RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (2024)

KJCPL/ RIL, M.S. Straat Banka & Tjinegara –1952/51 to 1978 – Deck Plans

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With ReubenGoossens

MaritimeHistorian, Author, Lecturer & Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer

Please Note:All ssMaritime and other related maritime & cruise sites are 100%non-commercial and privately owned. Be assured that I am NOT associated withany shipping or cruise companies or travel or cruise agencies, etc! Althoughhaving been in the passenger shipping industry since 1960, I am now retired buthaving completed features on well over 1,350 Classic Liners andCargo-Passengers Ships, I trust these will continue to provide you the classicship enthusiast the information you are seeking, but above all a great deal ofpleasure!

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (2)RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (3)

KJCPL/ RIL Passenger-Cargo Liners

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (4)

Kon. Java-China-PaketvaartLijnen. N.V.(KJCPL)

& her Sister -M.S.Tjinegara

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (5)

Amagnificent painting of the M.S. Straat Banka by N.M.Peetersof the Netherlands

Thepainting above may not be copied for any media as it is under © 2011 by N.M.Peeters

PleaseNote: Photographs and other images are from theauthor’s private collection, unless otherwise noted!

In1948, the “Koninklijke Java/China Paketvaart Lijnen” (KJCPL) or te “Royal Interocean Lines” ordered two beautifullydesigned streamlined Passenger-Cargo-Liners to be built.

These Passenger-Cargo liners were ordered forby KJCPL to operate on their extensive worldwide services, and they would becompleted late 1951 and early 1952, the first being the M.S. Straat Makassar,which was later renamed M.S. Tjinegarain 1956.

The second of the pair was the very popular M.S.Straat Banka, and this is the ship being mostly featured on this site, althoughthe Straat Makassar’s basic details will also be covered.

The Dutch 9,138 GRT (Gross Registered Tons)passenger-cargo liner, to be operated under the popular banner of the RoyalInterocean Lines, M.S. Straat Banka was built by the Piet. Smit Jr Shipyards inRotterdam, theNetherlandsin 1952. In addition her mighty Engines were also constructed by this companyand she was fitted by the powerful “Burmeister & Wain” dieselengines.

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (6)

Herewe the engine close to completion and ready to the loaded into the ship

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (7)

TheM.S. Straat Makassar is seen close to completion at her fit-out berth

Finallywhen all the work in the yard had been completed, the Straat Banka was madeready for launching, the day was set. Now on December 22, 1951 with dignitariespresent this fine ship was officially launched and christened ‘StraatBanka’ and she slowly slipped down into the water.

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (8)

Aboveand below: Here we see the launching of the StraatBanka, as the bottle of Champagnesmashed against her hull

Andbelow we see this fine ship slip down the slipway into the water for thevery first time

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (9)

Thetwo ships were delivered as follows:

1: M.S. Straat Makassar: Once completed she was delivered to KJCPL on August 18, 1951 andshe was placed on the Indiato Australiaservice. Departing from Bombaybound for Melbourne,sailing via Asia and the east coast of Australia,returning via the South and the West coast of Australiaand Ceylon(SriLanka).

For interest having received a refit, in July1956 the Straat Makassar received a name change, and she was renamed M.S. Tjinegara.

2: M.S. Straat Banka: Having been completed she undertook her extensive deep-sea trails,and from the photograph I have below, and as you will see she did this whilsther holds were completely empty, thus she was riding high in the water.

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (10)

Thenew M.S. Straat Banka is seen during her Sea Trails

2: M.S. Straat Banka was delivered to her owners on May 16, 1952 and when she when she wasfully stored up, and manned she commenced her scheduled voyages as follows;

Departing, Yokohamasailing via Nagoya, Kobe, Pusan (optional), Naha (optional), Hong Kong,Singapore, Port Swettenham, Penang, Mauritius, Lourenço Marques, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth, CapeTown, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Rio Grande (optional), Montevideo and concluding atBuenos Aires. Her return voyage being: Buenos Aires, Santos, Rio de Janeiro,Salvador/Recife (optional), Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London (optional),Durban, Mauritius, Singapore, Manila (optional), Hong Kong, Kobe and Yokohama.

It would belater that their routes were altered and the StraatBanka would be placed on India to Australia service, whilst the Straat Makassar/ Tjinegara would takeover the Straat Banka’s earlier service, being the Yokohama to BuenosAires service, thus their schedules were completely reversed!

Well Designed Ships:

Straat Banka was a well built ship and she hadan attractive and a perfectly balanced amidships superstructure whichaccommodated just 48 First Class passengers in sheer comfort. She was sopopular that many Australian passengers would book a return voyage on her, asthey would enjoy an extended voyage, looking forward to many exciting ports,filled with great adventure and a voyage filled with the company’s famed greatservice, excellent cuisine and the ships comfort!

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (11)

Thisis an early release postcard of the M.S. Straat Banka as she commenced her newduties

TheM.S. Straat Banka was without a doubt a beautifully balanced ship, wherever sheand her sister went, all who loved ships would comedockside and photograph them!

She certainly offered the best possible passengerfacilities, with the finest of her accommodations being two spacious DeluxeStaterooms located forward on B Deck, each having three large windows, twolooking forward and one larger one on the side of the ship that could be openedfor fresh air. The Deluxe Staterooms had twin beds, but these could be made upas a double bed, which was very new for those days, the lounge area had fourlarge comfortable fully upholstered chairs and two coffee tables. There werebedside tables and a desk with a mirror. There was a walk in wardrobe with aspacious bathroom with afull bathtub with an overhead shower, and every possiblefacility! Obviou8sly, one of these Staterooms was located on the starboard sideand the other on the portside.

The balance of cabins was equally dividedbetween single and twin-bedded cabins, but each had private facilities with ashower, WC and basin, etc. However, in the hallway there were a number ofbathrooms with bathtubs for those who preferred to take a bath! Every cabin hada large dressing table with drawers and two side cupboards, a large mirror anda seat as well as chairs and spacious wardrobes! In addition all cabins has aconnecting door, thus they could be sold to families meaning a twin cabin couldbe sold with a single if a child was travelling for a family of three.Alternatively two twin bedded cabins could be sold together for four travellingtogether.

Amidships on B Deck was the Hairdresser andthe Baggage Room, whilst the Pursers office was located forward next to theMain stairwell up to A Deck or Promenade Deck, the location of the delightfulLounge overlooking the bow, the Bar on the portside and a library on thestarboard side with tables and chairs where passengers could comfortably read abook! Aft on A Deck was a well designed Dining Room seating all passengers inone sitting. Running along the side the Lounge forward was glass enclosedPromenade Deck and it was the perfect place to sit and relax to have a coffeeand cake well out of the wind on a windy day! Far aft of the spacious PromenadeDeck there was a spacious deck space for sports facilities. Inaddition, stairs up to Boat Deck there was the aft section of that deck, itcommenced from just aft of the forward lifeboats and it gave additional spacefor sun baking that was the thin g to do in those days!

Photo Album

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (12)

Astarboard impression of the Straat Banka

Theabove image of the Straat Banka was painted by & is © Mr.RobertBersma

1. StraatBanka’s Facilities

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (13)

Thecover of a 1952 Deck Plan

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (14)

Thisis the cover of the RIL Passenger List handed to passengers onboard M.S. StraatBanka & Tjinegara

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (15)

TheLounge forward on A Deck, looking to starboard

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (16)

TheLounge and the main stairwell, looking to port

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (17)

Aboveand below: Just aft of the Lounge, portside was thedelightful bar

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (18)

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (19)

Againaft of the Lounge, but starboard was the Library

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (20)

Above& Below: Aft on A Deck was the delightfulDining Room with floor to ceiling windows

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (21)

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (22)

Herewe see a beautiful Menu cover from 1961 that opens like a door

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (23)

Herewe see the forward section of the port side of the B Deck passageway to thecabins - looking aft

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (24)

Theengine room

2. The Ship

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (25)

Herewe see her ready to load Circo (Circus) Brasil bound home for SouthAmerica

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (26)

M.S.Straat Banka glides into yet another port

Her Refit and beingoperated by Royal Interocean Lines

In 1961she was refitted and passenger numbers decreased by 7 to 40 and a swimming poolwas added aft on A Deck as can be seen on the Cabin Plan on Page Two.

Upon completion she would be operated by RoyalInterocean Lines, which had their head offices in HongKong. As many will know there was a largefleet of ships in operation and the Straat Banka now commenced on her newservice that saw her visiting the following ports; Bombay, Cochin/Alleppey, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Djakarta, Brisbane,Sydney and concluding at Melbourne. Then she would return Via Adelaide,Fremantle (Perth),Java,Singapore,Malacca, Port Swettenham, Penang and returning to Bombay.Many Australians would join her in whichever city they lived in and do theentire voyage as an extended Circle Asia Cruise!

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (27)

Theelegant looking Royal Interocean Lines M.S. Straat Banka

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (28)

Afton A Deck was the new Swimming Pool that was fitted in 1961

Photographby & © Robert Bersma

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (29)

StraatBanka seen toward the end of her RIL days

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (30)

Hereis a rare view; the M.S. Straat Banka is seen forward and the Tjinegara aft in SydneyAustralia

Photographby & © Robert Bersma

With changesin the wind, the company had decided that they would sell the Straat Banka andthus on August 19, 1971 she was sold to Mercury Shipping Co based in Singaporewho renamed her MercuryLake.As she was in Sydneyshe had just disembarked all her passengers, and she sailed without anypassenger’s non-stop for Singaporewhere she was to take on her new facade. Upon arrival she was placed at anchorand she soon received her name to her hull, but she had not as yet beenreregistered, thus Amsterdamstill remained until registration was completed. They commenced repainting herfunnel yellow, in order to add a Mercury logo.

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (31)

Herewe see the renamed MercuryLakewith a partial yellow funnel with a Mercury logo added to the original

Photographby & © Robert Bersma

Soon enough the company had herregistered her in Liberiaand she was ready to commence her services. It is from here, that sadly thereis little to no actual information available on her, or the M.S.Tjinegara’sservices with this company, it has been said by some that they were used asfull time cargo ships only. However, that seen rather strange for PIL who werewell known as a Passenger Cargo operator, and they had a reasonable second handfleet of ships over the years that had passengers and some of these operated onthe Singapore to Australia service! But, I am unable to locate any information,thus I assume they were used within Asia.

Seven years later this once fine passengercargo liner, a ship that gave so much joy to countless of thousands of happypassengers, who enjoyed their voyages on this wonderful ship was sadly sold toChinese ship breakers in 1978. Soon after the sale she sailed under her ownpower for Shanghaiwhere she arrived on September 30, 1978 and she was soon broken up, at just 26years young!

WhatHappened to the Tjinegara?

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (32)

Herewe see the delightful M.S.Tjinegara

Photographerunknown – Please see photo notes at bottom of page

Inbrief, the M.S. Tjinegara was also sold to Mercury Shipping Co, but in 1972 andshe was renamed Mercury Bayand like her sister she was also registered in Liberia,although we know little of her services but five years later in 1977 the samefate befell her as she was sold to Balmoral MaritimeInc, of Singapore and wasrenamed United Ensign, but they sold her on to Pakistani Ship Breakers. In duecourse she headed for Karachiwhere she arrived on December 19, 1978 and she was finally broken up at the Gadani breakers yards early in 1979.

And with the United Ensign, ex MercuryBay,Tjinegara, built as the M.S. Straat Makassar and her sister M.S. Straat Bankacame an end of two wonderfully designed and built Dutch luxury ClassicPassenger Cargo Liners!



: 1. StraatMakassar - 2. Straat Banka.

Please Note: StraatMakassar was renamed Tjinegara in1956.

Built by: Shipyard Piet Smit Jr.Shipyard in Rotterdam, the Netherlands;1. 1951 – 2. 1952.

Hull#: 1. 600 – 2.601.

Call Sign: 1. PHTM - 2.PHTL.

Launched: 1.July 17, 1951.

. 2. December 22, 1951.

Delivered: 1.August 18, 1951.

. 2. May 16, 1952.

Tonnage: 1. 8,951 GRT, 6,279 Net tons, 9,535 Dead weight.

. 2. 9.033 GRT, 6.631 Net tons, 9.436Dead weight.

Length: 143.78m– 472ft.

Width: 19.39m– 64ft.

Draught: 11.50m– 28.10ft.

Engines: Single9 Cylinder Burmeister & Wain Diesel Engines by P.Smit -740 x 1600.

Screws: One.

Speed: 16knots service speed, 17 knots maximum.

Passengers: 1. 40 – 2.48 (as built).

. 1. 44 (After refit & renaming as Tjinegara1956)

. 2. 40 (after 1961 refurbishment).


Toview a little life on this delightful ship

Enter this: Videoof life on board the passenger-cargo ship M.S. Straat Banka in 1964.

Concluding Photographs ofthe M.S.Tjinegara& the Straat Banka

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (33)

Thewonderful M.S.Tjinegara,originally built as the Straat Makassar in 1951

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (34)

Awonderful photo of a fine classic Passenger-Cargo ship

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (35)

Farewell Straat Banka, you were indeed a Good& Faithful Ship and Close to My Heart!


M.S.Straat Banka … A luxury 48 passenger-cargo liner, and hersister.

StraatBanka 2 … Her 1952 & 1961 Deck Plans.

Part One M.S. Boissevain, M.S. Tegelberg & M.S. Ruys; 1937/38 to 1942.

Part Two … Their trooping years and their commercialyears - 1942 to 1968.

Part Three … Deck Plan, Brochures & Schedules, andMemorabilia.

Royal InteroceanLines’ Elegant Yachts.

... Two Grand Old Dames of the Sea.


“Blue Water Linerssailing to the distant shores.
I watched them come, I watched them go, and I watched them die.”


Return to the ssMaritimeMAIN INDEX

Where you will discover over 1,350 Classic Liners&the 1914 built MV DoulosStory

The Author hasbeen in Passenger Shipping & the Cruise Industry for over 60 years!

Photographson ssmaritime and associate pages are bythe author or from the author’s private collection. In addition there aresome images that have been provided by Shipping Companies and privatephotographers or collectors. Credit is given to all contributors. However,there are some photographs provided to me without details regarding thephotographer/owner concerned. I hereby invite if owners of these images wouldbe so kind to make them-selves known to me (my email address may only be foundon, in order that due credit may be given.

This notice covers all pages, although, and I have done my best to ensure that all photographsare duly credited and that this notice is displaced on each page, that is, whena page is updated!

ssMaritime is owned & © Copyright by Reuben Goossens- All Rights Reserved

RIL M.S. Straat Banka 1951-1971, MS Mercury Lake 1971 to 1978 (2024)
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