Spells to Draw Money to You Fast (2024)

Today, we will see a few easyspells to draw money to you using White Magic. To begin, we will prepare a bottle of the witch with ingredients easily found at home, with the intent of drawing money. A bottle of the witch is simply a charm that is placed in the closet to attract everything you need in your life. The idea is that this bottle with a cap will catch the desired qualities (i.e. wealth) in one place so it won’t stay away from you. We will use the bottle as a powerful tool in these spells to attract money to you.

Draw money to your life with spells

Also we use herbs and silver in quantities of five (5), because this sacred number helps attract the most powerful energies of the universe to your life. Let’s see thesespells to draw money.

Video: Spell to Attract Money Instantly

Do you need to manifest money right now? How much money do you need? Don’t think about it too much, just say what’s the number that would solve your problems right now. Focus on that number. We are going to use it in this spell to attract money instantly.

In a matter of moments, maybe a few hours, you will manifest the money that you need. It is important that you are focused and your energy levels are low during this work of Magic.

You will need:

  • 1 unused pin.
  • 15 coins of any value.
  • 1 dollar bill.
  • 1 green candle.
  • Wooden matches.
  • 1 mason jar.

Spell to attract money instantly

The ritual begins in the night of a waxing moon. Prepare by focusing your mind and relaxing. Think of the number you stated before. You must visualize the amount of money that you need. Don’t be greedy, just what you need. And always stay positive.

1. Place the coins and the rolled bill inside the mason jar.

2. Use the pin to carve the candle. Write the following words: Money, Blessings. Carve your number too.

3. Place the jar in the center of your altar or table. Light the candle with a wooden match.

4. While you let the candle burn, say in a loud voice and with confidence:

“I thank the universe for the money that I receive.”

Meditate for 5 minutes. Snuff out the candle. If you haven’t received the money by tomorrow, light the candle again for 5 minutes.

Keep doing this and always say thank you.You will receive the money soon. Once it’s done, burn the candle all the way and toss the remains.

Spell to draw money to you fast

For the first spell of wealth you will need:

  • A jar or bottle with a cap
  • 5 small coins (pennies or similar)
  • 5 medium-sized coins (for example 10 cents)
  • 5 large coins (for example 25 cents)
  • 5 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • Sesame seeds
  • 5 cloves smell of cinnamon or 5 cinnamon sticks
  • 5 cloves of Jamaica pepper
  • 5 whole Pecans

How to perform this spell to draw money to you fast

This ritual is best done during the transition from new moon to full moon.

Fill the bottle with all the ingredients. Cover the bottle. Shake it and pronounce this spell:

“Silver and grain
Copper and herbs
Bring to me
Great wealth”

Place the bottle in the southwest corner of your kitchen to attract prosperity and abundance. Let’s see some more easy spells to attract money to your life.

Another spell to draw money fast

Gypsy ritual for money

Although you may need only one spell to attract the money in your daily life and bring prosperity in the long term in your life, it is possible that you want to use this other spell instead. This old spell to draw wealth is based on the Gypsy melody “Five Trinka”.

Popularly, it is said that the “Five Trinka” words are so powerful themselves, that it is sufficient to repeat the phrase three times in your mind to attract money immediately. It is also believed that rubbing your hands quickly, while repeating “Five Trinka” attracts money towards you.

However, a more elaborate use of this ritual is illustrated by the following casting of the spell.

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What you will need to attract money into your life:

  • A bowl or Cup
  • Three coins

How to cast this spell to attract money

Place a bowl or a cup in a visible place in your home. Hold three coins in your dominant hand andpronounce:

“Five Trinka, five Trinka,
Generous and charitable spirit
Make that money come my way
Thanks for your help, Trinka Five fairy”

Put the coins in the cup. Repeat this ritual every day for five consecutive days. After the fifth day of performing the ritual, do it once a week until your financial problems are solved.

Spell to attract the money really quick

A reader wrote some time ago, asking whether thespell to attract the money really works. “And in that case”, she asked, “how long will it take for the money to appear?”

It is a good question. The white magic spells to draw money to you are really effective. There is no doubt about that. But there’s a catch: in my personal experience, which dates back to many years ago, I discovered that it must be given time to obtain clear results. Back in the 1990s, I did a lot ofVoodoospells to attract wealth, and it was definitely worth in the long run.

But often, during the first couple of weeks after making spells to attract money, I saw little or no progress. Having great faith in what you are doing is essential. The results eventually began to appear, bringing with it glimmers of hope, and little by little they were accumulating… until the money problems disappeared completely.

Another Magick Spell to draw money

Here is a ritual of white magic to attract money, which can be helpful if you are having economic problems at this time:

Imagine yourself with the money, very comfortable or better yet extraordinarily rich. Do this on a daily basis.

You see, part of the problem with money is that, ultimately, the vast majority of us do not feel worthy. And this prevents us from receiving what we deserve. Perhaps without realizing, when testing spells to attract money for yourself, you tend to have the opposite effect. Spells to attract money require that we get out of the pattern of mental shortage that we have already incorporated. Thoughts such as “I don’t know that I’m going to do if I don’t get money” or “I need the money urgently” send the opposite message to the universe. We should really be saying: “I have enough money and no economic problem, and for that I thank you”.

Money Problems and Rituals

Rituals and spells for money

When the lack of money is your main problem, there are some rituals to attract the money that can help you to get the tickets and coins that you need so much at home.

Lack of money is often brought about because the circle of wealth has been broken, and the mechanisms that are able to attract more money into your economy must be re-triggered. And this is achieved by performing these types of rituals.

However, if you do not have faith or trust them, I must warn you that doing them will not do you any good. So choose the ritual or rituals to attract the money you want from the list below, put all your heart and hope in them, and prepare to see how the universe pays you financially.

6 Very Powerful Rituals to Attract Money Quickly

1. This ritual is better than rubbing a magic lamp!

Do you know the story of Aladdin, the magic lamp, and the genius? For this ritual to attract money is similar. You will need 6 golden candles, olive oil and candelabra to do it.

Light 6 golden candles one Sunday (if on that day the moon is waxing, even better), and rub the candles with a little olive oil gently so that the golden cloak does not fall off. While you rub it, focus on your desire to get urgent money, and visualize how that money reaches you.

For this, place the candles in one or several candelabras, let them burn for an hour and then extinguish them. Do this for 6 days in a row, never leave the candles burning for more than an hour each day, and you’ll be amazed at the results when you get the money you need!

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2. A spell that never fails me

You will need:

  • A green candle (no matter the size)
  • A small plate
  • A brown paper bag
  • A pencil

Spells to draw money to you

Take the brown paper bag, cut a piece, and write in it the amount of money you need and the reason you need it. Do not be greedy, and write only the necessary amount. Fold the paper in half and place it on the plate, light the candle and put it on top of the paper.

While the candle is lit, imagine yourself with that money you need already in your hand; Do not think about it in the future, imagine having it now. Keep visualizing until you feel happy, and let the candle burn.

When the candle has been fully burnt, pick up the remains of the wax and paper, put them in another bag (a plastic or Ziploc bag) and hide it in a place in the secret house where no one finds it.

3. Sugar does not just attract flies!

Sugar is a sweet ingredient that in white magic is also used to attract money quickly and easily. For this ritual you will only need sugar, a container, and a money note or bill.

On a full moon night, take the container and fill it with sugar, place the note inside, and put everything in a place where the light of the full moon will lit it. Leave it there until the new moon, and you will see how soon the money you need appears in your life.

Another variant of this ritual to attract money is to put in a glass honey and water in equal parts and dip 3 coins.

4. A simple ritual to attract money with incense

Sandalwood incense ritual for money

Here you will only need an incense burner and a sandalwood incense stick. Focus and put your mind in a state of meditation, and light the incense. Remember that it must be sandalwood since sandalwood is closely linked in white magic with the power to draw money.

Focus on feeling happiness and love in your heart, and that happiness includes the money you want to attract. Imagine with all your might that your wish comes true, putting as much detail as you can in your visualization.

When you are feeling that your wish will truly come true, repeat the following sentences ten times in a row:

“The magical herbs burn in the fire, bring to my heart this desire.”

5. A ritual with rice and candles to attract money

For this ritual, you will need two glass jars with a lid, two green candles, two handfuls of rice, and six grains of black pepper. You must do this ritual on Tuesday. Boil the two jars in water to sterilize them and remove impurities that may interfere with the ritual or spell.

Let them dry completely, and once done, put in each one a handful of raw uncooked rice, and three grains of pepper. Light a green candle in front of each jar and, after one hour extinguish them without blowing.

Put each candle in each jar, and carry a jar with your candle to your kitchen, and the other jar and candle to your living room or dining room. Leave it in a visible place, not hidden, and when you have managed to attract the money you wanted, throw the candles away.

Getting Money Fast with Sugar Magick

To get fast money one of the most effective and simple things that exist is sugar. It’s cheap, we all have it at home and its power is great, whether to draw money fast or other material things. Because sugar is only used in affirmative rituals, you hardly see sugar being used for negative or dark spells.

To attract wealth, a lot of things are used like laurel, mint, basil, cinnamon, honey, pepper and even salt (salt is another great ingredient of magic, and dual, since it can be used for good or ill), but when it comes to getting money fast, sugar has no equal.

Read Also: A Spell To Make Him Give You Money

Many people believe that we have to do tremendous and complex rituals, full of elements and impossible to find ingredients to see results, but that is totally false. Big rituals work, but something a small easy spell as a little sugar too.

1) The simplest way you can do this is to place some charcoal or coals in a heat-resistant vessel, go through all the rooms of the house and in each of them throw a spoonful of sugar on the burning coal, letting the smoke fill the environment. Each time you pour the sugar you make a statement with the wish you want to come true.

Sugar magick for money

2) A method to get money fast with sugar is to set a bowl with sugar and a few coins inside, and place it outside in the open all night (on any moon except waning).

The next day you remove the coins and leave them on the floor of your house, in every room, in the corners if you do not want to step on them. You can throw away the sugar or put it back in the kitchen.
Before 13 days pass, the money must come to you. After this, remove the coins and discard the sugar.
Repeat the procedure whenever you need to get money fast.

3) Other ritual you can use is as follows:

Take a sheet of green paper (any type of green paper will do).Light a green candle which you have sprinkled with sugar previously.
Take the candle and drop one or two drops of hot wax on the paper and while it is liquid and hot, stick on a coin of very little value.

Do this 10 times, with 10 coins. Let the candle burn.Fold the paper so that you can put it inside a plain paper envelope.

Add a handful of sugar into the envelope and some wax residue from the candle, if there are any remains.

Bury the envelope under a tree in your yard while saying: “All I ask and need, multiply by ten”

If you do not have a tree you can bury it inside a flower pot, but it must be a plant that has flowers at the time.

4) Another great spell for abundance that is good not only to get money fast but also to keep debts well away is as follows:

You should get a bottle or glass jar that is square, it cannot be round.

On each side of the bottle or jar, ou must glue, on the outside, a small mirror or piece of mirror. It will work if you have broken one, but the best thing is that you get small pocket mirrors, the ones you use in your purse to apply makeup. Glue 4 mirrors on the 4 sides of the glass.

This is important to reject all the bad energy of things associated with money in a negative way, such as debts. Inside the container place:

  • A little dirt (so that the debts do not cover your life)
  • A little salt (to absorb negativity)
  • A little ground coffee (to always be vigil for opportunities of money and prosperity)
  • A money note rolled up and tied with a strand of your hair. If you cannot do that, tie it with a green ribbon.
  • 3 silver coins of any value (represent your current wealth or what you already have)
  • 3 gold coins (to draw money to you)

Once you have placed all that, fill up the jar or bottle with sugar. Cover it with a lid.Light a white or green candle and seal the entire edge of the lid with the wax so it is not open. This is the hardest part of this quick money spell, but you have to do it.

Light a white or green candle and seal the entire edge of the lid with the wax so it will not open. This is the hardest part of this money spell, but you have to do it.

Once sealed, place this magical device in your kitchen or near the cash register if you have a business, you can hide it if you do not want it to be seen.

This will be a powerful talisman to attract money and at the same time a great amulet to repel debts.

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Spells to Draw Money to You Fast (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.