Orthodox, Intermediate, and Recalcitrant Seed - Center for Plant Conservation (2024)

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Orthodox, Intermediate, and Recalcitrant Seed - Center for Plant Conservation (2024)


What are orthodox and recalcitrant seeds? ›

Orthodox seeds are capable of being dried to internal seed moisture of less than 12% water, stored at freezing temperatures, and surviving. Recalcitrant seeds cannot be stored in a conventional freezer as they cannot survive after drying and/or freezing at -20°C.

What is meant by recalcitrant seeds how such plants can be conserved? ›

Recalcitrant seeds are seeds that do not survive drying and freezing during ex-situ conservation. By and large, these seeds cannot resist the effects of drying or temperatures less than 10 °C (50 °F); thus, they cannot be stored for long periods like orthodox seeds because they can lose their viability.

What is recalcitrant seed orthodox seed and Vivipary seed? ›

After developing seeds reach physiological maturity, they either proceed to desiccate (orthodox seeds), germinate on the plant (vivipary), or bypass complete desiccation (recalcitrant seeds). Recalcitrant seeds lose viability after drying.

Why recalcitrant seeds can not be stored in seed gene banks? ›

Because they are shed at a range of species-related high water contents and will not tolerate dehydration to levels appropriate for low RH/sub-zero temperature storage, recalcitrant seeds cannot be conserved using standard genebank approaches.

What are intermediate seeds examples? ›

Examples of intermediate seed are Azadirachta indica, Maesopsis eminii, Dovyalis caffra and Artocarpus heterophyllus. Orthodox seed is commonly dried under direct sunlight for 2-3 days to a moisture content of 5-8%.

What is recalcitrant seed example? ›

Recalcitrant seeds refer to seeds that will not be stored by freezing or drying. Recalcitrant seeds typically germinate and establish quickly because they cannot tolerate desiccation. Plants that produce recalcitrant seeds include avocado, coffee, mango, lychee, cocoa, and rubber tree.

What are examples of orthodox seeds? ›

Orthodox seeds include for example, Citrus aurantifolia, Capsicum annum, Hamelia patens, Lantana camera, guava (Psidium guajava), Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) and most grains and legume types.

Which is orthodox seed? ›

Orthodox seeds are seeds which will survive drying and/or freezing during ex-situ conservation, as opposed to recalcitrant seeds, which will not.

What are the 3 types of seed extraction method? ›

The seed can be separated by following methods.
  • (1) Acid Method. • ...
  • (2) Fermentation Method. • ...
  • (3) Mechanical Seed Extraction. • ...
  • (4) Alkali Method. • ...
  • (5) Citric Acid Method. • ...
  • (6) Modified acid Method. • ...
  • (7) Dry Method. • ...
  • (8) Directly Harvesting of Matured Pod Method.
31 Mar 2016

What is recalcitrant seeds in agriculture? ›

Recalcitrant. Seeds which cannot survive drying below a relatively high moisture content (often in the range 20–50% wet basis) and which cannot be successfully stored for long periods.

What are the 4 types of seeds? ›

The below mentioned article highlights the four important types of seed. They are as follows: (1) Dicotyledonous Exalbuminous Seeds (2) Dicotyledonous Albuminous Seeds (3) Monocotyledonous Albuminous Seeds and (4) Monocotyledonous Exalbuminous Seeds.

Is Papaya a recalcitrant seed? ›

Papaya seeds have been grouped as recalcitrant seed by Chin et al. (1984) and Hofmann and Steiner (1989) but more recently it was grouped as the intermediate seed (Ellis et al., 1990). Papaya seed has survive for a short period of time under the ambient conditions.

What plants have recalcitrant seeds? ›

Local examples of recalcitrant seeds are oaks, walnuts, and maples—they germinate immediately with no dormancy. Many tropical rainforest plants also are recalcitrant, never going into true dormancy.

How would you conserve plant species that have recalcitrant seeds for future generations? ›

The only means for long-term conservation of the germplasm of recalcitrant-seeded species is by cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen (LN), which is not possible for intact seeds.

What are the two factors governing the storage life of seeds? ›

Essential principles govern the storage of seeds, in particular practices relating to the control of tempera- ture and relative humidity (RH) in the storage facility itself. Seed with a lower moisture content (MC) kept at lower temperatures can be stored for longer before the quality deteriorates.

What are the 2 types of seeds plants? ›

The seed plants are often divided arbitrarily into two groups: the gymnosperms and the angiosperms.

Is rice orthodox or recalcitrant? ›

Orthodox – the seeds able to tolerate moisture loss and less seed moisture favours the storage. i.e. decreased moisture increased storage period. Eg. Rice, sorghum , and most of the cultivated species.

What are the two classification of seeds? ›

The two major types of seed plants are the gymnosperms (seeds in cones) and angiosperms (seeds in ovaries of flowers). Figure below shows how the seeds of gymnosperms and angiosperms differ.

What is recalcitrance in plants? ›

Recalcitrance is the inability of plant cells, tissues and organs to. respond to tissue culture.

How are recalcitrant seeds preserved? ›

Cryopreservation involves storage at ultralow temperature, often in liquid nitrogen (−196°C) (7–9). Rapidly advancing methods can be used to essentially stop water from freezing within recalcitrant seed cells and obviate lethal freezing damage (3, 7–9).

What are the two types of Orthodox? ›

Globally, there are 15 self-governing churches among the Eastern Orthodox, while the Oriental Orthodox, including the Copts, Armenians, Ethiopians and Assyrians, have their own churches. Most of the denominations in both groups have institutional churches in the U.S., with the Greek Orthodox Church being the largest.

What is orthodox example? ›

Example Sentences

Adjective He took an orthodox approach to the problem. She believes in the benefits of both orthodox medicine and alternative medicine. He is a very orthodox Muslim. I attend an Eastern Orthodox church. My grandmother is Russian Orthodox.

What is recalcitrant VS Orthodox and give example of species? ›

Orthodox seeds are the seeds that will survive during drying and freezing in ex situ conservation. In contrast, recalcitrant seeds are the seeds that will not survive during drying and freezing in ex situ conservation. So, this is the key difference between orthodox and recalcitrant seeds.

What is orthodox method? ›

Orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people.

Is Rice an orthodox seed? ›


Rice produces orthodox seeds, which can be dried and stored at low temperatures to prolong viability.

What are the 3 types of seed plants? ›

Two kinds of plants bear seeds: gymnosperms and angiosperms. ​Gymnosperm​ means "naked seed," and refers to the fact that these seed-bearing plants do not produce fruit to protect their seeds. In contrast, the ​angiosperms​ – otherwise known as the "flowering plants" – form flowers that become fruit.

What are the 2 methods of extraction? ›

Extraction methods include solvent extraction, distillation method, pressing and sublimation according to the extraction principle. Solvent extraction is the most widely used method.

What are the two types of extraction? ›

There are two types of extraction, liquid-liquid extraction also known as solvent extraction as well as solid-liquid extraction. Both extraction types are based on the same principle, the separation of compounds, based on their relative solubilities in two different immiscible liquids or solid matter compound.

What are 4 different types of seed dispersal methods? ›

The most common methods are wind, water, animals, explosion and fire. Dandelion seeds float away in the wind.

What is the difference between recalcitrant and Orthodox? ›

Recalcitrant and orthodox seeds differ greatly in their ecology and morphology. Recalcitrant seeds are primarily from perennial trees in the moist tropics. In some cases, they also come from temperate tree or aquatic species, while most orthodox seeds are from annual species grown in open fields.

What does recalcitrant mean in biology? ›

Biology definition:

Being recalcitrant is defined as a distinguished ability to resist change in some property. The term is used to describe the inability of a seed to germinate in plant seed biology or the inability of a plant cell or tissue to respond to tissue culture manipulation in plant tissue cultures.

What are the 5 different classes of seeds? ›

  • Breeder seed.
  • Foundation seed.
  • Registered seed.
  • Certified seed.

What are the 3 main parts of a seed? ›

"There are three parts of a seed." "A bean or seed consists of a seed coat, an embryo, and a cotyledon." "The embryo is the tiny plant protected by the seed coat."

What are the 4 main parts of a seed? ›

Vocabulary (with definitions)
  • seed coat – covers and protects the seed.
  • embryo – forms the new plant.
  • endosperm – acts as food for the seed, and nourishes the embryo.
  • germinate – when a seed begins to grow, or puts out shoots.
  • cotyledon – the first “leaves” of a plant.
  • monocot – a plant with one cotyledon.
7 Jan 2017

Is mango an orthodox seed? ›

Recalcitrant includes large seeds, such as Mango, Avocado, Cocoa, Lychee, Jackfruit, etc.

Are citrus seeds recalcitrant? ›

Citrus seeds have also been reported to possess recalcitrant storage behavior (King and Roberts, 1980). It has been shown that seeds of several species can survive considerable desiccation, but, nevertheless, do not show strictly orthodox seed storage behavior (Ellis et al., 1990; Hong and Ellis, 1990).

Are apple seeds recalcitrant? ›

Seed Collection and Storage

Growing sugar apple from seed can be challenging even if you live in a suitable climate, because of the plant's quirks. It has what botanists like those at the University of Hawaii call ​recalcitrant​ seeds, meaning they don't store well and are unlikely to remain viable if you let them dry.

What is the time for which Exsitu conservation of seeds is done by recalcitrant method? ›

Seeds are conserved for > 50 years without any loss of viability (Usberti and Gomes, 1998). In ex-situ conservation of seeds, seeds can be stored as active (medium term) and base (long term) collections.

What are the different types of conservation methods of genetic resources? ›

There are basically two methods used in forest genetic resource conservation, namely the in situ (on site) and the ex situ (off site) conservation methods. The in situ conservation method is the protection and maintenance of species populations in the ecosystem in which they occur.

What are the methods used for long term conservation of plant genetic resources? ›

Germplasm conservation is the most successful method to conserve the genetic traits of endangered and commercially valuable species. Germplasm is a live information source for all the genes present in the respective plant, which can be conserved for long periods and regenerated whenever it is required in the future.

What are the different methods of seed storage? ›

For good seed storage, always use sealed containers.

After seed has been dried properly, store it in tin cans, metal boxes, glass jars, or plastic bags or container with lids that can be sealed (Figure 25).

What are the three main storage system or packaging of seeds? ›

Seed in the combine, grain wagon, and bulk storage or drying bins are in storage and their quality is affected by the same factors that affect the quality of seed during the packaged seed segment of the storage period.

What 3 storage conditions affects seed viability? ›

Moisture, temperature, and the proportion of oxygen are key environmental factors that affect seed deterioration and loss of viability.

What is meant by orthodox seeds? ›

Orthodox seeds are seeds which will survive drying and/or freezing during ex-situ conservation, as opposed to recalcitrant seeds, which will not.

What is orthodox seed example? ›

Orthodox seeds include for example, Citrus aurantifolia, Capsicum annum, Hamelia patens, Lantana camera, guava (Psidium guajava), Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) and most grains and legume types.

What is orthodox seeds in agriculture? ›

Orthodox. Seeds which can be dried down to a low MC of around 5% (wet basis) and successfully stored at low or sub-freezing temperatures for long periods.

What are the two types of orthodox? ›

Globally, there are 15 self-governing churches among the Eastern Orthodox, while the Oriental Orthodox, including the Copts, Armenians, Ethiopians and Assyrians, have their own churches. Most of the denominations in both groups have institutional churches in the U.S., with the Greek Orthodox Church being the largest.

What are orthodox methods? ›

adjective. Orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people.

What orthodox means? ›

: conforming to established doctrine especially in religion.

How do you preserve recalcitrant seeds? ›

Cryopreservation is the only option for long-term conservation of the germplasm of recalcitrant-seeded species, which necessitates excision of explants, ideally embryonic axes, that can be dehydrated sufficiently rapidly to limit metabolism-linked damage.

Is rice an orthodox seed? ›


Rice produces orthodox seeds, which can be dried and stored at low temperatures to prolong viability.

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