Selling Coins Online: What Coins are in Demand? (2024)

Buying andselling have gone inanentirely new direction with theintroduction of21st-century technology andtheinternet. Many people now sell their products andservices inanonline setting.

And they aren’t just buying andselling software andtechnology. One ofthemost exciting sectors oftheonline marketplace has been theincreasing accessibility ofcollectibles toawider audience. And chief among popular collectibles are coins. Selling coins online isalucrative business ifyou have agood grasp ofthecoin market, andalittle ecommerce know-how.

Research from auction houses shows that lucrative sales ofrare coins are ontherise, with thenumbers climbing uptotheseven figures range. This implies that thecoin market ishealthy, asindicated bytheProfessional Numismatists Guild (PNG).

We’re here totalk about what coins are indemand, andhow you asanentrepreneur can meet these demands byselling toonline buyers. 63percent ofshopping journeys begin online, andthis makes online sites alucrative option toconsider forselling your products—whatever they may be.

Selling Coins Online

Ifyou’ve ever dreamed ofselling coins online, this istheperfect time totry itout. One ofthebest ways tolocate buyers foryour coins istotake them online. And with theplethora ofadvantages offered byEcwid asanecommerce platform, you will automatically open upyour coins toawider audience. You also have theopportunity toclose deals much faster, through online payment gateways andautomatic shipping calculations.

Another reason totake your coins online isincase ofrare coins (those forwhich itcould bedifficult tofind theright buyer), theonline marketplace can beagreat way toget your coins out there forpotential buyers from around theworld tosee. Selling coins has never been easier because ofthewide variety ofoptions available tovalidate them- asyou can also launch your store andsell everywhere, anywhere, anytime.

What Precious Coins are inDemand?

Silver andgold American Eagles generally take thetop spot ontheaverage list ofmost wanted coins, atleast intheEnglish-speaking world. That means, ifyou happen tohave one forsale, you shouldn’t have too much ofaproblem finding abuyer, especially inanonline setting. But ifthat’s not expensive enough foryou, here’s aninspiring tale: themost expensive coin ever sold istheFlowing Hair dollar which isworth $10,016,875. Brasher Doubloon and1933double eagle come next insecond andthird positions andare respectively worth $7,400,000and$7,370,000.

You’ll notice that these coins are not exactly ancient. Infact, most ofthemost lucrative coins sold atauctions were not minted inHomer’s era, but rather between the16th and20th centuries. Though that’s not always thecase: thetop 100charts ofthemost valuable coins ever bought orsold indicate that certain showstopping dinosaurs, like Decadrachm sold for$2,918,000in2012, are still worth more than their weight ingold!

But just because acoin israre andexpensive doesn’t mean that theonly place you can find one isinamuseum. It’s easy tofind andsell rare coins out intheworld, andone way forthecoin enthusiast tobecome alucrative coin monger istosell coins online, with alittle help from Ecwid.

Based ondemand andvalue, thefollowing coins are themost in-demand andcan besold online through your storefront.

Now anycollector can sell coins online. The most


coins, based ondemand andvalue, are 1822Half Eagle, 1796Liberty Cap Cent,


OHalf Dollar, 1344Edward III Gold “Double Leopard” Florin, 1829Capped Head Left Half Eagle, and1794Liberty Cap Half Cent.

1822Half Eagle which was just sold atauction for$8.4million. The coin had roughly 18,000ofthe$5coins minted inthe19th century- 1822tobespecific- but there are only three ofthem inexistence asoftoday. While there isnothing spectacular about thecoin- asitisnot acommemorative coin, its nature asarare coin makes itvaluable. The most valuable intheworld.

1796Liberty Cap Cent which was sold atauction for$705,000. The coin was produced in1796andstruck from avariety ofobverse dies andwhile many ofthe100thousand coins minted since thetime still exist asoftoday, only afew ofthem are ofhigh quality andthegem state isthefinest survivor.

Selling Coins Online: What Coins are in Demand? (2)

1796Liberty Cap Cent. Image source.

Others are 1838- OHalf Dollar, 1344Edward III Gold “Double Leopard” Florin, 1829Capped Head Left Half Eagle, and1794Liberty Cap Half Cent. The expensive ones are Bust Dollar- Class 1-Dexter-Poque Specimen which costs $3.8million, $1million Gold Canadian Maple Leaf ($4.02million), Silver Dollar Class 1-1804(The Watters-Childs Specimen which costs $4.1million), Liberty Head Nickel- Morton-Smith-Eliasberg ($4.5million) among others.

How tosell coins online with Ecwid

One way tomake sales onheritage rare coins across theworld isbycreating your coin store online with Ecwid. Thanks totheinternet, thebusiness ofcoin collecting andselling has gained huge traction because anycollector can now visit specific ecommerce sites andexchange their treasures with others. They can also find out thenews related totheir precious metals right from their homes.

Gone are thedays when numismatics was solely ahobby. Over thepast 20years, ithas increased inpopularity asafull-fledged business. This iswhy anyaspiring coin store owner should understand thevalue ofcoins andbeable toidentify which coins are indemand. And you cannot hope toachieve this without certain fundamental skills, which can bedifficult todevelop.

Toidentify thecoins indemand, ascertain thepreferred denomination andsearch online tofigure out what they are. You can also visit coin shows todetermine what sellers andbuyers need. Now that you have found therare coins andgotten appraisal forthem from Professional Coin Grading Services andNumismatic Guaranty Corporation, consider taking them online because itisone ofthebest options toexploit.

The central idea ofintroducing Ecwid forselling coins online istocater tothepotential troubles ofdoing e-commerce yourself, particularly ifyou donot like togothedirect selling way. Itiseasy tosell coins through theplatform because theoption isfree, andthee-commerce shopping cart feature isloaded tohelp build your business andconnect with customers globally.

Itdoesn’t matter what coins you are selling- beitantique collections, rare currency, ormint pieces, you will beable toset upandmanage your online store. Ecwid works with major website hosts andother CMS toenhance embedding new tools toyour website andensure seamless integration oftheplugins toyour website forexpress delivery ofservices ofonline coin selling.

Towrap itup, before theinternet andecommerce were big business, thebrick-and-mortar approach ofbuying andselling products sufficed andyou did not need toown astorefront. But with thedifferent apps andselling websites available these days, making cash from selling anything—including rare coins—has become both possible andprofitable.


Itismind-blowing tothink acoin worth $1inits time could beworth millions ofdollars today. But that isjust one ofthetreasures that awaits ablossoming coin enthusiast. And inorder tobuy acoin, someone has tosell it! So, ifyou’re aperson with acoin collection, now’s your chance tosell your coins online. Tosucceed inthis business, you will need tofocus onspecific rare coins with thehighest demand onthemarket. But toget started, all you need isanecommerce platform that iseasy touse! That way you can make awebsite tosell through andvoila! You have ahome foryour fledging coin business. Aplace forcoin fans, where you can sell without commissions andtransaction fees, andkeep your costs reasonable.

There are varieties ofoptions tosell coins online, but werecommend anecommerce platform like Ecwid. You can make use ofits distribution channel because ofits in-built audience feature. Bycreating your online store tocollect coin maniacs, including promos andexclusive deals, awebsite allows you toharvest emails foradvertisem*nt andrun engaging campaigns. Synchronizing your website with Ecwid will also enable you toimprove your selling capacity toavery large extent. Already have awebsite? Noproblem! Install Ecwid asashopping cart plugin andyou’re good togo!

Selling Coins Online: What Coins are in Demand? (3)

Selling coins online: making money onselling money.
Learn more

Doyou want tolearn more about starting alocal business?

  • How toMake Money Selling Coins Online
  • What Coins are inDemand?
  • Coins Appraisal: How And Why toAppraise Your Coins Before Selling
  • How toSell Coins onOnline Coin Auction
Selling Coins Online: What Coins are in Demand? (2024)


What coins are in high demand now? ›

The 11 most valuable coins to look out for
1Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle$20,212,100
71913 Liberty Head V Nickel$5,262,100
81894-S Barber Dime$2,412,200
9Lincoln Head Copper Penny$2,325,200
101893 Morgan Silver Dollar$551,272
6 more rows
Mar 23, 2023

Where can I sell my coins to make the most money? ›

Selling numismatic and collectible itema through an auction house is a popular choice for large coin collections that include many extremely rare coins. In fact, auction houses tend to be very successful in selling valuable coins, as they usually have many regular, affluent auction participants.

Can you make a living selling coins? ›

The simplest answer to this question is, yes you can make money buying and selling coins. All you have to do is gain some coin knowledge and acquaint yourself with the coin conditions, grading standards, coin values, and of course, the coins you want to collect. As easy as it may sound, do not rush.

What year dimes are worth keeping? ›

Roosevelt Dimes (1946–1964)

The Roosevelt dimes minted before the Coin Act have premium silver content and can be worth much more than their face value. They are characterized by the image of President Roosevelt, as their name implies.

What are luckiest coins? ›

Many coin collectors consider both Peace Dollars and Morgan Dollars lucky among U.S. currency, likely because both of them contain a large amount of silver compared to other circulated currency. Experienced collectors often advise newcomers to start their collection with a lucky silver dollar.

Should I clean coins before selling? ›

Don't clean your coins! Not only does this cut their value by as much as half (or possibly even more), but it will be an immediate deal-breaker for many dealers who would've otherwise wanted to buy your coins if only they were left in their original condition.

Which coin is best profitable? ›

9. Bitcoin – Coin With the Potential to Become one of the Most Profitable Crypto. Bitcoin was the first digital asset to come into existence in the crypto space. In fact, for its early investors, BTC has been the most profitable cryptocurrency to invest in.

What coins make $100 dollars? ›

Modern union coins

The $100 denomination has been produced by the US Mint since 1997 in the form of the American Platinum Eagle bullion coin.

Who gives the most money for old coins? ›

The obvious place to sell your old coins is your local coin shop. They will be your best bet for selling low- to mid-range old coins like Wheat cents, Buffalo nickels, junk silver, and scarce silver coins and silver dollars. Check online reviews and feedback for coin stores in your area, and choose a couple to visit.

How do I get the most value for old coins? ›

Hire a professional appraiser to grade your coins and tell you how much it is worth. The American Society of Appraisers and International Society of Appraisers have searchable directories of professional appraisers. A dealer might also be able to help.

Does selling coins count as income? ›

Collectibles are considered alternative investments by the IRS and include things like art, stamps, coins, cards, comics, rare items, antiques, and so on. If collectibles are sold at a gain, you will be subject to a long-term capital gains tax rate of up to 28%, if disposed of after more than one year of ownership.

Is there money in coin collecting? ›

With coin collecting, as with collecting other items, the more rare the coin, the more valuable it is. investing in rare coins has the advantage of potentially providing significant profits. However, it also has downsides to consider, including the fact that earning money investing in rare coins takes time.

How do I find out how much my coin is worth? ›

Get your coin officially appraised by a coin appraiser.

Professional coin appraisers and dealers can give you the most accurate, up-to-date value of your coin. They will base their appraisal on their expert opinion of the coin's condition.

What pennies are worth a lot of money? ›

Here's a list of the top 10 most valuable pennies for 2023:
  • 1) 1944 Steel Wheat Penny - $408,000.
  • 2) 1943 Copper Wheat Penny - $250,000.
  • 3) 1856 Flying Eagle Penny - $25,000.
  • 4) 1873 Indian Head Penny - $10,000.
  • 5) 1858 Flying Eagle Penny - $10,000.
  • 6) 1857 Flying Eagle Penny - $7,000.
  • 7) 1914 D Wheat Penny - $5,500.
Mar 1, 2023

Are wheat pennies worth money? ›

“There are millions and millions of wheat pennies and most commonly they trade for three-to-five cents a piece. If you're looking for a particular date, it can be much, much more than that. The rarest is the 1909 VDB. Those can be worth anywhere from $700 to $1,500 depending on the coin's grade.

What dimes are worth $2000? ›

Should no letter be present, you may be in luck. Because of this error, this particular 1982 “No P” dime is considered rare and could be worth up to $2,000 (or even more).

What quarter years are worth money? ›

Which US Quarters Are Worth Money?
Mint YearPrice Value
2001-P Kentucky MS 69$2,585
2005-P California MS 69$2,950
2004-D MS 66 extra leaf high Wisconsin$2,530
2008-D New Mexico MS 62$2,500
13 more rows
Feb 16, 2023

What years are junk silver dimes? ›

U.S. 90% (or "junk") silver coins are dimes, quarters, or half dollars minted in 1964 and earlier, when U.S. coinage was still made of real silver (90% silver, 10% copper).

What is the luckiest penny? ›

A lucky penny can be even luckier when they are of a certain kind. For example, the Indian Head Penny and the Wheat Penny are both considered lucky because of their rarity and higher value. The Indian Head Penny was in circulation from 1859 – 1909 when the Wheat Penny was introduced.

What are coins attracted to? ›

  • The substances that can be easily magnetised and are attracted towards magnet are known as magnetic materials.
  • Cobalt, nickel, iron are magnetic materials.
  • Coins do contain nickel, so they are attracted towards magnets.

Which coin side has a higher chance? ›

A coin has 2 possible outcomes because it only has two sides (heads or tails). This means that the probability of landing on heads is 1/2. So, the probability of landing on heads is (1/2) x 100, which is 50%.

What not to clean coins with? ›

Never use metal polish or acid dip to clean your coins! Using these chemicals will cause abrasions or chemical reactions with the metal, permanently damaging your coin. This damage can never be fixed or undone. Additionally, these chemicals can be caustic and cause injury or even death.

Why do coin collectors not clean coins? ›

Most coin cleaning products are abrasive, and could damage the coin. Non-abrasive chemicals can still react with the other metals found in some old coins. The physical act of scrubbing or polishing can also wear down the design, destroying one of the most important factors in deciding a coin's grade.

Why don t coin collectors clean their coins? ›

Patina, that green film that forms on old metals due to exposure over the years, is actually desired and appreciated by avid coin collectors. It is best not to clean rare coins as removing the patina can significantly reduce the value of them. For this reason, most coin hobbyists almost never clean their coins.

Will Shiba Inu coin reach $1? ›

Theoretically, as tokens are burned, Shiba Inu's price will increase in equal proportion. For Shiba Inu to rise to $1 from here purely through the burn mechanism, the community would have to eliminate 99.9998% of the tokens currently in circulation, bringing the total down from 589.3 trillion to just 6 billion.

What is the next gen coin? ›

coin (NEXT) is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to get involved in peer-to-peer trading and make payments online. The platform can also be used as a monetary payment gateway.

What is the next Bitcoin like investment? ›

If you're thinking of investing in cryptocurrencies, you're probably already considering Bitcoin. But other coins, like Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Cardano, Binance Coin, Polkadot, Solana, and Avalanche are strong options for diversifying your crypto portfolio.

What dollar coin is worth the most? ›

1803 Draped Bust Silver Dollar - This is one of the rarest and most valuable coins, and only four of them are known to exist. Each of these coins are worth around $1 million if they are in good condition.

What is the most common dollar coin? ›

Morgan dollar (1878–1904, 1921, 2021-present)

The 1921-dated coins are the most common, and there exists a substantial collector market for pristine, uncirculated specimens of the rarer dates and mint marks.

How much is a buffalo nickel worth? ›

Key Takeaways:

The 1937 Buffalo nickel is worth between $0.5 and $20. Errors and the mint mark are the key components affecting the coin's value. The three-legged 1937 Buffalo nickel is the most common valuable error that goes for thousands of dollars.

Is there an app to scan coins for value? ›

CoinFacts (PCGS mobile app)

Many coin collectors say the first place to start for any coin collector or enthusiast is with PCGS — offering a variety of different coin-collecting apps for both iOS and Android. PCGS claims they're the industry standard for grading and valuing coins.

How do you know if a coin is worth money? ›

Mintage Means Money

One quick way to determine if a coin is rare or valuable is to look at the mintage. That's the number of copies of the coin that the US mint produced (aka issued). The lower the original number of copies printed, the more valuable a coin will likely become.

How do I find out what my coins are worth? ›

One of the best resources for finding the worth of a coin is a book that's known as The Official Red Book which is titled as “A Guide Book of United States Coins” this book is invaluable when collecting coins and will provide you with information such as mintages, grade values, auction records, and information on the ...

Which coins will reach $1? ›

Top 5 Cryptos Under $1 That Could Give 50x Gains in 2023 Bull...
  • RenQ Finance (RENQ) – The Hottest DeFi Token, Currently in Presale Providing All In One DeFi Platform.
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) – Community Supported MEME Coin.
  • Cardano (ADA) – Layer-1 Blockchain.
  • Dogecoin (DOGE) – Backed By Elon Musk.
Mar 19, 2023

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.