Promissory Note: What It Is, Different Types, and Pros and Cons (2024)

What Is a Promissory Note?

A promissory note is a written promise by one party (the note's issuer or maker) to pay another party (the note's payee) a definite sum of money, either on demand or at a specified future date. A promissory note typically contains all the terms involved, such as the principal debt amount, interest rate, maturity date, payment schedule, the date and place of issuance, and the issuer's signature.

Key Takeaways

  • A promissory note is a financial instrument that contains a written and signed promise between two parties to repay a sum of money in exchange for a loan or other financing.
  • A promissory note typically contains all the terms pertaining to the indebtedness, such as the principal amount, interest rate, maturity date, date and place of issuance, and issuer's signature.
  • In terms of their legal enforceability, promissory notes lie somewhere between the informality of an IOU and the rigidity of a loan contract.

Promissory Note: What It Is, Different Types, and Pros and Cons (1)

How Promissory Notes Work

Promissory notes can lie between an IOU's informality and a loan contract's rigidity. An IOU merely acknowledges a debt and the amount one party owes another. A promissory note includes a promise to pay on demand or at a specified future date, in addition to steps required for repayment (like the repayment schedule)

Although financial institutions may issue promissory notes—for instance, you might be required to sign one to take out a small personal loan—they also allow companies and individuals to get financing from a non-bank source. This source can be an individual or a company willing to carry the note (and provide the financing) under the agreed-upon terms. In effect, promissory notes can enable anyone to be a lender.

In its simplest form, a promissory note might be a written promise to repay a family member. State or federal securities entities may regulate more complicated promissory notes.

Typically, there are two parties to a promissory note: The promisor, also called the note's maker or issuer, promises to repay the amount borrowed. The promisee or payee is the person who gave the loan.

Secured vs. Unsecured Promissory Notes

A promissory note can be secured or unsecured. A secured promissory note describes the collateral—typically property—that secures the debt or amount borrowed. For example, if the borrower owns property, the lender can use the car as collateral until the debt is repaid. If the borrower doesn't repay the loan, the promissory note permits the lender to take possession of the property.

An unsecured promissory note doesn't involve collateral. In this case, if the borrower doesn't repay the loan, the lender can try to use standard debt-collection procedures.

In either case, the lender holds the promissory note until the debt is repaid. Typically, those drafting a promissory note will consult with an attorney to make sure the note follows any state or federal laws around loans or investments.

A promissory note is usually held by the party that's owed money; once the debt has been fully paid, the note must be canceled by the payee and returned to the issuer.

What's Included in a Promissory Note?

A promissory note should include all the details about a loan and the repayment terms. In addition to the names of the borrower and the lender, a promissory note may also include:

  • Name and address of borrower and lender
  • Maturity date
  • Sum borrowed
  • Payment schedule
  • Interest rate and how interest is calculated
  • Prepayments process
  • Overdue payment interest charged
  • Default
  • Waivers, amendments, and governing law for the promissory note

Types of Promissory Notes

In the United States, promissory notes are often used when getting a student loan, mortgage, or a loan from a friend or family member. Promissory notes are also sometimes issued to corporate clients.

Student Loan Promissory Notes

Many people sign their first promissory notes as part of getting a student loan. Private lenders typically require students to sign promissory notes for each loan taken out.

Some schools allow federal student loan borrowers to sign a one-time master promissory note, allowing receipt of multiple loans for up to 10 years if the school certifies the student's continued eligibility.

Student loan promissory notes outline the student borrower's rights and responsibilities and the loan's conditions and terms. By signing a master promissory note for federal student loans, the student promises to repay the loan amounts plus interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education.

The master promissory note also includes the student's personal contact and employment information as well as the names and contact info for the student's references.

Mortgage Promissory Notes

Homeowners usually consider their mortgage an obligation to repay the money they borrowed to buy their residence. But actually, the signed mortgage promissory note represents a promise to repay the mortgage or loan, along with the repayment terms.

Typically, the promissory note includes:

  • Amount you owe
  • Mortgage loan's interest rate
  • Ways your interest rate can change, if you have an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
  • Payment dates
  • Repayment length of time
  • Where you send payments
  • Consequences of not making monthly mortgage payments

The promissory note describes the debt's amount, interest rate, and late fees. A lender holds the promissory note until the mortgage loan is paid off. Unlike the mortgage or deed of trust, the promissory note is not entered into county land records.

Corporate Credit Promissory Notes

Promissory notes are commonly used in business as a means of short-term financing. For example, when a company sells products but hasn't yet collected payments, cash may run low, leaving the company unable to pay creditors. The company may ask creditors to accept a promissory note to be exchanged for cash after the company collects its accounts receivables.

Or the company may ask the bank for cash in exchange for a promissory note. Promissory notes offer companies a credit source after exhausting other options, like corporate loans or bond issues. A note issued by a company in this situation is at a higher risk of default than, say, a corporate bond. The corporate promissory note's interest rate will likely provide a greater return than a bond from the same company, as high risk means higher potential returns.

These notes must be registered with the government in the state where sold and with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

If the note is not registered, the investor has to analyze whether the company is capable of servicing the debt. Companies in dire straits may hire high-commission brokers to push unregistered promissory notes on the public. If the company defaults, the investors' legal avenues may be somewhat limited.

Promissory Note Repayment

There are several different structures for repayment of a promissory note, but most involve repaying the principal plus interest. The interest rate can be fixed or variable and calculated daily, monthly, annually, or in another way. In some states, interest rates may be capped by state law. A certified accountant and attorney can advise you on the tax or legal implications of the promissory note's repayment schedule.

Here are various repayment approaches for a promissory note:

  • Installment note: The most familiar repayment approach is through installments, with the borrower making regular payments; the repayment schedule and interest payments can vary.
  • Simple note: For smaller loans, borrowers might arrange a lump-sum repayment on a specified date, meaning that's when you'll repay the whole amount listed in the promissory note.
  • Open-ended note: This promissory note allows the borrower to draw on an operating or other loan over time and repay the draw plus interest by a specific date.
  • Demand note: Sometimes, a promissory note may specify "on demand" repayment, meaning that the note must be repaid at the lender's request at any time.

Investing in Promissory Notes

Company or corporate promissory notes are rarely sold to the public. When they are, it is usually at the behest of a struggling company working through unscrupulous brokers who are willing to sell promissory notes that the company may not be able to honor.

Alternatively, the promissory note may be part of a scam sold by life insurance agents or online or out-of-state investment advisors. Some sellers may know nothing about the investments' true origins—the promissory notes may be for companies that don't exist. Promissory notes promising "low risk, high yield" investments may lead to a type of fraud, according to the SEC.

Before investing in promissory notes, ensure all of the following are true:

  • The person selling the promissory notes is licensed to sell securities
  • The company offering promissory notes is legitimate and can repay debts
  • Promissory notes are properly registered by the SEC, state securities regulator, or legally exempt from registration
  • If guaranteed or insured by a foreign insurance company, contact your state department of insurance to make sure the company can do business in the U.S.

Investing in promissory notes involves risk. These promissory notes are only offered to corporate or sophisticated investors who can handle the risks and have the money needed to buy a note. To help minimize these risks, an investor must register the promissory note or have it notarized so that the obligation is publicly recorded and legal.

A Brief History of Promissory Notes

Promissory notes have had an interesting history. At times, they have circulated as a form of alternate currency, free of government control. In some places, the official currency is a form of promissory note called a demand note (one with no stated maturity date or fixed term, allowing the lender to decide when to demand payment).

Promissory notes and bills of exchange are governed by the 1930 Geneva Convention of Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Its rules stipulate that the term "promissory note" should be inserted in the instrument's body and contain an unconditional promise to pay.

What Does a Promissory Note Contain?

A form of debt instrument, a promissory note represents a written promise on the part of the issuer to pay back another party. A promissory note will include the agreed-upon terms between the two parties, such as the maturity date, principal, interest, and issuer’s signature. Essentially, a promissory note allows entities other than financial institutions to provide lending services to other entities.

What Is an Example of a Promissory Note?

One example of a promissory note is a corporate credit promissory note. For this type of promissory note, a company will typically be seeking a short-term loan. In the case of a growing startup that is low on cash as it expands its operations, the terms of the agreement could state that the company pays back the loan once its accounts receivable are collected.

There are several other types of promissory notes, including investment promissory notes, take-back mortgages, and student loan promissory notes.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Promissory Note?

A promissory note can be advantageous when an entity is unable to secure a loan from a traditional lender, such as a bank. However, promissory notes can be risky, as the lender may not have the same means and scale of resources as traditional financial institutions. At the same time, legal issues could arise for both the issuer and payee in the event of default. Because of this, getting a promissory note notarized can be important.

The Bottom Line

A promissory note is a written promise by one party to make a payment of money at a date in the future. Although potentially issued by financial institutions, other organizations or individuals can use promissory notes to confirm the agreed terms of a loan. In short, a promissory note allows anyone to act as a lender. However, the average investor should be wary of and heavily research any sales pitches for promissory notes as an investment.

Promissory Note: What It Is, Different Types, and Pros and Cons (2024)


What are the pros and cons of promissory note? ›

Pros of a promissory note include clear loan terms, legal enforceability, and flexibility in structuring agreements. However, cons may include potential strain on personal relationships, complexity in legal language, and the need for proper documentation.

What is promissory note and its types? ›

A promissory note, also known as a demand note or simply a demand loan, is a written agreement to repay a debt. The promissory note spells out the terms of the repayment process. A promissory note typically has three main elements: Amount and frequency of payments. Date of the first payment.

What is a promissory note short answer? ›

A promissory note is a written agreement between one party (you, the borrower) to pay back the loan issued by another party (often a bank or other financial institution).

What is the most common example of a promissory note? ›

A banknote is frequently referred to as a promissory note, as it is made by a bank and payable to bearer on demand. Mortgage notes are another prominent example. Promissory note is said to be negotiable instrument when it contains an unconditional promise.

What are the problems with promissory notes? ›

Fraud and investor deception related to promissory notes is significant. Fraudulent promissory note programs often promise very high or guaranteed returns to investors, state that the notes are backed by collateral to guarantee them, or make other appealing but ultimately unfounded claims.

What makes a good promissory note? ›

Date of Repayment: The acknowledgment should be accompanied by a promise to pay the money on a particular date. Interest: If an interest has to be paid on the money owed, then that should also be included in the promissory note. There should also be an indication of the total sum after interest is added.

What are the rules for promissory note? ›

It must include all the mandatory elements such as the legal names of the payee and maker's name, amount being loaned / to be repaid, full terms of the agreement and the full amount of liability, beside other elements. The note must clearly mention only the promise of making the repayment and no other conditions.

What makes a promissory note invalid? ›

A promissory note can become invalid if it lacks essential elements, such as the borrower's signature, the principal amount, and the repayment terms. Invalidity may also result from non-compliance with legal requirements or if the note was created under duress or fraudulently.

Is a promissory note legally binding? ›

Promissory notes are legally binding whether the note is secured by collateral or based only on the promise of repayment. If you lend money to someone who defaults on a promissory note and does not repay, you can legally possess any property that individual promised as collateral.

Do you have to charge interest on a promissory note? ›

Most formal promissory notes will include interest, but it is not a requirement for a legally valid promissory note. If you do not want to charge your friend or family member interest, then make the loan interest-free or use 0% as your interest rate.

Can you get out of a promissory note? ›

Circ*mstances for release of a promissory note

The debt owed on a promissory note either can be paid off, or the noteholder can forgive the debt even if it has not been fully paid. In either case, a release of promissory note needs to be signed by the noteholder.

What happens if a promissory note is not paid? ›

If the borrower does not repay you, your legal recourse could include repossessing any collateral the borrower put up against the note, sending the debt to a collection agency, selling the promissory note (so someone else can try to collect it), or filing a lawsuit against the borrower.

Does a promissory note need to be notarized? ›

Promissory notes don't have to be notarized in most cases. You can typically sign a legally binding promissory note that contains unconditional pledges to pay a certain sum of money. However, you can strengthen the legality of a valid promissory note by having it notarized.

Does a promissory note create a lien? ›

The key differences between a mortgage and a promissory note can be summarized as follows: The purpose of the document. A mortgage creates a security interest in the property (a lien) for the lender, while the promissory note serves as the borrower's written promise to repay the debt.

What is better than a promissory note? ›

See also. In contrast, a loan agreement is used for more formal situations and usually deals with large sums of money. They're the vehicle of choice for agreements such as mortgages and business loans and are longer and more detailed than promissory notes. As a consequence, they're also easier to enforce.

What are the risks associated with the use of promissory note? ›

The risk with promissory notes is that the issuer will not be able to make principal and/or interest payments. Risk and reward are intrinsically related when investing. There is no reward without some level of risk.

What makes a promissory note illegal? ›

A promissory note can become invalid if it excludes A) the total sum of money the borrower owes the lender (aka the amount of the note) or B) the number of payments due and the date each increment is due.

What are the limitations of promissory note? ›

The note must be stamped by revenue stamps as per the rules of the Indian Stamp Act. Promissory notes are valid for three years only. There is no limit on the amount to be borrowed for a promissory note to be issued.

Can a promissory note be broken? ›

Breach of a Promissory Note

If there should be a breach of the terms of a promissory note, there are legal remedies available to help enforce the original conditions of the contract. A great deal of how a legal promissory note is enforced can depend on the type of note that it is.

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