Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (2024)


Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (1)

Learn how to schedule pins for free! There are times when you might want to pin a picture or post to several of your boards on Pinterest. Got a great recipe for Chilli and want to pin it to your recipes, family favorites, Mexican Food and your favorite group boards? Why not, BUT who wants to spam Pinterest by pinning the same thing 3 or 4 times all at once so you look like you are trying to take over the Pinterest feed of your followers. There has got to be a better way!

If you could spread out your pins, schedule them so that they were going to post to your boards over the course of the next two days there are a LOT of benefits.

  • You won’t look like a Pinterest spammer and turn off your followers or even loose them
  • you’ll get your pins on the boards you want to feature them on, maybe even a group board or two for wider reach
  • you are more likely to get your content in front of more followers by spreading the timing.

This really is the one major feature missing from Pinterest and it looks like there isn’t any immediate plan to introduce it.

There are several paid options out there for scheduling pins, but there is also one notable exception – Pinwoot – which is free and allows up to 60 pins a month to be scheduled. We looked at Pinwoot a little while back because its also a great place to get new Pinterest followers, and more likes and repins.

Since joining, I have concentrated on generating more traffic from Pinterest by giving more seeds for pins and likes and less for new followers. I’ve certainly noticed an increase in traffic from Pinterest and an increase in followers from those repins and likes which get my content in front of a wider audience. Here are my recent Pinwoot stats:

  • New followers (not my priority) – 66
  • Repins – 427
  • Likes – 401

How to schedule pins for FREE on Pinterest

Take a quick look at this video tutorial and I’ll show you how you can easily schedule pins for dates and times in the future.

It costs just 3 of your seeds to schedule a pin, and you can earn seeds for free by following other users, pinning and liking their pins. Or if you are a serious pinner, and want to really give your traffic a boost they have some affordable options to buy a whole load of extra seeds so you can go scheduling crazy. But this really isn’t necessary – the free option works just fine!

So give your traffic a boost by sharing your content over more boards and scheduling your pins to reach a wider audience.

Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (2)

Sign up to PinWoot

Schedule your pins, get more followers, likes and repins with PinWoot.

‹ Using Text and Overlays with PicMonkey› Free e-book Friday – One Income Mystery (today only)


  1. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (6) Alexander Cruz
    December 17, 2013@1:58 pm

    Thank you once again for covering us on your blog. We hope by giving our users ability to promote and schedule 60 pins for free every month will help 1000s of small businesses or entrepreneurs or bloggers to grow and as they say, there is nothing better than being a part of someone’s success story 🙂

    Btw, we are launching a new product for Etsy sellers ( – it will be a one of its kind tool for etsy sellers to improve their sales. #excited


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (7) cleverlyorganizedchaosJen
      December 23, 2013@10:08 am

      I just signed up because of this article and in the first 10 minutes I had new followers. LOVE your site!


      • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (8) Deby at Moms Make Money
        December 23, 2013@12:04 pm

        See – it works! I really like it for the other opportunities such as promoting my pins to get more repins which puts my work in front of a whole new audience of people who might not have found me otherwise. And of course the chance to schedule pins is a huge bonus too! I hope it works out well for you.


  2. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (9) Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
    December 17, 2013@5:31 pm

    Thanks so much for the tip Deby. I’ll give them a try.


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (10) Alexander Cruz
      December 17, 2013@5:34 pm

      We will be eagerly waiting to have you on board. In case of any queries or doubt, you can directly write to us on [emailprotected]. Thx, Alex


  3. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (11) kmrosecrans
    December 17, 2013@7:35 pm

    Thanks! I did not know about this. Will have to try it out!


  4. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (12) rothj258
    December 17, 2013@9:48 pm

    This is great! I’m sure I get a little excited sometimes and come off as a bit of a spammer. This will be a huge help!


  5. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (13) Gina
    December 17, 2013@10:30 pm

    So when you follow those Pinners within the PinWoot dashboard, are you also following them out on regular Pinterest?


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (14) Deby at Moms Make Money
      December 18, 2013@6:58 am

      Yes that’s right. You can gain extra followers this way too, and can also put up pins into the system for getting repins and likes – but pins with text on work best for this.


  6. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (15) Jordan Hansen
    December 18, 2013@3:33 am

    This is such great advice. I just signed up and already have 5 new followers in the last 10 minutes. Thank you so much!


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (16) Deby at Moms Make Money
      December 18, 2013@6:59 am

      Glad it was helpful to you Jordan.


  7. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (17) Pam
    December 18, 2013@2:40 pm

    Wonderful tutorial Deby. I have been looking for something exactly like this. Signing up now. Thank you.


  8. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (18) Toni @ Finding Myself Young
    December 19, 2013@1:25 am

    This is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing this info!


  9. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (19) Carrie From Carrie This Home
    December 19, 2013@8:49 am

    Very informative! Thanks so much for sharing this info on Pinwoot. I stared an account with them a couple months ago but fell away from it. I’ll have to check into it again!


  10. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (20) Theres Just One Mommy
    December 20, 2013@10:39 pm

    I’ve heard of places you have to pay to do this…Excited to check out Pinwoot!


  11. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (21) abbylynnlawson
    December 23, 2013@7:56 am

    Great info once again, Miss Deby! Thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)


  12. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (22) muminsearch
    December 24, 2013@5:20 am

    I haven’t gotten into Pintrest yet (no time for everything!) but this could certainly make it easier. Merry Christmas!


  13. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (23) Anne @ Domesblissity
    January 1, 2014@9:00 am

    This is so interesting. Thanks so much for sharing at Thriving on Thursdays. I’m featuring it at tomorrow’s party.

    Anne xx


  14. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (24) Dee @ The Kitchen Snob
    February 17, 2014@3:18 pm

    Thanks for sharing this – I hadn’t heard of Pinwoot before. Just discovered your site today from The Daily Interview and I’m so happy I found you. Great site! The information you’re sharing is so helpful that I think I’d rather spend time reading your site than getting any blogging done! 😉


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (25) Deby at Moms Make Money
      February 17, 2014@4:22 pm

      Hello Dee and welcome. I’m really glad that you are finding some useful information here. I think you’ll find it a bit different to the usual ‘make money online’ sites and hopefully easier to understand and more relevant to you and the things you are interested in as a blogger. I love the look of your site – quite mouthwatering!


  15. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (26) Kim~madeinaday
    August 7, 2014@10:04 am

    Love this post and I am so going to use it! I am featuring it tomorrow on my P3 Feature Post. I also sent you an invite to my Blog Tips board, I’d love it of you would join you have such great advice!


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (27) Deby at Moms Make Money
      August 11, 2014@10:18 am

      Thanks so much for the share Kim – this tool saves me SO much time and makes sure I never get muddled about where I shared my pins, across what group boards etc.


  16. Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (28) Kim~madeinaday
    August 9, 2014@10:09 am

    Hi Deby, I have a question that hopefully you can answer, the area where you schedule a pin is different from your video, they have obviously done some updating. When scheduling a pin, the top area of the page where is says intervals between pins default (5), what does that mean? Is my scheduled pin going to post to Pinterest every five minutes all day starting at the time I scheduled it? I only want my pins to go once a day on the time I choose. What would the setting be for that? I thought I would ask you, there isn’t any info on scheduling on the site at all. I just do not want to set the wrong setting and have all my seeds run out in one day. 🙂


    • Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (29) Deby at Moms Make Money
      August 11, 2014@10:21 am

      That section up the top I never use. I think that is if you pick out several images then you can schedule them over a time interval. But I pick a post, use the Pin Scheduler tool and only pick a single image. Then fill in the bottom section with the words to use, board to use and time and date to schedule. I can also then duplicate from this bottom section if I want to pin the same post to different boards.
      That works for me the best. So ignore that top section I think. Sorry it took a while to get back to you Kim, had a little surgery 🙁


What do you think?

Schedule Pins for FREE on Pinterest - Moms Make Money (2024)


Is there a free Pinterest scheduler? ›

Pinterest also offers a free Pinterest scheduler for its users. You must have a Pinterest business account and create pins before scheduling them. Add your image/video and select a board to pin them. Now, instead of publishing, you can choose “Publish Later” and choose your date and time.

Can you get paid from Pinterest? ›

Yes, you can make money on Pinterest in a variety of ways, including receiving commissions from affiliate link clicks, getting paid for creating sponsored content through Pinterest's paid partnership tool, and using Pinterest ads to generate sales for a product or service.

How many followers do you need on Pinterest to make money? ›

Most users don't know it, but it's never about the followers on Pinterest. You can have a few followers on the platform and still earn with affiliate programs. It depends on the strategy you choose to generate revenue from this platform.

Does Pinterest allow you to schedule post times for you pins? ›

You can schedule a Pin up to 30 days in advance. While you can only schedule one Pin at a time, you can have up to 10 Pins scheduled for the future. Once a Pin has been scheduled, you can update the publish date, title, board, description and link. You cannot edit the image or video content of your Pin.

How to get 1,000 followers on Pinterest free? ›

How to Get Your First 1000 Followers on Pinterest (Quickly!)?
  1. Create attractive pinterest profile.
  2. Optimise your website for Pinterest.
  3. Create and share quality in your pin.
  4. Share content from other profiles/people.
  5. Join Pinterest boards group or start your own board group.
Feb 11, 2024

Does Pinterest make you pay? ›

We charge you for accumulated spend for your active ads on the first day of the following month, or when you reach your billing threshold, whichever comes first. You can prevent further spend by pausing your ads, which stops your Pins from serving.

How can I make $100 a day? ›

So, if you're ready to take control of your earning potential and add some excitement to your income sources, read on.
  1. Launch An Ecommerce Store.
  2. Become A Freelancer.
  3. Create and Sell Online Courses.
  4. Become An Influencer.
  5. Become An Uber/Lyft Driver.
  6. Online Tutoring.
  7. Become An Airbnb Host.
  8. Pet Sitting.
Apr 25, 2024

How to make passive income on Pinterest? ›

9 Pinterest affiliate marketing tips to earn passive income
  1. Know the rules.
  2. Create several pins per post.
  3. Schedule pins in advance.
  4. Enable rich pins.
  5. Pin to group boards.
  6. Optimize for SEO.
  7. Build an email list through Pinterest.
  8. Analyze pin performance.

What is the household income for Pinterest? ›

13. Income Demographics. Approximately 40% of Pinterest users boast a household income exceeding $100,000. This higher-income demographic presents an attractive opportunity for businesses offering premium or high-end products/services to target a financially capable audience.

How do you become a paid influencer on Pinterest? ›

Just create a Pin in the app, add the paid partnership label with a simple toggle and tag your partner brand. Once they approve the request, their brand name will show up on your Pin. When you use the paid partnership tool, you work directly with brands to define the payment terms and process.

How to sell on Pinterest without a website? ›

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024
  1. Step 1: Create Your Pinterest Business Profile. ...
  2. Step 2: Claim Your Shop On Pinterest. ...
  3. Step 3: Create Pinterest Content. ...
  4. Step 4: Optimize Your Profile And Pins. ...
  5. Step 5: Engage And Collaborate With Pinners. ...
  6. Step 6: Track Your Analytics. ...
  7. Step 7: Promote Pins On Pinterest.
Aug 6, 2023

How to schedule Pinterest Pins for free? ›

Select your preferred Pinterest board, add your title, description, alt text and destination link. 4. Click 'Publish at a later date' in the bottom right corner and select your preferred time and date for scheduling your Pin.

How many Pins can you schedule in advance? ›

Pinterest Pin Scheduler

Here's the scoop: from desktop or iOS or Android on a Pinterest business account you can save up to 100 Pins up to 2 weeks in advance. That's it.

Can you schedule idea Pins? ›

A 'Schedule Date' option. If you select this and choose a date, click done, and 'schedule' and the Pinterest app will schedule your pin! You can head over you your 'Created' section on your profile to see a new area with your scheduled pins, where you can edit or delete them if you need.

Is Tailwind for Pinterest free? ›

When you sign up for Tailwind, you'll automatically be placed on the Free Forever plan. The Free Forever plan includes essential tools to help you get started with your brand.

Does Pinterest have a native scheduler? ›

If you have a Pinterest business account, you can schedule Pins on desktop 2 weeks in advance. Keep in mind that you can schedule only one Pin at a time, and you can have maximum of 100 Pins lined up for the future. Here's how to use the native Pinterest scheduler on desktop: 1.

Is there a free meeting scheduler? ›

Schedule your next meeting in just a few clicks — free! NeedToMeet is simple – choose times that work for you and invite others. Our mobile apps allow you to access to identical features and enable you to sync your meetings, contacts, and calendars across platforms.

Is there a free Pinterest app? ›

Yes, Pinterest is a free app.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.