Study: Average Grocery Bill for 2 (2025)

Food spending has increased dramatically recently. In just 2 years, the average household spends $400 more per year on food. Is it due to the recovering economy or are prices getting out of hand?

  • Average Spending
  • Food Budget
  • Other Expenses
  • Demographics

Study: Average Grocery Bill for 2 (1)

Read our report for more insight on this important topic.

What Are People Spending?

Eating at home or out both qualify as food expenses. Just how much are people spending? We take a look here.

  1. How much is the average grocery bill for two?
    The average couple spends an average of $625 per month on groceries. This totals $7,500 per year. These figures are according to the USDA's moderate-cost plan. Unless you live an extremely frugal or lavish life, you'll likely be around this amount.
  2. How much does the average couple spend eating out per month?
    The average couple spends around 4.5% of their income dining out. This totals around 43% of the average couple's food spending.

    If you're trying to eat out less, consider a meal delivery service such as Home Chef.

  3. What is the average household income?
    The average household income equals $69,629. This figure takes into account all family sizes, though. There's a big difference between a family of one and a family of five.
  4. What percentage of income do Americans spend on food?
    Historically, the average household spends around 10% of their income on food. This takes into consideration eating at home and out.
  5. How much does it cost for one person to eat per month?
    According to the USDA, a single person on the moderate-cost plan spends $262 per month on food. Couples need a little more than double that amount. Maybe they cook more lavishly when they feed someone other than themselves?
  6. What is the average grocery bill for four?
    Once your family grows, your costs increase. A family of four with infants through preschool aged children needs around $901 for food per month. A family of four with older children, however, needs around $1,075 per month. This means plan ahead for those growing teenagers!
  7. What does an average couple in California spend on food?
    The cost of living tends to be higher in California. The average cost of food for a couple shows it too. Topping the charts at $6,527, Californians spend more on food than many other areas.
  8. What does an average couple in the Midwest spend on groceries?
    In the Midwest, where people expect costs to be lower, food costs $5,587 per year. That's a difference of $940 from California.
  9. What does an average couple in New York spend on groceries?
    New York falls somewhere in the middle of the spending, with a total of $6,351 spent on food per year.

Budgeting for Food

Given the amount of money you need for food, it makes sense to budget for it. We offer some simple tips below.

  1. How should you figure out your monthly food budget?
    When it comes to food spending, no two people will have the same answer. The USDA's guidelines for the latest month available (July 2017) shows that a couple needs between $385 and $765 per month for food. Obviously, that's quite a range. Using the country average of around 10%, you should figure your budget based on your total income. Then you can tweak it from there.
  2. How many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck?
    The unfortunate truth is almost one-third of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Many Americans' expenses even exceed their income. This number even includes those in their 50s. Financial stress doesn't disappear with age, apparently.
  3. How much should you spend on groceries?
    There's no exact number on how much you should spend on groceries. However, if you want a guide, we suggest using the USDA's Cost of Food at Home chart. Here you'll find amounts for each family size, breaking it down by ages. For example, your 15-year-old likely eats more than a 2-year-old does. These factors are taken into consideration. It's also broken down into categories:
    • Thrifty
    • Low-cost
    • Moderate-cost
    • Liberal

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    The average family falls under the moderate-cost. But, if you want to be completely cost conscious, you can stick to the thrifty plan.

  4. What are signs of spending too much on food?
    Trying to stick to a budget can seem impossible sometimes, especially with rising food costs. Here we compiled the top signs of spending too much on food. This isn't to say you belong on the thrifty plan. It does, however, help you realize that you might be going a bit overboard:
    • You are way over the average reported spending.
    • Your monthly expenditures include more eating out than eating at home.
    • You make grocery store runs multiple times a week rather than stocking up at once.
    • You don't make a list for grocery shopping.

Food Isn't the Only Personal Monthly Expense

Aside from food, you have to pay for utilities, entertainment, and clothing. Here's a look at what the average couple spends each month.

  1. How much does a couple spend on entertainment per month?
    On average, a married couple spends $2,273 per year having fun. This equals around $190 per month.
  2. How much does the average couple spend on clothes per month?
    The average couple spends $1,477 per year on clothing. This comes out to $123 per month.
  3. How much does an average household spend on utilities per month?
    The average household spends $323 per month on utilities. This includes electric, gas, garbage, sewage, and telephone services. Of course, this number could differ based on your family's habits.
  4. How much should you save each month?
    As a general rule, you should try to save 20% of your income. We like to use the formula 50/30/20. 50% of your income pays your fixed expenses. 30% of your income pays your variable expenses. You should then save 20% of your income. Of course, this is in a perfect world, but we offer tips on how to make this happen. One easy way to start saving more is to open a savings account with a high annual percentage yield, CIT Bank's Savings Builder account. Check to see if there's CIT Bank bonus available right now if you're thinking of opening an account.

Fun Demographic Statistics About Grocery Shopping

  1. Who does a majority of the grocery shopping amongst married couples?
    Grocery shopping used to be a "female job." Today, though, men do their fair share. In married couples, men take the primary role in 39% of couples. Many couples split the job down the middle or make a "date" out of it and do it together.
  2. How many households shop for groceries online?
    Today, savvy consumers look for ways to save time and money. One such way is shopping for groceries online. Whether they save money is definitely up for debate. But they can save time. Right now only 5% of shoppers shop online for groceries, we but guess that number will increase sooner rather than later.
  3. How many households still use a standard supermarket?
    Does this mean people have given up on the standard supermarket? It's not likely. The trend has decreased slightly - 2% since last year. But, 83% of shoppers still like the standard grocery store.
  4. How many average meals do couples eat at home together?
    On average, married couples with no kids eat 7.6 meals together. The largest reason cited for eating just one-third of their meals together is differing schedules.
  5. How can you save money on groceries?
    $625 a month can be a lot of money for many couples. Luckily, there are ways to save money on groceries. Here's a few simple ways:
    • Plan a menu so you don't impulse shop
    • Stick to the exterior aisles
    • Stick to the in-season produce
    • Buy in bulk
  6. How many average weekly trips do households make to the grocery store?
    There just might be something to sharing the shopping responsibilities. Couples with one primary shopper tend to make 1.6 shopping trips per week. Couples who share the responsibility tend to make 1.5 trips per week. It seems like two are better than one after all!

Bottom Line

Groceries are a big part of your life. You need to food to survive. But you also need a good budget to stay financially secure. Figure out your budget and find ways to trim your food costs. It's all about balance.

Sources and References:

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • World Economic Forum
  • Living Wage Calculator
  • CNBC
  • Hartman Group

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Study: Average Grocery Bill for 2 (2025)


What should groceries cost for 2 people? ›

Feeding Two Adults

Here are the USDA weekly grocery spending guidelines for households with one adult female and one adult male: Thrifty: $119.40. Low-cost: $122.90. Moderate-cost: $152.30.

What is the average grocery bill for 2 adults per month? ›

Meaning, they fork out about $71.08 less than the average amount spent on groceries per month for 1 for Western food types. These details suggest that the minimum average food cost per month for 2 adults is $684.40. Meaning, an average family of two spends about $8,212.80 a year.

How much should I budget for groceries weekly for 2? ›

It's well below what the USDA recommends in its weekly grocery shopping spending guidelines for a household of two adults. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's budget puts spending at least $119.40 per week for two adults to meet daily nutritional needs.

What is the average grocery bill for a family of 2? ›

How much is an average grocery bill for two?
Monthly Average Grocery Bill for Two Adults
Low-Cost Plan
Monthly Cost$633.20$612.20
Liberal Plan
Age of Adults19-5051-70
5 more rows
May 11, 2022

How to grocery shop for 2 on a budget? ›

Here are some of our money-savings tips for grocery shopping for two:
  1. Plan meals together in advance and make a list of the ingredients you'll need. ...
  2. Only grocery shop on a full stomach. ...
  3. Work your way through the Weekly Circular and coupons. ...
  4. Shop for a long shelf life. ...
  5. Don't discount the store brand.

How can I spend $70 a week on groceries? ›

The Under $70 Weekly Grocery List on a Budget
  1. Eggs. One of the most versatile proteins, eggs can be breakfast, lunch, or dinner depending on how you prepare them. ...
  2. Spinach. ...
  3. Apples. ...
  4. Pasta and Rice. ...
  5. Garlic. ...
  6. Chicken. ...
  7. Lemon. ...
  8. Beans.

How can I live on $20 in groceries a week? ›

A Healthy Diet For $20 A Week
  1. Eggs, 2 1/2 dozen. $2.69.
  2. Potatoes, 10 lbs. $2.89.
  3. Carrots, 2lbs. $0.99.
  4. Cabbage, 2 heads. $1.98.
  5. Onions, 3lbs. $0.69.
  6. Corn tortillas, 2pkgs (60). $2.56.
  7. Pinto beans, 2lbs. $1.78.
  8. Salsa, 1 jar. $1.69.

How to only spend $50 a week on groceries? ›

  1. Take inventory of what's already in your pantry. Start off with a pantry that's stocked with daily essentials (that last a long time) so you don't need to add to your weekly list. ...
  2. Plan your menu for the entire week. ...
  3. Use ingredients in multiple ways. ...
  4. Cook once, eat twice.
Sep 2, 2020

How can I spend $30 a week on groceries? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017

What is the cheapest way to grocery? ›

10 Expert Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget
  • Shop for nonperishable items online. ...
  • Buy perishable foods in quantities you'll use. ...
  • Buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season. ...
  • Buy meat and cereals in bulk. ...
  • Be an informed shopper. ...
  • Limit your purchase of ready-prepared foods. ...
  • Clip coupons with caution.
Nov 11, 2020

What is a realistic monthly grocery budget? ›

Monthly Grocery Budget

The average cost of food per month for one person ranges from $150 to $300, depending on age. However, these national averages vary based on where you live and the quality of your food purchases.

Is $600 a month on groceries a lot? ›

The USDA puts the average weekly cost of food at home for a family of two at $150 a week, or $600 per month (and that's on their moderate cost food plan!). Cue the sigh of relief and feeling a little less guilt if you're eyeing your current grocery spending. Grocery spending comes in all shapes and sizes.

How do I live on a tight grocery budget? ›

Here are 11 ways to help you learn how to budget groceries.
  1. Track Current Spending. ...
  2. Allocate a Percentage of Your Income. ...
  3. Avoid Eating Out. ...
  4. Plan Your Meals. ...
  5. Keep a Fridge Grocery List. ...
  6. Eat Before You Go to the Store. ...
  7. Be Careful with Coupons. ...
  8. Embrace the Bulk Section.
Dec 17, 2021

How can I eat for a week on $15? ›

How to feed yourself for $15 a week
  1. Never allow leftovers to go bad. I would cook one or two major meals per week. ...
  2. Supplement with inexpensive foods. ...
  3. Shop in the produce aisle. ...
  4. Never eat out. ...
  5. Have substantial cereals for breakfast. ...
  6. Avoid junk food. ...
  7. Avoid pre-cooked foods. ...
  8. Buy a basic paperback cookbook.
Sep 8, 2007

How to spend $25 dollars a week on groceries? ›

Here's what you can do to spend just $25 a week on groceries:
  1. Make a list of your favorite budget-friendly meals and eat those.
  2. Pack lunches for work or school instead of eating out.
  3. Make your grocery list and menu plan focused on the food that is on sale and what you already have in your kitchen.

How much is $20 everyday for a year? ›

Saving 20 dollars a day adds up to about $600 a month or $7,300 each year!

How can I buy groceries for $40 a week? ›

Our $40 Weekly Grocery Budget (For a Family Of Four)
  1. 2 5lb bags bulk chicken leg quarters – $5.90 (Walmart)
  2. 10 lbs ground turkey – $10 (H-E-B)
  3. Eggs – 1 dozen – $0.69 (Aldi)
  4. 1 package of corn tortillas (80 count) – $1.98 (Aldi)
  5. 1 lb. ...
  6. Shredded cheese 1 lb – $2.99 (Aldi)
  7. 1 package of baby spinach – $1.98 (H-E-B)
Aug 31, 2017

How can I live on $25 a week for groceries? ›

Here's what you can do to spend just $25 a week on groceries:
  1. Make a list of your favorite budget-friendly meals and eat those.
  2. Pack lunches for work or school instead of eating out.
  3. Make your grocery list and menu plan focused on the food that is on sale and what you already have in your kitchen.

How can I spend $10 a week on groceries? ›

Surviving on a Budget, $10 Grocery List
  1. Baking Powder (MYO!)
  2. Eggs.
  3. Flour.
  4. Fruits (on sale)
  5. Hamburger.
  6. Rice or Ramen Noodles.
  7. Margarine.
  8. Milk.
Aug 31, 2017

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