Prop Firm Scams - The Forex Geek (2024)

Author: The Forex Geek | Published: August 3, 2023

Table of Contents

What are Prop Firms?

Proprietary trading firms, also known as ‘prop firms’, are private companies that try to allocate their own capital to trade in various financial markets. In the context of the Forex market, a Forex prop firm uses its own funds to buy and sell currency pairs with the try for aiming of generating potential trades.

These firms operate differently from traditional brokerages. Instead of facilitating trades for clients, prop firms try to employ or contract traders to trade the firm’s own money. This tries to offer the traders the opportunity to handle significantly larger capital than they could access individually, increasing their potential for generating opportunities.

Forex prop firms are characterized by their focus on high-level market analysis, the development of trading strategies, and the use of advanced technological tools. They often try to use leverage to amplify the results of their trades, thus trying to enhance their potential returns, while simultaneously increasing their risk.

Capital Allocation and Risk Management

Proprietary trading firms, or prop firms, function by trying to allocate substantial amounts of their own capital to their traders to engage in various financial market transactions, including the Forex market. This large-scale capital allocation tries to offer traders the ability to manage more substantial sums of money than they would typically have access to individually, trying to increase the potential for significant opportunities.

However, providing such high capital access inherently involves substantial risk. To mitigate these risks and protect their financial assets, prop firms try to adopt stringent risk management strategies. This involves setting up trading limits to prevent any trader from exposing too much capital at any given time. The limits can be defined by the trader’s experience level, historical performance, and the current market condition.

Traders are often required to maintain a specific risk-reward ratio and are regularly monitored to try to ensure that they are not deviating from the firm’s risk management policies. Risk analysis, stress testing, and scenario analysis are some of the tools used by prop firms to assess potential risks and formulate strategies to mitigate them.

Moreover, advanced risk management software is usually employed by these firms to monitor real-time risk exposure, manage portfolio risk, and implement target levels to limit potential drawdowns.

Trading Technology and Infrastructure

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of Forex trading, technology and infrastructure play a pivotal role. Proprietary trading firms, or prop firms, trying to leverage advanced technology to gain a competitive edge, execute strategies effectively, and manage risks.

  • Trading Platforms and Software: Prop firms typically try to utilize trading platforms that offer real-time data, detailed analysis tools, and quick order execution. This can include industry-leading platforms such as MetaTrader or custom-developed software tailored to the firm’s specific needs. Some prop firms also try to employ algorithmic trading software, which uses predefined rules for making trade decisions at high speeds, far surpassing human capability.
  • Direct Market Access (DMA): Many prop firms try to provide direct market access, allowing traders to interact directly with the order book of an exchange. This reduces latency and provides faster, efficient trade execution, which can be critical in the volatile Forex market.
  • Analytics and Performance Tracking: Prop firms use analytics tools to track and evaluate trading performance. These tools try to allow firms to analyze a vast array of metrics and KPIs, providing insights into the effectiveness of trading strategies and highlighting areas for improvement.
  • Infrastructure: The infrastructure is crucial for maintaining reliable and efficient trading operations. This includes high-speed internet connections, trading servers, and secure, reliable data storage systems. Some prop firms may also try to use co-location services to reduce latency further, placing their servers in the same location as an exchange’s server.
  • Cybersecurity: Given the sensitive nature of their operations, prop firms invest heavily in cybersecurity. This involves secure networks, firewalls, encryption, and other measures to try to protect the firm’s data and systems from cyber threats.

Training and Development

Training and Development form an integral part of the operations in a proprietary trading firm, or prop firm. These aspects are crucial for maintaining a high standard of trading performance and for cultivating a culture of continuous learning and growth among traders.

  • Initial Training: Many prop firms try to offer comprehensive training programs for new traders. These programs typically cover a wide range of topics including basic and advanced trading concepts, technical and fundamental analysis, risk management, behavioral finance, and the specific trading strategies employed by the firm. The training may be delivered through a mix of methods such as classroom sessions, online courses, webinars, and workshops.
  • Ongoing Training and Development: Learning in the trading world is an ongoing process due to the ever-changing market dynamics. Prop firms often provide continuous training and development opportunities to help traders stay updated with new strategies, tools, and market trends. This could be in the form of mentoring programs, weekly trading reviews, workshops on advanced topics, and access to industry events and seminars.
  • Peer Learning: Prop firms foster a collaborative environment that encourages peer learning. Traders can learn from the experiences of their peers, exchange ideas, discuss market trends, and brainstorm strategies. This can lead to the development of innovative trading strategies and can enhance the overall performance of the firm.
  • Performance Evaluation and Feedback: Prop firms use advanced analytics tools to evaluate the performance of traders regularly. Detailed feedback is provided based on this analysis, which tries to help traders understand their strengths and areas of improvement. This feedback mechanism is crucial for fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


In proprietary trading firms, or prop firms, the compensation structure typically differs from that of traditional corporate roles or brokerage firms. These firms primarily follow a profit-sharing model, meaning the traders are compensated based on the opportunities generated from their trades.

  • Profit-Sharing: Prop firms try to allocate a percentage of the generated opportunities made from trading to their traders. This percentage can vary widely based on the firm’s policies, the trader’s experience level, and the amount of potential trades generated. The percentage typically ranges from 50% to 90%. This model tries to incentivize traders to adopt potential strategies and achieve high performance, as their personal income directly correlates with their trading success.
  • Drawdowns: In the case of a drawdown, prop firms often have a “drawdown” policy where traders must try to earn back their drawdowns before they can start earning a percentage of the potential trades again. This tries to ensure that traders are accountable for their drawdowns and encourages prudent risk management.
  • No Salary or Base Pay: Unlike traditional jobs, traders in prop firms usually do not receive a salary or base pay. Their income is purely performance-based, deriving from the potential trades they generate. This can mean higher potential earnings for potential traders, but it also presents more income volatility.
  • Benefits and Perks: Some prop firms also try to offer additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and bonuses. The firm may also try to cover costs related to trading technology, data services, and professional development opportunities.

Collaborative Environment

Proprietary trading firms, also known as prop firms, often try to foster a collaborative environment, where traders can learn from each other, share ideas and strategies, and grow together as professionals. This collective environment is one of the unique aspects of prop firms that tries to set them apart from individual trading.

  • Knowledge Sharing: The nature of the prop firm structure tries to encourage knowledge sharing among traders. Traders can discuss market trends, share insights on particular currency pairs or economic events, and exchange trading strategies. This communal learning environment tries to allow traders to gain new perspectives and enhance their understanding of the Forex market.
  • Mentorship and Support: Many prop firms try to provide a supportive environment where experienced traders mentor newer ones. This guidance can be invaluable in the complex and fast-paced Forex market. Traders also have the opportunity to receive feedback on their trades, which can try to help them refine their strategies and improve their performance.
  • Collective Learning: Regular meetings and trading reviews try to allow for collective learning, where traders can analyze their trades, discuss successes and failures, and learn from each other’s experiences. This collaborative learning can try to lead to the development of more effective trading strategies and a stronger understanding of the markets.
  • Team Building and Culture: Some prop firms emphasize team-building activities and a strong company culture to foster a sense of community and collaboration. This can create a more enjoyable and motivating work environment, which can contribute to better trading performance.
  • Networking: Working in a prop firm can try to provide valuable networking opportunities. Traders can build relationships with a diverse group of professionals in the field, which can open up new opportunities and collaborations in the future.

Prop Firm Scams

The world of Forex trading is not without its potential pitfalls, one of which includes scams disguised as proprietary trading firms, or prop firms. While many legitimate prop firms try to provide a viable platform for traders to trade with significant capital, some malicious entities try to exploit aspiring traders. Understanding the common signs of a scam can try to help protect your financial and personal information.

  • Upfront Fees: One of the most common red flags is a requirement for traders to pay significant upfront fees to start trading. While it’s standard for some legitimate firms to require a small setup or platform fee, be wary of firms asking for large, non-refundable fees, or those that require you to ‘buy-in’ to get an opportunity to trade.
  • Unrealistic Profit Promises: Scam prop firms often try to lure traders with promises of unrealistically high returns. Remember, Forex trading involves substantial risk, and no firm can guarantee profits. Firms promising sure-fire, high profits with little risk are almost certainly fraudulent.
  • Lack of Regulation: A legitimate prop firm will be regulated by a reputable financial authority, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the US. A firm that is not regulated, or refuses to provide regulatory information, should be treated with caution.
  • Opaque Business Practices: Transparency in operations, profit-sharing, and risk management protocols is crucial. If a firm is vague about its business model, compensation structure, or risk management strategies, it’s a warning sign.
  • Poor Training and Support: Scam firms often lack substantial training or support. Legitimate prop firms invest in their traders’ development and try to offer training and mentorship programs.
  • Aggressive Marketing Tactics: Scam firms often use high-pressure sales tactics, urging potential traders to sign up quickly or miss out. Legitimate firms do not need to resort to such tactics.
  • Protecting Yourself: Always perform thorough research before joining a prop firm. Check the firm’s regulatory status, look for online reviews or complaints, and try to contact the firm directly to gauge their professionalism and transparency. It’s also wise to seek independent advice, if possible, before committing your money.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, prop firms can try to offer unique opportunities, providing traders with access to substantial capital and a collaborative trading environment. However, the presence of unscrupulous entities posing as legitimate prop firms poses a significant risk to traders.

These fraudulent firms try to employ various tactics such as charging large upfront fees, promising unrealistic returns, operating without proper regulation, maintaining opaque business practices, and providing inadequate training and support. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and discerning when choosing a prop firm to avoid falling victim to these scams.

Before joining a prop firm, traders should thoroughly research the firm’s background, including its regulatory status and market reputation. Transparency in operations, a training program, a fair compensation model, and a supportive trading environment are key indicators of a legitimate prop firm.

Prop Firm Scams - The Forex Geek (3)

The Forex Geek

Self-confessed Forex Geek spending my days researching and testing everything forex related. I have many years of experience in the forex industry having reviewed thousands of forex robots, brokers, strategies, courses and more. I share my knowledge with you for free to help you learn more about the crazy world of forex trading! Read more about me.

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Prop Firm Scams - The Forex Geek (2024)


How do I know if my prop firm is legit? ›

Read reviews to tell if your forex prop firm is legit. There are several effective ways to tell if your forex prop trading firm is legitimate. Start by reviewing the evaluation and challenge criteria to get funded. Review the profit-sharing agreement model and structure too.

Are there any legitimate prop firms? ›

Yes, besides Ultimate Trader, there are several legitimate forex prop trading firms, and True Forex Funds is among them. Joining a reputable prop trading firm typically involves a straightforward process.

Do prop firms really pay out? ›

There is nothing inherently scammy about the business model of prop firms. But how do they make money then? For starters, prop firms, of course, do not give money to just anyone who asks. Typically, they have a multi-stage evaluation process to make sure the traders they employ know what they are doing.

Are funded forex accounts scams? ›

However, the trading world is not immune to scams. Some unscrupulous entities may exploit the allure of funded trader programs to deceive unsuspecting traders. These scams often involve hidden fees, unrealistic profit-sharing terms, or outright disappearance with deposited funds.

Which is the most trusted prop firm? ›

The most popular prop trading firms and funded programmes
  • Axi Select.
  • FTMO.
  • The Forex Funder.
  • E8 Markets.
  • True Forex Funds.
  • The 5%ers.
  • Funded Next.

Which prop firm is safe? ›

TopTier Trader is a prop firm that offers traders the opportunity to trade with their capital and receive a share of the profits. They have gained popularity in the forex market due to their low-risk approach and high-profit potential.

Why is FTMO banned in the US? ›

FTMO have now restricted access to all new US-based traders as of January 2024. This appears to be related to regulatory issues and may have something to do with the recent My Forex Funds case.

What happens if you lose money in a prop firm? ›

Profits from trades are generally divided between the firm and the prop trader; however, the risk distribution is asymmetric. This means that in the event of a loss, the trader bears 100% of the losses, while they don't receive 100% of the profits.

Is FTMO trustworthy? ›

Having successfully operated since 2015, we provided thousands of clients with their FTMO Accounts, and in total, we have paid out over $160 million. We've also been featured in Forbes and awarded by Deloitte and EY multiple times.

Which is the best prop firm for forex? ›

#1 – Funder Trading

Funder Trading stands first in our list of the top prop trading firms in 2024 due to multiple reasons but notably it is the only prop trading firm that offers options funding and includes coaching for every trader signed up.

What percent of traders pass prop firms? ›

The FTMO challenge has a reputation for being extremely difficult to pass. Across FTMO's various account levels, it is estimated that only around 10% of traders are able to successfully complete the evaluation and become a funded trader. This means approximately 90% of those who attempt the challenge end up failing.

What is the failure rate of FTMO? ›

There is estimated to be a 90% fail rate of traders that take the FTMO challenge. The reason behind this is due to traders chasing the profit target with a time restriction in place. A trader doesnt know when a winning streak might occur, or when they may take a string of drawdowns.

How to spot a forex scammer? ›

Signs of a Possible Fraudulent Sales Pitch

Contacts you asking for personal information such as your name, phone number, and email and home addresses. Promising that with forex there is no “down-turning market”.

How do forex scams work? ›

How do forex scams work? Copied. Forex scams often involve the promise of unrealistic returns with little or no risk. Scammers will use high-pressure tactics to convince investors to deposit large sums of money into a trading account, promising to use the funds to generate guaranteed profits.

How do I know if forex is legit? ›

How Do I Know If a Forex Broker Is Legit? You can ask the broker for their Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer (RFED) number. 10 You can also check with the National Futures Association or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Are prop firm competitions legit? ›

But trading can also be risky, especially for beginners. If you're considering joining a prop trading firm, The Funded Trader competitions are an excellent way to ease into trading with little commitment. The Funded Trader competitions let you test yourself, practice, grow, and win free access to our challenges.

What percentage do prop firms take? ›

A prop trading firm looks to recruit talented traders and fund them with the company's capital. The funds that a trader makes, is then split between the trader and the company. The profit share is between 50 – 95%, with the trader taking the lion's share.

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