Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing - Frederick Real Estate Online (2024)


Marketing a home, like any type of marketing, is a many-layered process since the advent of social media. Real estate and social media marketing go hand-in-hand. In this article we’re exploring how social media fits into a real estate agent’s overall marketing plan.

Table of Contents

  • What Does Social Media Marketing Have to Do With Real Estate?
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing That Sellers Should Know
  • Truths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing…A Declining Industry
  • How Can A Real Estate Agent Best Use Social Media?

What Does Social Media Marketing Have to Do With Real Estate?

Social Media has been in existence for enough time that many of us don’t remember much about the art of marketing a home before. Remember 2004? That was pre-Facebook. Pre-Twitter. The infancy of LinkedIn. In a few years, social media sites have attracted so many users that they rival large nations. [Check out this amazing YouTube video: Socialnomics, by Erik Qualman] Added to the mix, the mobile ability of tablets and smartphones make social media accessible 24-7, from virtually every corner of the globe. Real estate and social media marketing are closely connected.

Social Media Marketing

It didn’t take long for marketers to jump on board.

Social Media Marketing is the buzzword for all types of businesses today, including real estate. Wherever you find a collection of human beings…marketers will be there too.

Social Media Marketing was a $60 billion business in the U.S. in 2022, according to Naturally, real estate marketing is going social.

But how does social media really fit into the real estate space? I’d like to explore some myths about real estate and social media marketing, as well as some of the truths as I see them.

Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing That Sellers Should Know

Sharing from Real Estate Agents:

  1. “I’ll share your listing on all my social media platforms…Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…”

While sharing your listing to their social media contacts sounds like a good way to broadcast your home, let’s stop and examine that for a minute.

  • Facebook: The average agent has 172 likes on their Facebook business page. Of those, only about 10% ever see the posts, due to Facebook’s push toward monetization.
  • As far as the audience who might see your listing on social media, many agents are friends with other agents, those who already see yourlisting on the Multiple List Service (MLS). It’s also safe to say, as with most people on Facebook, high school friends and friends from other parts of the country probably aren’t interested in your listing.
  • By tweeting your listing on Twitter, again, the average agent will get your listing in front of 10% of their average 130 contacts…for about 18 minutes. If they are savvy about using hashtags your listing will stand a better chance of being found by someone who is looking for #realestate in #yourcity, but that will most likely be another agent (who probably saw the listing when it showed up in the MLS anyway.)
  • Oversharing a listing is worse than not sharing at all. Oversharing leads to “unfollowing”.

Posting a listing on Social Media sites is something that should be done, but it is part of an entire strategy, not an end initself. Social media is first and foremost a platform to establish and maintain relationships. In the “real world” as well as in the virtual world, real estate is a relationship business.

Is Social Media even Necessary?

2. Or even worse: “I’m not on social media, it’s not necessary.” Maintaining a strong presence on social media is vital for a real estate agent for several key reasons:

  • Wider Reach: Social media platforms allow you to connect with a broader audience. With billions of users, you can potentially reach more potential clients.
  • Showcasing Properties: You can showcase properties through high-quality photos and virtual tours. This enables prospective buyers to get a feel for a property before physically visiting it.
  • Engagement: Engaging with your audience by answering questions, sharing market insights, and offering tips can build trust and credibility.
  • Networking: Social media provides a platform for networking with other professionals, including fellow real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and home inspectors.
  • Personal Branding: Establishing a strong online presence helps you build your personal brand. Consistency in your content can make you a go-to expert in your local real estate market.
  • Cost-Effective Advertising: Social media advertising is cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods, allowing you to target specific demographics.

Blogs are Ubiquitous

3. “I’ll blog about your listing and get it in front of thousands.”

  • Just because a real estate agent blogs, doesn’t mean that thousands are seeing their content. Blogging is an important part of the internet marketing strategy of a real estate agent. Producing consistent, helpful content on a website will get that website found in local internet searches that homebuyers are conducting. Be sure to check out an agent’s blog to see if they are consistent. Do your own online searches to see who shows up in your geographical area.
  • A blog alone is not enough. To be successful, the entire online presence of a real estate agent must bemulti-faceted. Social media, video, a website optimized for mobile, and some basic SEO knowledge, or search engine optimization… all these elements must be in place, because the competition in the online real estate space is probably the fiercest of any industry.

Social Media Advertising

3. “I’ll do sponsored posts to get your listing in front of thousands of buyers.”

  • Paying for sponsored social media posts can be a great way to get your listing in front of would-be buyers. Just make sure that is what is really happening. I’ve seen real estate listings from all over the country, even from foreign countries, come across my social media streams. I’m pretty sure that is a waste of advertising dollars. Sponsored posts need to be targeted to actual buyers, in accurategeographic areas, as well as to accurate demographics.
  • With Facebook’s current Ads Manager, it can be very effective to promote a listing to a carefully crafted demographic audience.
  • Ask your agent to explain the strategy behind their social media advertising. Getting in front of the right people is more important than getting in front of thousands.

The Absolute Importance of Visual Marketing

4. “Video isn’t important in marketing your home.”

That’s got to be the dumbest statement ever!

  • There are so many statistics about how important images and video are in today’s online marketing world. Like these statistics, or these.
  • YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. Its the third most visited website in the world.
  • Video shows up on page one of a Google search.
  • The average website visit without video is 50 seconds. The average website visit with video is 5 minutes.
  • I could go on about the growth of the “Visual Web“. Real estate agents need to get on board, to be able to offerthe best real estate services for their sellers.

Truths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing.

Using Social Media Correctly… Social Media is primarily about building relationships. Marketing is secondary… or in better terms, it’s not marketing if there are no relationships being built.

Social Media Marketing is not like traditional marketing. It’s not simply about getting your sales message in front of people. It’s not push marketing, it’s pull marketing. It succeeds when you can create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it across their social networks.

The content needs to be helpful, informative, relevant, valuable, and even entertaining, to be the kind of content that attracts and encourages shares.

Let me share some great advice from some of the agents I know who are doing a fantastic job at social media:

Social Media Marketing is Firstly, Social

In his article on RIS Media’s Housecall, Metrowest Massachusetts Realtor, Bill Gassett, explains social media and real estate very well:

“Social media is about building relationships with people that can potentially help your business grow…The best way to make social media work is to be social. The first instinct with most real estate agents on social media is to share their listings. Unless you are in the REALTOR®’s geographic locale and are interested in buying a Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing - Frederick Real Estate Online (4)home, you are probably not going to have any interest in a real estate agent pushing listings in your face. So many REALTORS® just don’t seem to get this and fail miserably at social. People don’t go on social networks to find real estate listings.”

Social Media Marketing Must Give Value

Connor MacGivor, Santa Clarita CA Realtor, has taken social media by storm with his daily Podcast: Santa Clarita Real Estate Radio, found at

“When planning my podcast, I ask the most important question that anyone using social media should ask: “What are people interested in hearing about?”I’ve had as many as 22,000 listeners because it’s information they want to know about. The great thing about Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing - Frederick Real Estate Online (5)podcasting, besides the fact that someone like me can get away with having “a face for radio” lol (emphasis mine)is that I can give shout-outs to other real estate professionals, I can link to their content, and I can give value first. That’s the true use of social media, giving value before you ever ask for someone’s money.”

Social Media Marketing Must Be Helpful

Debbie Drummond is a Luxury Real Estate Specialist in Las Vegas, someone whom I first met on social media, then met in real life, and consider a friend. (proof that social media is about making relationships!)

I see a lot of Realtors who are pushing their listings or offering to help you get your home bought and sold on social media, but they don’t offer anything helpful.Sharing useful information andMyths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing - Frederick Real Estate Online (6) answering questions is where it’s at in social media, and in marketing in general today.I’m using it to share great articles that home buyers and sellers find useful. I’m also using it to talk about things that pertain to Las Vegas.

I’ve met a lot of people on social that I later met and became friends with in real life.You are an example. Another friend is a RE/MAX Broker from Kentucky.Another one isn’t even real estate related…Diane lives in Alaska and comes to Vegas once a year or so. Wemet at one of the conventions and became Facebook friends.She’s a character, and now we exchange messages all the time. We’ve gone out to lunch and even went to see a show at Bally’s when they were in town the last time.”

Social Media Marketing…A Declining Industry

At the risk of sounding a like an industry wonk…the term “social media marketing” is already a dying phrase. The job of Social Media Manager is a declining position. I know, just when we were getting used to it! Everything about marketing in the 2020’s IS social. There is no traditional marketing, at least not like what we’ve seen on the showMad Men. The new term is Content Marketing.

Consumers are in control in today’s technology-rich world of marketing. They can shut off advertising any time they want. The OnDemand world gives the power to the consumer. Content Marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to that consumers will not want to shut off. This type of helpful, value added content is what attract customers.

How Can A Real Estate Agent Best Use Social Media?

And we’re back where we started at the beginning of this post. How can a real estate agent use their social media channels to add value to their sellers?

Dear Home Seller: The best thing a real estate agent can do for you with their social media efforts:

  • They need to consistently create valuable, helpful content
  • They need to be SOCIAL in their social media spheres
  • They need to be collaborative in their social media spheres
  • They need to use video and professional photography
  • They need to understand and use social media advertising correctly

Sellers, don’t be fooled by soundbites and marketing mumbo jumbo. Many real estate myths survive on the internet, so it makes sense to consult a professional before making a judgment. Ask your prospective real estate agent to explain their marketing strategy for your home. It’s only just the most expensive investment most of us make in our lifetime.

We hope you found this information about real estate and social media marketing helpful. Please reach out if we can assist you with any real estate needs or questions. We’d love to put our marketing services to work for you.

Chris & Karen Highland
eXp Realty – 301-301-5119

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Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing - Frederick Real Estate Online (7)



Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing - Frederick Real Estate Online (2024)


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Real estate social media marketing: The full picture

If you focus on building your personal brand, making meaningful connections with your audience, and use the right tools, it can help you generate leads and build a business that lasts for decades.

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Here are five of the biggest challenges real estate agents encounter on their road to success – and how to overcome them.
  1. Market Fluctuations. Nothing stays the same in real estate. ...
  2. Fierce Competition. ...
  3. Long Hours. ...
  4. Time Management.
Nov 18, 2023

Can realtors post other agents' listings on social media? ›

Do not post other brokers' listings on Instagram or TikTok unless you have specific, written permission from the listing brokerage. Avoid adding additional text about the listing that might be subject to change, such as the price, MLS status, and open houses.

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Social media was the tool cited as the best source for generating high-quality leads among REALTORS®, followed by multiple listing service (MLS) websites. 77% of realtors actively use social media for real estate in some way, shape, or form.

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Instagram for realtors

Generally speaking, we consider Instagram to be the best social platform for agents looking to reach new prospects, due to the way the algorithm distributes content.

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What Is the Most Popular Social Media for Real Estate Agents? The top three social media channels used in real estate are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Most homebuyers are older millennials or GenXers, so you want to show up on the platforms these demographics use most.

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#1. Zillow. When we are talking about real estate marketing platforms Zillow will be one of the first options that come to mind. It has a database of more than 110 million U.S. homes and all the necessary tools which make life easier for both homebuyers and sellers.

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1) Fear of rejection.

This is often the first thing to come to mind when realtors are asked to share their biggest fear, especially for those agents who are new to the industry. It's a scary thing to put yourself out there—to go door-knocking or cold-calling.

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The Top 5 Biggest Threats to Real Estate in 2023
  • Interest Rates. When I think about what is the biggest threat to real estate, I think of interest rates. ...
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  • Governmental Politics And Global Events.
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Since hitting a peak of 1.6 million members in October 2022, NAR membership has declined 5.3%. However, the 85,049 agents lost between October 2022 and January of 2024, is still well below the 400,000-agent drop recorded between 2008 and 2012.

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Real Estate Social Media Marketing
  1. Promote the town, not just the house.
  2. Be yourself.
  3. Educate your buyers.
  4. Chat with your followers.
  5. Respond to comments, good and bad.
  6. Avoid simply shouting about your home listings.
  7. Don't forget video.
  8. Never assume you're only connecting with first-time buyers.
Sep 13, 2021

Do Facebook ads for REALTORS work? ›

Just as Facebook is a powerful social tool, it can be used as a far-reaching advertisem*nt tool for your real estate business as well. It's a way to connect with both home sellers and home buyers in your specific target markets.

Can I put REALTOR in my Instagram name? ›

Members or member boards of the National Association of REALTORS® are authorized to use the REALTOR® marks only in connection with their real estate business. Individuals or entities that are not members of NAR are prohibited from using the REALTOR® marks in their domain names or usernames.

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Content marketing ideas for real estate
  • Give a local care package after closing.
  • Invest in branding and design.
  • Film video walkthroughs to share.
  • Use drone photography.
  • Market listings with virtual staging.
  • Cross-promote your open house.
  • Ask for referrals.
  • Create or join a referral network.
Apr 12, 2024

Does Facebook marketing work for real estate? ›

Just as Facebook is a powerful social tool, it can be used as a far-reaching advertisem*nt tool for your real estate business as well. It's a way to connect with both home sellers and home buyers in your specific target markets.

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Harnessing Powerful Media

Influencers on popular social media platforms possess substantial followings, enabling brands to reach a broad audience. Social media serves as a potent channel for real estate brands to showcase upcoming projects and events to thousands of followers simultaneously.

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Social media in real estate digital marketing serves as a powerful tool for realtors to connect with potential clients, showcase properties through rich media content, and create engaging, shareable content that increases visibility and brand awareness.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.