Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (2024)

Guest Blog by Arnie Dorr

Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (1)

Planting some greenery is a great way to combat those COVID-19 blues that come from self-quarantine. Social distancing is necessary to stay safe, but you don’t have to stay inside in beautiful weather. In fact, gardening is becoming more popular now, as families plan their summer activities. And one of the best things about summer is plucking beans, peppers, corn, and tomatoes right from the garden. Fresh veggies at their finest!

Experienced gardeners know dealing with mice, bugs, and invasive weeds goes with the territory. Tell-“tail” signs will let you know if there are mice and other critters living within or near the garden. If you find nesting areas under trash, drain pipes, sheds, woodpiles, and mulch, chances are the critters are having a field day in your garden. Mice, rats, and voles can cause a lot of damage beyond eating all your fruits and vegetables.

Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (2)

Field mice eat nuts, berries, seeds, and small insects. They also enjoy leafy garden vegetables and houseplants — if there’s nothing more palatable on the menu. To keep mice out of the garden, do not plant corn or sunflowers. They love the kernels. Grass seed and grains are also favorite snacks for mice and rats. These rodents typically eat seeds from the ground without disturbing the soil.

Rats might eat vegetables and fruits in a garden, but only if there’s nothing else available. They eventually move on to areas with meats, grains, oils, and other fats. (Keep the garbage can lid tightly closed!)

Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (3)

If there's no corn, grain or seed to munch on, rodents will visit the garden to feed on:

  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Leaks
  • Peas
  • Turnips
  • Potatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Tulips

These, along with green beans, are plants to avoid putting in your garden if you don't want to attract mice.

Invasive Plants

Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (4)

While there are good plants that help keep mice and other rodents from nibbling on flowers, fruits, and vegetables, mice aren’t the only invaders to worry about. Invasive species of plants can wreak havoc in your garden. The U.S. Forest Service defines invasives as “nonnative (or alien) to the ecosystem.” Bringing these plants into your yard may cause damage to the environment or harm humans and pets.

Aloe Vera.There’s no telling how many “babies” one Aloe Vera plant can produce, but they can go on for generations. Plant one aloe and your garden will be full of them before you know it! Succulent aloes are great for healing -- break a frond in half and smear the sap over burns and bug bites. But, ingesting this sap is toxic and can cause serious stomach maladies.

Bamboo.Planting bamboo in your garden is a recipe for disaster. Place this propagating stuff in containers, instead. Bamboo is pretty to look at, sturdy to use, and one of the most sustainable and renewable building resources around the globe. But it could spread about your yard and to neighboring properties.

Belladonna.The common name is deadly nightshade, and that says it all! Belladonna has pretty purplish bell-shaped blooms, blackberries, and lush green leaves. But it's toxic to people and pets.

Japanese Barberry.This deciduous shrub may look pretty but it draws black-legged ticks that can carry Lyme disease. There are other shade-tolerant and drought-resistant varieties that are better choices for your garden.

Mimosa.This tree family has stunning fern-like leaves and exotic pink flowers, but don’t let its beauty fool you. Mimosa trees and shrubs are invasive. They drop seedlings everywhere and when the wind catches them, they’ll grow all over the neighborhood.

Wisteria.With sharp, contrasting and cascading purple blooms, wisteria is a draw for flower gardens. But its root system spreads everywhere — you’ll see shoots sprouting up to strangle other trees and shrubs. This plant is also attractive to mice.

Good Garden Plants

Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (5)

Just as there are plants to avoid, there are varieties of fruit and vegetable plants to add, such as peppers, cucumbers, and broccoli. Plant some apple, orange and peach trees; there’s nothing like pulling a piece of fruit from a branch, washing off the bug spray and taking a bite.

Plants and herbs known to keep mice and other rodents away include:

  • Marigolds
  • Garlic
  • Daffodils
  • Black pepper
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Onions
  • tomatoes

You don’t have to give up the garden to keep mice and rats out of your yard, you just have to be mindful of the plants to avoid putting in your garden. If you have your heart set on green beans, peas, or tulips, set a quick-kill trap next to the garden and read up on pest control best practices. These are all options you’ll have to weigh or the rats and mice will play.

Arnie Dorr is a landscaper and gardener who prides himself on being eco-friendly. He maintains a garden and green lawn without using chemicals. His garden is filled with herbs and native plants that attract pollinators.

Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (6)

Control Rodents Like Never Before with New Connected Technology

November 21, 2022 3 min read

Controlling rodents has never been an easy task. At first, you may spot a rat or mouse run through your yard and think nothing of it. A few days later, you may notice rodent droppings.

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Rodent-Attracting Plants to Avoid Putting in Your Garden (2024)


Do plants attract rodents? ›

Plants and Vegetation

Just like food, plant and animal products, plants and vegetation themselves can be a food source for rats. Fruit and nut plants are the most common types of plants that can attract rats to your home.

Are there plants that repel rodents? ›

You might try planting these in or around your home to keep the mice away: any type of mint, amaryllis, sweet pea, lavender, daffodils, wood hyacinth (or squill), grape hyacinth, alliums, catnip, camphor plant, elderberry, euphorbias, and wormwood. * Oak and bay leaves are also known to repel rodents.

What plants rats do not like? ›

Lavender has very a strong aromatic scent and is quite effective at repelling rats, mosquitoes, and moths. Alternatively, to growing this herb, you could sprinkle a few stalks around the base of plants in your garden creating a barrier and keeping rats at bay.

What plants do rodents eat? ›

Rats. Eat a wide range of garden vegetables including sweet corn cobs, pumpkins, and squash as well as various root vegetables such as carrot, parsnip, beetroot, and potato tubers. They will eat the crops while they are growing and in storage. They will also eat fruits in storage.

What are rodents attracted to? ›

Odors and smells that come from pet waste, pet food, garbage containers, barbecue grills, birdfeeders, and even from unharvested fruit and nuts from plants can attract rats and mice. Good sanitation habits can effectively improve the prevention of attracting rodents in your yard.

How do you stop rodents from entering? ›

Seal holes inside and outside the home to keep rodents out. This may be as simple as plugging small holes with steel wool, or patching holes in inside or outside walls. Remove potential rodent nesting sites from your property, including leaf piles and deep mulch. Clean up food and water sources in and near your house.

How do I get rid of rats in my garden without killing them? ›

Peppermint: rats just can't stand this aroma. What you can do is dip cotton in peppermint and place it in the burrow. You will need to change the cotton every 3-4 days, but you won't way too long before the rats scurry away from the smelly hole.

Does mint repel rodents? ›

Peppermint oil and mice

Nope! It will make your home smell good, but it certainly won't get rid of your unwanted lodgers. Peppermint oil is assumed to be a great mouse repellent because, in high concentrations, it can be quite potent and mice have a very sensitive sense of smell.

Do mint plants repel rodents? ›

Mint: Mint has been shown to repel mice. You can incorporate peppermint or spearmint into your flower beds.

What keeps rats away permanently? ›

This makes peppermint oil, chili powder, citronella, and eucalyptus the most common natural rodent repellents. Chemical smells, such as ammonia, bleach, and mothballs also work as mice deterrents.

What do rodents hate? ›

Peppermint oil is also a frequent recommendation for deterring mice in the home. Like other essential oils, peppermint oil has shown varied repellent effects on wildlife. Results are commonly affected by formulation, concentration, and frequency.

Will garlic spray hurt plants? ›

Garlic is toxic to bugs and it also helps to bacteria and harmful fungus from harming your plants. Making your own garlic spray is a great organic tool for a healthy vegetable garden.

What are rats most afraid of? ›

Rats are afraid of human activity, mostly because humans are so much larger than they are. Rats also fear predators such as hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey. Other animals that rats are afraid of include your cat as well as rat terriers and other dogs that hunt rodents.

What natural thing keeps rats away? ›

Use Natural Deterrent Methods

Spread peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, black pepper, or cloves around the home's exterior to prevent the rats from entering the house in the first place.

What is eating my plants at night? ›

If you see holes or ragged chunks of leaves disappearing and the damage has been occurring slowly, with a little feeding each night, beetles, caterpillars, earwigs or slugs may be the culprits. To distinguish among these four look for signs, or evidence, left behind.

Do lavender plants repel rodents? ›

Do mice like lavender? No, they don't. Mice hate the pungent smell of lavender, which is why most people consider them as repellents.

What attracts rats to your garden? ›

Rats will infest a garden if they find it hospitable for a dwelling. So, if your garden offers plenty of hiding places, they will love it. If it offers them lots of food, be it from a food garden you're working really hard on, pet food left outside, or a constantly opened rubbish bin, they will love it.

Do rats eat garden plants? ›

Rats will eat the vegetables and fruits in a garden, but if that is truly their only food source, they will eventually move on to a site that meets their animal protein and fat needs. A compost pile with only garden scraps will not sustain a rat colony.

Do fruit trees attract rats? ›

Fruit trees and their fruits are prone to being a meal to rats. There are several approaches a homeowner or perhaps a farmer can do to help prevent or eliminate the fruit trees from being disturbed by the rodents.

Does salt repel rats? ›

Advantages. It's cost-effective: Using salt to deter rats is one of the most cost-effective methods of keeping these rodents at bay. Salt is readily available in most homes and hence doesn't require you to purchase additional products.

What sounds scare rodents away? ›

Any new or unexpected noise will frighten them and send them scurrying. However, once rodents get used to a sound, they will no longer fear it. This means that ultrasonic repellents can be effective at first, but if an area has plenty of food and provides shelter, the rats will have a great incentive to return.

Does vinegar keep rats away? ›

Vinegar has an unpleasant smell and if used in the pipes and u-bend it may temporarily keep them away. It can sting and would be unpleasant for the rat. Any strong smell may be enough to deter a rodent as it will make them wary that something has changed in the environment.

What does baking soda do to rats? ›

It turns out that baking soda catalyzes some form of reaction inside the rat's stomach. Baking soda combines with the stomach acids to produce carbon dioxide gas which rats are unable to tolerate. In turn, it builds up within their system and eventually causes internal blockage and rupture.

What Herb keeps rodents away? ›

First, you can plant herbs around your garden, sort of like a protective wall to repel rodents. Herbs that have the strongest smells such as mint (especially peppermint), catnip, rosemary, sage, lavender, oregano, and basil are the most effective plants at keeping these unwelcome creatures away.

Which is the best mouse repellent? ›

What is the best mouse repellent? Aside from a hungry cat that naturally releases a scent that averts mice, the best mouse repellent is peppermint oil spray. It has proven to be effective, smells nice, is easy to apply and won't harm your pets, kids or plants.

Does vinegar get rid of mice? ›

The smell of white vinegar is a natural repellent for mice. It will make them leave your home or office. Mice have a strong sense of smell and they will avoid areas where there is white vinegar sprayed or soaked cotton balls in it. It is important to note that white vinegar will not work on all mice.

Does cinnamon deter mice? ›

Mice dislike a wide variety of different smells such as mint, cinnamon and clove oil. Mice hate a variety of smells including mint oil, cayenne pepper, dryer sheets, cinnamon, ammonia, clove, vinegar, mothballs, and minty kinds of toothpaste.

How much peppermint oil to keep mice away? ›

You are supposed to use 100% peppermint oil and either dab it on cotton balls and place them around your home, or use a spray canister and combine two teaspoons of oil for every one cup of water and spray it around where you see the mice.

Does basil keep rats away? ›

In addition to mint, most rats and mice are put off by strong herbal scents, such as basil, echinacea, garlic, and thyme. To keep away the rodents, plant a border of these herbs around the outside of your garden. Once the rodents smell them, they will think your garden has nothing to offer and they'll turn away.

Do indoor plants attract rodents? ›

There would be nothing about common houseplants (any potted plant indoors) that would be attractive to mice. On the other hand, food stored in cubicles would be the first place mice would go.

Are mice attracted to indoor plants? ›

Generally speaking, mice are indifferent to houseplants. If a mouse thinks that a houseplant may be useful to it, it may show some interest. Otherwise, the mouse is likely to ignore the plant. There are some houseplants that mice do not like because of their strong smell.

Do rats just pass through gardens? ›

Rats often pass through gardens when they are on the hunt for food. To reiterate, if you or your neighbour are leaving food for birds and squirrels it is very likely that some rats will come to see what's going on as well!

Do rodents eat roots of plants? ›

Another type of woody plant damage caused by rodents which can happen anytime of the year is the destruction of plant roots. If a small tree or shrub suddenly appears tipped, loose at the base or has completely fallen over rodents may have eaten the roots.

Should I let mice live in my garden? ›

Rodents are not wanted in your garden because of the damage they can cause to fruit, vegetables, seeds, bulbs, plants and containers, and also because they expose people and pets to various diseases and parasites. The rat species you are most likely to find in your garden is the brown or Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus).

Do flowers attract mice? ›

Yes, and they will eat garden plants and houseplants, too. Mice are especially fond of seeds, so newly planted garden seeds like corn and sunflower seeds are a favorite target of garden mice. Newly emerging grass seeds, grains, and leafy green vegetables are also appealing to mice.

Is it normal to have mice in your garden? ›

It isn't unusual to have mice in the garden, especially when there is a ready supply of food. If you wonder, “Will mice eat my vegetable garden?” the answer is a resounding “yes.” Mice are opportunistic and vegetable damage is one of the common mouse garden problems.

Can rats climb up through the toilet? ›

Yes, they can. According to the video seen above from National Geographic, it's actually pretty easy for them to do so. Rats have underrated swimming capabilities and can hold their breath for up to 3 minutes. That's long enough for them to swim from the sewer line into and up through your toilet.

Can a rat climb out of a toilet? ›

Can Rats Come Out of the Toilet? Once rats find their way to the top of the toilet, the rodents can come out of the toilet if the lid is raised. It is also possible for a larger rat to lift the lid of the toilet with its head to exit the toilet and search the surrounding area for food.

How do you know if rats are gone? ›

A great way to test if rats are still making their way through your home is to spread some flour or talcum powder overnight on surfaces and floors you suspect they visit. If you do still have rats, they will leave a trail of footprints which can also help you to determine where they're hiding.

Do rodents eat trees? ›

Voles & Gophers Can Kill Trees

Both types of rodents eat plants, including tree roots, shoots and bark (basically, whatever they can reach). Look for indented or gouged areas made by gnawing, and for areas with no bark, including girdling.

Does mint repel rats? ›

Mint is widely recommended as a rat repellent on many sites on the internet. Apparently rats do not like the pungent smell and it is enough to keep them away from your home, garden, or anywhere else you have a rat problem. There are various ways in which it can be used.

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