Sprouting: How to do it in your kitchen (2024)

by Chuck McClung

While winter gardening is certainly a viable option in the Northwest, most gardeners take a break for winter. Here is an idea for the warm, dry indoors: growing sprouts.

I’ve been growing sprouts for many years. I started sprouting after being repeatedly disappointed with the quality of sprouts in grocery stores. I was influenced a lot by Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas, two pioneers of the modern wheat grass, sprouting, juicing, and natural health movement. Ann Wigmore wanted to teach people how anyone could grow an abundance of food indoors, year round, for very little money. By sprouting clover, alfalfa, mung beans, grains, lentils, sunflowers, buckwheat, and many other seeds, anyone with limited space could grow quite a bit of food. What a perfect winter gardening hobby.

There are many ways to grow sprouts (sprouting jars, bags, trays, etc.), and entire books are written on the subject. With the limited space to present such a huge topic, I thought I would describe how I grow sprouts using standard wide mouth quart canning jars. With 7-8 jars sitting in the dish rack, I grow about two gallons of sprouts a week for way less than 25 cents a day.

Getting Started

To use the method in which I grow sprouts, you will need standard, wide mouth, quart-size canning jars. I suggest starting with just one or two jars.

Next you’ll need lids. Basically we a need screen-like lid that will let water drain when rinsing the sprouts, but also let in air while the seeds are sprouting. You’ll find many different types of lids. Metal screens can be used to replace the solid center in a typical canning jar lid. I’ve seen some people use a cloth over the mouth of the jar as a screen. I like to use the pre-made plastic mesh lids that screw right onto of the jar; they‘re easy to keep clean. Your favorite food co-op or natural health food stores will have jar lids for sprouting.

Then you’ll need a place to grow the sprouts, which means a place to set your jars, face down, but at an angle, so that the water drains. I set my jars in my dish drying rack to drain, and excess water spills directly into the sink. I realize that my particular set up may not resonate with everyone’s kitchen décor; you just need a place to set the jars face down, at an angle for the water to drain.

Sunflowers sprouting. PHOTO BY CHUCK McCLUNG

Once you’ve established your sprouting set up, then you’ll need to shop for seeds. You can find seeds for sprouting online. But unless you’re planning on growing tons of sprouts, I suggest you check your local food co-op or natural health food stores. Look in the bulk seeds/herbs section first. You’ll pay way less per pound buying in bulk than buying pre-packaged “sprouting seeds“. Now you’re ready to get sprouting.

Soaking and rinsing

Have you ever wondered why a seed doesn’t just spontaneously germinate and sprout? What’s missing? Assuming the temperature is correct, water is what’s needed for seeds to germinate. So to sprout our seeds we need to soak them in water first.

All we do is put the desired amount of seed in the bottom of the jar, cover with a few inches of water, cover the jar, and let sit overnight. As a general rule, the larger the seed, the greater the amount of water will be needed for the seeds to fully hydrate and sprout.

For instance, if you fill the bottom two inches of the jar with Chick Peas, you’ll need to fill the jar with water. By morning the Chick Peas will have swelled so much that they’ll fill the jar to the top. And that means it’s hummus time!

You’ll find charts out there in books giving soaking times for different types of seeds. I’ve found that for most of the common sprouting seeds, about 12-15 hours is sufficient for them to sprout. For instance, what I do almost every night after work is set up one jar of seeds to soak, and then drain off the water in the morning before work – about 12 hours. Soaking a little longer is better than not enough, but never more than 24 hours.

Generally speaking, the larger the seed (e.g. chick peas) the more seed by volume will be required to fill the jar once they’ve sprouted. For instance, it takes about 1½ Tablespoon of Clover seed to fill a quart sized jar once sprouted. A lot more Chick Peas and water, by volume, on the other hand, are required to make one full jar of sprouts.

I find it interesting that if seeds do not soak long enough, the seed dies from not having enough water to sprout; the seed then rots and will spoil any other sprouts in the jar. Similarly if seeds are soaked too long, the seeds can likewise begin to rot due to a lack of air. Similarly, using too much seed can cause the sprouts in the center of the jar to rot from lack of air. Sadly I speak from experience.

Once we’ve soaked our seeds overnight, we drain off the water in the morning, and rinse them. To rinse them, simply pour a generous amount of water in the jar, swirl the seeds around, and drain. I rinse my sprouts every morning before work and every evening after work. Sure, an additional mid-day rinsing would likely grow even better sprouts, but I’m simply not home in the middle of the day. Two evenly spaced, daily rinses is fine.

Two rinses a day is essential. If you forget, they will either dry up and die or rot from the accumulated waste that is not washed away. And of course it’s best to rinse your sprouts with filtered water.

Between rinses, let the jar(s) drain, top down, at an angle. We tilt the jar at an angle so that air can enter, and so that some moisture will collect around the seed mass. If the jar is set vertically pointing down, the sprouts could rot from lack of air entering the jar.

If the jar is set down horizontally, excess water might not be able to drain, and seeds can rot in the pool that accumulates. If the jar is set horizontally, and the water has drained off, the seeds may spread out too much over the length of the jar that they dry out too much between waterings. Again, keep your jars at an angle. So when do we harvest and eat?!

Two types of sprouts

Using jars, I see sproutable seeds as belonging to one of two types:

• “Whole plant” sprouts: such as Adzuki, Alfalfa, Broccoli, Clover, Fenugreek, Mung Bean, and Radish. Sprout these in any combination using a total of about 1½-2 tablespoons of seed maximum per quart jar. Harvest as a young plant with a little tap root and two tiny seeds leaves. This typically takes about 5-8 days, perhaps longer if your sprouting area is cooler. While you could eat these sprouts in 2-3 days, better to wait and let them grow a few more days.

• 2-3 day or sprouted seeds (such as Lentils, Chickpeas/Garbanzos, Sunflowers, abd Almonds). These sprouted seeds are harvested and eaten after only a couple of days. The sprouted seed looks like a swollen seed with little or no developing shoot. Lentils and Chick Peas in particular should be harvested and eaten after only a few days of sprouts lest they become stringy and lose flavor. Almonds are sweeter and far easier to digest after they’ve been soaked and sprouted for a couple of days.

Many people like to rinse off the seed coats/hulls before harvest on your “5-8 day sprouts.” There are many different ways to do this. After day 3-4, I’ll take sprouts out of the jar, set them in a large bowl, and add water until the hulls start to float. I them pour the hulls off and return the sprouts to the jar and drain. This also helps to remove any unsprouted seeds. The larger seeded “5-8 day” sprouts (e.g. Sunflower, Adzuki, Mung Bean) are the ones I think are most important to remove the hulls.

Be sure to label your soaking jar with much you’re using and the date. Labeling will help you learn which sprouts combinations you like best or how long it takes.

Storing Sprouts

Well-rinsed and drained sprouts will store for at least a few days in the refrigerator. A breathable container would be best, but sealed plastic containers may be used too; be sure to check your refrigerated sprouts. Another idea is that once the sprouts are ready to eat, rinse them and drain them one more time, and simply put the canning jar lid on, and refrigerate them.

Mucilagineous seeds

Mucilaginous seeds are a peculiar group of seeds that are sprouted differently and typically not combined with other seeds that are sprouted in jars. They include Flax, Buckwheat, and Chia. When soaked these seeds develop a slimy film (mucilage) that needs to be rinsed thoroughly.

I have found that other seeds, when combined with Buckwheat may rot due to the mucilage that forms. Soaked flax and chia seeds can be added to salad dressings as thickeners. Buckwheat can be sprouted alone in jars, rinsed thoroughly, or grown like wheat grass (see previous issue).

Growing Baby Greens in Pots

Many seeds are soaked and actually planted in flats or in pots of soil. One harvests the baby greens that develop by cutting at the soil level (this is how wheat grass is grown), and is one of the best ways to grow Buckwheat sprouts.

1. Soak seeds overnight.

2. Drain soak water, rinse, drain.

3. Set seeds on top of soil in a pot

4. Cover with a moist, cloth or paper towel for three days; keep towel moist.

5. Uncover after three days, put in a sunny window, and water every other day.

Other seeds for sprouted baby greens include sunflowers, fenugreek, and other grains like oats and barley.


Adzuki Beans are bright burgundy red. I love using Adzukis with clover because the larger sized seed seems to let in a little more air around the clover seeds as they’re sprouting.

Alfalfa sprouts are similar to and grown just like Clover sprouts. I find the two have only a slightly different taste, and Alfalfa sprouts tend to be more finely textured.

Almonds can be soaked and sprouted. Have you ever eaten Almonds that have been soaked overnight, or sprouted a couple of days? Take your soaked and sprouted Almonds, grind them up in a blender with water, filter out the solids, and you have almond milk.

Broccoli sprouts lend a spicy flavor similar to Radish sprouts.

Buckwheat is not a grain and not really like wheat at all. Buckwheat is a mucilaginous seed, Buckwheat is often grown in soil like Wheat Grass and harvest as baby greens.

Chick Pea (Garbanzo Beans) are one of the largest seeds you’ll sprout. You’ll need a lot of water to get these fully hydrated. I love to snack on 2 day sprouted chick peas!

Clover are very similar to Alfalfa sprouts. You’ll get one full jar of sprouts from about 1 ½ Tablespoons of seed.

Fenugreek seeds are awesome because they have this unique maple syrup aroma and flavor. As a legume, Fenugreek can be harvest as sprouts or grown in pots for baby greens.

Grains: Wheat, Oat, Barley, etc.

Most of the time sprouters grow grains as baby greens in pots (see instructions above). But have you ever tasted freshly sprouted Wheat? Wheat sprouted for 2-3 days is an amazingly sweet and chewy snack. Google the word “rejuvelac”, for another interesting use of sprouted Wheat.

Lentils are typically grown as 2-3 days sprouts. Try them in your salad! Lentils come in various colors (orange, green, black, red, brown) adding color and pizzazz to your sprout mixes.

Mung Bean are bright green and typically grown as 5-8 day sprouts. Those large, thick Mung bean sprouts that you’ve likely seen cannot be grown in jars as described above. To grow big Mung beans sprouts you need a weight. One “old way” to sprout Mung beans was in large buckets (that drain) with a board over the sprouts and a rock on top of the board for weight. The increased weight causes the sprouts to swell to a size that they would otherwise would not attain.

Radish sprouts lend a nice and spicy flavor and are one of the quickest sprouts to finish in the jar. Radish seed is usually easier to find and typically costs a little less than Broccoli seed.

Sesame Seeds taste awesome soaked and sprouted for one day! They’re softer and more chewy. Sesame milk can be made as described above as with sprouted Almonds.

Sunflowers may be sprouted in jars or grown in pots for baby greens. This is one of the most important ones to remove the large seed hulls after the seeds have sprouted in the jar.


• How to Grow and Use Sprouts to Maximize Your Health and Vitality, Ann Wigmore, Avery Health Guides, 1986.

• Sprouts: The Miracle Food: The Complete Guide to Sprouting, Steve Meyerowitz, Sproutman Publications, 1999.

• Survival Into the 21st Century-Planetary Healer‘s Manual, Viktoras Kulvinskas, Omangod Press, 1975.


• Mash a couple of bananas and add half cup of Buckwheat sprouts (3 day), some raisins, 1 finely chopped apple and cinnamon to taste for a nice breakfast gruel.

• 2 cups 2-3 day sprouted Chick Peas, 3 chopped tomatoes, black pepper and kelp for a hearty filling winter salad.

• If you have a Vita Mix take your two-day sprouted chick peas (as described above) and grind em up into hummus, Hummus made from fresh, sprouted Chick Peas tastes way better.

Sprout Mixes

(for one 1 Qt wide mouth canning jar)

“Traditional Mix“

½ T Clover

½ T Radish

½ T Fenugreek

“Spicy Blend”

½ T Clover

¼ T Broccoli

¼ T Radish

1 T Lentil or Adzuki

“Chunky Chewy”

Combine Chick peas and Lentils in any ratio and fill bottom 1½-2“ of jar. Cover with water to top of jar and let soak overnight. Drain, rinse and eat after a day or two of sprouting. Filling!

I hope I’ve been able to cover the basics of sporuting and that you are curious enough to give it a try. It’s really easy. Get the lids for your jars. Soak your seeds. Don’t forget to rinse them twice a day. Don’t forget to eat them! E-mail me with any questions or problems. Happy Sprouting!

Chuck McClung has a Master’s Degree in Botany and helps others solve their gardening dilemmas. He may be reached at orchid fruit@hotmail.com.

Published in the January 2013 issue of Grow Northwest magazine

Sprouting: How to do it in your kitchen (2024)


How do I grow sprouts in my kitchen? ›

First, place the seeds in a bowl or jar. Then, fill with water: use around 2-3 times the amount of water to seeds. Keep them in a dark place at room temperature for 8-12 hours. Once you've soaked your seeds and started the germination process, the next stage is to rinse and drain them until they start sprouting.

How do you plant sprouting seeds indoors? ›

6 Steps to Germinating Seeds Indoors
  1. Prepare the seed-starting soil mix. ...
  2. Place the seeds in soil or a wet paper towel. ...
  3. Cover the seedlings with a plastic bag or lid. ...
  4. Place the seeds in a warm location. ...
  5. Keep the potting mix moist. ...
  6. Thin seedlings to encourage larger plants.
29 Oct 2021

Does sprout need sunlight? ›

Basically, microgreens are much larger mini-plants than sprouts, and they require dirt and sunlight to grow. Sprouts need neither sunlight nor dirt to grow, so they can be easily grown almost anywhere.

Do sprouts need light or dark? ›


It does not matter if your kitchen is very bright or shady when you grow sprouts. In nature, the seeds germinate in the dark soil or in the more light-filled topsoil. Regardless of the depth in the soil, the root will grow downwards and the stem will grow upwards.

How do you make sprouts in one night? ›

Step 2: Soak in ample room temperature water in a roomy bowl 6 hours to (ideally) overnight. The seeds often sprout at different times, so I like to keep them separate. Once you find seeds that have the same sprouting 'schedule', you can soak them together in one bowl. Just leave them on your counter overnight.

How long do sprouts take to grow? ›

They will germinate in 7-12 days and be ready to plant out about 4 weeks later. If the plants are on a heat bench or in a propogator and they are looking spindly, turn the heat down and try to give them as much light as possible.

Which seeds are best for sprouting? ›

These 12 seeds are some of the best seeds for sprouting when you are starting out.

How long do seeds take to sprout indoors? ›

Usually, it takes around 1 to 2 weeks to germinate. Some plants (for instance mini tomato, chili pepper and rosemary) may take up to 3 weeks. All lettuce and kale plants are very sensitive to high temperatures (above 24 °C / 75 °F) so their germination might be inhibited by that.

Which seed will grow in 2 days? ›

Chives. Chives are a great herb to grow on your kitchen counter! They come up very quickly—it'll only take 2-3 days for chives to sprout.

When should I start my seeds indoors sprouting? ›

In general, you should start seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the average last frost date in your area.

Can I use paper towel for sprouting? ›

Paper towels, filter paper or even newspaper provides an excellent medium for germinating seeds. They are pathogen-free and make it easy to control the moisture content for proper germination. This method also takes the guesswork out of knowing if your seeds have germinated since you can easily observe them.

How do I make sprouts bacteria free? ›

When sprouting at home, it's important to keep in mind some quick tips to limit the growth of harmful bacteria during the process.
  1. Sanitize Your Sprouting Container. ...
  2. Use Filtered or Bottled Water. ...
  3. Rinse Your Sprouts Frequently. ...
  4. Avoid Standing Water. ...
  5. Store Your Sprouts in a Dry, Cool Location. ...
  6. Wash and Wait.
12 Jun 2017

What is the safest way to grow sprouts? ›

  1. Use clean water. Besides the seed, a sprout's only other ingredient is water. ...
  2. Avoid standing water. ...
  3. Rinse frequently. ...
  4. Be careful during warm, humid periods. ...
  5. Keep seeds dry during storage. ...
  6. Consume stored sprouts within a few days.
23 Jun 2022

How often should I water a sprout? ›

Seedlings should be watered once a day or every other day, depending on how much sun and heat they get. Remember that seedling roots are fairly close to the surface and they're growing in a small amount of media, so they don't need a deep soak the way larger plants do.

How much water does a sprout need? ›

Seeds- During germination seeds want to be very moist - though not sitting in water - so give a quick water twice daily, in free draining soil, until they sprout. Seedlings- Should be watered daily for about three weeks, or until seedlings are large enough to mulch.

How do you keep sprouts alive? ›

Refrigerate your Sprouts

There is no quicker way to kill produce than to refrigerate it wet, so make sure that your sprouts are reasonably dry before you refrigerate them. You can transfer them to a plastic bag, use a special produce bag or you can use a glass or plastic container.

Is it OK to eat sprouts raw? ›

Summary Sprouts can be eaten raw or cooked. They are also easy to add to a wide variety of meals and snacks.

Do sprouts regrow after cutting? ›

Sprouts can be ready in less than a week, while shoots should be edible in 1-2 weeks. In addition, when you eat sprouts you eat the emerging stem and the seed, there is nothing left to re-grow. Shoots are harvested in the same way as microgreens and do present the potential for re-growth.

Should sprouts be boiled or steamed? ›

Many people consume raw sprouts daily and yet have never faced any trouble. However, for your safety, put some oil in the pan and saute the sprouts for a while to kill the bacteria or can either boil in salt water for 5-10 minutes. Cooking them is even better for your digestive system and the absorption of nutrients.

How do I make sprouts without a refrigerator? ›

Growing sprouts is as simple as soaking sprout seeds in water in a jar or plastic container. Over the course of three to five days, routinely soak the seeds for ten hours, strain them, and replace the old water with fresh water.

Do you wash sprouts before cooking? ›

Rinse your seeds/sprouts.

No matter what sprouting method you use, rinse your seeds/sprouts frequently with clean water. At least twice a day is recommend, 3 to 4 times a day is better. Keeping the seeds/sprouts moist allows them to germinate, and rinsing them frequently helps keep bacteria from growing.

Can you grow sprouts indoors? ›

Because they're harvested before they even become seedlings, you do not need any fancy overhead lights or even soil. Sprouts will grow indoors at any time of year, and typically take just a few days until they're ready to harvest and eat.

What sprouts are easy to grow? ›

A huge variety of seeds can easily be grown to eat as sprouts including radish, pea, chick pea, mung beans, alfalfa, fenugreek, sunflower, lentil, and broccoli. Each has its own unique flavour. Add them to sandwiches, salads, soups and stir fries or eat them on their own.

Can you grow sprouts in pots? ›

Sow seeds thinly, 13mm (½in) deep, in rows 15cm (6in) apart. Thin seedlings to 7.5cm (3in) apart once they are large enough to handle. Grow in pots if clubroot is a problem.

What 3 things are needed for seeds to sprout? ›

Seeds need the proper temperature, moisture, air, and light conditions to germinate.

What is the healthiest sprout? ›

Edible sprouts such as alfalfa, broccoli, mung bean, and radish sprouts, are excellent sources of antioxidants, essential amino acids, and a handful of nourishing vitamins and minerals.

What is the easiest seed to sprout? ›

It's official: beans, peas, and pumpkins are among the top ten easiest plants to grow from seed, according to a list created by the Home Garden Seed Association. Also on the list: cucumbers, zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, lettuce, radishes, and squash.

What is the fastest way to germinate seeds? ›

One easy way to make seeds germinate faster is to presoak them for 24 hours in a shallow container filled with hot tap water. Water will penetrate the seed coat and cause the embryos inside to plump up. Don't soak them for longer than 24 hours because they could rot. Plant the seeds immediately in moist soil.

Can you start seeds indoors without a grow light? ›

With a sunny south-facing window, and plenty of space, starting seeds indoors without the use of grow lights or heat mats is possible – it just requires a little more attention. Seeds will germinate in different areas of your home, depending on their specific temperature requirements.

Can a seed sprout in one day? ›

If the seeds are really fresh, some will germinate in as little as 1 day! The fastest germinating seeds include everything in the cabbage family – bok choi, broccoli, kale, cauliflower etc, and lettuce. The slowest seeds to germinate are pepper, eggplant, fennel, celery, which may take 5+ days.

What vegetable grows fast? ›

Radishes. One of the fastest-growing vegetable plants you can grow is radish. Some types are ready to eat in as little as 3 weeks from seeding.

Which beans sprout the fastest? ›

Mung beans and lentils are the easiest and fastest to sprout. Alfalfa, chickpeas, and adzuki beans are also good for beginners, but need a little more time. Contaminated seeds are usually the source of sprout-related illness outbreaks, so getting clean seeds is essential.

Do you have to soak seeds before sprouting? ›

Soaking seeds before planting helps you to break down the seed's natural defenses against what it expects from Mother Nature, which then allows it to germinate faster. Another reason is that while Mother Nature actively assaults seeds, she also gave those seeds an internal gauge to help them know when they should grow.

Can a seed sprout in 3 days? ›

After a seed is planted it may take as little as 3 days, or as many as 18 days for it to germinate. This depends on the species (or type) of seed. Once a seed germinates, it starts to put down a root, and the top part of the seed will push above the ground in a few days.

How much light do sprouted seeds need? ›

A sprouted seed is no longer a seed but a seedling, a miniature plant. The most important thing to consider and deliver is adequate plant light. Seedlings need more light than full grown plants, ideally as much as 16-18 hours a day.

What can I use as a sprouting container? ›

I suggest using wide mouth quart Mason jars for best air circulation and easy drainage.
  • plastic screen lids for wide mouth Mason jars,
  • metal screens for wide mouth jars.
  • special small screen lids for alfalfa seed sprouting.
  • regular mason jar sprouting screen.
4 Jun 2019

Can you sprout seeds in toilet paper? ›

Place seeds along the center of the strip of toilet paper using the seed package's recommendation for spacing. Starting along the strip's long edge, fold a third of the paper over the seeds, then fold the other third over to cover the seeds completely. Mist the toilet paper again after lightly tamping it down.

Which cloth is used for sprouting? ›

Get a cheesecloth or muslin bag or any light cloth and wrap the sprouts. Tie it loosely and place over a strainer. (keep in a dark ventilated place.)

How do you avoid getting sick from sprouts? ›

To reduce the risk of illness from sprouts

Cook sprouts thoroughly. Cooking kills the bacteria so you can enjoy them in cooked dishes. People with weakened immune systems - the elderly, children and those with compromised immune systems - should avoid eating all types of raw sprouts.

Can you get food poisoning from sprouts? ›

Eating raw or lightly cooked sprouts, such as alfalfa, bean, or any other sprout, may lead to food poisoning from Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria. Thoroughly cooking sprouts kills the harmful germs and reduces the chance of food poisoning.

Can you get Salmonella from home grown sprouts? ›

Sprouts grow best in warm, humid conditions, which can also lead to the growth of germs; when they are eaten raw (as they often are, especially in sprouts sandwiches), it can lead to food poisoning from Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria.

Who should not eat sprouts? ›

Salmonella and E. coli are two pathogens that can contaminate sprouts. Therefore, raw sprouts should be avoided by children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.

Will sprouts regrow after cutting? ›

Sprouts can be ready in less than a week, while shoots should be edible in 1-2 weeks. In addition, when you eat sprouts you eat the emerging stem and the seed, there is nothing left to re-grow. Shoots are harvested in the same way as microgreens and do present the potential for re-growth.

What are the best sprouts to grow at home? ›

  • ALFALFA SPROUTS. Alfalfa sprouts are a very common and popular sprouting variety as they have a mild taste making them great to add to any dish for extra crunch and nutrients. ...

How long does sprouts take to grow? ›

They will germinate in 7-12 days and be ready to plant out about 4 weeks later. If the plants are on a heat bench or in a propogator and they are looking spindly, turn the heat down and try to give them as much light as possible.

How many sprouts do you get from one plant? ›

One plant can produce as many as 100 sprouts. If you want to harvest all of the sprouts on a plant at once, pinch out the growing tip—the top set of leaves–4 weeks in advance of harvest. All of the sprouts on the stem will come to harvest at once. Tendergreen leaves can be eaten as greens or cooked like collards.

How do you speed up sprouting? ›

One easy way to make seeds germinate faster is to presoak them for 24 hours in a shallow container filled with hot tap water. Water will penetrate the seed coat and cause the embryos inside to plump up. Don't soak them for longer than 24 hours because they could rot. Plant the seeds immediately in moist soil.

How long do home grown sprouts last? ›

Sprouts last up to six weeks when properly refrigerated. Once you've harvested your sprouts, learn how to prep and store sprouts in the fridge. Remove the hulls. Remove the hulls from your sprouts if you haven't already and give them a final rinse under cool water.

Do you need soil for sprouts? ›

Sprouts are tiny plants grown without soil. In most cases, nature packages seeds with enough energy to germinate and produce two small leaves before requiring inputs from sunlight and soil. Sprouting encourages this transformation on your kitchen counter along with water and you consume the results.

What is the fastest sprouting vegetable? ›

The 7 Fastest Growing Vegetables You Can Grow At Home
  • 1 Cress – sowing to harvest: 5-7 days. ...
  • 2 Salad leaves – sowing to harvest: 21 days. ...
  • 3 Radishes – sowing to harvest: 25 days. ...
  • 4 Spinach – sowing to harvest: 30 days. ...
  • 5 Carrots – sowing to harvest: 50 days. ...
  • 6 Dwarf green beans – sowing to harvest: 60 days.
25 May 2020

What is the fastest plant to sprout? ›

7 Fastest Growing Flower Seeds
  • Cornflowers.
  • Poppies.
  • Marigolds.
  • Sweet Pea.
  • Sunflowers.
  • Petunias.
  • Nigella.
5 Feb 2019

How often should sprouts be watered? ›

Seedlings should be watered once a day or every other day, depending on how much sun and heat they get. Remember that seedling roots are fairly close to the surface and they're growing in a small amount of media, so they don't need a deep soak the way larger plants do.

What temperature do sprouts grow in? ›

Maintain a sprouting temperature of 70-80 F during the entire sprouting period (about 5 days) for best quality sprouts. Temperatures of between 80 and 85 F result in slightly quicker growth but produce more elongated sprouts.

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