Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (2024)

If you’re one of the 37 million Americans with student loan debt, you’re in for a real treat come July 1. That’s when interest rates on federal student loans are set to rise to 6.8 percent—double the current rate of 3.4 percent. That deadline has lawmakers scrambling for a fix. There are a bunch of proposals out there, including Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s call for students to be allowed to pay the low, low rate that big banks pay for short-term borrowing; a plan President Barack Obama laid out in his budget in April; and the GOP plan that just passed the House—a plan Obama hates.

Whatever lawmakers and the president ultimately decide matters a lot. Over the past 25 years, the cost of going to college has spiked 440 percent. Since 2004, student loan debt in this country has tripled, and now stands close to $1 trillion. Check it out:

Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (1)

Some60 percent of studentshave to take out loans to finance their education, and they’re borrowing more than ever before. In 2012, more than half of borrowers took out over $10,000 in loans. The next chart shows how the amounts students borrowed climbed between 2005 and 2012:

Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (2)

Although mortgage debt is still the largest category of debt in the United States, the amount of debt held by students recently surpassed both credit card and auto loan debt. And unlike car and credit card debt, which has stayed fairly flat, student loan debt is on a clear upward trajectory:

One more thing.Delinquency rates for student loans have risen over the past two years, while delinquency rates on other types of debt have fallen:

Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (4)

We took a look at politicians’ proposals for remedying this gloomy state of affairs, both the long-term solutions and the short-term band-aids. Here’s a round up:

Obama’s plan: Under the plan Obama laid out in his budget, the interest rate at which student loans are issued would vary depending on the economy. Rates would be pegged to the rate at which the government borrows money over the long term (currently at around 2 percent). The president’s plan would add 0.93 percent to that rate for loans to financially needy undergrads, and 2.93 percent to undergrad loans that are not need-based. The Congressional Budget Office says that this would mean that in the next school yearinterest rates would be 3.43 percent and 5.43 percent, respectively.

One drawback of this plan is that there is no limit on how high initial interest rates can be set year to year. But once the student has borrowed the money, the interest rate would be fixed for the life of the loan. Experts say this is a good thing. “Students have a great fear of uncertainty around college,” says Beth Akers, an education policy fellow at the Brookings Institution. “A fixed interest rate simplifies this question of going to college and not knowing what will be my payments in the future.”

Obama’s plan is also the only one out there that would aid low-income borrowersonce they graduate by letting them cap their monthly loan payments to 10 percent of their income.

House Republicans’ plan: Last week, Warren slammedthe plan put forward by Reps. John Kline (R-Minn.) and Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) that recently passed the House, sayingit would turn students into a “profit center.” Under the House GOP plan,student loan interest rates are also tied to the market rate, but the planwouldadd2.5 percent to both need-based and non-need-based undergrad loans, rather than continuing the current reduced rate for needier students.

Theplan would also allow interest rates to fluctuate over the life of the loan, up to a cap of 8.5 percent. That means you could take out a loan at a super-low rate, and end up paying a 8.5 percent a few years down the line. “That’s a bit of a bait and switch that I’m not very comfortable with,” says Michelle Cooper, president of Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP). Akershas calculated that a swing in interest rates—from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on a 10-year, $25,000 loan, for example—would cost students about $40 a month. That could be a week of groceries or a gas bill.Last week, Obamaslammedthe GOP measure, saying it would create more uncertainty for students, and vowed to veto the bill.

The GOP plan also includes no provision cappingmonthly payments according to income level, as Obama’s does.

Senate Republicans’ plan: Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.) have a proposal that adds 3 percent to the government’s borrowing rate for both needy and non-needy undergrad borrowers, except that once the student takes out the loan, the interest rate remains fixed over the life of the loan, as under Obama’s plan. In that sense, it’s sort of a compromise between Obama’s proposal and House Republicans’ bill.

Senate Democrats’ plan: Sens. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Dick Durbin’s (D-Ill.) plan would peg student loan interest rates to the short-term government borrowing rate, as opposed to the long-term rate that the above plans use. (This week it’s 0.045 percent.) The plan would then add a percentage determined by the Department of Education to cover administrative costs, and would include rate caps at 6.8 percent and 8.25 percent for need-based and non-need-based undergrad loans, respectively. The New America Foundation, a nonpartisan public policy shop, says the proposal would result in a significant drop in interest rates for students.

Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (5)

Courtney’s plan: Rep. Joe Courtney’s (D-Conn.) plan would keep need-based borrowing rates at the current 3.4 percent for two years so that Congress has time to come up with a better solution.

The Reed-Reid-Harkin plan: Sens. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Harry Reid (D-Nev.), and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) introduced a plan that would do the same thing.

Warren’s plan: Warren’s yearlong fix proposal would lower rates the most. It would cut need-based undergrad loan interest rates to the same low 0.75 percent interest rate that banks pay to the Federal Reserve for short-term loans. Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) introduced companion legislation in the House.

Here’s a look at what a few of the above plans would do tointerest rates on loans for needy undergrads over time:

Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (6)

So how will it all shake out? Akers says she thinks the final plan will be something of a compromise between Obama’s plan and the House Republican proposal.

But the main piece of legislation governing higher education in the United States will expire next year, so there’s good reason to think that lawmakers may opt for a short-term fix this year and wait until next year to come up with a permanent solution. “I hope a short-term fix is not the outcome we get,” says Akers. “It would be good to get this done so we can get on with different fights.” Any long-term fix will affect a lot of Americans, and a lot of money, and Congress hasn’t made itself famous for getting things done. As IHEP’s Cooper says, “I’m more concerned with doing this right than doing it quickly.”

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Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (7)


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Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (8)
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Student Loan Debt Is a Beast. Here Are Elizabeth Warren’s, President Obama’s, and the GOP’s Plans to Fix It. (2024)


How did Biden get rid of student debt? ›

Under Public Service Loan Forgiveness, borrowers in public service for 10 years who have made 120 months of qualifying payments can get their remaining student debt canceled.

How much student loan debt does the US government own? ›

Total federal student loan debt

Most student loans — about 92.5% — are owned by the government. Total federal student loan borrowers: 43.2 million. Total outstanding federal student loan debt: $1.60 trillion.

Why should student debt be cancelled? ›

Research has shown that cancellation would boost GDP by billions of dollars and add up to 1.5 million new jobs, reducing the unemployment rate. 5 Workers who are Black, Latinx, immigrants, women, and those in industries paying low wages are still facing a terrible economic situation with high levels of unemployment.

Who actually loans the money to students? ›

Federal student loans are made by the government, with terms and conditions that are set by law, and include many benefits (such as fixed interest rates and income-driven repayment plans) not typically offered with private loans.

Will all student loans be forgiven? ›

If you repay your loans under an IDR plan, any remaining balance on your student loans will be forgiven after you make a certain number of payments over 20 or 25 years. Past periods of repayment, deferment, and forbearance might now count toward IDR forgiveness because of the payment count adjustment.

How much will student loan forgiveness cost taxpayers? ›

A new analysis from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) projects that President Biden's student loan cancellation plans could cost taxpayers a combined $870 billion to $1.4 trillion.

Who owns student debt in the US? ›

Federal student loans, which include Direct Subsidized loans, Direct Unsubsidized loans, Direct Consolidation loans, parent PLUS loans, grad PLUS loans, Perkins loans and some Federal Family Education loans, are owned by the U.S. Department of Education.

Why is student debt so high? ›

Higher education financing allows many Americans from lower- and middle-income backgrounds to invest in education. However, over the past 30 years, college tuition prices have increased faster than median incomes, leaving many Americans with large amounts of student debt that they struggle or are unable to, pay off.

What race has the most debt? ›

Approximately three-quarters of Black- and White-headed families have debt, but the median debt-to-asset ratio is 50% higher among Black than White families (Copeland, 2020), with Black borrowers less likely to fully repay loans (Brevoort et al., 2021).

What happens if you never pay your student loans? ›

If you default on your student loan, that status will be reported to national credit reporting agencies. This reporting may damage your credit rating and future borrowing ability. Also, the government can collect on your loans by taking funds from your wages, tax refunds, and other government payments.

What race takes out the most student loans? ›

Black students take out the most student loan debt for a bachelor's degree, followed by white students. Black bachelor's degree holders have an average of $52,000 in student debt. Eighty-six percent of Black students take out student loans to pay for college, compared to 68 percent of white students.

Who sued Biden student loan? ›

Republican states file lawsuit challenging Biden's student loan repayment plan. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A group of Republican-led states is suing the Biden administration to block a new student loan repayment plan that provides a faster path to cancellation and lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers.

Do banks own student loans? ›

Student loans are owned by the federal government or private institutions, depending on the type of student loan. Federal student loans are owned by the U.S. Department of Education while private student loans are owned by the financial institution that granted them.

Do rich kids take out student loans? ›

Summary: No matter how much money you have, the government wants to lend you money for college. You read that headline right. Whether your family is rich, poor, or somewhere in between, you can get low cost government loans for college.

Who pays for the student loan forgiveness? ›

But the money isn't free. Sure, it's government money, which doesn't seem completely real, but by canceling debt payments the government forgoes future revenue, which adds to annual deficits and the total national debt. Future taxpayers will essentially pay the bill.

What is the Save Plan July 2024? ›

Starting in July 2024, payments for borrowers with only undergraduate student loans will be cut in half. Those monthly payment amounts are currently calculated to be 10% of your discretionary income, but in July 2024 that number will drop to only 5% of your discretionary income.

How do I know if my student loans have been forgiven? ›

Your student loan servicer(s) will notify you directly after your forgiveness is processed. Make sure to keep your contact information up to date on and with your servicer(s). If you haven't yet qualified for forgiveness, you'll be able to see your exact payment counts in the future.

What is the president's mortgage relief program? ›

Mortgage Relief Credit.

The President's plan also calls for a new credit to unlock inventory of affordable starter homes, while helping middle-class families move up the housing ladder and empty nesters right size. Many homeowners have lower rates on their mortgages than current rates.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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