Plant Reproduction (2024)

Plant Reproduction (1)

Seeds of a pomegranate fruit (megspl, Pixabay)

Plant Reproduction (2)

Seeds of a pomegranate fruit (megspl, Pixabay)

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Learn about pollination and other forms of sexual reproduction in plants. And did you know that plants can also reproduce asexually?

Plants are living organisms. That means they need to reproduce in order to pass on theirto future generations. Plants can createthrough either sexual or asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction requires genetic material () from two parents. The parent plants have male and female sex cells, calledgametes. The genetic material from the male and female gametes combines to produce offspring. We call this processfertilization. The product of sexual reproduction areseeds.

Seeds produced through fertilization contain genetic material from both parents. As a result, the offspring are not genetically identical to either of the parent plants. Thisgenetic diversitycan help them survive if the environment changes.

Flowering plantsreproduce sexually through a process calledpollination. Flowers contain male sex organs calledstamensand female sex organs calledpistils. Theantheris the part of the stamen that containspollen. Pollen contains the male gametes. Pollen must be moved to a part of the pistil called thestigmafor reproduction to take place.

Plant Reproduction (3)

Image - Text Version

Shown is a colour diagram of the reproductive parts of a flower.

In the centre of the image is an illustration of a whole flower. Two areas of this flower are magnified in separate, smaller illustrations in the lower left and right corners. Parts of the flower are labelled with black text connected to small white circles with red lines.

The flower has orange petals, one of which is labelled "Petal." A long, green structure extending up from the centre of the petals is labelled "Pistal," in large font. Three parts of the pistal are labelled in a smaller font. The hollow, almond-shaped chamber at the base is labelled "Ovary". The long, thin, green structure above it is labelled "Style". The wider, indented tip of this is labelled "Stigma".

On either side of the pistal are long, thin, tapered green arms topped topped with yellow oval shapes. One of these yellow parts i has been circled in black, with an arrow pointing to the smaller illustrationon the bottom right. This is labelled "Stamen" in large font. Three parts of the stamen are labelled in smaller font. The yellow outer structure is labelled "Anther." A part of the anther is cut away to reveal tiny orange spheres inside. These are labelled "Pollen (in anther)." The thin, green structure holding up the anther is labelled "Filament."

The ovary is also circled, with an arrowleading to the bottom left, smaller illustration. This shows a long green structure through the centre of the ovary, with small oval shapes along each side. These oval shapes are labelled "Ovules (eggs)."

Finally, one of the two thin, pointed green structures below the base of the flower, at the top of its stem, are labelled "Sepal."

The outermost parts of the flower are green structures calledsepals. They protect the flower before it opens. Inside the sepals are thepetals. These are usually colourful. Petals on flowers are actually modified leaves. Within the petals are thestamens.Each stamen contains afilamenttopped by pollen-producing cells. The innermost part of the flower is thecarpel.The carpel contains theovary. This is where the eggs, orovules, are located. The pollen from another flower must enter the ovary and fertilize an ovule in order for a seed to start developing.

Misconception Alert

Not all flowers are large and brightly coloured! Some flowering plants, like grasses, have flowers that aretiny and may even be green, which can make them hard to see.

Sometimes plants pollinate themselves. Other times plants pollinate other plants.

Self-pollinationhappens when a plant’s own pollen fertilizes its own ovules.Cross-pollinationhappens when the wind or animals move pollen from one plant to another. The advantage of cross-pollination is that it helps keep a species genetically diverse. Genetic diversity comes in handy when conditions change and organisms need to adapt to the change. Some plants have features that actually prevent self-pollination. This includes things such as pollen and ovules that develop at different times.

Pollinatorsare animals that carry pollen between plants. Many pollinators are insects, like bees, butterflies, moths and beetles. Some birds, including hummingbirds, also play a part. Likewise, certain mammals, like bats and rodents, move pollen between plants. The colours and smells of flowers often attract pollinators. Pollen will stick to a pollinator’s body as it feeds on the flower’s.

Plant Reproduction (4)

Image - Text Version

Shown is a colour, close-up,photographof a bee's face, sprinkled with pollen.

This is a portrait of a bee, framing its head and the tops of its wings and torso. Almost all its body is covered in thick, velvety, black and yellow hair caked with bright yellow pollen. Only the dark, round, eyes on eitherside of its head, and two long, brown antennae are free from pollen.

Fertilizationis the next step after pollination. During fertilization, the male gametes from the pollen join with the female gametes in the egg. The egg, or eggs, are found inside the stigma. The scientific word for an egg is an.

Fertilization createsfruitthat contain seeds. Some fruits are fleshy, like oranges and watermelons. Others are dry, like acorns or walnuts. Fruits are an attractive food for various animals. After eating fruit, animals expel waste that contains seeds. This way, seeds can take root and grow in places far from the plants that produced them!

Misconception Alert

Some plants have no flowers at all. Flowering plants are a group of plants calledangiosperms. There are also non-flowering plants. These include mosses, ferns and conifers.

Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproductiononly requires DNA from one parent. It creates offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Genetically identical offspring are calledclones. Clones lack genetic diversity. This makes them less able to fight disease. It also makes them less adaptable to changes in the environment.

There are different methods of asexual reproduction. They include vegetative propagation and fragmentation.

Vegetative propagationdoes not need seeds or spores. Instead, offspring grow from a part of the parent plant. In different plants, vegetative propagation happens in different ways. Here are a few examples.

  • Garlic, onions and tulip plants all reproduce usingtrue bulbs. These short underground stems are also calledscaly bulbs. They have a base that is usually surrounded by modified leaves. These leaves form a papery covering called atunic. New bulbs grow off of the parent bulb’s base.
  • Crocuses reproduce usingcorms, which are similar to true bulbs. However, a corm doesn’t have as many layers. Corms are used up during the growing season and get replaced by one or more new corms.
  • Potato plants reproduce usingtubers. Tubers produce new plants from stems or growing points calledeyes.
  • Ginger plants reproduce usingrhizomes. These are stems that grow sideways along the soil or just below the surface. They branch out to produce new points of growth.
  • Strawberry plants reproduce usingstolons. They look like branches growing along the ground. Stolons anchor themselves to the ground and develop roots. The roots grow into new plants.

Misconception Alert

A tuber isn’t a root. It’s a modified stem that grows underground. Corms and rhizomes are other examples of specialized stems.

Plant Reproduction (5)

Image - Text Version

Shown are four colour photographs plants that reproduce in different ways.

The images are arranged in a grid. The top left is a basket of ginger with a sign indicating price. The pieces are nubbly beige clumps of rounded shapes.

The top right is three separate piles of flower bulbs on a wooden table. In front of each pile is a white strip labelled with a name. The top pile is "Allium". These are small, round, white bulbs. The pile on the right is "Tulips." These are larger, gold bulbs with pointed tops. The pile on the left is "Crocus." These are the smallest bulbs, and light brown with a squat shape.

The bottom left is a person's hand holding two grass in the air. The plants are connected by a long, thick root. Each plant also has a web of thinner, tangled roots, caked in soil.

The bottom right is a display of potatoesand sweet potatoes in a supermarket. On the left, the potatoes are roughly egg shaped, and pale gold with dark browneyes. On the right, the sweet potatoes are darker, reddish gold. They are longer and thinner with pointed ends.

Did you know?

Apomixisis a form of asexual reproduction in some species of grasses. The parent plant produces seeds without fertilization.

Fragmentationis another form of asexual reproduction. It involves new plants growing from small parts of a parent plant that fall to the ground. This is one of the ways that plants likeliverworts and mossesreproduce.

Horticulturistsare people who study plants. They often use asexual reproduction through fragmentation to grow new plants. They do this by cutting a leaf or a stem off a plant and placing it in water or soil. This process is often calledpropagating from cuttings.

Plant Reproduction (6)

Image - Text Version

Shown is a colour photograph of large leaf lying on soil, with smaller leaves growing out from it.

The leaf is thick and pale green. It is lying diagonally acrossthe image, over dark, moist soil. It is broken in half and the edges are dry and brown. Sprigs of much smaller leaves grow from two places on the edges of the first. One near the broken spot, and one at the bottom edge, where the leaf touches the soil. The new leaves are green with edges and veins of bright pink.

Did you know?

The coco de mer (sea coconut)produces the largest seed of any plant. It grows in the Seychelle Islands. On average, the seeds weigh 25 kg. They can grow to 500 cm in diameter!

Top Ten Coolest Pollinators

Earth Rangers provides a list of ten different types of pollinators, their favourite types of flowers, and how the pick up and distribute pollen.

The Plants & The Bees: Plant Reproduction (2012)

CrashCourse video (10:23 min.) covering the different types of reproduction in plants. Angiosperms (flowering plants) are discussed starting at 5:33 min.

Parts of a Flower & Pollination (2015)

Video (3:55 min.) from Peekaboo Kidz on the parts of a flower and the basic concepts of pollination and fertilization are introduced. Suitable for a younger audience, but applicable for older grades as well.


BBC Bitesize. (n.d.).Reproduction in plants. Retrieved from

Canadian Wildlife Federation. (n.d.).Explore our pollinators. Retrieved from

Chen, D. Y. (1998, September 28).Asexual Reproduction. Retrieved from

Koning, R. (1994).Natural Vegetative Propagation.Retrieved from

Lambers, H. (2018, November 21).Plant reproductive system. Retrieved from

Lumen Biology for Majors II. (n.d.).Sexual Reproduction in Plants. Retrieved from

Lumen Boundless Biology. (n.d.).Asexual Reproduction. Retrieved from

ProFlowers. (2015, May 29).Flower Anatomy: The Parts of a Flower.Retrieved from

    Plant Reproduction (2024)


    Plant Reproduction? ›

    Plant reproduction is the production of new offspring in plants, which can be accomplished by sexual or asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction produces offspring by the fusion of gametes, resulting in offspring genetically different from either parent.

    What is the process of plant reproduction? ›

    Flowering plants reproduce sexually through a process called pollination. Flowers contain male sex organs called stamens and female sex organs called pistils. The anther is the part of the stamen that contains pollen. Pollen contains the male gametes.

    What are 4 ways plants can reproduce? ›

    Modes Of Reproduction In Plants
    • Vegetative Propagation. As the name suggests, reproduction occurs through the vegetative parts of a plant such as stems, leaves, buds, and roots. ...
    • Budding. ...
    • Fragmentation. ...
    • Spore Formation. ...
    • Micropropagation.
    Dec 21, 2020

    What are the 7 steps of plant reproduction? ›

    The major stages of the flower life cycle are the seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages. Plants are able to reproduce in two different ways - sexual reproduction and asexual reproducion.

    How does the plant reproduce? ›

    Pollination – this happens when a male pollen grain, released from a male anther, meets the female part of a flower, the stigma. The grain germinates and travels down from the stigma into the plant's ovary, within or just behind the flower.

    How do plants asexually reproduce? ›

    Asexual reproduction in plants occurs through budding, fragmentation, vegetative propagation, and spore formation. No flowers are required for this method. The plants produced by asexual reproduction thrive well in stable environments.

    How do plants survive and reproduce? ›

    Plants get what they need to survive and reproduce from their environment. Sunlight is important to the growth and development of plants. Under different lighting conditions, plants grow and develop differently.

    How do plants have babies? ›

    At the base of the pistil are the ovaries. This is where the actual fertilization takes place after the pollen grows down the tube (the style). The sex cells in the ovaries combine with the sex cells from the pollen to form the eggs that develop into seeds or new little plant babies.

    What plants are asexually reproducing? ›

    Natural Methods of Asexual Reproduction

    Many plants—like ginger, onion, gladioli, and dahlia—continue to grow from buds that are present on the surface of the stem. In some plants, such as the sweet potato, adventitious roots or runners can give rise to new plants [link].

    How do plants reproduce from stem? ›

    Vegetative Propagation by Stems

    This is where buds are formed, which grow into new plants. Stems that grow horizontally on the ground are called runners. As these runners grow, buds form at the nodes, which later develop the roots and shoots, resulting in the formation of a new plant. Example – Cyanodon; Mint etc.

    What tactics do plants have to reproduce? ›

    Pollination contributes to plant reproduction by transferring pollen from the male anthers to the female stigma of a flower. This transfer allows fertilisation to occur, leading to the production of seeds, which grow into new plants. Therefore, pollination helps in plant propagation.

    Can a plant reproduce without pollination? ›

    Many plants are able to propagate themselves using asexual reproduction. This method does not require the investment required to produce a flower, attract pollinators, or find a means of seed dispersal.

    How do plants reproduce without seeds? ›

    Hence, plants reproduce without seeds through methods such as budding, vegetative propagation and fragmentation. Q. Vegetative reproduction is a type of asexual reproduction in which plants reproduce through structures other than flowers and seeds.

    What are 3 ways plants reproduce? ›

    In plants, there are two modes of reproduction, asexual and sexual. There are several methods of asexual reproduction such as fragmentation, budding, spore formation, and vegetative propagation. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes.

    How do two plants reproduce? ›

    Pollen is carried from a male part to a female part by wind, insects or other animals (a process called pollination), where it releases male gametes that fertilise the female gametes in the ovules. The ovules develop into seeds from which new plants will grow.

    How do plants reproduce on land? ›

    Pollen and seeds are adaptations that allow seed plants to reproduce without water. Pollen grains contain a cell that divides to form sperm. The pollen can then be carried by wind or animals to the female plant structure. Seeds are a storage device for a plant embryo.

    What are the 4 ways we use plants? ›

    Through photosynthesis, plants provide the planet with food, oxygen, and energy. In addition, they are used to produce fiber, medicines, building materials, and natural products such as oils and latex.

    What are 3 strategies plants use to reproduce? ›

    Plants reproduce by vegetative, asexual and sexual methods. Lower plant groups like algae, fungi, bryophytes and Pteridophytes reproduce by all these three methods. But higher plants like gymnosperms and angiosperms reproduce sexually.

    What are five plants that reproduce? ›

    Jamun, banyan, apple, coconut and neem are some of the plants that reproduce by means of seeds.

    What plants can reproduce both ways? ›

    The bryophytes, which include liverworts, hornworts and mosses, can reproduce both sexually and vegetatively. The life cycles of these plants start with haploid spores that grow into the dominant form, which is a multicellular haploid gametophyte, with thalloid or leaf-like structures that photosynthesize.

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