Self Managed Super Fund Investment NSW, AUS | UYFF (2024)

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    Are you wanting more control of your superannuation?

    Our financial planning partner assists clients to explore and achieve their financial goals when it comes to investing in super, protecting your assets as well as your income.

    If you are considering a self-managed super fund our team will design a plan specifically for you. They give you full transparency on the benefits of a SMSF, but also the risks and limitations of this superannuation vehicle for retirement. Giving you full control and straightforward advice.

    What is a Self-Managed Super Fund?

    ASelf-Managed Super Fund (or SMSF)is a superannuation fund where you, the members, are also the trustees of the fund.

    What does this mean? Trustees of superannuation funds have total control over the fund, including the investment approach, and are responsible for the retirement needs of each member.

    This ‘control’ facet is a common reason for members setting up their own fund as well as families consolidating their monies to invest, nonetheless with this control also comes responsibility.

    Consulting a SMSF Advice Specialist is an important step inensuring that your financial goals and desires towards retirement can be achieved, are suitable and tailored to meet your plans.

    To give you further insight into Self Managed Super we have highlighted some key points:

    • A Self Managed Super Fund can have one to four members, and each member must be a trustee.
    • Typically you will require a combined member value of $150,000 to make set up & ongoing costs worthwhile.
    • You are required to keep comprehensive records of the fund and annual audits need to take place.
    • Ideally a SMSF is for investors who want control, however, if you have limited experience this can be addressed with your SMSF Financial Advisor.
    • With the new guidelines in place, all investment strategies need to consider life insurance for its members and have this reviewed annually.
    • It has to be clearly noted that all funds are used purely for retirement purposes.

    Did you know?

    • You can buy investment property using your money in a Superannuation Fund as a deposit and to borrow money to buy a property.
    • Means that you can have an investment property without using any of your savings.
    • You will still receive your 9% employers contribution which will go into the SMSF.
    • The rent and the employer’s contribution will be used to cover the costs associated with managing an investment property.
    • Property within a SMSF is exempt from Capital Gains Tax when its sold after a person reaches retirement age.
    • You manage your money, instead ofpaying fees to a large organization that takes your money whether they make a return for you or not.

    Self Managed Super Fund Investment NSW, AUS | UYFF (4)

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    Are you wanting more control of your superannuation? Our financial planning partner assists clients to explore and achieve their financial goals when it comes to investing in super, protecting your assets and your income.

    If you are considering a self-managed super fund our team will design a plan specifically for you.

    Start Investing

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    Self Managed Super Fund Investment NSW, AUS | UYFF (2024)


    Is it worth doing a self-managed super fund? ›

    In conclusion, setting up an SMSF is worth the time for those who want greater control over their retirement savings, who have a super balance large enough to achieve good results, and who have a good understanding of investments.

    What are the disadvantages of SMSF? ›

    Disadvantages of SMSFs
    • Responsibility. All decisions and responsibilities for managing the SMSF rest with the trustee. ...
    • Cost. ...
    • Limited Ability to Diversify. ...
    • Lack of Compensation Scheme.

    How many Australians have a self managed super fund? ›

    More than 1.1 million Australians have a self-managed super fund.

    Can I take money out of my self managed super fund? ›

    At what age can you withdraw money from your super or SMSF? Super accounts are generally designed to fund your retirement. So, this means that it's only possible to access funds once you have reached your 'preservation age' and when you've permanently retired.

    Can I start a SMSF with $100,000? ›

    SMSFs with $100,000 to $150,000 are competitive with APRA regulated funds (SMSFs of this size can be competitive provided the Trustees use one of the cheaper service providers or undertake some of the administration themselves).

    What is the average age of SMSF members? ›

    The median age of SMSF members of newly established funds in 2021-22 was 46. The median age of all SMSF members was 62 as at 30 June 2023. The average member balance for females increased by 23% over the five years to 2021-22, while the average balance for males increased by 19% over the same period.

    How much money can you put in a SMSF? ›

    The maximum amount that can be contributed to super for a home deposit, using the FHSSS, is $30,000 and any super contributions made must be within the annual contributions caps i.e. $25,000 for concessional contributions or $100,000 for non-concessional contributions.

    What is the minimum balance required for SMSF? ›

    There's no minimum balance required to set up an SMSF, but it usually becomes cost-effective once you have a balance of $250,000 or more. You will need to pay the annual supervisory levy to the ATO and arrange for an accountant to prepare the financial statements and tax return, and conduct an independent audit.

    Can a SMSF member have a zero balance? ›

    An SMSF Member can have a nil-balance as long as they have the intention to contribute to the Fund. There is no set time limit of when the Member should start contributions, as long as the intention remains.

    How long does it take to set up an SMSF? ›

    + How long does it take to setup an SMSF? ESUPERFUND will forward documentation to you for signing to establish your SMSF within a few minutes after submitting the online application. Once you have signed and returned the Establishment documentation, it takes approximately 4 weeks to establish your SMSF.

    How hard is a self managed super fund? ›

    SMSFs take time and money

    Even if you get professional help, it's time-consuming. You need enough time to set up the fund, and time to manage ongoing activities, such as: researching investments. keeping up to date with changes in superannuation and tax laws.

    What is the average size of SMSF? ›

    At 30 June 2021: SMSFs had assets of almost $1.5 million on average, up 15% from the previous year and 25% from 2016–17. the median SMSF asset size was $835,000, up 18% from the previous year and 30% from 2016–17.

    At what age can I access my SMSF in Australia? ›

    The answer depends on a few factors, including your age, your employment status and your super balance. Generally speaking, you can access your SMSF from age 55 if you're retired or from age 60 if you're still working. However, if you have a large super balance, you may be able to access your SMSF earlier.

    What is the best bank account for SMSF? ›

    Popular bank accounts for SMSF's are Macquarie CMA (our preference), U Bank , Rabo Direct Bank and the big 4 banks. When rolling over funds from a retail fund to an SMSF, the retail funds only give paper cheques. No retail fund offers electronic transfers.

    What are the pros and cons of SMSF? ›

    The advantages and disadvantages of a self-managed super fund
    • The Advantages of a Self-Managed Super Fund.
    • Investment Choice.
    • You Have Total Control.
    • Flexibility and Agility.
    • Accountability.
    • The Disadvantages of a Self-Managed Super Fund.
    • You Require Legal and Financial Knowledge.
    • It's Time Consuming.

    What is the average return on self managed super fund? ›

    SMSFs meet and often beat APRA fund returns
    All SMSFs6.9%14.8%
    APRA funds7.8%16.0%
    SMSFs with more than $200,000 and less than 80% cash or term deposits8.0%15.8%
    Jun 22, 2023

    How much money is needed for a self-managed super fund? ›

    There's no minimum balance required to set up an SMSF, but it usually becomes cost-effective once you have a balance of $250,000 or more. You will need to pay the annual supervisory levy to the ATO and arrange for an accountant to prepare the financial statements and tax return, and conduct an independent audit.

    How much deposit do you need for a self managed super fund? ›

    SMSF properties typically require a LVR (loan-to-value-ratio) of 70-80 per cent. That's a $150,000 (20%) to $240,000 (30%) deposit on a property worth $800,000. You will also need money set aside (generally around 5%) to cover other fees and charges like stamp duty and professional fees like conveyancers.

    How much does it cost to run a self managed super fund? ›

    What Are SMSFs Typical Annual Management Costs?
    Expense typeMedian amount 2021–22
    Investment expenses$6,831
    Management and admin expenses$3,039
    Forestry managed investment scheme$1,968
    Supervisory levy$259
    6 more rows
    Mar 25, 2024

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