Perfect and Imperfect Flower Dissections (2024)

Target Grade Level / Age Range:

7th Grade


Two 45-minute class periods


To identify the male and female structures of the flower, recognize their function in reproduction, and differentiate between perfect and imperfect flowers.


  • Perfect Flowers (lilies are a good option)
  • Scalpels
  • Microscopes
  • Microscope slide
  • Cover slips
  • Glycerol
  • Large note cards
  • Packing tape
  • Corn plant that is just starting to tassel
    • Sweet corn may be the best option. It will take approximately 50 days to grow to tassel. Grow in school greenhouse if possible.
    • Pictures may be used to modify activity 2 if using a real corn plant is not feasible.

Suggested Companion Resources (books and websites)

Vocabulary (with definitions)

  • Perfect Flower: that has male and female structures in one flower
  • Imperfect Flower: flower that does not have both male and female structures
  • Stamen: male structure of flower
  • Anther: part of stamen that contains pollen
  • Filament: part of stamen that supports anther
  • Pistil: female part of flower
  • Stigma: top of pistil, where the pollen enters
  • Style: middle section of pistil, where the pollen travels through
  • Ovary: base of the pistil that contains eggs
  • Ovule: where pollen meets the egg cell within the ovary
  • Pollen: fine, powdery substance discharged from the anther that contains the male gamete that fertilizes the ovule
  • Pollination: the process by which pollen is transferred to the female reproductive organs of a plant, thereby enabling fertilization to take place
  • Tassel: male structures of the corn plant (anther, filament)
  • Silk: part of the female structures of the corn plant (ear), including stigma and style

Background – Agricultural Connections (what would a teacher need to know to be able to teach this content)

  • Perfect vs. Imperfect flowers
    • Perfect flowers contain both the male reproductive structures (stamen) and female reproductive structures (pistil).
      • The stamen contains the anther, which holds pollen, and the filament, which supports the anther.
      • The pistil contains the stigma, which pollen sticks to; the style, which the pollen travels through; and the ovary, where the pollen meets the egg cell and fertilization occurs.
      • Lilies are an example of a perfect flower.
      • Soybeans also have a perfect flower, but these flowers are very small and may not be the best to dissect.
        • When talking about reasons behind detasseling corn, bring up soybeans and talk about how their small, perfect flowers would make hybrid seed production different in this species.
      • Imperfect flowers contain either the male portion OR the female portion of the flower, but not both.
        • Corn is an example of a plant with imperfect flowers.
          • Corn contains two flowers: the tassel and the ear.
          • The tassel (male flower) contains the anthers and is responsible for producing pollen.
          • The silks on the ear (female flower) contain the stigma and style. Each kernel is its own ovule.
  • Complete vs. incomplete flowers
    • Complete flowers contain four flower parts: petals, sepals, stamen, and pistil.
    • Incomplete flowers are missing one or more of these four parts.
      • It is possible for a perfect flower to be incomplete, but it is not possible for an imperfect flower to be complete.
  • Detasseling
    • Like it sounds, detasseling is the act of removing the tassel from a corn plant.
    • Corn is detasseled only when the field will be used for seed corn. Corn planted for other purposes (feed, ethanol, or processing to be made into syrups, fibers, or other things) will pollinate itself, and those farmers will not detassel their crops.
    • Seed corn is detasseled to stop the plant from pollinating its own ears. When this happens, growers can plant “male rows” and “female rows” that together will make a hybrid seed.
      • The “male rows” and “female rows” will be corn plants of different varieties, or that exhibit slightly different traits. Combining them will create a hybrid.
      • Generally, there are about 3-4 female rows for every one male row. Female rows are detasseled, and male rows are left to pollinate them. Corn is pollinated by wind.
      • Hybrid plants are beneficial, because they can take positive traits from two different varieties and combine them for ultimately a better next generation. Hybrid plants also exhibit “hybrid vigor” or heterosis, which means that the first generation offspring will perform better than either parent. The same type of benefit is exhibited in animals crossed between two breeds, and is explained more thoroughly here:

Interest Approach or Motivator

Ask students what they think flowers are for. What constitutes a flower? Are they just pretty?


Day one:

  1. Give each student group of 2 or 3 a perfect flower, a sheet of paper (to dissect the flower on), and a copy of the Flowers Student Study Sheet.
    1. This study sheet contains places for notes, and reference images. This is to aid in studying later. Let the students know that it will not be graded, but will be a helpful resource and a good place for notes.
  2. Before you hand out scalpels, explain the process of the lesson to students. Let them know that first, they will be drawing their flower and labeling structures in their science notebooks. Then, they will remove the stamen and pistil, labeling those structures, and taping them to notecards. Tell students to ask questions if they are because once pieces are cut off the flower, they cannot be put back on.
  3. Tell students to take out their notebooks and draw and label their flower. Answer questions if any arise. At this time, talk about other structures they might see on the flower. What do the petals look like? Can you see the stem? Are there sepals on this flower?
    1. Explain to the class that a flower with sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils is called complete. If the flower is missing one of those pieces, it is called incomplete. Ask students if a flower can be perfect and incomplete. The answer is yes, it can be.
  4. Tell students to remove the stamen from the flower and place it on the notecard. Then label the notecard “stamen” and label the anther and filament.
  5. Help students make microscope slide mounts of the pollen.
    1. Have the groups place a small drop of glycerol on a clean slide, then take one of the remaining stamens and tap the anther against the slide, place a cover slip on the slide, and view it with a microscope.
    2. Alternative mounting techniques:
    3. Tell students to make observations, draw illustrations and take notes in their science notebook.
  6. Then, have the groups remove the pistil from the base of the flower.
  7. Tell them to use the scalpel to cut the ovary crossways, and pinch the ovary until one or more of the ovules comes out.
    1. Tell students to observe, sketch, and take notes in their notebook.
  8. Have students place the pistil on a second notecard and label the stigma, style, ovary, and ovule.
  9. Help students place a strip of packing tape over the flower structures securing them to the notecard.
  10. Tell students to write the names of all group members on the back of the notecard, and turn in the notecards at the end of class.

Day two:

  1. Have students observe a corn plant. Ask them questions like:
    1. Where is the flower on this plant?
    2. How can you tell these parts are the flower?
    3. What is the purpose of the corn flower, or any other flower?
  2. Have students manipulate the tassel of the plant and collect pollen to look at under the microscope.
    1. Help students create slides like in the previous class period, make observations, and record findings.
  3. Take the ear off of the corn plant and husk it. Discuss the purpose of the silk at the end of the ear. Pass the ear of corn around the room for students to observe and take notes of like they did of the ovule last class period.
  4. Explain the route that pollen must make for the pollination and fertilization to occur.
    1. Ask the students why it would be important for corn to get fertilized.
    2. Talk about factors that could affect the success for failure of pollination.
      1. Some factors could be growth of the tassels, growth of the silks, distance between the two, amount of wind, nutrition of the plant, plant pests, etc.
  5. Tell students to look in their science notebooks. Look at the similarities and differences between the flower yesterday and today’s corn plant. Have them compare and contrast the two together as a class.
    1. Talk about which plant as perfect and imperfect flowers. Which has complete and incomplete. Why is that?
  6. Lead the discussion into detasseling, and why that is practiced.
    1. Introduce the idea of cross-breeding and selective breeding. Ask students why people might want to use these methods.
    2. Help students discover that not all corn is planted for consumption; some must be planted for seed the following years.
      1. Therefore, not all corn fields are detasselled; only the ones planted for seed.
      2. These fields will have “male” rows between every three or four female rows to pollinate them. This will be what creates the hybrid seeds.
  7. Wrap up with a short discussion, and have students finish filling out their study sheets.

Essential Files (maps, charts, pictures, or documents)

Did You Know? (Ag Facts)

  • Iowa grows more corn than any other state – most field corn, not sweet corn.
  • Iowa also leads the nation in soybean production, egg production, and pork production.
  • Corn is used in a multitude of products, from packing peanuts to pop to carpet and plastics!

Extension Activities (how students can carry this beyond the classroom)

  • Have students collect five different types of flowers and determine if they are perfect or imperfect flowers.
  • Have students conduct research on common Iowa agricultural crops and how they are pollinated.


Author(s) (your name)

  • Scott Krosch

Organization Affiliation (your organization)

  • Sioux City Community Schools

National Agriculture Literacy Outcomes

  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics:
    • T4.6-8.b: Describe how biological processes influence and are leveraged in agricultural production and processing (e.g., photosynthesis, fermentation, cell division, heredity/genetics, nitrogen fixation)

Iowa Core Standards

  • Science:
    • MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.
    • MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.

Perfect and Imperfect Flower Dissections (1)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Perfect and Imperfect Flower Dissections (2024)


Is your flower specimen perfect or imperfect? ›

Perfect and Imperfect Flowers/Specimens:

A perfect flower/specimen has all of the following: petals, sepals, receptacle, male reproductive structure, and female reproductive structure. An imperfect flower/specimen is missing at least one of these structures.

What is the difference between perfect and imperfect flower answer? ›

A perfect flower is one that has both male and female parts. An imperfect flower is one that only has male or female parts. A complete flower contains sepals, petals, pistils, and stamens. An incomplete flower is missing one of those parts.

What are examples of perfect and imperfect flowers? ›

Examples of crops with perfect flowers include apples, cherries and legumes; crops with imperfect flowers include squash, cucumber and corn.

What flowers are easiest to dissect? ›

The best flower types to dissect include lilies, tulips, daffodils, alstroemarias, and gladiolus. Avoid daisies, asters, calla lilies, roses, and iris, since their floral structure is not as easy to discern.

How do perfect and imperfect flowers differ quizlet? ›

A bisexual (or "perfect") flower has both stamens and carpels, and a unisexual (or "imperfect") flower either lacks stamens (and is called carpellate) or lacks carpels (and is called staminate).

What is an example of imperfect flowers? ›

Some examples of plants with imperfect, incomplete flowers are corn (Zea mays) and squash (Cucurbita sp.). The squash flower is an example of an incomplete flower because the stamen and pistil are not on the same flower.

Are perfect flowers always complete? ›

Complete flowers are always perfect flowers, which contain male and female parts. However, not all perfect flowers are complete, as perfect flowers may have both pistils and stamen but lack sepals and petals. Imperfect flowers contain only one of two sex structures.

What are the characteristics of perfect flower? ›

A perfect flower is one in which both male and female reproductive structures are present. Both androecium (whorl of stamens) and gynoecium (whorl of carpels or pistil) are located on the same flower. Roses are perfect flowers.

What is the best description for an imperfect flower? ›

An imperfect flower bears only one sexual reproductive organ – either male or female. Imperfect flowers may be further described as staminate (male) flower or pistillate (female) flower depending on which sexual reproductive structures are present. Corn plant produces imperfect flowers.

What types of flowers are perfect? ›

Perfect Flowers have both male parts and female parts inside of them. That means a perfect flower will have pistils and stamen inside of it. Some examples of Perfect Flowers are roses, lilacs, carnations, and lilies. Imperfect Flowers are flowers that have either male parts or female parts, but not both.

Are sunflowers perfect or imperfect? ›

They are "perfect" flowers, meaning that they have both male and female producing parts. To prevent inbreeding, the pollen producing structure (the anther) forms a tube around the style of the pistil.

What structures are found on perfect flowers? ›

Perfect flowers will have structures called stamens that produce the pollen (male gametes). A stamen consists of the anthers where the pollen is made and filaments which support the anther. Perfect flowers will also have the female reproductive structures called the pistil.

What is the #1 most sold cut flower? ›

Tulips are the best selling cut flowers in the U.S., with annual sales revenue of $65.3 million, reported by both wholesale and retail businesses. Out of any other state, Washington sells the most cut tulip stems, with reported annual sales revenue of over $13 million.

What flower lasts the longest when cut? ›

Dahlias. Dahlias are exceptionally longest-lasting cut flowers. The buds won't open after they're cut, so wait until they're almost open, or fully open, before snipping.

What is the most imperfect flower? ›

Imperfect flowers contain either the male portion OR the female portion of the flower, but not both. Corn is an example of a plant with imperfect flowers. Corn contains two flowers: the tassel and the ear. The tassel (male flower) contains the anthers and is responsible for producing pollen.

What is the definition of perfect flower? ›

[ pûr′fĭkt ] A flower having both stamens and carpels. Most angiosperms have perfect flowers. Compare imperfect flower.

Is Tulip an imperfect flower? ›

These tepals are in fact neither flower nor petal, and hence tulips are described as an incomplete, as opposed to a complete, flower. Flowers that contain both male and female reproductive parts—stamen and pistil—are sometimes called perfect flowers. Flowers bearing only the male or female parts are called imperfect.

Why are flowers called imperfect? ›

A flower represented by only one of the sexes is also called an imperfect flower. This species is dioecious, i.e., the male flowers (top) and the female flowers (bottom) came from different plants. The flowers are anemochorous, i.e., pollinated by the wind.

What is the difference between complete and incomplete flower? ›

The flower with their four principal parts is known as a complete flower. These parts are sepal, petal, pistil, and stamen. The flower that does not possess all the four principal parts is known as an incomplete flower.

What is the difference between complete flower and perfect flowers? ›

A flower with male and female parts is called a perfect flower. A flower that is missing male or female parts is an imper- fect flower. Plants may have flowers that are complete or incomplete. If a flower has sepals, petals, pis- tils, and stamens, it is a complete flower.

What is a complete flower answer? ›

A complete flower is one that contains all the reproductive (stamens and pistil) and non-reproductive (petals and sepals) parts.

How do perfect flowers reproduce? ›

When the male and female gametes combine, they form a fertilized seed. Because a perfect flower has both the stamens and the pistils, it is capable of producing its own fertilized seed. It's like sexual reproduction without requiring a partner!

Why can a perfect flower be incomplete? ›

Stamens and pistils are not present together in all flowers. When both are present the flower is said to be perfect, or bisexual, regardless of a lack of any other part that renders it incomplete (see photograph).

What is a perfect flower quizlet? ›

Perfect Flower. When the flower has all the reproductive parts.

How do you describe a flower in descriptive writing? ›

To describe a beautiful flower, you can use the adjectives like aromatic, elegant, fragrant, pretty, radiant, ravishing, etc.

What are 5 examples of incomplete flowers? ›

Pumpkin, papaya, watermelon, bitter gourd, and corn are examples of such flowers. These are known as incomplete flowers. One of the four parts is missing.

What are the two types of imperfect flower? ›

Imperfect flowers are flowers that only have one set of reproductive organs, so they are considered to be either male or female. Flowering plants can fall into two categories of imperfect flowers: monoecious or dioecious.

Are dandelions perfect or imperfect? ›

Roses, lilies, and dandelions have perfect flowers. Other flowers are imperfect, meaning each flower has either all male parts or all female parts.

Is Cotton is a perfect or imperfect flower? ›

Perfect flowers:

They bear only the stamen and pistil. E.g. Cotton, Wheat, etc.

Is wheat a perfect or imperfect flower? ›

Parts of a Perfect Flower

A complete flower has four principal parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil. An incomplete flower does not have all four principal parts. Examples of an incomplete flower: wheat and oats, which do not have sepals and petals.

What are 5 characteristics of flowers? ›

Floral Characteristics:

Flower:Bracteate, pedicellate, complete, zygomorphic, bisexual, pentamerous.

What are the 7 parts of a flower? ›

The calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium are four whorls of modified leaves that constitute the flower. The sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils, respectively, constitute one of the flower parts in each of these whorls.

What are the parts of a perfect flower 2 parts? ›

Most flowers have four main parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. The stamens are the male part whereas the carpels are the female part of the flower.

What is the most forgotten flower? ›

Grandmothers and grandfathers with a green thumb might remember it: the Scabiosa. A special flower, which until recently, had been forgotten. The Scabiosa, also known as 'pincushion flower', was grown from seed, had medium size flowers with a delicate stem and grew mostly in blue tones.

What is USA most popular flower? ›

Rose is perhaps the most popular flower all over the world and not just the USA. For anniversaries and Valentine's Day celebration, roses are primarily the best gifts.

What is America's favorite flower? ›

The rose is the favorite flower of 85 percent of Americans.

Which plant takes 100 years to flower and then dies? ›

Complete answer: Plants that die after flowering are Bamboo which is an unusual flowering phenomenon. This is because they flower only once in their lifetime usually after 50-100 years to produce a large number of fruits after which they die.

What liquid keeps cut flowers alive longer? ›

Bleach. Freshly cut flowers will last longer if you add 1/4 teaspoon bleach per quart (1 liter) of vase water. Another popular recipe calls for 3 drops bleach and 1 teaspoon sugar in 1 quart (1 liter) water. This will also keep the water from getting cloudy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.

What kills cut flowers quickly? ›

Any plant leaves and flowers you leave in the vase water will rot quickly, which will spread bacteria that will kill your flowers before their time. Heat will hasten your flowers' demise, so place arrangements in cool spots, away from heating ducts and vents. You can also keep flowers fresh by avoiding direct sunlight.

Is there a flower that never blooms? ›

A flower identified as Lecanorchis nigricans has been revealed to be a different identity, Lecanorchis nigricans var. patipetala. Both species are self-pollinating, but the flowers of the true L. nigricans never open.

Are flowers considered perfect? ›

Flowers may be described as either perfect or imperfect based on the presence of plant sexual reproductive structures. A perfect flower is one in which both male and female reproductive structures are present. Both androecium (whorl of stamens) and gynoecium (whorl of carpels or pistil) are located on the same flower.

Are flowers imperfect? ›

Plants may produce flowers that are perfect or imperfect. A flower with male and female parts is called a perfect flower. A flower that is missing male or female parts is an imper- fect flower. Plants may have flowers that are complete or incomplete.

What makes a flower classified as perfect? ›

A bisexual (or “perfect”) flower has both stamens and carpels, and a unisexual (or “imperfect”) flower either lacks stamens (and is called carpellate) or lacks carpels (and is called staminate).

How will you know that a plant has a perfect flower? ›

Perfect flowers will have structures called stamens that produce the pollen (male gametes). A stamen consists of the anthers where the pollen is made and filaments which support the anther. Perfect flowers will also have the female reproductive structures called the pistil.

Can a flower be both perfect and incomplete? ›

Complete flowers contain four flower parts: petals, sepals, stamen, and pistil. Incomplete flowers are missing one or more of these four parts. It is possible for a perfect flower to be incomplete, but it is not possible for an imperfect flower to be complete.

Is A Rose perfect or Imperfect? ›

Perfect Flowers have both male parts and female parts inside of them. That means a perfect flower will have pistils and stamen inside of it. Some examples of Perfect Flowers are roses, lilacs, carnations, and lilies. Imperfect Flowers are flowers that have either male parts or female parts, but not both.

What plants have perfect flowers? ›

"Perfect" in a botanical sense means that each flower has both male and female parts in the same structure. Lilies, roses, and apple flowers are perfect.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.