Rope size converson chart from (2024)

Rope Size Conversion Chart

American weight and measures are based on units used in Britain prior to 1864, when imperial system was officially established. The US law of 1866 set a relationship withwith the metric system by defining the meter as equal to 39.37 inches. Since then all measures were redefined in terms of metric units with the last minimal adjustment in 1959. However, the old standard of 1 foot was retained with the name US survey foot.

Conversion Chart
Diameter Inch Diameter Millimeters Diameter Inch Diameter Millimeters
1/64" 0.3969 mm 1-1/64" 25.7969 mm
1/32" 0.7938 mm 1-1/32" 26.1938 mm
3/64" 1.1096 mm 1-1/16" 26.9875 mm
1/16" 1.5875 mm 1-1/8" 28.5750 mm
5/64" 1.9844 mm 1-1/4" 31.7500 mm
3/32" 2.3813 mm 1-5/16" 33.3375 mm
7/64" 2.7781 mm 1-3/8" 34.9250 mm
1/8" 3.1750 mm 1-7/16" 36.5125 mm
9/64" 3.5719 mm 1-1/2" 38.1000 mm
5/32" 3.9688 mm 1-9/16" 39.6875 mm
11/64" 4.3656 mm 1-5/8" 41.2750 mm
6/16" 4.7625 mm 1-11/16" 42.8625 mm
13/64" 5.1594 mm 1-3/4" 44.4500 mm
7/32" 5.5563 mm 1-7/8" 47.6250 mm
15/64" 5.9531 mm 2" 50.8000 mm
1/4" 6.3500 mm 2-1/64" 51.1969 mm
17/64" 6.7469 mm 2-1/32" 51.5938 mm
9/32" 7.1438 mm 2-1/16" 52.3875 mm
19/64" 7.5406 mm 2-1/8" 53.9750 mm
5/16" 7.9375 mm 2-1/4" 57.1500 mm
21/64" 8.3344 mm 2-5/16" 58.7375 mm
11/32" 8.7313 mm 2-3/8" 60.3250 mm
23/64" 9.1281 mm 2-7/16" 61.9125 mm
3/8" 9.5250 mm 2-1/2" 63.5000 mm
25/64" 9.9219 mm 2-9/16" 65.0875 mm
13/32" 10.3188 mm 2-5/8" 66.6750 mm
27/64" 10.7156 mm 2-11/16" 68.2625 mm
7/16" 11.1125 mm 2-3/4" 68.8500 mm
29/64" 11.5094 mm 2-7/8" 73.0250 mm
15/32" 11.9063 mm 3" 76.2000 mm
31/64" 12.3031 mm 3-1/64" 76.5969 mm
1/2" 12.7000 mm 3-1/32" 76.9938 mm
33/64" 13.0969 mm 3-1/6" 77.7875 mm
17/32" 13.4938 mm 3-1/8" 79.3750 mm
35/64" 13.8906 mm 3-1/4" 82.5500 mm
9/16" 14.2875 mm 3-5/16" 84.1375 mm
37/64" 14.6844 mm 3-3/8" 85.7250 mm
19/32" 15.0813 mm 3-7/16" 87.3125 mm
39/64" 15.4781 mm 3-1/2" 88.9000 mm
5/8" 15.8750 mm 3-9/16" 90.4875 mm
41/64" 16.2719 mm 3-5/8" 92.0750 mm
21/32" 16.6688 mm 3-11/16" 93.6625 mm
43/64" 17.0656 mm 3-3/4" 95.2500 mm
11/16" 17.4625 mm 3-7/8" 98.4250 mm
45/64" 17.8594 mm 4" 101.6000 mm
23/32" 18.2563 mm 4-1/16" 103.1875 mm
47/64" 18.6531 mm 4-1/8" 104.7750 mm
3/4" 19.0500 mm 4-1/4" 107.9500 mm
49/64" 19.4469 mm 4-5/16" 109.5375 mm
25/32" 19.8438 mm 4-3/8" 111.1250 mm
51/64" 20.2406 mm 4-7/16" 112.7125 mm
13/16" 20.6375 mm 4-1/2" 114.3000 mm
53/64" 21.0344 mm 4-9/16" 115.8875 mm
27/32" 21.4313 mm 4-5/8" 117.4750 mm
55/64" 21.8281 mm 4-3/4" 120.6500 mm
7/8" 22.2250 mm 4-7/8" 123.8250 mm
57/64" 22.6219 mm 5" 127.0000 mm
29/32" 23.0188 mm 5-1/8" 130.1500 mm
59/64" 23.4156 mm 5-1/4" 133.3500 mm
15/16" 23.1825 mm 5-5/16" 134.9375 mm
61/64" 24.2094 mm 5-3/8" 136.5250 mm
31/32" 24.6063 mm 5-1/2" 137.7000 mm
63/64" 25.0031 mm 5-9/16" 141.2875 mm
1" 25.4000 mm 5-3/4" 146.0500 mm

Is the size you're looking for not listed? Use the formulas below to calcilate.

US Standard to Metric Conversion Chart
To Convert Into Multiply By
Inches Centimeters 2.54
Feet 0.0833
Millimeters 25.4
Meters 0.0254
Yards 0.0278
Yards Inches 36
Feet 3
Meters 0.914
Miles 0.0005682
Miles Feet 5280
Yards 1760
Kilometers 1.609
Metric Linear Conversion Chart
To Convert Into Multiply By
Centimeters Inches 0.394
Feet 0.0328
Meters 0.01
Millimeters 10
Meters Centimeters 100
Feet 3.281
Inches 39.37
Kilometers 0.001
Miles 0.0006214
Millimeters 1000
Yards 1.093
Kilometers Feet 3281
Meters 1000
Miles 0.621
Rope size converson chart from (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.