Pleasing Google Vs Your Traffic - SEO For Real Estate Investors (2024)

  • Overlord Jerryll
  • September 5, 2019
  • 3:54 pm
  • No Comments

Yesternight I spoke with someone that wanted some advice on SEO. This gentleman had a really hard time with SEO and the reason he contacted me in the first place was that he read one of my rants where I said that everyone is doing SEO wrong.

He believed me because he was not getting any results. When he did a bit of research he did notice I am doing the exact opposite of what all these SEO companies were telling everyone to do!… yet I get results!

So for those that are struggling with SEO maybe this will inspire you to take a different approach! Those that have seen me around must have noticed Ialways use my website as an example and proof. So to drive my point really through I will use the website of one of my clients. (Sorry Eric, but Itold you Iwas evil).

Let’s debunk some SEO myths. (Keep In Mind, I do NOT CARE about Google, So don’t come at me with… “But monkey breath, Matt Cutts said…”. Don’t care!

Well, the biggest thing all these “SEO Companies” do use backlinks to increase your ranking. Backlinks are important sure, but everyone thinks that you HAVE to have it or you don’t count. So these companies prefer using backlinks because it is easy!

OK now let me rephrase that. It is EASY when you do it illegally. You are SUPPOSED to get backlinks by having awesome content and other people will link to you naturally. Obviously, do you really believe an SEO company with 200 clients will sit there and write amazing blog posts for each individual client in HOPES someone will like it enough to give you a backlink?

See SEO companies their basis is to manipulate rankings. This is 100% absolutely true because it is COMPLETELY unrealistic to do SEO the right way for more than 10 sites at a time doing it the right way. It physically not possible. That is why doing SEO yourself for YOUR website will always outperform hiring a company to do so!

To prove this stupid backlink theory wrong I will show you this: And before I get into this, let me make it known. You do NOT have to pay ANYONE for SEO if you do not want to! You absolutely can do it yourself. AS LONG as you do not fall into the trap what everyone is preaching how SEO is done. If anyone tells you that they will put a backlink campaign on to rank, RUN!!!! They have NO idea what they are doing. And obviously… EVERYONE (SEO companies) is offering this. Putting your link in crappy thin content blogs, whining about keywords, whining about stupid obvious strategies that have been around for years.

So… Eric… But first:Domain Authority(DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). …Domain Authorityis calculated by evaluating multiple factors, including linking rootdomainsand a number of total links, into a single DA score.

Page Authority (PA)is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well aspecific pageon your website will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). ….
Page Authority is based on data from our web index and takes into account dozens of factors.

Now that we are experts on DA and PA: Obviously, he is ranking #1 for pretty much all his cities he invests in.

Pleasing Google Vs Your Traffic - SEO For Real Estate Investors (1)

Now, look at something very interesting here. His DA and PA are low. And he has 0 back-links! Now, look at all the other sites he utterly obliterated.

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Every single one of his competitors has a higher Domain Authority and Page Authority. One of them even has 66 backlinks. Do you see a pattern?Who stands out here? And more so, which sites all look the same with the same metrics?

Exactly. All these other sites do SEO WRONG! they all do the same thing.They all try to please Google(pleasing Google will increase your DA and PA score.) Pleasing Google will end up with you having 66 backlinks.. why? because Google says to get backlinks.

Now here comes this newcomer, and he slaps everyone aside and dominates the market, and NO ONE saw him coming! WHY. WHY WHY!!

Sure we know what we are doing when it comes to SEO, but really. a big reason is, EVERYONE, DOES SEO WRONG!!

Do you think this is just for one city page?

Pleasing Google Vs Your Traffic - SEO For Real Estate Investors (3)

This is for pretty much ALL of his city pages. And even the big national companies are no match for him (and his 0 backlinks and low DA and PA). If you ever run across an SEO company that will try to rank you high by doing backlinks and guest posting.. heck if backlinking is their main strategy… SERIOUSLY RUN!!!!

Next thing is Keywords:

I recently watched a podcast with some dude that had a guest that was an expert on SEO. This is what said “expert” said.

Oh yeah for every 400-500 words, put a keyword in there. My eyes started bleeding. Again trying to please Google. Your site needs to be organic. Natural. Do not force keywords in there just for the sake of having them. Of course, you need keywords, but the priority here is more to engage your audience.

If you want a genuine chance at ranking #1 and getting a crazy amount of leads, start looking more into being a legitimate awesome team, and have an organic unique amazing website, and less looking to kiss Gass (Google A%#).

Number ONE lesson in SEO. DO NOT listen to the SEO companies. They got it wrong, they do illegal SEO (No MATTER how much they claim they do not), and they shove graphs, numbers down your throat making you think they are progressing.

But keep in mind. No amount of traffic, views, and ranks matter as much as this:

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The ONLY metric you need to measure to evaluate anyone in SEO is how many (quality) leads they get! Period! Feel free to ask anything about a solid strategy SEO alone is Great, but the true power in SEO is when you combine it with other strategies of lead gen. So now, let me give you some direction on how to start your SEO journey

Don’t just wing it. Be organized. Understand it, and develop the steps and strategies you need to follow and in what order you need to follow them to reach your goal. The way Ido it is by getting a wishlist going.

For example, I will write down something like “I want my social Media Icons To show up in the search results under our knowledge graph”. (BTW, these social media icons make you more credible, and will get you higher conversion rates)

like so:

Pleasing Google Vs Your Traffic - SEO For Real Estate Investors (5)

Then I start developing a strategy so that this will happen. So instead of following the world, Idevelop SEO based on what Ipersonally want!

So you will create a set of tasks to do and go through them one by one.

So now I developed about 9 phases, and every month the number of phases will grow (as I keep developing new strategies). So what is the power in all of this? Is ANYONE doing this? NO! We are the only ones doing this so all the SEO strategies are unique new and SUPER powerful. That is how you rank to the top!

NOW… While you wait for SEO to take effect, and while you keep working on SEO you do this.. or let’s say you hire someone (which you really don’t HAVE to do, but lets say you just don;t have the time to sit there and develop SEO strategies) you keep this strategy in mind: So let’s say this SEO goodness actually works and you will rank in say 3 to 4 months… Do you really have to fork over $XXXX,- every month and just hope you will get there in 3 months? No, absolutely not.

The fail-safe way is to do SEO WHILE you drive traffic to your site manually. OBVIOUSLY, this will ONLY work if your site is credible (a traffic conversion machine). Now you just invest 1 month in SEO, and ALL you focus is onjust getting ONE deal. Just one. Nothing else matters. Just one miserable deal, and that’s it. Nothing else exists.

You should make a lot more than that 1 month of SEO from that deal. So you take what you spent on that 1 month of SEO out of your paycheck and you split the rest of that money in 2. 1 half continues paying for the SEO efforts, and the other half goes back into driving traffic to your site manually (and more and more am I leaning towards FB ads).

Now you are set. You are not spending a cent on SEO anymore, while your site keeps climbing, and while you keep making money because you are constantly and continuously marketing.

This TRULY is not just talking. This is a system that SIMPLY WORKS!!

I call this the FT&C system. (Forced Traffic & Conversion)

I help Flippers & Wholesalers get 4-12 Leads daily!

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You have seen my results. You have seen my student’s results. This is real, this is no joke. I am smack in the middle of the wholesaling, flipping, and Buy & Hold grind, just like you are.

You have nothing to lose!

Get Started!

So Let’s Think Shall We?

Why would you think that the owner of a 30K house has no feelings? Integrity, emotions, opinions, desire to be treated with respect? There is no difference between the owner of a 30K house and one of the 500K house. Unless of course money and the cost of the house causes one to develop extra features within the human nervous systemthat the brain interprets approaches differently.

It is worse in markets such as Guilford CT or Madison CT for example. People that want tosell their house in Madisonfast know the house will be expensive. People wanting tosell their house in Guilford CTknow they can negotiate.

Actually, from what I have experienced, the owner of the 500K house laughed at me in my face when they called and I explained what this was about. “My house is worth 1.4M, will you hand me a suitcase with bills of 1000?” add sarcasm. While the 70K owner gets furious, threatening, swearing, etc. etc. Either way, those are 98.34% of my callbacks.

No mi Gente!This is not how it works.My advice to you all thinks on your own. If YOU were a motivated seller and you get a letter posted above, and you got one like the one posted below:

…would you really discard the professional letter and call the handwritten letter?

I don’t think so.

So why does everyone swear by yellow letters? Because they result in callbacks. Sure, angry ones, confusing ones, calls from agents, sure some good ones. But do yellow letters work? work WORK? Who knows!! Not for me, they don’t. People that called were offended, worried. “How did you find my property? Why me?”

You Start In Negative Light

They call you starting off bad, creepy, confused and angry/worried. Now you need to first fight and invest effort into calming them down and try for them to trust you… really ridiculous why I would even have considered this! Do you think people will angrily call “domino’s pizza” because they found a postcard with buy one pizza get the second 10% off, offer in the mail? No why? It is a professional marketing piece. People accept that as it is.

But a creepy handwritten letter in red ink on a yellow paper, that is different! Very different. How can anyone say anything works if you do not honestly validate it?

So you received a deal from a yellow letter. Big whoop!

How do you know the seller didn’t get more pro letters? (so how do you know it is the “handwritten yellow letter” they picked over all the other non-handwritten letters they got?) you don’t! Nothing shows concrete evidence that yellow letters handwritten is more effective than a pro letter.

And do not confuse theopening ratewith yellow letters. Having your letter opened, and read has nothing to do with the letter. That is the envelope. They will open or not open the envelope before they even know a yellow letter is inside.

But once the envelope is opened, there is where the game begins. Fishing out a pro letter or a handwritten a yellow letter from the envelope! After reading either one, which one will have a better effect on the seller… a better impression, better feeling confidence which one will get them what they want.

Market domination starts with a call with me!

Pleasing Google Vs Your Traffic - SEO For Real Estate Investors (7)

You have seen my results. You have seen my student’s results. This is real, this is no joke. I am smack in the middle of the wholesaling, flipping, and Buy & Hold grind, just like you are.

You have nothing to lose!

Get Started!

A Seller Is Not Some Different Creature You Can’t Identify With!

Now do not treat a seller as this mysterious creature. The unknown black box.Just put yourself into their shoes and see what you would do. Pick the YL? PL? or would you pick both.

So I have accomplished more in my life than many people will do in 2 lifetimes. I didn’t get this far by listening to what others have done. I always use my intellect and intelligence to take the next step. Why change this now?!

I will not look back into the YL. They make no sense, counterintuitive and all they have caused me was headache angry callers, and the ones that were potential deals just allowed it because they simply needed a way out… which of course would give a better result if their letter had been a pro letter in the first place. Ohh and you can hear it in their voice and attitude how they really feel about the yellow handwritten letter.

Long read,

If you are a newbie starting with your marketing… take this warning seriously. I wouldn’t do it if I were you!So my newbie advise for tonight is.

Learn the basics, thefundamental rules and logisticsbehind these rules and then STOP listening to anyone other than putting things in perspective. Think on your own and be smart!

Pleasing Google Vs Your Traffic - SEO For Real Estate Investors (2024)


How do I optimize SEO for real estate? ›

How to do SEO for real estate listings
  1. Begin with an effective, responsive website. ...
  2. Do your research. ...
  3. Optimize your listings for search engines. ...
  4. Include local keywords. ...
  5. Use the address in your header tags and body. ...
  6. Promote the listings on your real estate website and blog. ...
  7. Also promote the listings on your social channels.

Is SEO important for real estate? ›

SEO is crucial for ensuring home buyers and sellers can find your website online. ‍78% of property searches begin on search engines, with Google accounting for the vast majority of them. This means that if you're not optimizing your website for Google search, you're missing out on a massive chunk of leads and buyers.

What is the difference between Google my business and SEO? ›

Local SEO refers to the strategies and practices used to optimize a businessses online presence for local search results, aiming to increase visibility within a specific geographic area and Google My Business (GMB) is a platform that allows businesses to manage their online information on Google Search and Google Maps.

Does SEO affect GMB? ›

While GMB Posts are not a direct ranking factor for local SEO, they can influence local SEO rankings indirectly by increasing engagement, visibility, and user interactions.

How do I optimize Google ads for real estate? ›

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up your real estate Google Ads campaign:
  1. Define your objectives & target audience. ...
  2. Set your bidding strategy & budget. ...
  3. Set up location targeting. ...
  4. Select relevant keywords. ...
  5. Write compelling ad copy. ...
  6. Utilize ad extensions. ...
  7. Optimize landing page.
Apr 9, 2024

How to increase ROI in SEO? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Maintain a Fast, Mobile-friendly Website.
  2. Target Long-tail Keywords.
  3. Optimize Local Listings.
  4. Create Helpful Content (and Optimize It for SEO)
  5. Re-optimize Past Content.
  6. And Remember — Measure Your ROI.
  7. Help Your Business Improve Its Leads, Sales, and Revenue with SEO.

When should you not use SEO? ›

5 Situations When Not to Use SEO
  1. Don't use SEO when you're not searchable. ...
  2. Don't use SEO when your customers aren't online. ...
  3. Don't use SEO when you need results fast. ...
  4. Don't use SEO when the competition is cut-throat. ...
  5. Don't use SEO when money is tight.
May 1, 2020

Is paying someone to do SEO worth it? ›

While investing in SEO services isn't cheap, it can be a worthwhile investment if you want to generate more traffic to your site and raise conversions. If you're interested in hiring an SEO consultant, make sure you have the budget to do so.

Does SEO really increase sales? ›

SEO not only brings more traffic to your website but also helps improve your conversion rates. Optimizing your website's user experience, creating engaging content, and implementing effective call-to-actions, you can guide visitors through the sales funnel and increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.

Should I do SEO or Google Ads? ›

If your goal is to drive traffic to your site in the short term, you might choose to focus on PPC ads. If you want to enhance your business's online presence in the long run, SEO is the answer. Alternatively, invest your time and energy in both SEO and PPC for a well-rounded strategy.

How do I use Google My Business to boost my content and SEO? ›

8 Ways to Optimize Your Google My Business Account for SEO
  1. Verify Your Business.
  2. Fill out Your Profile Completely.
  3. Make Sure Your Profile Information Is (and Stays) Accurate.
  4. Ensure NAP Consistency across the Web.
  5. Pick the Most Relevant Categories.
  6. Include Semi-Professional Pictures.
  7. Get More Reviews.
Mar 12, 2024

Is Google My Business more important than a website? ›

While Google My Business is a quick and convenient way to get critical information about a business fast (especially on mobile), sometimes customers want more information to make a choice. Without a website, those customers can't learn more about your business and you won't be on their radar.

Which SEO should be avoided? ›

Spinning Content

Content “spinning” is a straight-up bad SEO tactic. It involves copying ideas and structures from other websites, and then rewording parts of the content to avoid direct plagiarism. This can even involve using artificial intelligence to tweak content.

How do I get more traffic to my GMB? ›

Use Google Posts -

Google Posts are a feature within Google My Business that allows you to create short posts that appear in your business listing. Use Google Posts to promote sales, events, or new products and services. This can help drive traffic to your website and increase your visibility on Google.

Does posting on Google help SEO? ›

GMB posts engage customers and invite responses. The social signals are strong SEO factors. Google My Business posts direct customers' clicks (CTR) to other elements of your GMB or pages of your website. This traffic boosts your SEO scores.

How do I optimize my listing on Zillow? ›

Zillow for Real Estate Agents: How to Maximize Your Listing
  1. Fill Out Your Listing Completely.
  2. Spruce Up Your Photos/Add a Walkthrough.
  3. Choose the Right Keywords.
  4. Fill Out An Agent Profile.
  5. Request Customer Reviews.
  6. More?
May 26, 2016

What is SEO schema for real estate? ›

It's structured data on your pages for property listings on sale or to rent, as well as broker and agency details. Add real estate schema markup types to your site's HTML to help search engines: Understand your property listing content. Display it more effectively through rich snippets such as photos and prices.

What is an SEO description for realtors? ›

An SEO description for real estate refers to a well-crafted and optimized description used in real estate marketing materials, property listings, or web pages. It incorporates relevant keywords, demonstrates value, and entices potential buyers or renters to take action.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.