Nine Forms of Devotion Explained (Navdha Bhakti) in Faith - (2024)

Devotion (bhakti) may seem like a complex topic to many people, mainly because different people preach different kinds of devotion in the process of attaining liberation (moksha).

Some people say devotion is worship, while others say it is meditation. Some say going to a temple symbolizes devotion, while others say focusing on oneself is devotion.

So what is devotion exactly? Let’s look at devotion in a Vedic way.

The Sanskrit word “Bhakti” is derived from the seed word “bhaj,” which roughly translates tolove and dedication,which is precisely what devotion is.

TheShrimad Bhagavata Mahapuranadescribes “Nine forms of Devotion”(Navdha Bhakti) one can take up to merge with the divine.


arcanaṁvandanaṁdāsyaṁ sakhyamātma-nivedanam

iti puṁsārpitā viṣṇau bhaktiś cen nava-lakṣaṇā

kriyeta bhagavaty addhā tan manye ‘dhītam uttamam

[SB 7.5.23–24]

The nine forms of devotion (highlighted in the Shloka) include:

  • Hearing about the divine (Shravan)
  • Chanting about the divine (Kirtan)
  • Remembering the divine (Smaran)
  • Serving the Lotus feet of the divine (Pada-Sevana)
  • Worshipping the divine (Archana)
  • Prostrating before the divine (Vandana)
  • Serving the divine (Dasya)
  • Befriending the divine (Sakhya)
  • Offering oneself to the divine (Atma Nivedan)

A devotee has to go through these nine forms of devotion before becoming one with the divine. No path is any lesser than the other, all are equal, and one can even follow some of the paths if not all.

Just like all rivers merge into one ocean, all forms of devotion merge into one supreme consciousness, that is me, says Krishna inShrimad Bhagavad Gita.

Let us understand each form of devotion and understand its relevance in your spiritual journey.

Hearing about the Divine (Shravan)

In our daily lives, we hear a lot of things. Some are positive and make us feel good, while some are negative that bring down our energy. This is because we’re mostly surrounded by people and, if not people, technology such as televisions or phones (particularly social media).

All such stimulus results in a confused mind constantly oscillating between happiness and sadness. This is why most people take upVipassanameditation to control their senses.

At such a time, hearing about the divine, who’s the ocean of positivity, helps you focus your sensitive mind on supreme consciousness. This prevents your mind from wandering and helps build a direct connection to the divine.

Shravan can include listening to spiritual discourses, devotional songs, or mantras, including the seven-day Shrimad Bhagawat Katha or the Shiv Mahapurana Katha in Hinduism.

Chanting about the Divine (Kirtana)

Just like listening, we often say things that may be positive or negative for somebody else. In other words, most people rarely control their words.

Whatever comes to their mind first leaves their tongue first. This often results in hurting other beings, intentionally or unintentionally, which forms negative karma.

Chanting using your voice soothes your entire body, which is whyMantra Sadhanais always performed orally. When you chant about the divine, you cleanse your words, thoughts, and most importantly, your body, which is a product of sound (vibrations).

Kirtana can include singing devotional songs, playing musical instruments in a congregation, or even dancing to the songs of the divine.

Remembering the Divine (Smarana)

The entire process of spirituality is targeted at purifying the mind. A purified mind results in a purified body, creating a happier society.

When you remember the divine, you naturally stop thinking negatively. Your thoughts turn pure, and you start living a fulfilled life even at times of misery.

Remembering the divine can include visualization of a deity, the beautiful stories of the divine, or acting divinely, knowing that “I am what I have been seeking.”

Serving the Lotus feet of the Divine (Pada-Sevana)

Serving the lotus feet of the divine makes you bow down and realize your true nature. This results in the shattering of the ego because you finally learn to bow down to the supreme consciousness irrespective of how powerful, rich, or beautiful you are.

An erect spine symbolizes power, but a bent spine symbolizes humility.

When building a relationship, you cannot show your power; you must be humble. Similarly, in building a relationship with the divine, you don’t choose power; you choose humility.

TheShrimad Bhagavata Mahapuranadefines Pada-Sevana as:

Seeking ‘a bath in the dust of feet of holy souls who claim nothing as their own.’(SBM VII.5:32)

This includes touching the feet of holy men or the physical embodiment of the divine. This also means serving all living beings to some extent since the divine resides in all creation.

Worshipping the Divine (Archana)

Worshipping the divine is as much a physical act as it is a non-physical act. One can worship by heart, but even the body needs to be included in the process.

When building a relationship with the divine, you use both ways to express your love, just like in any relationship.

Worship does not mean you’re trying to please the divine; it simply means you love the divine enough to set aside some time to nurture your relationship.
Worshipping means traditional worship (pooja) or meditation (dhyaana), even Chanting and concentrating on the mantras(mantra sadhana).

Prostrating Before Divine (Vandana)

Vandana includes salutation, bowing down, and being grateful for what has come your way. In this, you accept everyone and everything as divine and lay yourself at the divine feet, which is a sign of complete acceptance.

One can practice this prayer to show acceptance and be more grateful:

I asked for strength; the divine gave me difficulties to overcome.

I asked for wisdom; the divine gave me problems to solve.

I asked for prosperity; the divine gave me brain and brawl to work.

I asked for courage; the divine gave me dangers to overcome.

I asked for love; the divine gave me troubled people to help.

I received nothing — nothing that I wanted.

I received everything — everything that I needed.

Silently, unknowingly, all my prayers were answered.

Practice this prayer whenever you feel incomplete or away from the divine. Remember what he is and what he has for you, and you’ll rekindle the devotion. With a fresh devotion, you’ll fall at his feet because everything you are, is him.

Serving the Divine (Dasya)

Serving the divine is the ultimate service since it is the only one where you don’t get to make a condition. In all other forms of service, you can set specific requirements such as time, pay, etc.

The divine service is the only service where you cannot place a condition but still receive much more than you need.

Serving the divine does not mean physically doing something that reflects your service. Physical service can be worship, as discussed earlier. Service means to wear an attitude at all times that “I am a part of you, but I’m not above you. You are the creator, and I am the creation.”

Befriending the Divine (Sakhya)

By this stage, you realize that the divine is not just your creator but also your friend. Devotees at this stage start talking to their deities like ordinary people. They start indulging deeper and deeper into their sadhana and start becoming like their deity (sarupya).

This is the strongest bond ever to exist because this is a bond the material world cannot break.

Consider the example ofPrahalad, the great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Prahalad started seeing Lord Vishnu everywhere, in every aspect of his life. Even in the material world, everything that was physical started becoming his god for him.

Also, theGreat Draupadi from Mahabharata. She was widely known as Krishna’s Sakhi (friend), and if you’ve read the epic, you know about the gambling that put Draupadi on the centre stage to be stripped. Even though Krishna protected Draupadi’s honour at the time, he also promised to bring a war nobody would have ever seen in yugas. It was when Krishna’s Sakhi cried that the war began. That’s how the friendship of the divine is.

This is Sakhya, to make the divine yourSakha(friend)

Offering Oneself to the Divine (Atma Nivedan)

A friendship without offering yourself to your friend isn’t a friendship at all. InAtma Nivedan, you offer your entirety to the divine with the trust you have in your friend. This is the last stage of devotion, and this is where all suffering comes to an end.

Once you become a part of the divine, you turn into an ocean from the tiny drop you are. This is because the full circle of birth and rebirth has come to an end, and you’ve finally merged with your source, the creator.

This is when Radha becomes Krishna and together, we call them “RadhaKrishna” because this name symbolizes the last step of devotion, atma nivedan.

Divinity is in all of us, whether we can see it or not. It’s our choice to either awaken it or suppress it. This choice is the difference between happiness and suffering.

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Nine Forms of Devotion Explained (Navdha Bhakti) in Faith - (2024)


What are the 9 forms of devotion navavidha bhakti? ›

These are, shravana, kirtana, smarana, pada-sevana, archana, vandana, dasya, sakhya and atma-nivedana.

What are the 9 types of bhakti with meaning? ›

The Navaratnamalika (garland of nine gems), nine forms of bhakti are listed: (1) śravaṇa (listening to ancient texts), (2) kīrtana (praying), (3) smaraṇa (remembering teachings in ancient texts), (4) pāda-sevana (service to the feet), (5) archana (worshiping), (6) namaskar or vandana (bowing to the divine), (7) dāsya ( ...

What is navavidha bhakti? ›

Navavidha bhakti comprises the nine ways to express devotion or develop devotion for God or the higher Self. Mentioned in the Hindu scriptures, the "Srimad-Bhagavata" and the "Vishnu Purana," navavidha bhakti is also described as the devotional paths that lead to moksha, or liberation.

How many types of devotion are mentioned in Bhagwat Dharma? ›

In the Srimad Bhagavata and the Vishnu Purana it is told that the nine forms of Bhakti are Sravana (hearing of God's Lilas and stories), Kirtana (singing of His glories), Smarana (remembrance of His Name and presence), Padasevana (service of His feet), Archana (worship of God), Vandana (prostration to the Lord), Dasya ...

Which form of navadha 9 bhakti involves chanting and glorifying the God? ›

Kirtana consists of chanting aloud God's divine name and glories of His form, His qualities, Mysteries, and Lilas; and, in the process of chanting, experiencing extreme thrill culminating in tears and a lightening of the heart.

How many stages are there in Bhakti? ›

5 Stages of Bhakti | Elevation to Krishna Consciousness :

Varana dasa – acceptance (2nd stage of Bhakti) Smarana dasa – remembrance (3rd stage of Bhakti) Bhavapana dasa – attainment of ecstatic spiritual emotions (4th stage of Bhakti) Prema Sampatti dasa – attainment of ecstatic love for Krishna (5th stage of Bhakti)

What are the 6 things that destroy bhakti? ›

In thissix impediments to devotional service are mentioned atyahara, prayasa, prajalpa, niyamagraha, jana-sanga, and laulya. We will separately discuss each of these six items. In this small only the of the word atyahara is being discussed.

What is bhakti a type of devotional? ›

bhakti, (Sanskrit: “devotion”) in Hinduism, a movement emphasizing the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee.

How many types of Bhakti are explained in Bhagavad Gita? ›

Bhaktas or devotees of God are of four types. Arta, Jijnasu, Artharthi and Jnani.

Which gods were Worshipped by the Bhakti? ›

Siva and Vishnu were the primary deities they worshipped. The development of the Bhakti movement took place in south India between the 7th and 12th centuries CE.

What is the order of Bhakti saints? ›

So the correct chronological order is Namdeva, Ramananda, Kabir, and Nanak.

What are methods of devotion? ›

Practice this method in the space below by going further into 2 Timothy 3:10-16.
  • PRAYER. * Check when done.
  • REFLECTION. Paraphrase the passage; find a command to obey & a promise to claim.
  • APPLICATION. What should change in your life in response to this passage?

What are the 5 pillars of Dharma? ›

Knowledge, Patience, Justice, Love And Dedication As The Five Pillars Of Dharma.

What are the parts of a devotion? ›

The basic format calls for a suggested passage of Scripture (usually 5 to 12 verses), a title, one printed-out specific verse from the suggested reading, and an anecdote or story that shows how that biblical lesson applies today.

Which is the first part of navadha bhakti? ›

Step 1: Satsang

The first step to devotion (Bhakti) is to keep company of the saints (Satsang).

What is Nirguna form of bhakti? ›

Nirguna comes from the Sanskrit, nir, meaning “without”; guna, meaning “properties,”. Hence nirguna is a concept of a formless God which means that god do not exist in a particular form or have particular properties. In nirguna bhakti, God is worshiped in an unmanifested form.

What are the 4 rules of bhakti? ›

Initiated devotees within the Krishna consciousness movement vow to chant a minimum quota of the Hare Krishna mantra each day on beads. They also take vows to avoid 1) intoxication, 2) illicit sex, 3) meat eating, and 4) gambling. These are commonly known as the "four regulative principles."

What are the 4 pillars of bhakti? ›

To begin learning how to practice bhakti yoga and maintain a vedic lifestyle, there are four principles you should start with: association, books, chanting, and diet.

What is the first step of bhakti? ›

1. Encounter with Truth: The first form of Bhakti is encounter with the inherent truth. It means that we all wear different kinds of masks which we wear for self-identity. Each mask projects us as a particular type of person at different times, hiding our true nature.

What are the 12 Rasa of Bhakti? ›

There are 12 varieties of rasas: (1) raudra (anger), (2) adbhuta (wonder), (3) śṛṅgāra (conjugal love), (4) hāsya (comedy), (5) vīra (chivalry), (6) dayā (mercy), (7) dāsya (servitorship), (8) sakhya (fraternity), (9) bhayānaka (horror), (10) bībhatsa (shock), (11) śānta (neutrality), (12) vātsalya (parenthood).

What are the 4 sinful activities in Bhagavad Gita? ›

As soon as the devotee surrenders unto Kṛṣṇa's lotus feet, he is certainly relieved from all sinful activities and their results. The four basic sinful activities are summarized as illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating.

How do you invoke Bhakti? ›

These methods can be applied in our relationships with others:
  1. Listen to inspiring divine stories – Develop the capacity to listen to others without judgment. ...
  2. Sing God's glories – Learn to praise others and to look for their positive qualities and be appreciative of one's own positive qualities.
May 21, 2014

What are the 2 types of devotion? ›

Devotion is of two types, conditional and unconditional.

What is Bhakti in Christianity? ›

Bhakti (loving devotion) centered on and directed to Jesus Christ—or what I here call "Christ-centred bhakti"—is an increasingly popular religious practice in India and elsewhere.

What religion is Bhakti from? ›

The Sanskrit term “bhakti” is generally translated as “devotion” and refers to a variety of Hindu traditions in which devotees experience a direct relationship with the divine.

What are the 6 pillars of faith in order? ›

The six pillars of Iman are: faith in Allah; belief in angels; belief in literature; belief in prophets; belief in the Day of Judgment; and belief in destiny.

How many pillars of faith are there? ›

Islam has five primary obligations, or pillars of faith, that each Muslim must fulfill in his or her lifetime.

What are the three major denominations of bhakti Hinduism? ›

The Bhakti movement regionally developed as Hindu denominations around different gods and goddesses, such as Vaishnavism (Vishnu), Shaivism (Shiva), Shaktism (Shakti goddesses), and Smartism.

What is true bhakti? ›

True Bhakti or devotion is that condition of a devotee s mind when it is unable to bear even a moment s separation from the shelter of God, and when even if is forcibly withdrawn from that shelter, by force of circ*mstances, it struggles and rushes back and attaches itself to God, like a needle to a magnet.

What are the 4 types of Krishna? ›

Firstly, it was professed that Shri Krishna manifests himself through four forms —svayamrupa (in which he himself abides), avesharupa (in which his part abides), shaktisvarupa (in which his power abides), and tadekatmarupa (with whom he identifies himself).

What does Krishna say about bhakti? ›

In chapter 9, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that He is going to tell him about bhakti yoga and He asks Arjuna to listen without any envy. The Lord's greatness is unimaginable and can lead to jealousy. So, Krishna warns Arjuna not to be envious. He says this bhakti yoga is secret.

Who is the goddess of bhakti? ›

The Bhakti yoga tradition has been historically most associated with Vaishnavism. The personal god here is Vishnu or one of his avatars. In many regions, the loving devotion is either to Vishnu-Lakshmi (god-goddess) together, or through Lakshmi who is considered the shakti of Vishnu.

Who is founder of bhakti? ›

Bhakti Movement started from South India, by Alvaras and Nayanars. Alvaras are the devotees of Lord Vishnu and Nayanars are devotees of Lord Shiva. These devotees travelled to various places singing hymns in praise of their Gods.

Who is the greatest bhakti saint of India? ›

Meerabai is considered one of the most significant sants in the Vaishnava bhakti movement.

Who are the three gods particularly important in devotional bhakti Hinduism? ›

In a manner that accounts for the devotional faith of most Hindus, each of these three deities, Vishnu (also spelt Viṣṇu), Shiva, and the Goddess, under one alternative name or other, can be seen to head a distinctive strand of theistic Hinduism which inter-relates in complex ways with the other two.

Who was the first bhakti saint? ›

Ramananda (1360-1470) was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message. Q.

What are the three points for devotion? ›

Reading God's Word, requesting God's will, and receiving God's way are the three r's of a devotional life.

What are some examples of devotion? ›

Common examples of Catholic devotions include the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Holy Face of Jesus, the various scapulars, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Seven Sorrows of Mary, novenas to various saints, pilgrimages and devotions to the Blessed Sacrament, and ...

What is the main purpose of devotion? ›

Devotions are a great place to find inspiration in your spiritual journey. Different readings cause you to reflect on the Word of God and encounter thoughtful teaching on important spiritual topics. Devotions also encourage you to spend time in prayer.

What are the 8 rules of dharma? ›

Manusmriti written by the ancient sage Manu, prescribes 10 essential rules for the observance of dharma: Patience (dhriti), forgiveness (kshama), piety, or self control (dama), honesty (asteya), sanctity (shauch), control of senses (indraiya-nigrah), reason (dhi), knowledge or learning (vidya), truthfulness (satya) and ...

What are the four stages of dharma? ›

The four asramas are: Brahmacharya (student), Gṛhastha (householder), Vanaprastha (forest walker/forest dweller), and Sannyasa (renunciate). The Asrama system is one facet of the Dharma concept in Hinduism.

What are the 4 aspects of dharma? ›

The four dharma seals of Buddhism (hallmarks of Buddha's teachings)
  • All Conditioned Things Are Impermanent. Everything that exists in our reality is a conditioned thing. ...
  • All Contaminated Things Are Suffering. ...
  • All Phenomena Are Empty Of Self. ...
  • Only Nirvana Is Bliss.
Apr 27, 2023

What are the 9 modes of devotion? ›

These are, shravana, kirtana, smarana, pada-sevana, archana, vandana, dasya, sakhya and atma-nivedana.

What is the biblical meaning of devotion? ›

: religious fervor : piety. : an act of prayer or private worship.

How do you have a proper devotion? ›

How to Do Daily Devotions Successfully
  1. Pick A Place. Lying in bed with the lights off is not the best place as failure is inevitable. ...
  2. Pick A Time. ...
  3. Pick A Time Frame. ...
  4. Spend Time In Prayer. ...
  5. Spend Time in Worship. ...
  6. Writing in a Journal or Notebook. ...
  7. IMPORTANT: Make Your Daily Devotion Time a Priority. ...
  8. Be Flexible With Your Plan.

What is bhakti devotion? ›

Bhakti – devotion to the divine – is based on another interpretation of Vedanta: that the soul and the Divine are not One, but inexpressibly, mysteriously, both One and distinct, allowing for a relationship of love. This loving devotion, bhakti, is expressed through songs, hymns, offerings, dances, and plays.

How many types of Bhaktas are there in Bhakti Yoga? ›

Bhaktas or devotees of God are of four types. Arta, Jijnasu, Artharthi and Jnani.

What are the types of popular devotion? ›

Popular Devotions are devotional practices of the Christian people. Such as - Rosary, Way of the cross, Adoration, Benediction, (40 hours), Charismatic prayer, Novenas of Mary and Saints; Traditional practices (nkhl;il> nghq;fy;> ML ntl;Ljy;> Neh;r;rp) wearing of medals, Rosary, keeping holy pictures etc..

What was the main purpose of bhakti? ›

The Bhakti movement was a significant religious movement in medieval Hinduism that sought to bring religious reforms to all strata of society by adopting the method of devotion to achieve salvation.

How do you practice bhakti? ›

Bhakti yoga practices include (but are not limited to) chanting, mantra, mudras, prayer, poetry, tending to an altar, and group singing, known as kirtan.

What is bhakti in Christianity? ›

Bhakti (loving devotion) centered on and directed to Jesus Christ—or what I here call "Christ-centred bhakti"—is an increasingly popular religious practice in India and elsewhere.

What is the importance of devotion in Bhakti? ›

Answer. Bhakti without devotion can falter and it will be for mere requesting material benefits from God. When we devote ourself to the GOD the material benefits will not be of any interest.

What are the scriptures of Bhakti movement? ›

Scriptures of the Bhakti movement include the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavata Purana and Padma Purana.

What are the 4 principles of bhakti? ›

To begin learning how to practice bhakti yoga and maintain a vedic lifestyle, there are four principles you should start with: association, books, chanting, and diet.

What are four common blessed objects of devotion? ›

It would be impossible to list them all, but some of the main ones are holy water, candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, medals, rosaries, scapulars, and images of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin, and the saints. Some of these blessed objects, namely candles, ashes, and palms, are given to us directly through the liturgy.

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