Spider Donut (2024)

On the surface, I won't buy any donuts from spiders.

NPC at the Hotland Spider Bake Sale

The Spider Donut is a consumable item sold at the Spider Bake Sales in the Ruins and Hotland.

Additional Uses[]

  • Using a Spider Donut or Spider Cider during Muffet's fight ends it immediately.
    • Buying a Spider Donut from the Spider Bake Sale at Hotland prevents the fight with Muffet entirely, except in the Genocide Route.
  • There is a 10% chance that "Don't worry, Spider didn't." appears instead of the regular use text when using it in battle outside of Serious Mode.

Flavor Text[]

  • Some spiders crawled down and gave you a donut. [Obtain]
Spider Donut (2024)


How do you beat Muffet peacefully without a Spider Donut? ›

Muffet may be spared by waiting or consuming a spider item (which may be bought at the Ruins). She does not fight if an item was bought at the Spider Bake Sale in Hotland and if the protagonist is on the Neutral or True Pacifist route.

What happens if you buy the 9999G Spider Donut? ›

Buying a Spider Donut from the Spider Bake Sale at Hotland prevents the fight with Muffet entirely, except in the Genocide Route.

What flavor is the Spider Donut? ›

The seasonal treat is a yeast doughnut with orange frosting and topped with a chocolate glazed Munchkins doughnut hole “that mimics a spider, complete with chocolate drizzle for spider legs and white drizzle forming the eyes.”

How to get the Spider Donut? ›

In the Ruins, Spider Donuts can be bought for 7G each and Spider Ciders for 18G each. In Hotland, Spider Donuts and Spider Ciders can be bought for 9999G each.

Is it possible to spare Muffet? ›

If you have to SPARE Muffet manually (because you couldn't afford the Donut or the Cider), you need to wait long enough (17 turns) until Muffet receives a telegram from the spiders in the Ruins who will explain that you are not evil to spiders. Here are some pointers for the Muffet fight if you need to wait her out.

Can you spare Muffet genocide? ›

Muffet will mention that the protagonist donated, but she will still be suspicious of them and attacks. If she is spared, the Genocide Route will be aborted. Once she is spared, Muffet does not appear again as an NPC.

What is the strategy to beat Muffet? ›

The easiest way to beat Muffet is to buy a Spider Donut (or Spider Cider) in the Ruins and then keep it with you until her fight. If you eat it during her battle, she'll realize that you don't actually hate spiders, and end the battle early.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.