Pine Cone-Hoarding Red Squirrel Keeps Its Eyes On You (2024)

“There is something very human in this apparent mirth and mockery of the squirrels. It seems to be a sort of ironical laughter and implies self-conscious pride and exultation in the laughter.”

From “Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers” byJohn Burroughs

It was one of those glorious fall days – bright sunshine, cool temperatures and foliage a blaze of colors. A group of us ventured into the woods in the Hanover section of Sprague when my friend, Dick Waterman, discovered an odd assemblage of 100 or more pine cones. They were perfectly lined up, parallel to each other in a long row on the forest floor. It was as if a child had purposely collected them and placed each together touching in a line. He then found two other groupings of cones — one in less organized rows on the ground and the second a pile of about 20 tucked up against the side of a stone wall. “What in the world do you think put these here?” he asked.

The tall white pine tree just a few feet away was clearly the source of the pine cones, but which creature had left them in a perfect row was a mystery. I surmised it might be the noisy red squirrel known to dine on the cones of many conifer species. During winter forest rambles, I frequently find piles of chewed up cones at the base of a pine tree – the handy work of the ever-hungry red squirrel. I snapped a couple of pictures and sent them to Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Biologist Pete Picone, and he confirmed our suspicion with a reply of, “Cool observation! Could very well be a red squirrel stash of cones.”

With the mystery solved, I did a bit of research on Tamiasciurus hudsonicus and am glad to share information about the pine cone-hoarding red squirrel.

One of my favorite publications is Northern Woodlands magazine. They have published two books with a series of articles about the natural world – “The Outside Story,” volumes one and two. In volume two, I found an informative article by Michael Canduto called “Pine on the Cob” describing the red squirrel. Here are a few bits of information from his article:

“The cantankerous red squirrels are opportunistic feeders. Their diet consists mostly of vegetarian fare, but in addition to eating nuts, bark, roots, fruit, fungi, buds and flowers, they’ll partake of everything from insects, eggs, and baby birds to small reptiles, amphibians, mice, baby rabbits and even cast-off antlers.

“During the winter, red squirrels subsist on seeds of cones and may eat up to two-thirds of the pine seed crop produced in a forest each year. Other staples include the seeds of spruce and Eastern hemlock, they’ll also eat those of cedar, larch and many hardwoods.”

“A red squirrel will frequent the base of a particular pine tree to eat, chewing scales off the core of a cone the way people eat corn-on-the-cob. First it chews the scales off near the stem. As each scale falls away, a pair of seeds is exposed. Because each subsequent scale lies up the cone and a small turn along the spiral, the squirrel must twirl the cone as it eats. Mounds of discarded scales and naked cone-cores pile up wherever a red squirrel partakes of its pine-on-the-cob.”

“They breed from about mid-January through mid-February, often during thaws. Dens are in hollow trees, especially old woodpecker nests. Litters of two to five hairless squirrellets arrive about a month after mating. Young grow quickly under the female’s care, start to wander from the nest at around six weeks and are weaned in about two months.”

The term “cantankerous” perfectly describes the red squirrel. A walk through a mixed deciduous and conifer forest will usually be interrupted by the chatter of a red squirrel, especially if you’re near its nest or cache of food. They make a variety of noises from chattering to a screeching noise similar to that call of a blue jay. If a hawk or other predator is nearby they make a barking alarm call like a “kuk” or “quaa” and a buzzing sound.

See Also

The red squirrel is smaller than the gray squirrel and weighs only about 7 ounces. Its bushy tail is slender and almost as long as the length of its head and body, with a total length of about 12 inches. Its coat is a rusty, reddish brown in summer that turns slightly grayer in winter. The underside is white, and it has a white eye-ring. The male and female are equal in size.

If you see a pile of pine cones in the woods, all chewed up and discarded, or left in piles or neat rows for future use, then you’ll know red squirrels are about. You may hear the squirrels and not see them, but they’re keeping a watchful eye. This time of year, they are hoarding and storing food to get them through the winter months. Please, leave their stash where you find it.

We live in a beautiful place called The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. Finding a cache of pine cones left by a red squirrel tells us winter will be here soon. They remain active throughout the year, and so do we. I hope you’ll join me and others as we care for, enjoy and pass on this place we call home.

Bill Reid is the chief ranger of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor and has lived in the region for more than 35 years. He can be reached

I'm an avid naturalist and wildlife enthusiast with a deep understanding of ecological systems and animal behavior. My extensive firsthand experience in the field, coupled with a passion for research, allows me to provide valuable insights into various aspects of the natural world. In the realm of wildlife, my knowledge spans from the intricate behaviors of different species to the broader ecological relationships that shape ecosystems.

Now, let's delve into the article discussing the red squirrels and their fascinating behaviors:

  1. Red Squirrel Behavior: The article describes the discovery of an odd arrangement of pine cones in the woods, prompting curiosity about the creature responsible for such behavior. The red squirrel, scientifically known as Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, is identified as the likely culprit based on the observed cone-stashing behavior.

  2. Pine Cone Hoarding: Red squirrels are characterized as opportunistic feeders, with a diet consisting mainly of vegetarian fare. During winter, they subsist on seeds of cones and play a significant role in consuming a substantial portion of the pine seed crop in forests. The article highlights the meticulous way red squirrels chew scales off pine cones, creating piles of discarded scales and naked cone-cores near their feeding sites.

  3. Reproduction and Habitat: The piece provides information on the breeding habits of red squirrels, which typically occurs from mid-January through mid-February. The dens for raising their litters of two to five young squirrellets are often located in hollow trees, particularly in old woodpecker nests.

  4. Distinctive Characteristics: The article mentions key characteristics of red squirrels, such as their cantankerous nature, smaller size compared to gray squirrels, and their distinctive vocalizations. The bushy tail, slender and almost as long as the head and body combined, is noted, along with the reddish-brown coat in summer and slightly grayer appearance in winter. The equal size of male and female red squirrels is also highlighted.

  5. Ecological Impact: A broader ecological perspective is touched upon, emphasizing the red squirrel's role in shaping the ecosystem by consuming a variety of food, including nuts, bark, roots, fruit, fungi, and even small animals. The article underscores the importance of respecting the squirrels' winter food caches and leaving them undisturbed.

  6. Connection to the Environment: The piece concludes by emphasizing the connection between the presence of red squirrel pine cone stashes and the imminent arrival of winter. The author encourages readers to appreciate and preserve the natural environment, symbolized by The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor.

In summary, the article provides a detailed and insightful exploration of red squirrel behavior, habits, and their ecological significance, demonstrating a keen understanding of the intricate interactions within the natural world.

Pine Cone-Hoarding Red Squirrel Keeps Its Eyes On You (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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