Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (2024)

Basics + FAQ Maintenance Baking Troubleshooting

Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (1)

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Many people are creating sourdough starters and exploring sourdough for the first time. It’s exciting to see people diving into a subject that I’m so passionate about!

Over the past month, I’ve received manyquestions on sourdough starters.To create a helpful and easily referenced resource, I’ve put together an extensive Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guidebelow.

If you’ve already established a strong sourdough starter and are experiencing troubleshooting issues related to bread baking, please check out my Sourdough Bread Troubleshooting Guide.

Here you’ll find answers to the following questions and much more:

  • How do I get started?
  • How can I reduce sourdough discard and waste?
  • What flour should I feed my starter? What is a feeding ratio?
  • Why isn’t my starter more active? Should I start over? When can I startbakingwith it?

Note: If you haveadditional questions not addressed, please leave them in thecommentsection.

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Basics + FAQ Maintenance Baking Troubleshooting

Sourdough Starter FAQ:

Q: How do I get started?

A sourdough starter is a culture of naturally occurring wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria used to make naturally leavened, fermented bread. Sourdough starters are active organisms that require regular feedings for best results.

If you’re new to sourdough baking and interested in creating a starter from scratch, I recommend checking out this list of my favoritesourdough resources and toolsbefore getting started.

While I don’t have a sourdough starter recipe, I recommend The Perfect Loaf’s starter guideor Baker Bettie’s starter guide. Be patient as it can take up at least 2 weeks (or longer) to build an active, strong sourdough starter ready for bread baking.

Q: Do I really need akitchen scale?

Yes. This is less of a deal-breaker for creating a starter, but vital for bread baking if you’re looking to achieve consistent results.

Volume measurements are wildly inaccurate (on that note, be sure to learn how to measure flour properly!) and will not yield consistent results for sourdough baking. I recommend this basic scale, but any accurate scale with 1-gram increments will work.

Q: Where are your starter jars from?

I’ve found Weck jars to be perfect because they’re straight-sided. This makes them easy to clean and offers a visual clue as to your starter’s activity level.

If you would prefer to use something else, choose a container that meets the following criteria: 1) easy-to-clean, 2) glass, 3) includes a lid, which can be set askew or is not airtight, 4) is appropriately sized and allows your starter to grow at least 3-4x in volume.

Q: Do I have todiscard sourdough starter? How can I reduce flour waste?

Yes! Discarding part of the starter isrequired to maintain a healthy sourdough starter. This actuallyreduces waste, as it means your starter remains small and requires less flour during feedings. Also, please remember that homemade bread is less wasteful and less resource-intensive than packaged store-bought bread.

When I’m not baking bread, I scale down my starter. If I do plan on making bread, I simply scale it up during the previous night’s feeding (same feeding ratios, just larger quantities) before preparing sourdough breador sourdough pizza dough the next morning. Please remember that you canalways scale a starter up or down; the volume of your starter does not have an impact on its strength.

The best way to reduce the amount of sourdough discard during each feeding is to maintain asmall starteror use the discard in sourdough discard recipes or for bread baking. You can also compost discard or gift dry sourdough starterto friends.

Note: If you want to use the discard, but don’t want to bake every day, you can compile the discard into one jar at each feeding and store this in the refrigerator. You’ll need to bring it back to room temperature (wake it up!) or give it additional feedings, depending on what you are using it for.

Q: Why do some starter guides call for different types of flours?

Methods will vary depending on a baker’s preference and experience.While you can make a sourdough starter with many flour types (do not use bleached flour for any bread baking),whole grain flours will generally yield faster results.

Rye flour is one of the best, as it is higher in nutrients than other whole grain flours. Extra nutrients will often speed up the process. If you don’t have access to rye flour, organic whole wheat flour is the next best option. Most starter guides will transition flour types and instruct you to change feeding ratios as it builds strength.

Whole grain flours contain the germ and endosperm, which become rancid if stored for extended periods at room temperature. Make sure your flour isn’t spoiled before starting.

Q: What kind of flour should I feed my starter?

Sourdough starters can be made and maintained with many different types of flours. All sourdough starters will behave differently, but different flours will yield different characteristics and flavor profiles.

Once your starter is active, I generally recommend feeding it with the type of flour that you will most often bake with. Therefore, if you’re making mostly whole grain bread, you might want to maintain a whole wheat (or predominantly whole grain) starter.

If you plan on baking with bread flour, you might want to slowly transition it to bread flour or unbleached all purpose flour over time.See more on transitioning to different flour types below.

Q: Can I make a gluten free sourdough starter?

Yes, this is possible! Gluten free starters behave extremely differently and require a completely different baking approach. There are various flour options you can try, so you’ll need to do more research to figure out what is best for you.

I am not experienced with gluten-free sourdough baking, but there are great resources (Vanilla and Bean, as well as King Arthur Flour) out there if you’re interested.

Q: Can I use packaged yeast in my starter?

No! Sourdough starters are cultures of wild yeast/lactic acid bacteria. You cannot jumpstart or create an a sourdough starter from commercial or dried yeast.It sort of defeats the point.

Q: What is a 100% hydration starter? What does that mean?

Hydration refers to water (or other liquids) quantity relative to total weight (grams) of flour. A 100% hydration sourdough starter is fed and maintained with equal parts flour and water by weight. Most sourdough bread recipes call for and use this type of starter.

Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (2)
Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (3)

Starter Maintenance Questions;

Q: Can I switch or transition flour types over time?

If your starter is brand new, I don’t recommend constantly switching your flours (type or brand) as this will impact its activity and can create confusion if you’re looking to establish a solid feeding schedule.

However, if your starter is active and mature, you can change flour type as desired or needed. I recommend transitioning the flours slowly over the course of a week. Remember that flours behave differently and you may need to adjust your feeding schedule.

Q: How do I scale my starter up or down for baking or other reasons?

Simple increase or decrease the quantities in your next feeding using the same feeding ratio (seeexplanation below)to maintain your current schedule.Example:

Current Starter Feeding: 20 grams starter: 100 grams flour: 100 grams water (1:5:5 ratio)

Scaled Down Starter:5 grams starter: 25 grams flour: 25 grams water (1:5:5 ratio)

Scaled Up Starter: 40 grams starter: 200 grams flour: 200 grams water (1:5:5 ratio)

Q: Can I preserve mysourdough starter in case something happens? What’s the best way to gift it to other people?

For long term storage, I recommend keeping dried sourdough starter on hand. Follow this guide on how to dry sourdough starter. Great for an emergency back-up or for gifting to friends and family.

Q: Can I refrigerate my starter if I don’t bake frequently?

Yes. If you don’t bake frequently or are going out of town, you can refrigerate a healthy sourdough starter for long period of time. Cold temperatures slow yeast and bacteria activity and will naturally extend how long your starter can sit between feedings.

I don’t recommend continuous refrigeration as it can change the balance of wild yeast/lactic acid bacteria and yield inconsistent results. However, it’s a great option for short-term breaks!

Before refrigerating your sourdough starter, discard a portion and give it a regular feeding. Allow the mixture to sit at room temperature for roughly 1 hour before transferring it to the fridge.

Once you are ready to resume regular feedings or bake with your starter, remove it from the refrigerator and allow it to sit at room temperature (ideally between 74°F-78°F) until it is bubbly and has reached peak activity. Continue with regular feedings and observe its activity.

Depending on how long it has been refrigerated, a refrigerated sourdough starter may require an additional 2 to 3 regular feedings at room temperature before it has resumed regular activity levels and is strong enough for bakingsourdough breador sourdough pizza.

Q: What do you mean by feeding ratio? Which feeding ratio should I use?

Feeding ratios are used to indicate the ratio of sourdough starter, flour, and water in each feeding. Here are a few examples:

1:1:1 ratio = equal amounts of sourdough starter, total flour, and total waterby weight. [Eg. 20 grams sourdough starter: 20 grams flour: 20 grams water].

1:2:2 ratio = [Eg. 20 grams sourdough starter: 40 grams flour: 40 grams water]

1:5:5 ratio [Eg. 20 grams sourdough starter: 100 grams flour: 100 grams water]

*Most sourdough starter guides begin with a 1:1:1 ratio. As your starter becomes more active (more wild yeast/lactic acid bacteria), you will change your feeding ratio to account for the increased activity level.

Once your starter is active and on a reliable feeding schedule, you can adapt your feeding ratio as needed to adjust baking timelines, etc.

Sourdough Starter Baking Questions

Q: How do I know when my starter is ready for bread baking?

Before baking, your sourdough starter should rise predictably and be on a reliable, consistent feeding schedule. If your starter is struggling to rise between feedings or taking a significantly long period to reach peak activity, it is most likelynot strong enough to leaven bread.

This might vary depending on the type of flour you’re using, but your starter should at leastdouble in volume (or more) at peak activity and pass the float test.

My currentfeeding and starteractivity:My two-year-old starter is currently fed King Arthur unbleached bread flour. Using a 1:5:5 ratio, my starter peaks in about 10-12 hours when held at a temperature of roughly 75F.

Q: Do I have to use my starter at peak activity? Can it be used early or late?

Once your starter is active, you can play with these elementsto introduce different flavor profiles into your bread. Younger starters will have a more delicate, sweet flavor. Peaked, slightly fallen starters are higher in acetic acid and will contribute more sourness/tanginess to your loaf.

I prefer to use my sourdough starter at peak activity andwhen it is just beginning to fall, as this has yielded the best results for me. Remember that changing these variables will impact your dough and bulk fermentation times.

Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (4)
Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (5)

Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting

Q: My starter is developing mold. How do I know if my sourdough starter is bad?

If your starter is developing any mold (pink, etc.), throw itout immediately. There is no way to fix or salvage a moldy starter. Check your flours (are they rancid? spoiling?) before starting over.

Q: My starter isn’t showing any signs of activity and it has been several days. Did I kill my sourdough starter?

Be patient and try placing it in a warmer area of your home (76F-80F is ideal). Use your nose as a guide, as it a better tool than visual activity in the beginning. Use recipes as guidelines, not strict timelines. If your starter peaks in activity, feed it. If it sluggish, wait and give it more time.

Many guides indicate that your sourdough starter should be active and ready for baking within less than a week. This is best case scenario and isnot common.Many starters take up to 2 weeks or longer to become active enough to use in bread.

Q: My starter wasreally active on day 2 and 3, and then there was zero activity. What is happening?

It is common for a sourdough starter to have a surge in activity those first few days and then die down. This is normal and the results of another type of bacteria build up, not an indication that your starter is dead.

It will pick up again with time and the right types of bacteria (wild yeast/lactic acid) will increase and become more stable.

Q: My starter is active, but is barely rising between feedings. What do I do?

Stay the course, be patient, and continue with regular feedings until it strengthens. If you’re using a smaller ratio of sourdough starter in your feedings, consider increasing it until the starter gains more strength.

If your starter is not doubling or growing substantially in volume between feedings, it is not strong enough to leaven dough. You can certainly try baking, but you most likely will not achieve proper fermentation.

Q: Why isn’t my starter passing the float test?

Float tests are not fool-proof, but are generally reliable for 100% hydration sourdough starters (starters that are fed equal portions of flour and water). Failed float tests generally indicate the following:

  1. Your sourdough starter is too young and not strong enough for bread baking.
  2. The starter is strong and active, but not quite ready. Allow the starter to sit at temperature for another 30 minutes or hour and test again.

Q: My ambient kitchen is very cold. What can I do?

Wild yeast prefers warmer temperatures. If you’re dealing with cooler temperatures, your sourdough starter will take longer to develop, require more time to peak between feedings, and your bulk fermentation time for bread baking will be extended considerably.This isn’t a deal-breaker, but something to be aware of.

You can try storing your starter in an oven with the light on (please use an ambient thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature as some ovens can easily become too hot). You can also try placing your starter container in a microwave next to a warm bowl of water.

If you’re serious about bread baking and struggling with temperature regulation, I highly recommend a bread proofing box (I own this Brod & Taylor one and love it).

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my other sourdough bread baking resources:

  • Sourdough Bread Baking Troubleshooting Guide
  • Artisan Sourdough Bread Recipe + Step-By-Step YouTube Video
  • Kalamata and Castelvetrano Sourdough Recipe
  • Sourdough Pizza Dough
  • Favorite Sourdough Bread Tools and Resources
  • How to Dry Sourdough Starter
  • How to Store, Freeze, and Refresh Bread

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As a seasoned baker and enthusiast in the realm of sourdough bread making, I'm deeply familiar with the intricate art and science behind cultivating and maintaining a robust sourdough starter. Over the years, I've delved into various resources, conducted numerous experiments, and honed my expertise through firsthand experience in troubleshooting the challenges that arise in creating and maintaining these live cultures.

Let's delve into the concepts covered in the article on sourdough starters:


  1. Sourdough Starter Creation: The process involves cultivating a mixture of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria to ferment bread naturally.
  2. Necessary Tools: The significance of a kitchen scale, proper measuring techniques, and suitable containers like Weck jars or similar ones for maintaining and observing starter activity.
  3. Flour Choices: The impact of different flour types (e.g., rye, whole wheat) on the starter's development and recommendations for using specific flour types for different baking preferences.
  4. Hydration Ratios: Explanation of hydration percentages (100% hydration being equal parts flour and water by weight) and their relevance in feeding the starter.


  1. Getting Started: Instructions and recommended resources for creating a sourdough starter from scratch.
  2. Kitchen Scale Importance: Emphasis on using a kitchen scale for accurate measurements, especially in bread baking for consistent results.
  3. Starter Maintenance: Discarding and feeding routines to maintain a healthy starter while minimizing flour waste.
  4. Flour Choices for Feeding: Guidance on selecting the flour type for feeding based on baking preferences.
  5. Gluten-Free Starters: Brief information on making gluten-free starters, acknowledging the need for different baking techniques.
  6. Using Packaged Yeast: Clarification that commercial yeast cannot be used to create a sourdough starter as it contradicts the purpose.
  7. Feeding Ratio Explanation: Describing various feeding ratios and their adjustments based on the starter's activity level.


  1. Determining Starter Readiness: Indicators to assess a starter's readiness for baking, including rise consistency and passing the float test.
  2. Managing Starter Activity: Insights into using starters at different stages for varying flavor profiles.
  3. Troubleshooting Issues: Addressing common problems such as mold development, initial inactivity, sudden decline in activity, and starter's failure in passing the float test.
  4. Temperature Considerations: How ambient temperatures affect starter development and suggestions for maintaining optimal conditions.
  5. Recommendations for Bread Baking: Links to additional resources for troubleshooting, recipes, and advice on storing, freezing, and refreshing bread.

This comprehensive guide covers the entire spectrum of sourdough starter creation, maintenance, and problem-solving. It aims to empower both beginners and experienced bakers with the knowledge and tools necessary to create and sustain vibrant sourdough cultures for delicious, homemade bread.

Sourdough Starter Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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