Smallest Pinhole Camera for ATM Camera (2024)

March 9, 2020 at 6:25 pm#37642

I recently helped a customer that was looking for the smallest possible pinhole camera for an ATM camera installation. He contacted me with the following requirements.

I am looking for what I believe is called a pinhole camera. My company maintains the security systems for several local banks. One of the ATM cameras recently went out and needs to be replaced. I can send you a picture tomorrow. It is very small and only tiny lens is exposed on the front panel of the ATM machine. I looked online, and found that most people refer to them as pinhole cameras. I am looking for the smallest possible pinhole camera that I can find.

The bank currently has an older analog CCTV system. The existing DVR is not HD, but we may also be interested in upgrading it to HD Please let me know what you recommend.

This was my recommendation to this customer.

You are correct, the security cameras that are typically installed inside of bank ATM machines are pinhole cameras. We have two different styles that you can see below.

Smallest Pinhole Camera for ATM Camera (2)

They are the exact same camera, except that the lens of the one on the left is exposed via a cone shaped lens mount and the other is flat. You can find these cameras here.

MINI-CN4 Pinhole Camera with Cone Lens

MINI-540CO Pinhole Camera with Flat Lens

You can see an example a pinhole camera installation in a bank ATM in this image.

Smallest Pinhole Camera for ATM Camera (3)

One of the great things about both of these cameras is that they BNC hybrid cameras that are compatible with analog CCTV DVRs and 1080p HD security camera DVRs.

You can use either of these cameras with the bank’s existing analog CCTV DVR for now. Then you can later upgrade to an HD DVR and switch the video mode of the camera to HD-TVI, HD-CVI, or AHD (analog high definition mode) to work with the DVR that you upgrade to. We have many customers that buy our hybrid BNC cameras, knowing that they will still work when they upgrade their DVR in the future.

Smallest Pinhole Camera for ATM Camera (4)

The video mode can easily be switched from analog CVBS to any of the three HD formats (AHD, HD-TVU, HD-CVI) using the small joystick that is attached to the camera’ video cable. You can see it in the above image.

If you have any questions about pinhole cameras or anything related to video surveillance systems, please email me here.

Smallest Pinhole Camera for ATM Camera (2024)
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