Self-Administered Questionnaire Method: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages (2024)

Self-Administered Questionnaire Method: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages (7)

What is a Self-Administered Questionnaire?

A self-administered questionnaire (also referred to as a mailed questionnaire) is a data collection tool in which written questions are presented that are to be answered by the respondents in written form.


A written questionnaire can be administered in different ways, for example:

  • Sending questionnaires by mail with clear instructions on how to answer the questions and requests for mailed responses;
  • Gathering all or part of the respondents in one place at one time, giving oral or written instructions, and letting the respondents fill out the questionnaires; or
  • Hand-delivering questionnaires to respondents and collecting them later.

Other delivery modalities include computer-delivered and intercept studies.

To reach their respondents, computer-delivered, self-administered questionnaires use organizational intranets, the Internet, or online services. Intercept studies are those that are conducted in person, generally in a public place or business point.

For instance, interviewers might approach patrons leaving a restaurant and ask to interview them about their experiences. Interviewers might ask the questions or simply explain the project and give the questionnaire to the respondents.


The surveys might be completed on paper, on a tablet (iPod, Android, etc.), or a laptop.

Intercept studies may use a traditional questionnaire or a computerized instrument in a predetermined environment without the interviewer’s assistance.

The questions included in the questionnaire can be either open-ended or closed (with pre-categorized answers).

Electronic Method of Self-Administered Questionnaire Method

In recent times, electronic surveys can be conducted by e-mail or administered on the Internet or the Web (Malhotra, 2007).

E-mail interviews

To conduct an e-mail survey, a list of e-mail addresses is prepared. The survey is posted within the body of the e-mail message. The e-mails are then sent out over the Internet.

E-mail surveys use pure text (ASCII) to represent questionnaires and can be received and responded to by anyone with an e-mail address, whether or not they have access to the Web.

Respondents type the answers to either closed-ended questions at designated places, and click on ‘reply.’ Responses are entered in a pre­designed sheet and tabulated. Note that data entry is typically required in such surveys.

Internet Interviews

In contrast to e-mail surveys, Internet or Web surveys use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the language of the Web, and are posted on a Web site.

Respondents may be recruited over the Internet from a potential respondent database maintained by the research firm, or they can be recruited by conventional methods (mail, telephone). Respondents are asked to go to a particular web location to complete the survey.


Many times, respondents are not recruited. Rather, they happen to be visiting the Web site where the survey is posted (or other popular Web sites), and they are invited to participate in the survey.

Many national dailies are currently conducting opinion polls addressing current issues of national interests employing this device.

Advantages of Self-administered Questionnaire

Considerably low cost

The economy is one of the most obvious benefits of a mailed questionnaire. The mail questionnaire does not require a trained staff of interviewers and supervisors; it only requires the cost of planning, sampling, duplicating, mailing, and providing self-addressed envelopes for the returns.

Processing and analysis costs are usually simpler and cheaper than other survey methods.

Ease in locating respondents

Except in extreme cases, locating respondents in a mailed questionnaire survey is sometimes easier, especially if the survey is conducted with specialized and hom*ogeneous samples.

Saving of time

The mailed questionnaire can be sent to all respondents simultaneously, and most replies will be received within a week or so. It is, however, also true that final returns may take several weeks or longer.

Respondent’s convenience

The respondent may devote total time on it than he or she can do so in an interview study. This convenience may help him or her to answer more correctly. Also, this gives him or her more time to deal with difficult questions.

Greater anonymity

The absence of an interviewer provides the respondent with greater anonymity. This makes him or her more willing to provide socially undesirable answers or answers that violate norms.

Less chance of biasing error

There is no opportunity for the respondent to be biased by the presence of an interviewer. The personal characteristics of the interviewer and the variability of their skills may result in the biasing effect.


In a face-to-face interview, the respondent may mistrust the interviewer or dodge certain questions or give misleading answers. A mail questionnaire is, in general, free from this error.

Standardized wording

A comparison of respondents’ answers is facilitated by the fact that each respondent is exposed to the same wording.

However, this advantage may be waived out of the respondents’ varying levels of understanding due to the differences in their level of education.

Ease in securing information

The mail questionnaire allows the respondent to consult his records, and personal document, and consult with colleagues or other people for genuine information that he wants to provide.

Greater accessibility

Finally, respondents who are widely dispersed geographically can all be reached for a price of a postal stamp, as compared to expensive travel costs for interviewers.

Disadvantages of Self-administered Questionnaire

Limitations of the questionnaire

The only short and straightforward questionnaire with a few complex, open-ended, screening, and/or tedious questions can be used so that the respondents can understand with the help of the printed instructions and definitions.

Low response rate

The greatest disadvantage of the mailed questionnaire is its low response rate. In contrast, in interview studies, the vast majority of the interviews are completed, and the reasons for non-response rates are known.

Mailed studies sometimes receive a response rate of as low as 10 percent, and 50 percent is considered adequate.


The answers received in a mailed questionnaire have to be accepted as final because there remains no scope to probe beyond the given answer to clarify an ambiguous one, to overcome unwillingness to answer a particular answer.


Verbal behavior

No interviewer is present to observe non-verbal behavior or to make personal assessments of the respondent’s social class or other pertinent characteristics. A lower-class respondent may pass himself off as upper class in a mailed questionnaire, with no challenge from an interviewer.

Reasons for refusal not known

It is not always possible to determine the characteristics of non-respondents and reasons for refusals.

No control over the sequence

No control can be maintained over the sequence in which the questions are answered.

When the respondent fills in the questionnaire, he can see all the questions before answering anyone, and the different answers cannot be treated as independent. Following the sequence of a questionnaire is important because it eliminates response bias.

No control over the environment

In interview studies, the interviewer often takes great pains to ensure that a standardized environment exists for every interview.

In a mailed questionnaire study, there is no assurance that the respondent can complete the answers without interference from others. This may also lead to an invasion of privacy.

High item non-response bias

Without supervision, the respondent may leave some unanswered questions while filling in the questionnaire. This is particularly true for sensitive and socially undesirable questions.

Cannot record spontaneous answers

When it is important to secure only one person’s views uninfluenced by others, this method is inappropriate. Moreover, the respondent has an opportunity to erase a hasty answer that he or she later decides is not diplomatic.

No way to supplement the answers

With a mail questionnaire, there is no opportunity to supplement the respondent’s answers by observational data.


No way to check the correct identity of the respondents.

With a mail questionnaire, the investigator cannot be sure that the right person has completed the questionnaire.

Dealing with Non-response in Mailed Interview

Low non-response rates may also be achieved through sub-sampling the non-respondents.

Suppose a sample of size 1000 is selected, and a questionnaire is mailed to them. The study’s objective is to ascertain the prevalence of smoking (P) among the respondents. Suppose further that 700 of them fill in and return the same.

Thus the initial number of non-respondents is 300. As a first step, reminders are sent to these 300 non-respondents. Assume now that out of these 300 non-respondents, 100 fill in and return the questionnaire.

There are now 800 respondents from whom responses have been received. The response rate is 0.80, and the non-response rate is 0.20.

The second step calls for selecting 40 of those non-respondents and interviewing them. We assume that it has been possible to elicit responses from all 40 individuals. To estimate P, the following estimator is now used:

p = 0.8pt +0.2p2

where p1 is the estimate applied to the data collected by mail, and p2 is the estimate applied to the data collected by interview. P1 would have been the estimator if no interviews had been carried out.

Improving Response Rates in Mail Survey

We enumerate below a few points that lead to a higher response rate in the mail survey:

Follow-up: Follow-ups and reminders are highly remunerative in getting good returns. Since each successive follow-up produces more returns, researchers can potentially achieve an extremely high total response rate through repeated follow-ups.


Prior notification

Evidence is there that advance notification is effective in increasing response rates. For this purpose, telephoning seems to be the best device for advance notification.

Return envelopes

Including a self-addressed and stamped envelope encourages the respondents to return quickly.

Cash incentives

Some provision of monetary incentives is highly likely to increase the response rate.


The sponsorship of the mail questionnaire significantly affects respondents, often motivating them to fill it out and its quick return. Sponsorship guarantees the study’s legitimacy and value. Therefore, investigators must include information on sponsorship, usually in the questionnaire’s cover letter.



The researcher should appeal to the respondents’ goodwill, telling them that he/she should participate by filling out the questionnaire and mailing them back.

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Self-Administered Questionnaire Method: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages (8) Muntasir Minhaz Muntasir runs his own businesses and has a business degree. Founded and writes on various business subjects.

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Self-Administered Questionnaire Method: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages (2024)


Self-Administered Questionnaire Method: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages? ›

Advantages of self-administered questionnaires include cost-effectiveness, flexibility in timing, and respondent privacy. However, they may suffer from low response rates, potential respondent misinterpretation, and limited clarification of doubts. Designing clear and concise questions is crucial.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-administered questionnaires? ›

Some advantages of self-administered questionnaires are that they have increased anonymity, respondents have more control over the pace at which they complete the survey, and surveyors have more autonomy over the process of drafting and deploying the survey.

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Advantages of questionnaires include their ability to gather large amounts of data quickly and easily, and their potential to reach a wide audience. Disadvantages include the possibility of low response rates, potential for respondent bias, and limited ability to clarify or probe responses.

Which of the following is an advantage of self-administered surveys? ›

Respondents answer at their convenience. There is no need to set up interview appointments. Surveys are delivered wherever the mail or email goes: city or country, home or office. No interviewer is present to inject bias in the way questions are asked.

What are the advantages of self completion questionnaires? ›

Self-completion questionnaires often use closed questions, they are able to be pre-coded and the responses given can be converted into quantitative data with relative ease. This is beneficial as it allows researchers to be more objective in the judgements they make when they are drawing conclusions from their findings.

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Disadvantages of Self-Report Data

Self-reports are subject to these biases and limitations: Honesty: Subjects may make the more socially acceptable answer rather than being truthful. Introspective ability: The subjects may not be able to assess themselves accurately.

What are 2 disadvantages of questionnaires? ›

  • Not everyone may be motivated to take a questionnaire, especially if online.
  • Unsuitable for those with literacy issues, and translations may be needed for those who are unfamiliar with English.
  • Without careful design and testing, questionnaires can lead to misinterpretation and low response rates.

What is an advantage of using a self-administered questionnaire Quizlet? ›

70) There are three important advantages to self-administered surveys: reduced cost, respondent control, and no interview evaluation apprehension.

What are the challenges of self administered questionnaire? ›

One of the main challenges is ensuring a high response rate and avoiding non-response bias. Respondents may ignore, forget, or refuse to complete the questionnaire, or may not receive it at all. This can result in a low or unrepresentative sample of the population, and limit the generalizability of the findings.

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o Disadvantages: Person-administered surveys are human error, slow data collection, high cost, and interview evaluation apprehension among respondents.

What is an example of a self administered survey? ›

One of the most common types of self-administered surveys are mail-in questionnaires. Online questionnaires sent out to respondents via email invitations is another example of a self-administered survey. Apart from paper and online forms, self-administered surveys also come in the form of oral tests.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the survey method? ›

Table 1
• Visual aids can be used• Time inefficient
• Higher response rates• Training to avoid bias
• Allows clarification• No visual aids
• Larger radius than personal• Difficult to develop rapport
11 more rows

What are the advantages of self administered approach? ›

A considerable advantage of the self-administered survey is the potential anonymity of the respondent, which can lead to more truthful or valid responses. Also, the questionnaire can be filled out at the convenience of the respondent. Since there is no interviewer, interviewer error or bias is eliminated.

What is the major advantage of self-report surveys? ›

Advantages of self-reports include having high reliability and validity and typically time and cost-effective research that can be easily quantified.

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Advantages of Questionnaires

Efficiency: Collect responses from many people at once, saving time and effort. Cost-Effectiveness: They are a cost-effective data collection method compared to interviews or focus groups.

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Pros and Cons of Possessing a self-monitoring personality factor
Blend easily in social situationsDo not change regardless of the situation
More friendly, less anxiousLess friendly, more anxious
Use situational factors to explain behaviorUse dispositional factors to explain their behavior
4 more rows

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Furthermore, self-study can lead to significant cost savings, such as avoiding tuition fees. However, there are drawbacks to consider. Firstly, it can be challenging for learners to accurately assess their own abilities. Additionally, they may struggle to apply academic skills to real-life situations.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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