Queen Esther was a woman of faith, courage, heroism (2024)

Because she literally saved the Jews in Persia from execution, Esther is regarded as a woman of faith, courage and heroism.

An orphan, Esther grew up in the house of her cousin Mordecai, a Jewish exile who was a high officer in the Persian government in Susa (or Sushan), where the king's winter palace was located. (Esth. 2:7.)Some 120 years before the story of Esther took place, during the reign of Jehoiachin, Mordecai's great-grandfather was carried away into Babylonian captivity with the prophet Ezekiel. (Esth. 2:6.) The Babylonians later were overrun by the Persians.

Ahsauerus, the Persian king, chose Esther to be his queen after Queen Vashti was banned from his presence for refusing to make an appearance at a royal feast. (Esth. 2:1-7.) Persian kings usually chose their wives from among the noblest Persian families. Ahasuerus did not know of Esther's Jewish lineage, and Esther, upon Mordecai's advice, did not reveal it. (Esth. 2:10.)

Haman, one of the king's chief men, hated Mordecai and obtained a decree to put all Jews to death by a certain date. (Esth. 3:5-15.)

One of the most important moments in Jewish history came when, after Mordecai reminded Esther of her opportunity to use her favored position as queen, she appealed to the king to revoke the decree. (Esth. 4:13-14; 5:1-14.) A king's decree, however, was irrevocable even by the king himself. (Esth. 8:89.)

Through Esther's influence Ahsauerus issued a second decree, which greatly weakened the first: the Jews were informed of the impending day of the extermination and were authorized to arm themselves, attack and destroy all enemies who should assault them on that day. Prepared for battle and able to defend themselves, the Jews in Persia were spared.

The Jews "smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword." (Esth. 9:5.) Haman was hanged "on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai" and his 10 sons were hanged. (Esth. 7:10 and 9:14.)

Queen Esther was a woman of faith, courage, heroism (2024)


Queen Esther was a woman of faith, courage, heroism? ›

Throughout history, Esther has been regarded as a woman of piety, faith, courage and heroism because of her role in literally saving her people, the Jews, from execution.

How did Queen Esther show courage? ›

Esther decided to ask the king to save her people. But she could be killed for going to the king's throne. Esther asked the Jews to fast for her. When Esther went to her husband's throne, he welcomed her.

Is Esther a hero of faith? ›

Today's Bible Hero of Faith is Esther who was chosen by God to deliver to His people. Esther, a Jew, became Queen during a time when the Jews were being treated badly. Her cousin, Mordecai, told Esther to set her own fear aside and ask the King to save her people.

What was Queen Esther's faith? ›

Esther prepared in every way she could and then chose to have faith in God, trusting that even if she was unsuccessful—even if she was put to death—she was doing the right thing.

What are good characteristics of Queen Esther? ›

Characteristics of Esther in the Bible
  • Courage. Risking your life for others requires courage – a lot of it. ...
  • Humility. Even though she was already the queen, Esther remained humble. ...
  • Faithfulness. ...
  • Selflessness. ...
  • Loyalty. ...
  • Wisdom. ...
  • Obedience. ...
  • Compassion.
May 5, 2023

What does the story of Queen Esther teach us? ›

They say the story proves we should be patient and trust that God does everything for a reason. There is another message in the story. Approaching the King, exposing the plotting of Haman and asking for her people to be saved, took great courage from Esther. Through her bravery, thousands of people were saved.

What is the key message of Esther? ›

This message is clear: God is sovereign even when life doesn't make sense. God is also the great Promise Keeper. Mordecai said to Esther: “If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish” (Esther 4:14).

What kind of woman was Esther? ›

Not much is revealed about her character, but she is described as beautiful (2:7) and obedient (2:10), and she appears to be pliant and cooperative. She quickly wins the favor of the chief eunuch, Hegai, and, when her turn comes to spend the night with the king, Ahasuerus falls in love with her and makes her his queen.

Was Esther a hero? ›

Esther is credited for her heroic part in the Jews' redemption. She is described as 'the little spring', an unknown Jewish girl who became a Persian queen and the hero of her people.

Why was Esther chosen? ›

Esther in the Harem

Unlike the other women, who wanted to be chosen, Esther tried to evade the king, but she was the one picked to be queen. This shows that her selection was part of the divine plan; Esther was meant to rule in order to bring deliverance to all Israel (

What was Esther's spiritual gift? ›

I believe Esther's gifts included compassion, diplomacy, intercession and discernment. If there was a gift called “get 'er done,” Esther possessed it. She used her gifts to reveal a grievous deception that would murder thousands of innocent people. What an example and encouragement to do the task at hand!

What was the strength of Queen Esther? ›

Esther was brave and courageous and arose to the challenge. She knew that it was God who would save them, and she was willing to be used by Him. She asked Mordecai and all the Jews to gather, fast and pray for three days. She and her maids would do so too.

What was Esther's loyalty in the Bible? ›

Esther for Christians Today

It is one thing to live a life that is faithful to God when one is surrounded by a culture that supports such efforts. It is quite another to remain faithful in a cultural context that is not similarly committed and that, in fact, may be openly hostile to the life of faith.

What did Esther do to overcome her fear? ›

When faced with the difficult decision to approach the king, with death as a possible consequence, Esther asked her cousin to recruit a prayer team. Her humble servant leadership was on full display when she chose to join them in fasting and prayer.

How did Mordecai show courage? ›

Courage. Mordecai's unwavering courage serves as a timeless example for leaders (Esther 3:2). Despite the risk to his life, he refused to bow down to a high-ranking official. Even in the face of adversity, Mordecai's act of standing up for his principles underscores the importance of courageous leadership.

Who was the brave queen in the Bible? ›

Esther the Very Brave Queen (Did You Know Old Testament Bible Story)

What made Esther a good leader? ›

Esther was humble and teachable, listening to her adopted father Mordecai and the counsel of the head eunuch Hegai. Her humility and wisdom earned her favor everywhere she went. Even shallow King Xerxes saw something in her that was more than skin deep, elevating her to the place of Queen.

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