New R Package: cryptotrackr (2024)

[This article was first published on R in Trevor French on Medium, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)

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cryptotrackr allows you to connect to data sources across the crypto ecosystem. This data can enable a range of activity such as portfolio tracking, programmatic trading, or industry analysis.

New R Package: cryptotrackr (1)

The package currently connects to 20 of the top data sources in the crypto world and has over 100 functions to help you quickly pull data from exchanges, blockchains, and data aggregators.


Supported DataSources


The package must currently be installed through GitHub as it is not yet available throughCRAN.



cryptotrackr is dependent on the following packages: httr, jsonlite, stringi, openssl, utils,digest


Below are a few examples demonstrating how one might leverage the cryptotrackr package to retrieve data from various datasources.


api_key <- "..."metrics <- amberdata_market_metrics(api_key, "btc")metrics# $nvt# $nvt$signal# [1] 11.91642# # $sharpe# $sharpe$historicalVolatility# [1] 1.785101# # $sharpe$ratio# [1] 0.06860491# # $stockToFlow# $stockToFlow$blockNumber# [1] 769324# # $stockToFlow$circulation# [1] 19245781# # $stockToFlow$lastYearCirculation# [1] 18913625# # $stockToFlow$ratio# [1] 57.94195# # $stockToFlow$price# [1] 111869.7


symbol <- 'LTCBTC'limit <- '1000'recent_trades <- binance_us_recent_trades(symbol, limit)head(recent_trades)# id price qty quoteQty time isBuyerMaker isBestMatch# 1 1284646 0.00394600 0.06000000 0.00023676 1.671991e+12 TRUE TRUE# 2 1284647 0.00393900 0.03000000 0.00011817 1.671993e+12 TRUE TRUE# 3 1284648 0.00394000 0.38000000 0.00149720 1.671993e+12 TRUE TRUE# 4 1284649 0.00394500 0.12000000 0.00047340 1.671994e+12 TRUE TRUE# 5 1284650 0.00395200 0.10000000 0.00039520 1.671996e+12 FALSE TRUE# 6 1284651 0.00395700 0.53000000 0.00209721 1.671996e+12 FALSE TRUE

symbol <- 'BTC-USD'l2_order_book <- blockchain_dot_com_l2_order_book(symbol)bids <- l2_order_book$bidsasks <- l2_order_book$askshead(bids)# px qty num# 1 16528.94 0.06110495 1# 2 16528.32 0.54996515 1# 3 16527.49 0.91665462 1# 4 16526.67 1.52783350 1# 5 16525.84 3.05582046 1# 6 16200.50 0.20000000 1head(asks)# px qty num# 1 16530.92 0.06109763 1# 2 16531.54 0.54985803 1# 3 16532.36 0.91638459 1# 4 16533.19 1.52723098 1# 5 16534.02 3.05430863 1# 6 16620.90 1.73778630 1


symbol_1 <- 'btc'symbol_2 <- 'usd'ticker_info <- cex_io_ticker(symbol_1, symbol_2)ticker_info# $timestamp# [1] "1672267856"# # $low# [1] "16500.1"# # $high# [1] "16798.2"# # $last# [1] "16559.5"# # $volume# [1] "17.01190547"# # $volume30d# [1] "498.21497337"# # $bid# [1] 16559.5# # $ask# [1] 16562.9# # $priceChange# [1] "-160.9"# # $priceChangePercentage# [1] "-0.96"# # $pair# [1] "BTC:USD"


currencies <- coinbase_all_currencies()head(currencies[,1:6])# id name min_size status message max_precision# 1 ANKR Ankr 10 online 0.00000001# 2 ATOM Cosmos 1 online 0.000001# 3 CTSI Cartesi 1 online 0.1# 4 ZRX 0x 0.00001 online 0.00000001# 5 BADGER Badger DAO 0.01 online 0.001# 6 RGT Rari Governance Token 0.01 delisted 0.001


categories <- coingecko_categories()head(categories)# category_id name# 1 aave-tokens Aave Tokens# 2 algorand-ecosystem Algorand Ecosystem# 3 analytics Analytics# 4 arbitrum-ecosystem Arbitrum Ecosystem# 5 arbitrum-nova-ecosystem Arbitrum Nova Ecosystem# 6 artificial-intelligence Artificial Intelligence


symbols <- coinlist_symbols()head(symbols)# symbol base_currency is_trader_geofenced list_time type# 1 ETH-BTC ETH FALSE 2020-07-08T00:00:00.000Z spot# 2 COMP-USDT COMP FALSE 2022-02-16T00:00:00.000Z spot# 3 ETH-USD ETH FALSE 2020-06-22T00:00:00.000Z spot# 4 MKR-USDT MKR FALSE 2021-09-16T00:00:00.000Z spot# 5 BLD-USDT BLD FALSE 2022-10-18T00:00:00.000Z spot# 6 BLD-USD BLD FALSE 2022-10-18T00:00:00.000Z spot# series_code long_name asset_class minimum_price_increment minimum_size_increment# 1 ETH-BTC-SPOT Ether CRYPTO 0.00001 0.0001# 2 COMP-USDT-SPOT Compound CRYPTO 0.0001 0.0001# 3 ETH-USD-SPOT Ether CRYPTO 0.01 0.0001# 4 MKR-USDT-SPOT Maker CRYPTO 0.0001 0.0001# 5 BLD-USDT-SPOT Agoric CRYPTO 0.0001 0.0001# 6 BLD-USD-SPOT Agoric CRYPTO 0.0001 0.0001# quote_currency index_code price_band_threshold_market price_band_threshold_limit# 1 BTC NA 0.05 0.25# 2 USDT NA 0.05 0.25# 3 USD NA 0.05 0.25# 4 USDT NA 0.05 0.25# 5 USDT NA 0.05 0.25# 6 USD NA 0.05 0.25# last_price fair_price index_price# 1 0.07155000 0.07181000 NA# 2 33.43600000 31.81450000 NA# 3 1205.31000000 1185.25000000 NA# 4 526.65820000 513.81010000 NA# 5 0.50020000 0.49400000 NA# 6 0.49430000 0.49370000 NA


api_key <- "..."id_map <- coinmarketcap_id_map(api_key)head(id_map)# id name symbol slug rank displayTV manualSetTV tvCoinSymbol is_active first_historical_data# 1 1 Bitcoin BTC bitcoin 1 1 0 1 2013-04-28T18:47:21.000Z# 2 2 Litecoin LTC litecoin 14 1 0 1 2013-04-28T18:47:22.000Z# 3 3 Namecoin NMC namecoin 607 1 0 1 2013-04-28T18:47:22.000Z# 4 4 Terracoin TRC terracoin 1686 1 0 1 2013-04-28T18:47:22.000Z# 5 5 Peercoin PPC peercoin 675 1 0 1 2013-04-28T18:47:23.000Z# 6 6 Novacoin NVC novacoin 2140 1 0 1 2013-04-28T18:47:23.000Z# last_historical_data platform.symbol platform.slug platform.token_address status# 1 2022-12-28T22:49:00.000Z NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> active# 2 2022-12-28T22:49:00.000Z NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> active# 3 2022-12-28T22:49:00.000Z NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> active# 4 2022-12-28T22:49:00.000Z NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> active# 5 2022-12-28T22:49:00.000Z NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> active# 6 2022-12-28T22:49:00.000Z NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> active


api_key <- "..."balances <- covalent_balances(api_key, "1", "trevorfrench.eth", csv = FALSE)balances$data$items[,c(2,10)]# contract_name balance# 1 Developer DAO 817210000000000000000# 2 USD Coin 50000000# 3 Matic Token 45000000000000000000# 4 Ether 27185952941495928# 5 SAND 6360502580000000000# 6 Ethereum Name Service 23119820924391424# 7 AMY 61616

instruments <- crypto_dot_com_instruments()head(instruments[1:4])# instrument_name quote_currency base_currency price_decimals# 1 RSR_USDT USDT RSR 7# 2 PERP_USDT USDT PERP 5# 3 MATIC_BTC BTC MATIC 9# 4 MATIC_USD USD MATIC 5# 5 SHIB_USDT USDT SHIB 9# 6 GRT_BTC BTC GRT 10


address <- "0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae"api_key <- "..."account_balance <- etherscan_account_balance(address, api_key)# [1] "337271480606123395679776"


prices <- gemini_price_feed()head(prices)# pair price percentChange24h# 1 MIMUSD 1 0.0029# 2 CVCUSD 0.0749 -0.0660# 3 NMRUSD 12.98 -0.0387# 4 GUSDGBP 0.829 -0.0024# 5 XTZUSD 0.7364 -0.0443# 6 SBRUSD 0.001 -0.0244


block_stats <- helium_block_stats()block_stats# $last_week# $last_week$stddev# [1] 2.831961# # $last_week$avg# [1] 61.25213# # # $last_month# $last_month$stddev# [1] 6.065927# # $last_month$avg# [1] 58.50106# # # $last_hour# $last_hour$stddev# [1] 11.32656# # $last_hour$avg# [1] 62.52727# # # $last_day# $last_day$stddev# [1] 3.560346# # $last_day$avg# [1] 61.28551


period <- '1day'size <- '200'symbol <- 'btcusdt'candles <- huobi_candles(period, size, symbol)head(candles)# id open close low high amount vol count# 1 1672243200 16576.54 16536.72 16460.00 16664.10 906.5396 15013196 12964# 2 1672156800 16797.69 16577.37 16569.87 16800.86 2500.7686 41690406 48376# 3 1672070400 16806.50 16809.16 16735.00 16963.78 2732.5807 46028473 49839# 4 1671984000 16793.01 16806.53 16735.00 16911.00 1840.5360 30985514 40178# 5 1671897600 16832.69 16793.33 16730.00 16856.98 1306.6446 21979506 25427# 6 1671811200 16832.36 16832.70 16770.25 16853.00 1453.2314 24449308 31415


ticker_info <- kraken_ticker_info("ETHUSD")ticker_info# $XETHZUSD# $XETHZUSD$a# [1] "1186.84000" "4" "4.000" # # $XETHZUSD$b# [1] "1186.83000" "32" "32.000" # # $XETHZUSD$c# [1] "1186.54000" "0.01624995"# # $XETHZUSD$v# [1] "22961.13930147" "22999.13515131"# # $XETHZUSD$p# [1] "1195.32538" "1195.35277"# # $XETHZUSD$t# [1] 13927 14041# # $XETHZUSD$l# [1] "1180.50000" "1180.50000"# # $XETHZUSD$h# [1] "1214.38000" "1214.38000"# # $XETHZUSD$o# [1] "1211.14000"


symbols <- kucoin_symbols_list('btc')head(symbols)# symbol name baseCurrency quoteCurrency feeCurrency market# 1 LOKI-BTC OXEN-BTC LOKI BTC BTC BTC# 2 NRG-BTC NRG-BTC NRG BTC BTC BTC# 3 FET-BTC FET-BTC FET BTC BTC BTC# 4 ANKR-BTC ANKR-BTC ANKR BTC BTC BTC# 5 XMR-BTC XMR-BTC XMR BTC BTC BTC# 6 MTV-BTC MTV-BTC MTV BTC BTC BTC# baseMinSize quoteMinSize baseMaxSize quoteMaxSize baseIncrement# 1 0.1 0.00001 10000000000 99999999 0.0001# 2 0.01 0.00001 10000000000 99999999 0.0001# 3 0.1 0.00001 10000000000 99999999 0.0001# 4 10 0.00001 10000000000 99999999 0.0001# 5 0.001 0.00001 10000000000 99999999 0.0001# 6 1 0.00001 10000000000 99999999 0.0001# quoteIncrement priceIncrement priceLimitRate minFunds isMarginEnabled# 1 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.1 0.000001 FALSE# 2 0.00000001 0.00000001 0.1 0.000001 FALSE# 3 0.000000001 0.000000001 0.1 0.000001 FALSE# 4 0.00000001 0.0000000001 0.1 0.000001 FALSE# 5 0.000001 0.000001 0.1 0.000001 TRUE# 6 0.0000000001 0.0000000001 0.1 0.000001 FALSE# enableTrading# 1 TRUE# 2 TRUE# 3 TRUE# 4 TRUE# 5 TRUE# 6 TRUE

Magic Eden

symbol <- "gothic_degens"stats <- magic_eden_collection_stats(symbol)stats# $symbol# [1] "gothic_degens"# # $floorPrice# [1] 5.88e+09# # $listedCount# [1] 273# # $avgPrice24hr# [1] 5955933374# # $volumeAll# [1] 9.72372e+13

Nifty Gateway

creators <- nifty_gateway_creators('beeple')head(creators[1:2])# contractAddress tokenId# 1 0x12f28e2106ce8fd8464885b80ea865e98b465149 100010001# 2 0x12f28e2106ce8fd8464885b80ea865e98b465149 100020001# 3 0x12f28e2106ce8fd8464885b80ea865e98b465149 100030025# 4 0x12f28e2106ce8fd8464885b80ea865e98b465149 100030080# 5 0x12f28e2106ce8fd8464885b80ea865e98b465149 100030066# 6 0x12f28e2106ce8fd8464885b80ea865e98b465149 100030013


trading_pairs <- okcoin_trading_pairs()head(trading_pairs)# base_currency category instrument_id min_size quote_currency size_increment tick_size# 1 BTC 1 BTC-USD 0.0001 USD 0.0001 0.01# 2 ETH 1 ETH-USD 0.001 USD 0.0001 0.01# 3 MIA 1 MIA-USD 10 USD 0.000001 0.000001# 4 HKC 1 HKC-USD 1 USD 0.0001 0.0001# 5 NYC 1 NYC-USD 10 USD 0.000001 0.000001# 6 USDC 1 USDC-USDT 1 USDT 0.000001 0.0001

Paxos (itBit)

client_id <- "..."client_secret <- "..."profiles <- paxos_list_profiles(client_id, client_secret)

New R Package: cryptotrackr (2)

New R Package: cryptotrackr was originally published in Trevor French on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R in Trevor French on Medium. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.

Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

New R Package: cryptotrackr (2024)


How do I start a new R package? ›

Package creation

In RStudio, do File > New Project > New Directory > R Package. This ultimately calls usethis::create_package() , so really there's just one way.

What is ratio in crypto? ›

Ratios (BIC/IR)

A ratio of network value and daily transaction value, indicating value. Otherwise known as the P/E ratio of crypto.

How do you create a new package in R? ›

Open a new project in RStudio. Go to the 'File' menu and click on 'New Project. ' Then select 'New Directory,' and 'R Package' to create a new R package.

How do I manually add an R package? ›

Installing R Packages from Zip Files

For example, in RStudio, we need to complete the following steps: Click Tools → Install Packages. Select Package Archive File (.zip, .tar.gz) in the Install from: slot. Find the corresponding file on the local machine, and click Open.

How to calculate RR in crypto? ›

  1. Determine Risk: Risk Amount = Entry Point – Stop-Loss Level. Risk = $50,000 – $48,000 = $2,000.
  2. Determine Reward: Reward Amount = Target Price – Entry Point. Reward = $56,000 – $50,000 = $6,000.
  3. Calculate Risk/Reward Ratio: Risk/Reward Ratio = Risk / Reward. Ratio = $2,000 / $6,000 = 1:3.
Dec 1, 2023

What is R in crypto? ›

The Crypto Risk Reward Ratio, often abbreviated as RRR or R:R, is a mathematical formula that assesses the potential gains versus potential losses in a trade. It is a risk management tool used to evaluate whether a trade is worth pursuing.

What is the R multiple in trading? ›

R-Multiple: our profit or loss on a trade divided by the amount we intended to risk. If we risk $500 and make $2000 (2000/500), that is a 4R trade. If didn't place a stop loss and lost $750 when we were only supposed to lose $500, that is a -1.5R trade (750/500).

How do I start an R package? ›

Follow these steps:
  1. Download and install a package (you only need to do this once).
  2. To use the package, invoke the library(package) command to load it into the current session. (You need to do this once in each session, unless you customize your environment to automatically load it each time.)

How do I start a new File in R? ›

You can open a new empty script by clicking the New File icon in the upper left of the main RStudio toolbar. This icon looks like a white square with a white plus sign in a green circle. Clicking the icon opens the New File Menu. Click the R Script menu option and the script editor will open with an empty script.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.