaulMay 5, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    Hello. I understand the calculations for capital gains/losses from this transaction (as investments, not cash), but am unsure how this impacts ones adjusted cost base of USD cash as this impacts your USD cash balance. For example, when you sell DLR.U for USD cash, you record a capital gain/loss from the sale of the security (as described in the article), but you also increase your USD cash balance (“buying” USD), and you need to track your USD cash similar to how you would track ACB for a stock or an ETF (

    Am I right that the CAD value of the proceeds from selling DLR.U (USD cash received net of commissions multiplied by the BoC FX rate on the settlement date) is the CAD ACB that should be added to the ACB of ones USD cash balance? As an example, say I have $2,000 USD with a CAD ACB of $2,400 (1.2 USD/CAD). If I sell DLR.U for $2,000 USD (assume no commissions), and the BoC FX rate on the settlement date is $1.25 (CAD value of $2,500), my new USD cash balance would be $4,000 with a CAD ACB of $2,900.

  50. Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (50)

    JohnJanuary 18, 2022 at 1:24 pm

    I have exactly the same question as Paul. When doing Norbert’s gambit does one not have to also consider the implications to the ACB of your overall USD holdings separately from the capital gains on the DLR transaction?

Comments are closed.

Taxable Consequences of Norbert’s Gambit | Canadian Couch Potato (2024)


What is the risk of Norbert's Gambit? ›

When using Norbert's Gambit, the investor may need to pay a wider bid-ask spread than they would for a traditional foreign exchange transaction, which could result in a higher cost. Market Risk: As with any investment, there is a risk of market volatility.

Is the Norbert's Gambit legal? ›

Norbert's Gambit is a strategy used to avoid foreign exchange fees when exchanging Canadian and US currencies. This method involves using exchange-traded funds (ETF's) and stocks that are available on Canadian and US stock exchanges. All you need to worry about are commission fees from the stock brokerage. It is legal.

How much does Norbert's Gambit save? ›

Norbert's Gambit allows investors to reduce CAD/USD exchange rate fees. You can save an estimated $224 on a $10,000 trade. The process takes four to five business days to finalize. To exchange CAD for USD, you'll need to buy DLR.TO and journal it to DLR.U.TO.

How are Canadian stock dividends taxed in the US? ›

Foreign dividends, including U.S. dividends, are subject to tax at your marginal tax rate like interest income. Dividends from shares of Canadian public corporations that trade on a U.S. stock exchange will generally not be subject to U.S. non-resident withholding tax.

Can you lose money with Norbert's Gambit? ›

For very small amounts, you might actually lose money using the Norbert's Gambit method. For example, to buy just $100 USD, Norbert's Gambit will actually cost $17.30 more than exchanging your money at the bank.

What is the strategy of Norbert's Gambit? ›

Norbert's Gambit strategy is the most effective way to convert CAD to USD (Canadian Dollar to U.S. Dollar) or vice versa without paying expensive Canadian banks' conversion fees.

What is the best ETF for Norbert's Gambit? ›

Norbert's gambit with DLR and DLR.U

The simplest way to do Norbert's gambit is with the Horizons US Dollar Currency ETF. This ETF—which is equivalent to holding US cash—is available in two versions.

What is the Norbert's Gambit currency conversion? ›

Norbert's Gambit is a currency conversion technique. It allows inexpensive exchange of Canadian to US dollars, or vice versa, using a discount brokerage account.

Why is it called Norbert's Gambit? ›

Introducing Norbert's gambit

Savvy DIY investors have long used a technique called “Norbert's gambit” to sidestep these steep currency conversion costs. The name comes from Norbert Schlenker, an investment advisor in B.C. who was the first to popularize it.

What is the Norbert's Gambit for cash? ›

Norbert's Gambit is a technique that basically uses the stock market to exchange currencies. Done correctly, the fees that you pay end up being a single trade commission, so these make the most sense for when you're converting larger amounts.

What does journaling share mean? ›

Some brokers also define "sub-accounts", e.g., TD Waterhouse has separate CAD vs USD, cash vs margin vs short, etc. Journaling is the process of moving a holding from one (sub-)account to another. Usually it requires a phone call and there is no charge for it. finiki, the Canadian financial wiki.

What is the cheapest way to convert CAD to USD? ›

Exchange at a bank or credit union before your trip: Heading to your bank before your trip is often the most cost-effective way to exchange currency.

How do I avoid US withholding tax on dividends? ›

Investors are generally exempt from U.S. withholding tax when they hold U.S. listed ETFs or U.S. stocks directly in a Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF).

How much dividend is tax free in USA? ›

Qualified Dividends vs.

Qualified and ordinary dividends have different tax implications that impact a return. 4 The tax rate is 0% on qualified dividends if taxable income is less than $44,625 for singles and $89,250 for joint-married filers in the tax year 2023.

Are dividends taxed twice? ›

Double taxation occurs when taxes are levied twice on a single source of income. Often, this occurs when dividends are taxed. Like individuals, corporations pay taxes on annual earnings. If these corporations later pay out dividends to shareholders, those shareholders may have to pay income tax on them.

What is the biggest risk in ETF? ›

Market risk

The single biggest risk in ETFs is market risk.

What is the main risk of ETFs? ›

Market risk

Market risk belongs as well to the group of ETF risks and it refers to the risk of the general price movements in a market, such as a stock market. All stocks, bonds or ETFs are influenced by the general market movements – if the whole market goes down, or up, your investment may react as well.

What is the main risk of investing in an ETN? ›

ETNs have default risk since the repayment of principal is contingent on the issuer's financial viability. Trading volume can be low causing ETN prices to trade at a premium. Tracking errors can occur if the ETN doesn't track the underlying index closely.

Are ETFs considered high risk? ›

ETFs are considered to be low-risk investments because they are low-cost and hold a basket of stocks or other securities, increasing diversification.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.