OASIS Mache Wreath, 24 Inch (2024)


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} // Add additional item to cart let variantId = ""; let handle = ""; if (variantId && handle) { await cartService.addItemToCart(variantId, quantity, deliveryDate, handle); quantity += quantity; } // Add surcharge items to cart const { items: initialCartItems, item_count: initialCartItemCount, items_subtotal_price: initialSubtotal, } = await cartService.getCartInfo(); var hasSaturdayDelivery = false; var hasSaturdayDeliveryProduct = false; var saturdayDeliveryDate; var expectedDeliveryDate = deliveryDate; var itemDelivery = new Date(expectedDeliveryDate); var deliveryDay = itemDelivery.getDay(); if (deliveryDay === 6) { hasSaturdayDelivery = true; saturdayDeliveryDate = expectedDeliveryDate; }/* if (hasSaturdayDelivery) { await cartService.addItemToCart( "39557608407202", quantity, saturdayDeliveryDate, "saturday-delivery", { 'associativeID':associativeID, 'associativeName':product_title_summary } ); } */ // Update cart const { items: cartItems, item_count: cartItemCount, items_subtotal_price: subtotal, } = await cartService.getCartInfo(); quickCart.updateCart({ subtotal: subtotal, itemCount: cartItemCount, items: cartItems, openCart: true, }); stopAddCartBtnLoading(); } /* On date picker input change */ function loadLabels(){ const evento=(`


`); const labelReturn=`Best delivery date: 3 days before your event `; const labelInput=$("#label_picker").css('color','var(--color-text-date)'); const dateInput=$("#datepicker--static").css('color','var(--color-text-date)'); $("#available_span").hide(); $("#datepicker-msg--error").hide(); return labelReturn; } $("#datepicker--static").change(function () { const dateVal = $(this).val(); const messageElem = $(".product__panel .pf-label--static span"); const messageElemlabel = $(".product__panel .pf-label-background"); let label=loadLabels(); if (dateVal) { messageElem.html(`${label}`); messageElemlabel.html(`Delivery Date`); calculateItemFee(); calculateShippingItemFee(); } else { messageElem.text(theme.strings.products.product.choose_delivery_date); } });/* ---------------------------- Helper Functions ---------------------------- */ const getVariantId = () => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); let selectedVariant = $(".product__variant-radio__input:checked"); let variantIDN = selectedVariant.data("variant-id"); const variantIdFromParam = searchParams.get("variant"); const variantId = variantIDN || 37680848240802; return variantId; }; const getDeliveryDate = () => $("#datepicker--static").val(); const startAddCartBtnLoading = () => $("#add-to-cart-button").addClass("loading"); const stopAddCartBtnLoading = () => $("#add-to-cart-button").removeClass("loading"); const handleOpenCalendar = () => { $(".event-date") .addClass("active") .delay(100) .queue(() => $(".event-date").addClass("visible").dequeue()); }; window.handleOpenCalendar = handleOpenCalendar; const renderItemFieldOptions = (itemOptions) => { let optionsHtml = ""; itemOptions.forEach(itemOption => { const additionalPrice = itemOption.price_change > 0 ? ` (Add $${itemOption.price_change}.00)` : ""; optionsHtml += `

` }) return optionsHtml; } const renderProductOptions = (productOptions) => { let optionsHtml = ""; productOptions.forEach(option => { const additionalPrice = option.price_change > 0 ? ` (Add $${option.price_change}.00)` : ""; optionsHtml += `

` }) return optionsHtml; } /* -------------------------- Handle Variant Change ------------------------- */ function usePushState(handler){ //modern themes use pushstate to track variant changes without reload function track (fn, handler, before) { return function interceptor () { if (before) { handler.apply(this, arguments); return fn.apply(this, arguments); } else { var result = fn.apply(this, arguments); handler.apply(this, arguments); return result; } }; } var currentVariantId = null; function variantHandler () { var selectedVariantId = window.location.search.replace(/.*variant=(\d+).*/, '$1'); if(!selectedVariantId) return; if(selectedVariantId != currentVariantId){ currentVariantId = selectedVariantId; handler(selectedVariantId); } } // Assign listeners window.history.pushState = track(history.pushState, variantHandler); window.history.replaceState = track(history.replaceState, variantHandler); window.addEventListener('popstate', variantHandler); } usePushState(function(variantId) { const variantInput = $(`[data-variant-id="${variantId}"]`); const variantSku = $(variantInput).data("item-id"); if (window.itemOptions) renderOptions(window.itemOptions, variantSku); });/* -------------------------- Handle Item Click ------------------------- */ $('input[data-name="item-bullet-radio"]').click(()=>{ calculateItemFee(); calculateShippingItemFee(); } );/* -------------------------- Calculations for Item fee ------------------------- */ function parserTemplate(template, placeHolders){ for(let key in placeHolders){ template = template.replace("###"+key+"###",placeHolders[key]) } return template; } function calculateItemFee(){ if(isOnItemFee){ let selectedDeliveryDate = $("#datepicker--static").val(); let result = null; $("#product-item-fee-msg").html(""); let item_id_selected = parseInt($('input[data-name="item-bullet-radio"]:checked', '.product__variant-radio ').attr("data-item-id")); let feeItem = _.find(productFees, { 'item_id': item_id_selected }); // items has valentine fee if(feeItem){ let delivery_date = moment(selectedDeliveryDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); //"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" let date_start= moment(feeItem.date_start).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); let date_end= moment(feeItem.date_end).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); let isOnRangeFee= moment(delivery_date).isBetween(date_start, date_end); console.log( "selected",delivery_date ,"fee_start",date_start,"fee end",date_end,"isOnRangeFee", isOnRangeFee); if(isOnRangeFee){ $("#product-item-fee-msg").html(parserTemplate("*The selected item has a surcharge of $###fee_value###*",{'fee_value':feeItem.fee_amount})); result=feeItem; } } selectedFee=result; if(selectedFee){ productFeeTotal = selectedFee.fee_amount * getQuantity(); } } } function calculateShippingItemFee(){ if(isOnShippingItemFee){ //let item_id_selected = parseInt($('input[data-name="item-bullet-radio"]:checked', '.product__variant-radio ').attr("data-item-id")); //selectedShippingFee= _.find(shippingFees, { 'item_id': item_id_selected }); //productShippingFeeTotal = selectedShippingFee.shipping_charge * getQuantity(); productShippingFeeTotal = parseInt('15') * getQuantity(); } }/* function buildShippingItemFeeHtml(){ if(isOnShippingItemFee){ let bullets= $('input[data-name="item-bullet-radio"]').get(); bullets.forEach( function (bullet){ let bullet_el = $(bullet); let bulletId = parseInt(bullet_el.attr("data-item-id")); let shippingFeeItem = _.find(shippingFees, { 'item_id': bulletId }); let item_shipping_ctn_el = bullet_el.next(); if(shippingFeeItem && item_shipping_ctn_el){ item_shipping_ctn_el.find(".item_shipping_fee").html("Shipping Fee: $"+shippingFeeItem.shipping_charge); } }); } } */});

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  • • The OASIS® Mache Cross is made with Deluxe OASIS® Floral Foam Maxlife

    • The foam provides a water source for flowers, eliminating the need for water picks, and holds securely so there is no need to wire stems

    • The OASIS® Mache Cross can save you up to 39% in prep and design time over other methods

    • Patented foam segmentation minimizes dripping when the piece is displayed upright (Patent no. 5.588.253)

    • This frame is perfect for sympathy, weddings, parties, anniversaries and more

    Made with Deluxe OASIS® Floral Foam Maxlife.
  • Provides a water source for flowers, eliminating the need for water picks, and holds securely so there is no need to wire stems.
  • Saves up to 39% in prep and design time over other methods.
  • Patented foam segmentation minimizes dripping when the piece is displayed upright (Patent no. 5.588.253).
  • Perfect for sympathy, weddings, parties, anniversaries and more.
  • For use with fresh flowers.
  • Genuine OASIS™ professional grade floral products shipped directly from Smithers OASIS™ warehouse.
  • Shipping included in listed price - save time and let us deliver directly to you.
  • Non-perishable supplies are ground shipped and may arrive prior to the delivery date you select. Please take this into consideration when choosing your delivery date and shipping address.

Storing Floral Foam:

  • Store at room temperature and away from heat and humidity.
  • Avoid storing in places where the foam may be indented or crushed; this may weaken the structure of the foam when arranging.
  • Fill a clean container with fresh water.

How To Use Floral Foam:

  • Set the foam brick onto the top of the water. Do not force the foam down into the water.
  • Allow the foam to submerge into the water.
  • Depending on the size of the floral foam, this process takes an average of one to five minutes. Do not overcrowd the container; this will prolong the process.
  • Floral foam can remain underwater for up to 24 hours, but is not recommended to remain submerged longer.
  • Remove the foam from the water and begin your arrangements.

+ FiftyFlowers reserves the right to accept or reject any return item during COVID because of product handling.

OASIS Mache Wreath, 24 Inch (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.