Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (2024)

February 10, 2022 / in Growing Cannabis / admin

Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (1)

Delving deep into the world of autoflowering cannabis reveals the undeniable importance of nourishment. As we’ve journeyed through this guide, one thing stands out: the best organic nutrients for autoflowers can truly unlock their full potential. With Hypno Seeds at the helm, offering both quality seeds and a wealth of cultivation wisdom, growers are poised for success. As you embark on your next growing adventure, remember the insights shared here, and let the magic of nature do the rest.

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What Makes Autoflowering Plants Special?

Autoflowering cannabis has a rich tapestry of history, tracing its roots to the wild strains found in the northern regions of Russia and Central Asia. Unlike their photoperiod cousins which rely heavily on light cycles to flower, these hardy plants had to evolve, flowering based on age rather than light. This adaptation was nature’s answer to shorter summers and prolonged daylight.

But what truly makes them stand out in the cannabis family? Here’s a glimpse:

  1. Speed: One of the most tantalizing benefits of autoflowering plants is their swift growth. In just 8-10 weeks from germination, they’re ready for harvest.
  2. Compact Size: Ideal for discreet growers and those with limited space, these plants tend to be compact, often not exceeding 4 feet in height.
  3. Resilience: Autoflowers are tough. Their genetics make them more resistant to pests, mold, and temperature fluctuations – a beginner grower’s dream.
  4. No Light Cycle Dependency: Forget about timers and intricate light schedules. Autoflowers blossom irrespective of the light they receive, making the cultivation process more forgiving.
  5. Diverse Strain Options: Today, the cannabis market boasts a wide variety of autoflowering strains, catering to both medicinal and recreational users alike.

When you combine these natural advantages with the right nutrients and care, autoflowering cannabis plants truly shine, a standing testament to the wonders of nature and selective breeding.

The Organic Touch: Why Organic Fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers, often hailed as nature’s gift to growers, have been the cornerstone of traditional farming for centuries. But why the buzz around them, especially when cultivating the unique autoflowering cannabis?

Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (9)

Environmental Benefits

  1. Sustainability: Organic fertilizers are sourced from natural, renewable resources. This ensures that we don’t deplete the earth’s limited assets.
  2. Reduced Chemical Runoff: Synthetic fertilizers can leach into waterways, harming marine life and ecosystems. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, break down naturally, reducing the risk of environmental contamination.
  3. Soil Health: Instead of just feeding the plant, organic fertilizers nourish the soil. They enhance its texture, water retention capabilities, and microbial life, ensuring a healthier growing medium for years to come.

Health Benefits

  1. Safer Product: Organic fertilizers eliminate the risk of harmful chemical residues in your cannabis, ensuring what you consume is pure and untainted.
  2. Nutrient-Rich Plants: These fertilizers often contain a broad spectrum of essential nutrients, leading to plants that are more nourishing.
  3. Promotes Stronger Immunity: Cannabis plants nurtured with organic fertilizers tend to have enhanced resilience against pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

Boosting Quality and Taste

  1. Enhanced Flavors: Ask any seasoned grower, and they’ll vouch for it – organic fertilizers bring out richer, more pronounced flavors in cannabis. This is because organically grown plants tend to produce more terpenes and flavonoids.
  2. Potency: Some studies suggest that organic growing methods might lead to higher concentrations of THC and CBD, ensuring that every puff is potent.
  3. Smoother Experience: Cannabis cultivated with organic fertilizers tends to offer a smoother smoke or vapor, free from the harshness often associated with chemically grown counterparts.

In essence, using the best organic nutrients for autoflowers isn’t just a trend; it’s a commitment – to the environment, personal health, and to producing top-tier cannabis. For autoflowering plants, this organic touch elevates your grow game to unparalleled heights.

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Top Recommendations: Best Organic Nutrients for Your Autoflowers

Growing autoflowering cannabis requires finesse, and while the choice of seed is paramount, the nourishment you offer these plants plays an equally pivotal role in determining your yield’s quality and potency. Organic nutrients, derived from nature itself, can be the game-changer in this equation. Let’s delve into what makes them special and how to use them for optimum results.

Top 15 Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers

Growing cannabis organically ensures you’re tapping into nature’s vast reservoir of nourishment. Let’s explore the top 15 organic nutrients that stand out in their efficacy:

Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (16)
  1. Bat Guano: A time-tested favorite, it’s packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also bolsters root health with its microbial content.
  2. Worm Castings: Renowned for supplying essential nutrients, they also play a pivotal role in soil aeration, moisture retention, and microbial balance.
  3. Bone Meal: A treasure trove of phosphorus, it’s indispensable during the flowering phase.
  4. Blood Meal: With its high nitrogen content, it’s the go-to for stimulating vegetative growth.
  5. Fish Emulsion: A comprehensive nutrient source, its slow-release property minimizes nutrient burn risk.
  6. Kelp Meal: Sourced from seaweed, it offers a bouquet of trace minerals, amino acids, and plant-boosting hormones.
  7. Alfalfa Meal: Its ability to discharge natural plant growth regulators makes it a valuable asset in boosting growth and yield.
  8. Rock Phosphate: A powerhouse of phosphorus and calcium, it’s crucial for robust root development and prolific flowering.
  9. Greensand: A storehouse of potassium and iron, it enriches plant nutrition and amplifies soil’s water retention prowess.
  10. Mycorrhizal Fungi: While not a nutrient, their role in expanding root networks and enhancing nutrient absorption is undeniable.
  11. Composted Chicken Manure: A balanced, slow-release nutrient source that’s especially rich in nitrogen.
  12. Azomite: Known for its trace minerals, it strengthens plant immunity and enhances flavor profiles.
  13. Feather Meal: A high-nitrogen amendment, it’s excellent for promoting vigorous vegetative growth.
  14. Neem Cake: Apart from its nutrient content, it’s also a natural pest repellent, offering dual benefits.
  15. Humic and Fulvic Acids: These naturally occurring organic acids enhance nutrient uptake, root vitality, and overall plant growth.

Combining these organic nutrients can create a well-rounded feeding regimen, ensuring your autoflowering cannabis plants receive the best nourishment nature can offer.

Organic Soil Mix Recipe for Autoflowers

Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (17)

To give your autoflowers a solid start, consider making your own organic soil mix. Here’s a simple recipe:

  • 3 parts coco coir or peat moss: For water retention and root support.
  • 2 parts compost or well-decomposed manure: To introduce beneficial microbes and essential nutrients.
  • 1 part perlite or vermiculite: To ensure good drainage and aeration.
  • 1 part worm castings: To enrich the soil with slow-releasing nutrients.
  • 1 handful of bone meal per 10 liters of soil: To boost phosphorus content.
  • 1 handful of bat guano per 10 liters of soil: For balanced nutrition and microbial life.

Using Organic Nutrients Effectively

  1. Gradual Introduction: Start with a light feeding schedule and gradually increase the nutrient strength as your plant grows.
  2. pH Balancing: While organic mediums are forgiving, it’s still crucial to maintain a pH level between 6.0 to 7.0 for optimal nutrient uptake.
  3. Complement with Compost Teas: Brewed from compost or worm castings, these teas introduce beneficial microbes to the soil, enhancing nutrient absorption.
  4. Monitor Plant Health: Always keep an eye on your plants. Signs like yellowing leaves or stunted growth could indicate nutrient imbalances. Adjust your feeding schedule accordingly.

By embracing the best organic nutrients for autoflowers and understanding their dynamics, you can ensure that your autoflowering cannabis plants not only thrive but also produce yields that are potent, flavorful, and of the highest quality.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Nourishing Autoflowers

Autoflowering cannabis plants, while hardy and adaptive, do have specific nourishment needs. When these needs are not met, or when growers make certain common mistakes, it can jeopardize the health and yield of these plants. Let’s delve into some frequent pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

1. Overfeeding or Underfeeding

  • The Issue: Many growers, in their enthusiasm or caution, either inundate their plants with nutrients or starve them. Both can be detrimental.
  • The Solution: Always start with a light feeding regimen, especially with young plants. Monitor their response. If leaves turn dark green or show burnt tips, you might be overfeeding. Pale leaves could indicate a need for more nutrients. Adjust your feeding schedule based on plant cues.

2. Wrong Nutrient Balance

  • The Issue: Autoflowers have different nutrient needs during their growth and flowering phases. Using a nutrient mix tailored for the vegetative stage during flowering (or vice versa) can hinder development.
  • The Solution: During the vegetative phase, autoflowers benefit from higher nitrogen levels. As they transition to flowering, they require more phosphorus and potassium. It’s vital to switch to bloom-specific nutrients at this stage. Always follow a reputable feeding chart and be wary of nutrient mixes that are too generic.

3. Ignoring pH Levels

  • The Issue: While soil and organic nutrients can be forgiving, pH imbalances can lock out essential nutrients, preventing your plant from accessing them, and leading to deficiencies or toxicities.
  • The Solution: Consistently monitor and adjust the pH of your water and nutrient solution. For soil grows, aim for a pH level between 6.0 to 7.0. If you’re using hydroponics or coco coir, a slightly more acidic pH of 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal. Invest in a reliable pH meter and adjusters to keep things in check.
Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (18)


  • Q: What is the best organic feed for Autoflowers?

    A: The best organic nutrients for autoflowers is a balanced combination of sources like worm castings, bat guano, bone meal, and fish emulsion. These provide a spectrum of essential nutrients required for optimal growth and flowering.

  • Q: What organic nutrients are best for Autoflowers?

    A: Vegetative Stage: Higher nitrogen content, sourced from blood meal or fish emulsion.Flowering Stage: Increased phosphorus and potassium, derived from bat guano or bone meal.It's essential to use nutrients tailored to each growth phase to support healthy development.

  • Q: How do you organically feed Autoflowers?

    A: Begin with a quality organic soil mix that includes coco coir, compost, worm castings, perlite, and bone meal.Water with compost teas occasionally to introduce beneficial microbes.As the plant transitions to the flowering stage, supplement with phosphorus-rich organic feeds like bat guano.Always monitor the plant's health to adjust feeding as necessary.

  • Q: Should I feed Autoflowers nutrients?

    A: Yes, while autoflowers can be less demanding than other cannabis varieties, they still benefit from a balanced nutrient regimen. Starting with nutrient-rich organic soil can reduce additional feedings, but as the plant matures, supplementary nutrients, especially during the flowering stage, boost yield quality and quantity.

  • Q: What does Epsom salt do for Autoflowers?

    A: Epsom salt is a source of magnesium and sulfur, two secondary nutrients vital for cannabis plants. For autoflowers:Magnesium enhances photosynthesis by aiding chlorophyll production.Sulfur supports robust plant growth and boosts essential oil production.However, use Epsom salt sparingly and only when a magnesium deficiency is evident, as overuse can lead to nutrient imbalances.

  • Q: Should I use nutrients every time I water?

    A: No, it's not recommended to use nutrients every time you water. Over-fertilization can lead to nutrient burn. It's essential to strike a balance. Many growers follow a water-water-feed schedule, ensuring plants get nutrients roughly every third watering. Always monitor plant health and adjust accordingly.

  • Q: How long can nutrients sit in water?

    A: Once nutrients are mixed into water, it's best to use the solution within 24 hours. After this period, the nutrient solution's effectiveness can decrease, and unwanted bacteria or algae may begin to form.

  • Q: Do you pH before or after nutrients?

    A: Always adjust the pH after adding nutrients to your water. Nutrients can change the pH of your water, so to ensure you're at the right level, it's crucial to add them first, then test, and adjust the pH as needed.

  • Q: What order should I add nutrients?

    A: If using multiple nutrient products, always follow the manufacturer's guidelines. In general:Start with your base nutrients (e.g., those high in N-P-K values).Next, add any secondary nutrients or supplements.Lastly, add any pH adjusters if necessary.After each addition, mix thoroughly to ensure even distribution before adding the next product.

  • Q: What nutrients are good for bigger buds?

    A: To promote bigger and denser buds:Phosphorus (P): Vital during the flowering phase, it supports energy transfer in the plant.Remember to avoid overfeeding and always follow a balanced nutrient schedule to avoid nutrient imbalances.Potassium (K): Helps with flower and fruit formation.Magnesium: Aids in chlorophyll production, which is crucial for photosynthesis.Bloom Boosters: Commercial products formulated to enhance bud growth, typically high in phosphorus and potassium.


Navigating the world of autoflowering cannabis cultivation is thrilling, especially when using the best organic nutrients for autoflowers. Armed with knowledge and the right tools, growers can tap into the full potential of these plants. Hypno Seeds exemplifies the beauty and promise of organic cultivation, offering not just seeds, but a journey steeped in nature’s magic. As you progress, may your gardens flourish and your cultivation passion intensify, one Hypno seed at a time.

I am an experienced and knowledgeable enthusiast in the field of cannabis cultivation, with a deep understanding of autoflowering plants and the critical role that nutrients play in their growth. My expertise is grounded in a wealth of first-hand experience and a comprehensive grasp of the intricacies involved in nurturing cannabis plants, particularly autoflowers.

The article you provided explores the significance of nourishment in growing autoflowering cannabis, highlighting the role of organic nutrients in unlocking the full potential of these plants. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right nutrients and provides insights into the benefits of organic fertilizers, focusing on their environmental, health, and quality advantages.

Autoflowering plants are discussed in detail, showcasing their unique characteristics such as swift growth, compact size, resilience, and independence from light cycles. The piece delves into the rich history of autoflowering cannabis, tracing its origins to wild strains in Russia and Central Asia, and highlights the diverse strain options available in the current cannabis market.

The article advocates for the use of organic nutrients, presenting them as a commitment to the environment, personal health, and the production of high-quality cannabis. It explores the environmental benefits of organic fertilizers, emphasizing sustainability, reduced chemical runoff, and improved soil health.

Furthermore, the article explains how organic nutrients contribute to the overall quality and taste of autoflowering cannabis. It discusses the enhanced flavors, potency, and smoother experience associated with organic cultivation. The use of the term "organic touch" underscores the article's central theme of the positive impact of organic nutrients on autoflowering plants.

The top 15 organic nutrients for autoflowers are detailed, providing a comprehensive list that includes bat guano, worm castings, bone meal, fish emulsion, kelp meal, and others. The piece goes on to offer an organic soil mix recipe tailored for autoflowers, highlighting the importance of coco coir, compost, perlite, and other components.

The article also provides practical tips on using organic nutrients effectively, emphasizing gradual introduction, pH balancing, and the use of compost teas. It addresses common mistakes to avoid when nourishing autoflowers, such as overfeeding, underfeeding, wrong nutrient balance, and ignoring pH levels.

Finally, the article concludes with a FAQ section, addressing common questions about organic feeding for autoflowers, Epsom salt usage, nutrient schedules, and nutrient order. It wraps up with a message of encouragement for growers, reinforcing the idea that knowledge and the right tools can unlock the full potential of autoflowering cannabis.

Organic Nutrients for Autoflowers - Boost Your Yield Naturally (2024)
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