Tax Changes in 2023: Why Your Tax Refund Might Be Smaller This Year (2024)

Tax season is now open and the IRS is accepting 2022 tax returns. If you've received all your necessary documents like your W-2 form and 1099-K, you can use our picks for the best tax software to file your taxes today. You might want to temper your expectations for a big tax refund, however.

Many of the pandemic tax benefits from the past few years, like the expanded child tax credit, temporary expansions to the child and dependent care credit and federal stimulus payments, ended at the end of 2021, which could mean your refund will be a little smaller this year. And, if youstarted a side hustle or freelance gig, you may find you owe taxes this year.

This story is part of Taxes 2024, CNET's coverage of the best tax software, tax tips and everything else you need to file your return and track your refund.

When it comes to taxes, 2022 is the year of the great reset, said Mark Steber, chief tax information officer for Jackson Hewitt. "A lot of things that were put into place for 2021, and some part 2020, will revert back to prepandemic years, which can lead to refund shock or, more importantly, balance-due shock."

In addition, some new regulations were put into place. Third-party payment apps like PayPal, CashApp and Venmo will now be reporting money earned by freelancers throughout the year to the IRS. Student loan forgiveness -- if passed -- is exempt from federal taxation, but borrowers in some states may owe taxes. And lastly, if you had any crypto activity in the past year, the IRS wants to know about it.

There's a lot to cover, so we'll walk you through the most significant tax changes to prepare for this upcoming tax season.

1. The standard deduction for 2022 is higher

It's typical for the standard deduction to increase a little each year, along with the rate of inflation. For your 2022 tax return, the standard deduction for single tax filers has been increased to $12,950 (up by $400), and has been bumped to $25,900 for those married filing jointly (up by $800).

The standard deduction is what most taxpayers with simple tax returns claim to reduce their taxable income. If you receive a traditional paycheck through an employer and aren't eligible for many special deductions or credits, the standard deduction likely makes sense for you. If you have expenses or individual deductions you'd rather claim,like self-employment tax breaks, you would not claim the standard deduction.

2. Income tax brackets are also higher in 2022

For the 2022 tax year, income tax brackets were also raised to account for inflation. Your income bracket refers to how much tax you owe based on your adjusted gross income, which is the money you make before taxes are taken out, excluding itemized exemptions and tax deductions.

While the changes were slight, if you were at the bottom of a higher tax bracket in 2021, you may have bumped down to a lower rate for your 2022 tax return.

2022 tax brackets for single filers

Taxable income Federal tax rate
$10,275 or less 10%
$10,276 - $41,775 $1,027.50 plus 12% of income over $10,275
$41,776 - $89,075 $4,807.50 plus 22% of income over $41,775
$89,076 - $170,050 $15,213.50 plus 24% of income over $89,075
$170,051 - $215,950 $34,647.50 plus 32% of income over $170,050
$215,951 - $539,900 $49,335.50 plus 35% of income over $215,950
$539,901 or more $162,718 plus 37% of income over $539,900

2022 tax brackets for taxpayers who are married, filing jointly

Taxable income Federal tax rate
$20,550 or less 10%
$20,551 - $83,550 $2,055 plus 12% of income over $20,550
$83,551 - $178,150 $9,615 plus 22% of income over $83,550
$178,151 - $340,100 $30,427 plus 24% of income over $178,150
$340,101 - $431,900 $69,295 plus 32% of income over $340,100
$431,901 - $647,850 $98,671 plus 35% of income over $431,900
$647,851 or more $174,253.50 plus 37% of income over $647,850

3. The child tax credit has returned to normal

While 2021 had a temporary expansion of the child tax credit, including eligibility for more dependent children and offering advance payments, that isn't the case for your 2022 taxes.

The CTC has dropped back down to its pre-pandemic amount -- $2,000 per child or dependent -- and is now only available for children under 17 years of age. The credit, which was fully refundable last year, is now only partially refundable to some lower-income parents, and advance payments are no longer in effect. (Partially refundable means you can only receive a portion of this credit as a refund, though the full amount can be applied to your tax bill.)

That said, you should still claim the CTC in 2022 if eligible -- it can help boost your refund or may help offset a tax bill. And, while federal benefits have decreased, some states are offering child tax credit benefits this year and next.

4. Fewer filers will qualify for the Child Care and Dependent Tax credit

In 2021, the Child Care and Dependent Tax Credit also received temporary expansions, allowing those who made $125,000 or less to deduct between 20% to 50% of $4,000 (or $8,000 for parents with more than one child) in qualifying child care expenses. It was also refundable.

For 2022, this tax break has also reverted backto what it was in 2020. Now, parents with one child can only claim up to 35% of a maximum of $3,000 in qualifying expenses, for a maximum amount of $1,050. Parents with more than one child are eligible for up 35% of up to $6,000 in qualifying expenses, for a maximum amount of $2,100.

The biggest difference is the income qualification. To receive this credit in full in 2022, you must have made $15,000 or less -- a steep drop from 2021's $125,000 income threshold -- though households earning up to $438,000 will receive at least partial credit.

5. If you don't have kids, it's harder to qualify for the Earned Income Tax credit this year

Last year, more Americans were eligible to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit on their 2021 tax returns. This year, the EITC jumps back to its pre-pandemic rules.

For your 2022 tax return, the maximum you can claim for the EITC if you do not have kids or dependents is $560, a $942 decrease from last year's maximum of $1,502. The age requirements have also shifted back to the original rules -- you must be between 25 and 65 to qualify.

However, the income requirements for the EITC and maximum credits for those with children have increased slightly due to inflation. The 2022 income thresholds and maximum credit information are below:

2022 EITC income thresholds (for maximum credit)

Number of dependents Filing as Single, Head of Household or WidowedMarried Filing Jointly
0 $16,480$22,610
1 $43,492$49,622
2 $49,399$55,529
3+ $53,057$59,187

EITC maximum credit for 2022

Number of dependents Maximum credit in 2022Maximum credit in 2021Difference
0 $560$1,502$942 decrease
1 $3,733$3,618$115 increase
2 $6,164$5,980$184 increase
3 or more $6,935$6,728$207 increase

6. If your student loans were forgiven, you may owe state taxes

Though widespread federal student loan relief remains on hold, you may have received student loan forgiveness through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program or another similar endeavor. if you had any balances forgiven in 2022, you won't owe federal taxes on the canceled amount. That's because of a provision tucked into the 2021 American Rescue Plan, preventing forgiven post-secondary education loans from federal taxation through 2025.

However, there are a handful of states where forgiven loan balances may be taxed.Indiana,Minnesota,MississippiandNorth Carolinahave confirmed they will tax any student loan debt relief on your 2022 taxes. A few other states may as well, though the details are still being hammered out.

And, if you live in one of the states taxing forgiven student loans, you may be on the hook for county taxes on your debt relief, as well.

7. You have to report your crypto and NFT transactions

While not technically new, for 2022 the IRS is making a more concerted effort to track cryptocurrency sales and trades. Whenever you sell or trade your crypto or purchase an item with crypto, you trigger a taxable event. Currently, crypto is taxed like property, making it subject to short- or long-term capital gains taxes. This also means you can report any crypto losses to help offset any gains. Since 2022 saw a drastic drop in the value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum, if you sold or traded your crypto at a loss, you may be able to reduce your tax bill by reporting your capital loss. The same goes for NFTs.

And though the IRS will flag any unreported crypto gains, if you don't report a loss that can lower your tax burden, the IRS won't adjust your return on your behalf. "If you leave it off, it stays off," said Steber. "Tax deductible losses from your virtual currency activity do have real consequences on your tax return, and can save you real dollars. So I always tell people, if you've got something that you don't fully understand, you certainly should seek out guidance from a trained experienced tax professional."

If you have a lot of crypto or NFT activity, we recommend talking to a tax expert. But If you'd rather handle your taxes on your own, check out our top picks for crypto tax software to make filing your taxes a little easier.

8. PayPal, Venmo and other third-party apps will report your payments to the IRS

If you've been self-employed or freelancing for a few years, you likely already know that you're required to report your freelance earnings to the IRS. This year, your earnings will be even easier for the IRS to access, since third-party payment apps are now reporting your payment activity to the IRS.

While you'll still need to report your earnings like usual, the difference is, the IRS will be able to verify the amounts you report against the transactions the payment apps provide. So, if you're off by $100, the IRS will know.

This new regulation could help freelancers. Platforms like PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle and others will be providing users with 1099-K forms, which can make reporting your income a little easier.

And don't worry -- the money you gifted to your kids is safe from taxes. Only earnings sent through these third-party apps are subject to taxation.

No matter how you were paid, if you had any self-employment income in 2022, Steber recommends working with a tax professional to make sure you take advantage of every eligible tax break. "Self-employed people have some of the most complex tax returns, and quite frankly, some of those lucrative tax benefits in the tax code to watch out for," he said.

9. Retirement contribution limits increased

For 2022, the individual401(k) contribution limit increasedto $20,500, a $1,000 increase from 2021. If you're over 50, you can contribute an additional $6,500. The total contribution limit, which includes your employer's contributions, is $61,000 for 2022 ($67,500 for those 50 or older). IRA contributions remained unchanged at $6,000 for the year, with a $1,000 additional catch-up contribution for those 50 or older.

Contributions to SIMPLE IRAs were also increased in 2022, rising from $13,500 to $14,000. Those over 50 can contribute an additional $3,000.

With the end of the year fast approaching,maximize your retirement contributionsbefore the end of December. However, if you have an IRA, you can continue contributing for tax year 2022 until April 18, 2023, next year's tax filing deadline.

More Americans may qualify for the Saver's credit this year, since the IRS increased the income thresholds for 2022. It's worth up to $1,000 for single filers ($2,000 for married, joint filers), as long as you contribute to a retirement account and meet AGI requirements. For this tax year, your AGI must not be over $34,000 for single filers and those married filing separately, $68,000 for married, joint filers and $51,000 for head-of-household filers.

10. Temporary charitable donation deductions have ended

Fewer filers may be able to claim charitable donation tax breaksfor this tax year. The expanded charitable cash contribution benefits that were offered in 2020 and 2021 have ended. The temporary suspension of the 60% AGI limit in 2020 and 2021 is now back, limiting the amount you can claim in charitable contributions.

More tax advice

  • Maximize Your Tax Refund in 2023: End-of-Year Tax Checklist
  • All the Homeowner Tax Breaks for 2022: How to Maximize Your Tax Refund
  • Student Loans Forgiven? You May Owe Taxes on Your Debt Relief
  • Charity at Checkout? Skip Store Donations to Save Money on Your Taxes
Tax Changes in 2023: Why Your Tax Refund Might Be Smaller This Year (2024)


Tax Changes in 2023: Why Your Tax Refund Might Be Smaller This Year? ›

Some tax credits return to 2019 levels.

Why is my tax return so small 2023? ›

Reasons to get a smaller tax refund for 2023

Salary increase: If you got a salary increase last year but neglected to increase your tax withholding, this could lead to a smaller tax refund when you file.

Why are my federal taxes lower in 2023? ›

If your income hasn't changed much since last year, you might still be in a lower tax bracket for 2023 because of the inflation adjustments.

How to get a bigger refund in 2023? ›

Don't overlook deductible expenses

The IRS allows certain expenses to be deducted from your total income. These tax deductions include business, medical or educational expenses in some cases. Any deductible expenses you have can be subtracted from your total income, lowering your tax bill and increasing your refund.

Why is my IRS refund less than expected? ›

If you owe money to a federal or state agency, the federal government may use part or all of your federal tax refund to repay the debt. This is called a tax refund offset. If your tax refund is lower than you calculated, it may be due to a tax refund offset for an unpaid debt such as child support.

Why did I get a smaller tax refund? ›

If you owe the IRS for past-due taxes, the agency might be applying your refund to your outstanding tax debt. Likewise, your tax refund can be reduced if you owe past-due child support payments or debts to certain other federal agencies.

Why is my 2024 refund so low? ›

If a taxpayer refund isn't what is expected, it may be due to changes made by the IRS. These changes could include corrections to the Child Tax Credit or EITC amounts or an offset from all or part of the refund amount to pay past-due tax or debts. More information about reduced refunds is available on

What are the major tax changes for 2023? ›

New standard deduction for 2023
Filing Status2022 Standard Deduction2023 Standard Deduction
Head of household$19,400$20,800
Married filing jointly$25,900$27,700
Married filing separately$12,950$13,850
Feb 27, 2024

What is the new tax credit for 2023? ›

For the 2023 tax year, the electric vehicle tax credit, also known as the clean vehicle credit, could get you up to $7,500 for buying a new electric vehicle and up to $4,000 for the purchase of a used one.

Did federal taxes change for 2023? ›

Each year, the Internal Revenue Service adjusts income tax brackets, according to a formula set by Congress. For taxes on 2023 income, high inflation prompted the IRS to raise thresholds 7% for income tax brackets, an unusually large percentage.

How to get $10,000 tax refund? ›

How do I get a 10,000 tax refund? You could end up with a $10,000 tax refund if you've paid significantly more tax payments than you owe at the end of the year.

How to get $7000 tax refund? ›

Requirements to receive up to $7,000 for the Earned Income Tax Credit refund (EITC)
  1. Have worked and earned income under $63,398.
  2. Have investment income below $11,000 in the tax year 2023.
  3. Have a valid Social Security number by the due date of your 2023 return (including extensions)
Apr 12, 2024

How are people getting 30k back on taxes? ›

The Department of Community Services and Development encourages Californians earning under $30,000 a year to file their taxes to claim the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a cash-back tax credit, and receive a larger tax refund.

How to get a bigger tax refund? ›

Here are four simple ways to get a bigger tax refund according to the experts we spoke to.
  1. Contribute more to your retirement and health savings accounts.
  2. Choose the right deduction and filing strategy.
  3. Donate to charity.
  4. Be organized and thorough.
Mar 4, 2024

Why didn't I get full tax refund? ›

How can we help? If your refund was less than you expected, it may have been reduced by the IRS or a Financial Management Service (FMS) to pay past-due child support, federal agency nontax debts, state income tax obligations, or unemployment compensation debts owed to a state.

What is the average tax return for 2023? ›

Average tax return: The average tax refund in 2023 was $2,903. That's down 11% from 2022, when the average tax return was $3,263. When will I get my tax refund? Nine out of 10 tax refunds are issued in less than 21 days, according to the IRS.

What is the average IRS refund for 2023? ›

Cumulative statistics comparing March 3, 2023, and March 1, 2024
Return/Refund Category2023% Change
Total amount refunded$127.310 billion-9.3
Average refund amount$3,0285.1
Total number of direct deposit refunds39,907,000-11.4
Total amount refunded with direct deposit$124.305 billion-7.7
8 more rows
Mar 1, 2024

What is the average tax return for a single person making $40,000? ›

If you make $40,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $7,507. That means that your net pay will be $32,493 per year, or $2,708 per month.

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