Question about bans (2024)

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Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015

X-ray packs can be rendered useless by the anticheat.

XRAY can be blocked to an extent, for example, making so that the client thinks that every block that is not visible to the player is a diamond, and when it is visible it goes back to normal.

  • Question about bans (10)




Forum Veteran
Feb 6, 2016

Um well the Sentinal can't detect that is True but Mods can, but in Cubecraft there is no need for a x-ray Pack Cubecraft doesn't have like a Faction Game in it so there is no need for an x-ray pack

Mods are only able to see the suspicious motions and activities that come along with using x-ray, not the pack itself.

And on top of that, I'm pretty sure he isn't asking this because he is willing to use x-ray. Let's keep it a no.

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Question about bans (2024)


What questions to ask about book banning? ›

Are there valid reasons to ban books? Do the reasons listed for your book seem valid to you? Why or why not? What benefits, if any, are there to getting a book banned?

Does "ban" mean illegal? ›

1. : legal or formal prohibition. a ban on beef exports.

What is the full meaning of ban? ›

to prohibit, forbid, or bar; interdict: to ban nuclear weapons; The dictator banned all newspapers and books that criticized his regime. Synonyms: taboo, proscribe, outlaw. Antonyms: allow.

What does ban mean for kids? ›

The verb to ban means to forbid something from being or happening. The word can also be used as a noun. A school board might put a ban on all books that refer to Jefferson's mistress if they don't want anyone reading about her.

Why can banning books be bad? ›

Book bans make it more difficult for students to access certain books, either by removing them from the library or from the curriculum. Book bans involve overriding choices made by teachers or librarians about books.

What are 3 reasons a book might get banned? ›

offensive language (61.5%) unsuited to age group (49%) religious viewpoint (26%) LGBTQIA+ content (23.5%)

Why is TikTok getting banned? ›

In 2020, Trump sought to clamp down on TikTok through executive action due to fears that the Chinese government could access sensitive American user data on the app, which is owned by the Chinese tech giant ByteDance.

Is ban short for banish? ›

They have to leave the kingdom and vanish — not just go home and wait for the king to change his mind. Banish comes from the Old French word bannir, which means "proclaim as an outlaw." It is serious and absolute. You can see the word ban in banish, but to ban something is not as harsh as banishing it.

What do ban stands for? ›

Body Area Network (BAN) technology uses small, low power wireless devices that can be carried or embedded inside or on the body. Applications include but are not limited to: health and wellness monitoring.

What does banned mean on TikTok? ›

Accounts that consistently violate Community Guidelines will be banned from TikTok. If your account has been banned, you'll receive a banner notification when you next open the app, informing you of this account change. If you believe your account was banned incorrectly, let us know by submitting an appeal.

What does bam mean? ›

: a sudden loud noise. often used interjectionally to indicate a sudden impact or occurrence. was fine, then bam, he lost his job. BAM.

What is the difference between ban and banned? ›

"Banned" is the past tense and past participle form of the verb "to ban," which means to forbid or prohibit, such as "they are banned (prohibited) from entering the country," or "the book was banned for use by the school board."

What does Japanese word ban mean in English? ›

/bæn/ an official rule that people must not do or use something. 禁止(令) There is a ban on smoking in restaurants.

Should schools ban slang in the classroom? ›

About 40% of teachers oppose banning slang in classroom

Yet, 2 in 5 teachers said they were against a classroom ban on slang usage. Almost 40% of the teachers said slang could help students feel more comfortable expressing themselves and 36% said it can reflect and respect cultural identity.

What is the slang definition for kid? ›

A kid is a child, informally, and it's also a young goat. Sometimes the word kid means a kind of soft leather made from goat skin. When kid is used as a verb, it means to tease or jokingly deceive someone — to kid them.

What are some topics related to banned books? ›

While books have stood in the crossfire of political battles throughout history, today's most banned books address issues related to race, gender identity and sexuality — major flashpoints in the ongoing American culture war.

What are the facts against book banning? ›

Opponents of bans argue that by restricting information and discouraging freedom of thought, censors undermine one of the primary functions of education: teaching students how to think for themselves. Such actions, assert free speech proponents, endanger tolerance, free expression, and democracy.

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.