Ripple/XRP-EU Has A Crypto Kill Switch, Ripple/SWIFT United On One Platform, BRICS (2024)

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines Ripple and Swift We Said they were k i SSI and G yesterday Well how about this Ripple and Swift United on one platform uhhuh yeah that Happened and guess what else Europe has A crypto kill switch and guess what else Roll that beautiful intro so we can find Out digital perspectives with Brad con Come on In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content you can also join us At dig perspectives. in the freedom zone For next to nothing yeah $2.09 trillion Market cap for crypto the market is up 1.2% this morning 51,6 for Plus for uh Bitcoin 3,000 slightly over for ethereum Now yeah the little engine it could 97.9 Billion plus is uh tether market cap xrp Is now at the number seven spot as Lio Staked ether has slipped above to take The number six spot we're sitting at Number seven spot at 54 cents and we're Up by 0.1 on the 24 hour off by 2.2 on The 7 day let's look at the range of Price very quickly here this morning Between 543 on the bottom and 0 5485 on the top Oh it's a very very tight trading range We're inside 1 cent the way it's moving And I like that and I bet that is Ultimately in the years to come xrp Should be an extremely tight trading

Range like that or even tighter how About that while still going up in price Imagine that over 700,000 registered users on the greatest Private Equity platform in the world is Not my opinion it is not up for debate These are the facts ladies and gentlemen Yeah I'm going draget this morning Nothing but the facts ma'am yeah that's What we're talking about we're talking About 79,000 plus registered users over 361 million total Investments on the Platform and 62 incredible companies Just like Circle Ripple link to uphole Glint you name it it's on here AI Axiom You're building the first ever a space Station for us to go hang out in are you Kidding me this is incredible ladies and Gentlemen let me tell you uh the Opportunities are endless and if you Don't believe me click the link to my Sponsor below and find out for yourself I believe 2024 may be an IPO season and Who knows it may even include link to Themselves make sure you click the link Below here we see uh oh this is a fun One you're going to enjoy this uh Australian man has vanished after crypto Currency trading platform mistakenly Credited his account with 900 $95,000 which was 10 times the intended Amount yeah and now all of a sudden this Guy's like Bigfoot we can't find Him where where's he at I'll tell you

What look I am I am not a policeman I'm Not an investigator well I am an Investigator and I would say that you Want to put your best foot forward I'm Thinking you know really nice hotels With 995k a Ritz Four Seasons right and check All the strip Clubs let let's start there and then Work it back from there I guarantee you Bamb be seen Him H you know we got to have fun with This stuff what am I doing what am I Doing it's it God I hope you don't think I'm crazy if we can't Laugh what in the hell have we got what Have we got if we can't laugh yeah I bet You Bambi knows where he's at with that 995k bet somebody Does the Found I'm sorry I got the Giggles the founders of Platform glass node says the uh Artic Excuse me I can't even read now oh you Know quality content that's what I bring Here the founders of analytics platform Glass noes say that altcoins are setting Up to explode in a blowoff top Market Chrisan I want to know in the comments If anybody really wanted me to keep Riffing on the Bambi and the guy missing With the money CU I could do another 20 Minutes on that I'm not going to but I Could uh the signals suggesting the

Altcoins are about to soar into blowoff Top according to Glass node Founders now What's interesting about this is we've Heard many people talk about a bull Market cycle not a bull run where it's Up down right we're talking about a bull Market cycle in this particular article It actually sets up the conversation to Say no no no no no we may not see the Bull market and we may just see a quick Spike in a run or rally however you like To say it and then poof is gone again And I would like to say we don't know What'll happen but if we don't get Stable coin legislation the way some of These Congressional officials have Suggested and leaned into and if we Don't get that by q1 of this year here That blowoff top might not even be a Blowoff top right so uh we got to watch This Close meanwhile I wanted to highlight Very quickly here the UAE has been Removed from the fat F the fat Financial Action task force which is known as fatf Right and it's been removed from the Grade list after reform Progress now a couple years ago fat came Out and said hey when it comes to crypto These countries are going to have to get With the what they called the travel Rule which was anything over a certain Amount it was either 2,000 10,600 bucks Or whatever it's it's floated between

Different amounts but nevertheless Financial action task force is a global Uh uh task force and they don't Necessarily have direct uh enforcement Power but what they can do is put you on A gray list or a black list and when They do that then basically it's like a Form of sanction saying okay well Whatever your country needs you're no Longer going to readily be available to You right it's not it's going to be much Harder to get you're G to have more Hoops to jump through or we're just Going to make sure you can't get it so This was important because Financial Action task force was setting the tone About the travel rule rule for crypto For Global compliance and cooperation in Uh closing the Gap when it comes to Regulatory Arbitrage around the world so I want to highlight that because we know It's no secret that bricks Coalition is Growing very fast and that they do Intend to create their own shared Currency and they have intended to do That for quite some time now but they Say that they're actually starting to Work on it now I went through the Article and I don't have to read it all To you and you breathe a sigh relief so But what I do want to say here is is That first of all we know they're They're looking to dollarize and they've Already begun to do that by really

Saying saying we're going to choose to Continue to work in our local currencies As opposed to using the US dollar as Much as we have been and this goes for All the nations inside the bricks Coalition we know that that is already Happening and underway now with that the Much bigger step is bricks Coalition Building their own currency now for that To take place this is where the larger Part of the hurdle is for me when I look At the bricks Coalition because Russia Controls and runs their country even Though he has a title of a president he Runs that country much different than a Full-on democracy right and we know that China has a president but they run their Country like a communist Nation right so We understand how things are really Running regardless of titles okay and For there to be a un unified currency For all the countries to use like a Bricks currency backed by gold as They've suggested or a basket how However they decide to do it the bigger Question for me here is this the bigger Question is Simply will Russia will China of all Nations cough up power that they have in Order to be complicit to operate inside A CO a coalition like bricks this I Believe will be a much bigger hurdle Than people are discussing currently Right now but what bricks are doing

Collectively together is big and it Cannot be ignored even if a unified Bricks currency is further off than People realize they're still dollariz And it's still very dangerous of what it Could do to the dollar and there really Is still a project Sandman which intends To dump the US dollar simultaneously With over a hundred Nations around the World so this is there very real effort To do that and that is harmful right so I don't I'm not trying to be dismissive About bricks altogether now what may be Considered good news for bricks and Strengthening them in their Coalition is That the European Central Bank has Suffered its first major loss in 20 Years the bank has reported an annual Loss of 1.3 billion euros for 2023 its First loss since 2004 now we know the ECB represents 27 nations of the European Union and mic regulations are Already in place for cryptocurrency and Digital assets alike now as we do to go Through this we have to understand that Uh upgrading their systems and Infrastructure can help bring some of These savings back because obviously the ECB is not doing so well so this all Plays into I think where things are Going and I think the argument can be Made that the ECB will use their loss as An example of why they need to get there In quick fashion and have the new

Payment infrastructure save money and All of the rest of it and they'll say It's a green agenda you know carbon Neutral you know the drill but here is This piece Europe has a crypto kill Switch and it's arrived ladies and Gentlemen what they're talking about Here is Europe's data act in January of 24 this year went into force and that Legislation has far-reaching Requirements that could force smart Contract developers to comply with Strict requirements such as terminating A live smart contract even in cases Where the smart contract feeds Immutability thus making any changes Impossible safe termination interp Interruption ensure that the mechanism Exists to terminate the continued Execution of contract of transactions The smart contract shall include Internal functions which can reset or Instruct the contract to stop or Interrupt the operation to avoid Accidental executions See well I tell you what this is Sounding a lot like what we've talked About you you're not going to have this Oh well we set the payment but we have No way to get it Back sorry about your luck Oh What A Pity for You that that ain't how this works this Is the financial system now I know

Everybody out there in decentralized Lands Going No you can't if you're going to have a Financial system use this technology This is exactly the kind of that's Going to go on you just want get Yourself warmed up to it Right this this isn't Fantasy Island Right ah the plane the plane there ain't No plane the planes regulation Right and and it not going to be none of This you know just whatever goes and Then the banks are going to use the Whatever goes system that ain't going to Happen it just isn't going to happen That way let's level set here with what Is happening from Brian Brooks so the Point that I always try and tell people Is you know the the biggest issue that I Always try and focus on on is Cryptocurrencies are really not about Currency and and the biggest Misunderstanding of this whole Discussion is the belief that if crypto Is not doing a great job of replacing The US dollar uh then crypto is failing In its Mission and what I what I think We'll talk about a little bit today is The idea that most of crypto is about Replacing the centralized banking system With networks that allow user control Versus Bank CEO control the crypto Assets that have prices are more like

Internet stocks it's more like you on Google if you think there's going to be High internet traffic and you short Google if you think people are going to Go back to the post office right but It's not that ethereum or Ripple or Anything else is trying to replace the US dollar it's trying to replace a System of transmitting value and we'll Talk a lot more about that so for me and That's it right there and that is Exactly what it's about and that is Really going to become even more Important the closer we get to Legislative Clarity and Regulatory Clarity right The fact that the Regulators the Legislators understand that we're not Here to impose on the system but to Complement the system we're not here to Wipe out the system but to help make it Work more Seamlessly that's that's what we're About just like I showed this yesterday From smoke here give smoke a follow xrp Will be available to travel through the Swift Network even without Swift Ripple Partnership RI strategically plac Themselves in and around the tech Partners CGI and temos they sure did They're right there you can see the Whole Stack and then to understand it even to Another level ECS

Financial which is advising over 100 Fortune Companies look at this Ripple right here Right Ripple right Here fedwire sepa chips Ripple Blockchain open Banks apis Iso20022 it's it's all right here Right so for the people that are saying We failed or this isn't going to happen I I don't you Know I don't know what the hell they're Saying but I tell you what we wouldn't Be on this list if we were failing right I get that this has not happened in Everyone else's timeline that they Wanted this to happen okay yeah I get it I wanted somebody feeding me grapes and Fanning me with Palm leaves by now too Right and it hasn't happened I've had to Adjust but Nevertheless this is what I want to see It's going to happen on their timeline Not ours that's what I understand it's What I've not liked about all of it but I certainly understand it and ripu and Swift United on one platform this is a Reminder that Swiss route service has Been developed by Ibis management Association in partnership with finastra To provide institutions with Connectivity to globally trusted payment Gateways and you can see they're United On one platform right here how much Longer will all of this go once things

Really take off in the financial system Is truly allowed to use this technology In The xrp Ledger and xrp when necessary How long will it take for this to really Graduate to an incredible place I don't Think very long because I think once the Banks are given the green light those Are the horses out of the gate that I Want to see Grant it again I've got Plans to take profits at five 10 15 $25 Right but the truth of the matter is is That I want to see the Long Haul as a Macro investor in this space I want to See the Long Haul take place and this is A part of that Journey right here and I Think once we get true legislative Clarity I believe you're going to see The banks come in which are the Repositories That have all the liquidity of the world Right the Clearing Houses and every you Know the Drill this is when we'll see it right That's when we'll see it it and it's not Going to be a mistake when it happens Because I don't think the banks are Going to sit on the sideline and wait And go hey let's wait and see what Bank Of America let's wait and see what PNC You know we already know what they're Doing they are already in bed with Ripple they're just waiting for the Green light for from regulatory Oversight to use

It how lucky we are to understand that Isn't It I'm going into the freedom Zone I Hope you will come with me oh my oh my We're getting into it today we have Another situation to talk about today Which might be similar to something we Saw on the west side of the United States just a few months ago and it's Danger danger Will Robinson we'll see You in the freedom Zone not Financial Advice of me or anyone else come on In

Ripple/XRP-EU Has A Crypto Kill Switch, Ripple/SWIFT United On One Platform, BRICS (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.