Slugs and snails / RHS Gardening (2024)

Quick facts

  • Common name: Slugs and snails

  • Scientific names:Arion, Cornu, Deroceras, Limacus and many more

  • Slugs and snails are beneficial in gardens as many slugs and snails are recyclers, feeding on dead leaves, dung and even dead animals

  • They are also an important food source for other garden wildlife, including, birds, beetles and reptiles

  • Slugs and snails are gastropods; a type of mollusc

  • If you want to minimise slugs and snail feeding on your plants, making changes to your growing practices is the best strategy

What do slugs and snails look like?

Slugs and snails are invertebrate animals (with no backbone). They are soft-bodied and covered with mucus to stop them from drying out. Their heads usually have fourretractable tentacles for sensing the world around them, with the top two carrying tiny eyes. Snails can entirely retreat into coiled shells, unlike slugs, which usually don’t have shells visible. In truth, slugs have much reduced shells; for most species the shells are tiny and hidden out of sight under their skin.

There are over 44 species of slugs and 90 species of snails in the UK. They can be very tricky to identify and need close examination of features such as shell shape, sole colour and mucus colour. You can learn more about slug identification, including handy videos, on our Slugs Count project page.

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Slug feeding trails on glasshouse pane

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Common garden snail Cornu aspersum

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White lipped snail Cepaea hortensis (RHS / Georgi Mabee)

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Common garden snail Cornu aspersum

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White lipped snail Cepaea hortensis (RHS / Georgi Mabee)



Are slugs and snails good or bad for the garden?

Gardeners have long thought of slugs and snails as the bad guys,but we are beginning to understand just how valuable they are in the garden ecosystem.

Many slugs and snails feed on decomposing organic matter, such as dead leaves, dung, and even dead slugs and snails. They are beneficial animals to have in a garden as they are a valuable part of the composting process – that’s why you’ve probably seen them feasting in your compost bin, helping to turn plant waste into compost for gardeners to use.

  • More fun facts about slugs

So, slugs and snails can be a gardener’s friend and should be welcomed in our gardens. In addition, they are important food for other garden wildlife, such as birds, frogs, toads, hedgehogs, slow-worms and ground beetles.

Only very few species of slugs and snails feed on live plants. In truth, only young seedlings and plants they find particularly tasty, such as hosta, are severely eaten. You might consider usingsome targeted controls in these few cases, or choosing to grow different plants (see below).

Why are slugs and snails a problem?

Some species of slugs and snails feed on live plant material, and this is why gardeners often consider them an enemy. The netted field slug, brown soil slug and common garden snail are some of the species most likely to be found feeding on garden plants.

These species particularly like to eat soft fleshy leaves and seedlings, leaving ragged holes made with their rasping mouthparts. The keeled slugs stay mostly underground and can sometimes be found tunneling holes in potatoes and other tubers.

Slug feeding happens at night, so often the holes and slime trails left behind will be theonly clues as to who has been nibbling.

Frequently asked questions about managing slugs and snails

Here are our answers to your most common questions about how to deal with slugs and snails.

What makes slugs and snails go away?
Slugs and snails are so abundant in gardens that some feeding is normal. They cannot and should not be eradicated, so targeted management to protect particularly vulnerable plants, such as seedlings and soft young shoots on herbaceous plants, will give the best results.

There are ways to try to minimise slug and snail damage:

  • Choose plants that are less palatable to slugs and snails, such as woody plants, those with thick or waxy leaves and some herbaceous plants known to be less appealing to them. Check the list at the bottom of the page for a list of more slug-resistant plants
  • Transplantsturdy plantlets grown in pots rather than young vulnerable seedlings. Transplants can be given some protection with cloches
  • Predators should beencouraged in gardens to enhance a garden’s biodiversity: some birds, frogs, toads, hedgehogs, slowworms and ground beetles eat slugs and snails
  • Torchlight searchescan be carried out on mild evenings, especially when the weather is damp, hand-picking slugs and snails into a container. They can then be placed in another part of your garden, such as thecompostheap or areas with less vulnerable plants, or left out for predators to take. However some species have homing instincts so may return to their preferred patch!
  • Rake over soiland removing fallen leaves during winter can allow birds to eat slug and snail eggs that have been exposed, but this may make a less welcoming environment for predators and other wildlife
Do slug and snail barriers work?
Barriers, thought to repel slugs, include rough or sharp textured mulches and substances considered distasteful or strong smelling but many of these do not have any scientific evidence to prove they are effective. In some studies, copper-based barriers have been shown to repel slugs. A recentRHS studyin a garden-realistic scenario found no reduction in slug damage from barriers made of copper tape, bark mulch, eggshells, sharp grit or wool pellets.

Should I kill slugs and snails?
It’s much better to learn to live with slugs and snails, especially if you have a garden that has the right conditions for them. They will always be present and are a normal part of the garden ecosystem. If you want to protect your most vulnerable garden border plants or vegetable bed, you might want to manage their population using traps or biological control.

Traps, such as scooped-out half orange, grapefruit, or melon skins, can be laid out cut side down or jars part-filled with beer and sunk into the soil near vulnerable plants. Check and empty these regularly, preferably every morning. Proprietary traps are also available from garden centres and mail-order suppliers.

Biological control (‘Nemaslug’) is specific to molluscs, with no adverse effect on other types of animals, and is available as a microscopic nematode or eelworm watered into the soil. The nematodes (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita) enter slugs’ bodies, infecting them with bacteria that cause a fatal disease.

  • This should only be used in a targeted manner, as it will affect all species of slugs, including the beneficial ones that do not feed on live plants
  • The nematode biological control available to control slugs is unlikely to affect snails, as they rarely come into contact with the soil-dwelling nematodes
  • To be effective, moist, warm soil – temperatures of 5-20ºC (41-68ºF)– is required. So, spring to early autumn is the best time to apply nematodes. Best results are achieved by applying in the evening to moist but well-drained soils; they may be less successful in heavy soilssuch as clay
  • The nematode is available from refrigerated cabinets in some garden centres or by mail order from suppliers of biological controls (download pdf below)
Should I use slug pellets?
No – slug pellets (even organic ones) have been shown to have negative effects on wildlife in the garden. It’s better to encourage natural predators and use the cultural and biological control methods outlined above.

What plants are less likely to be eaten by slugs and snails?

Herbaceous plants
Acanthus mollis(bear’s breeches)
Achillea filipendulina
Agapanthus hybrids and cultivars
Alchemilla mollis
(lady’s mantle)
Anemone × hybrida(Japanese anemone),A. hupehensis(Japanese anemone)
Antirrhinum majus(snapdragon)
Aster amellus, A.× frikartii, A. novae-angliae(Michaelmas daisies)
Astilbe × arendsii
Astrantia major
(elephant’s ears)
Centaurea dealbata,C. montana
Corydalis lutea
Cynara cardunculus
(globe artichoke)
Dicentra spectabilis(bleeding heart)
Digitalis purpurea(foxglove)
Euphorbia species(spurges)
Foeniculum vulgare(fennel)
Fuchsia cultivars
Gaillardia aristata
Geum chiloense
Hemerocallis cultivars
(day lilies)
Papaver nudicaule(Iceland poppy)
Phlox paniculata
Physostegia virginiana
(obedient plant)
Polemonium foliosissimum
Potentillahybrids and cultivars
Pulmonariaspecies (lungwort)
Rudbeckia fulgida
Salvia × superba
Saxifraga × urbium
(London pride)
Scabiosa caucasica(scabious)
Sedum spectabile(ice plant)
Sempervivumspecies (houseleeks)
Solidago species(golden rod)
Stachys macrantha
Tanacetum coccineum
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium
Tradescantia virginiana
Tropaeolum species
Verbascum species(mullein)

Early potatoes are usually unaffected; maincrop potatoes should be lifted as soon as the tubers have matured. Less susceptible varieties include: ‘Romano’, ‘Pentland Dell’, ‘Pentland Squire’, ‘Wilja’, ‘Charlotte’, ‘Golden Wonder’, ‘Kestrel’, ‘Estima’, ‘Stemster’, ‘Sante’ and ‘Pentland Ivory’.

See also...

RHS research on slug and snail control
10 fun facts about slugs
Latest information on the pesticides available to home gardeners (0.4MB pdf)

Slugs and snails / RHS Gardening (2024)


Are snails and slugs good for the garden? ›

The Benefits of Slugs and Snails

Slugs eat all types of vegetation, from roots to shoots—which makes them more destructive than snails. But slugs can also eat small invertebrates, keeping them from overpopulating a garden. The presence of a small number of slugs isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Why are there so many slugs and snails in my garden? ›

On average, 200 slugs live in a cubic metre of soil. That means in an average-sized garden there can be up to 15,000 slugs! Slugs and snails love mild and damp weather, but slugs will still be active in the winter if the temperature stays above 5°C (40°F).

What damage do snails and slugs do to plants? ›


Slugs and snails eat tender plant leaves, stems, flowers and soft, succulent, ground-hugging fruits. Plant such as hosta, lettuce, basil, cabbage, tomatoes, and strawberries are frequent targets. Both slugs and snails chew large, irregular holes in plants and fruits.

Do coffee grounds stop slugs? ›

In one study, coffee grounds were found to reduce the number of snails by up to 50%. In another study, coffee has shown to reduce the number of slugs by up to 90%. Overall, coffee grounds are a safe and effective way to deter snails and other pests.

Will snails ruin my garden? ›

Snails can cause significant damage to your plants, often leaving telltale signs of their presence. Here is how you can detect snail damage: Holes in Leaves: Snails leave irregularly shaped holes in leaves. These holes are often large and ragged, unlike the neat circles left by other pests.

What are the problems with snails in the garden? ›

Crushed eggshells, sand or diatomaceous earth sprinkled around plants that the garden snails seem to prefer will deter and eventually kill these pests. Set out traps - A common snail trap is the beer pan. Simply fill a shallow pan with beer and leave it out overnight.

Does WD-40 stop slugs? ›

Spraying WD40 on the outside of pots or planters will make them too slippery for slugs to climb. This can be effective for pots and planters that sit on a path or patio, but should be kept away from soil or other plants.

What do slugs hate most? ›

Snail and slug resistant plants
  • Most woody shrubs and trees (especially conifers!)
  • Plants with hard, often shiny, leaves (camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas, mahonia)
  • Plants with resinous, herb-flavoured leaves (lavender, rosemary, salvia, monarda, agastache, teucrium).
Mar 11, 2023

What kills slugs instantly? ›

Pouring salt on a slug will kill it in a matter of seconds, however, it generally takes quite a bit of salt to do so. The salt kills the slug through osmosis – it draws water from inside the slug and rapidly dehydrates it.

What are the natural predators of slugs and snails? ›

Vertebrate predators of snails and slugs include shrews, mice, squirrels, and other small mammals; salamanders, toads and turtles, including the uncommon Blandings Turtle Emydoidea blandingii; and birds, especially ground-foragers such as thrushes, grouse, blackbirds, and wild turkey.

What plant repels slugs and snails? ›

Some plants are known to repel slugs and snails, so consider planting them alongside your vulnerable crops. Plants like garlic, onions, mint, and rosemary are natural repellents that can help keep these pests away. Slugs don't generally eat plants that are spiky and have strong oils like lavender and sage.

What do slugs and snails hate? ›

Slugs and snails, unlike us, hate coffee. And coffee grounds also add nutrients to your soil. Coffee grounds are one of the best and most recommended ways to deter slugs and snails from your garden.

Does Epsom salt deter slugs? ›

Epsom salts, though, are an effective control method. Epsom salts contain magnesium, which is a nutrient most plants will utilize. Applying a band of Epsom salt around your beds or plants will work as a slug barrier.

Do marigolds keep slugs away? ›

Slugs love to eat marigolds. Plant mari- golds along your garden's border and hand pick slugs and dispose of them in late evening. Iron phosphate granules (e.g., Sluggo, WorryFree, and Escar-Go). The wheat aroma of these granules attracts slugs.

Does baking soda prevent slugs? ›

Keep Pests Away

Sprinkle baking soda on your soil with a flour sifter to keep ants, roaches and slugs away from your garden. (Be sure to avoid your plants!) It's a safe way to keep beneficial insects around and say sayonara to the ones you're tired of seeing.

Should I remove snails from my garden? ›

Snails in the garden are a problem because they feed on and damage various plants. They spread diseases and parasites and contaminate food crops with their slime trail. Additionally, they can reproduce rapidly, making it difficult to control their population numbers.

Why are slugs bad for gardens? ›

Slugs feed on leaves of many plants (especially seedlings), ripening fruits and vegetables, and decaying plant matter. Extensive feeding can result in a weak or dying plant.

Do slugs and snails have a purpose? ›

Slugs and snails are natures clean-up crews and recyclers.

It's also thought that they aid in fungal spore dispersal, thanks to their diet too. Additionally their shells can form an important source of calcium for other creatures in calcium-poor habitats.

Are slugs good for anything in the garden? ›

As much as we hate them for the damage they do to our garden plants, we need to recognize slugs as an important part of the ecosystems because many species are decomposers and feed on fallen leaves, dead insects and dead worms. They are also food for snakes, toads, turtles and birds.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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