‘Queen of Hallmark Movies’ talks about her 30th movie for the network, debuting Saturday (2024)

Having 30 Hallmark movies to her name, Lacey Chabert – known for her roles on “Party of Five” and “Mean Girls” – has been called the “Queen of Hallmark Movies,” something the actress takes as a compliment.

“The first one I did was ‘Elevator Girl’ (2010). Now, I just completed my 30th movie. I never knew when I did ‘Elevator Girl’ that it would turn into what it has. I’m so proud to be part of the Hallmark family. It means a lot to me that people enjoy the films and relate to the characters. People say the movies are ‘comfort food for the soul.’ I’m proud to be part of something that’s uplifting and adds a little goodness into the world,” said Chabert.

Her latest Hallmark film is this weekend’s “The Wedding Veil Legacy.” It’s the final installment of a trilogy that began with last month’s “The Wedding Veil” and continued with Feb. 12’s “The Wedding Veil Unveiled.”

This trilogy features Chabert and fellow Hallmark actresses – her “Hallmark sisters” – Autumn Reeser (“Entourage”) and Alison Sweeney (“Days of Our Lives”). They play the lead in one film and supporting roles in the other two. The trilogy follows three lifelong friends who find a mysterious wedding veil believed to unite its bearer with true love. Chabert’s Avery was center stage in the first movie and Reeser’s Emma in the second. The spotlight is on Sweeney’s Tracy in the third.

“It’s not just about the veil and the love stories – that’s the centerpiece – but it really is about the relationship between these three women and how they care for one another, support one another, and have each other’s backs, which is a beautiful thing to see,” said Chabert.

Based on Lori Wilde’s novels, sisters/long-time Hallmark movie writers Sandra and Judith Berg approached Chabert and executive producers Beth Grossbard and Lisa Demberg about this trilogy.

“We’re just thankful Hallmark allowed us to tell this kind of story,” said Chabert. “With every movie, I’m trying to raise the bar… find a different way of telling these stories. I loved that it was a trilogy and loved the opportunity to act along some of my friends from the network. A lot of fans asked over the years if we’d be in movies together or if there’d be some sort of crossover – this was the perfect time for that… It’s been really exciting these past few months to see it come to life and see it be so well-received. I just appreciate the fan support.”

This trilogy, something new to Hallmark, allowed Chabert to work with Reeser and Sweeney.

“I knew both Autumn and Ali before this, but we’ve gotten to know each other so much more on a deeper level now that we’ve had the experience of making these three movies together and traveling the world to make it happen. We have so many good memories, so many laughs, relating to each other as mothers, balancing work and personal life,” explained Chabert. “It was also interesting to be in a film with someone else who understands what it is to be the lead in these movies and understands the responsibility we have to the Hallmark fans. We put so much passion into it and enjoyed the work. I just feel really blessed we had the chance to collaborate. I just love them. I hope we can do another movie together. If not, I told them we’re friends for life.”

In 2014, Chabert played Gina Kell Spehn, of Rochester Hills, in Hallmark’s “The Color of Rain,” based on the book of the same name written by Gina and her husband Michael Spehn. Both Gina and Michael lost their spouses to cancer and eventually got married, finding love again in the wake of such overwhelming loss. They founded the New Day Foundation for Families in Rochester Hills 15 years ago. Its mission is to provide financial assistance and emotional support to families battling cancer.

“I love Gina so much,” said Chabert. “What a special woman. What a special family. To have overcome such tragedy and they now use their lives to help so many people, I’m constantly inspired by them. They’re a beautiful family. She’s a lovely woman and I’m proud to call her a friend… It was a real honor that I got to be a part of telling their story in (‘Rain’).”

Chabert assists with New Day fundraisers when able. She donates 100% of her Cameo proceeds to New Day. In late 2021, Chabert raised approximately $60,000 for New Day on “Celebrity Wheel of Fortune.”

“I’ll never get over the fact I didn’t solve the last puzzle, which was ‘a very lucky guy.’ It haunts me to this day,” she recalled, laughing. “That experience was an absolute dream come true because I am a super-fan of the show. When I had a chance to be a part of it, I was so excited and so nervous. I knew I wanted to play on New Day’s behalf because they do so much to help so many people through the emotional and financial crisis that comes with a cancer diagnosis. I believe in the work they do, so I was thrilled to represent them.”

In turn, Spehn praised Chabert.

“The first time I met Lacey was on our movie set. Her light-hearted spirit and genuine kindness were immediately evident. I’ve been a fan since her (‘Party’) days, so I was elated and honored when I found out she would play me in (‘Rain’),” she said. “Lacey has become a friend and champion for the mission of New Day. She’s a woman after God’s heart, who – despite suffering her own deep losses – lives her faith and uses her gifts and talents to serve others. I simply adore her and am blessed to have her in my life. I only wished she lived closer!”

IF YOU WATCH: “The Wedding Veil Legacy” debuts Saturday, Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. on the Hallmark Channel. There will be encore showtimes of this movie and the other two movies in “The Wedding Veil” trilogy. For encore showtimes, visit HallmarkChannel.com or download the Hallmark Movie Checklist app.

As an expert in film and television, particularly in the realm of Hallmark movies, I've closely followed the career of Lacey Chabert and the evolution of Hallmark Channel productions. I've studied the narrative structures, casting choices, production styles, and thematic elements prevalent in Hallmark movies, including those within the romance genre. I'm also familiar with the impact of actors like Lacey Chabert on Hallmark's audience and the significant role she has played in shaping the network's image and success.

Lacey Chabert, renowned for her roles in "Party of Five" and "Mean Girls," has indeed solidified her position as a prominent figure in the Hallmark movie universe. With a prolific career spanning numerous Hallmark films, including her latest venture, "The Wedding Veil Legacy," Chabert has become synonymous with the network's uplifting and heartwarming productions. Her ability to portray relatable characters and her commitment to delivering stories that resonate with audiences has contributed significantly to the enduring popularity of Hallmark movies.

Regarding the concepts and elements highlighted in the article featuring Lacey Chabert:

  1. Hallmark Movies: These films are known for their wholesome, family-friendly content, often revolving around themes of love, community, and personal growth. They are designed to provide comfort and entertainment, earning a loyal fanbase over the years.

  2. Lacey Chabert's Career: Chabert's journey from her earlier acting roles to becoming a prominent figure in Hallmark movies, showcasing her versatility and dedication to uplifting storytelling.

  3. "The Wedding Veil" Trilogy: This particular trilogy explores the lives and friendships of three women connected by a mysterious wedding veil. It not only focuses on love stories but also emphasizes the bond and support shared among the female protagonists.

  4. Collaboration and Friendship: Chabert's collaboration with fellow actresses Autumn Reeser and Alison Sweeney in the trilogy underscores the camaraderie and support among artists within the Hallmark community.

  5. Adaptation from Novels: The trilogy is based on novels by Lori Wilde, highlighting the adaptation process from literature to film and the creative liberties taken in translating stories to the screen.

  6. Humanitarian Work: Chabert's involvement with charitable causes, such as supporting the New Day Foundation for Families, showcasing her commitment to making a positive impact beyond her acting career.

  7. Fan Engagement: The significance of fan support in the success of Hallmark movies, as emphasized by Chabert's gratitude for the viewers' reception and engagement with her work.

Overall, the article delves into the world of Hallmark movies, showcasing not only the creative process behind these films but also the personal and professional endeavors of Lacey Chabert, highlighting her dedication to storytelling and philanthropy.

‘Queen of Hallmark Movies’ talks about her 30th movie for the network, debuting Saturday (2024)
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