Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (2024)

Have you ever thought about eating the oblong-shaped fruit from your Monstera deliciosa? If YES, then I should warn you that this uniquely shaped fruit is life-threateningly toxic.

However, it does not mean you cannot relish the delicious fruit and enjoy its many nutritional benefits.

Monstera deliciosa fruit boasts varying banana, strawberry, and passion fruit flavors. It contains a significant amount of phosphorus, vitamin C, protein, fat, and fiber to meet your daily nutritional meal value.

Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (1)

However, be wary about harvesting or eating the fruit before it ripens, as you may risk poisoning yourself.

Read on to find out what different nutritional values and benefits your regular houseplant fruit serves and how to eat it best.

Table of Contents
  1. Where can you Buy Monstera Deliciosa Fruit?
  2. Benefits of Monestra Deliciosa Fruits
    1. 1. Rich Taste and Aroma
    2. 2. Nutritional Value
    3. 3. Good for Instant Energy
    4. 4. Recovery from Radiotherapy Treatment
    5. 5. Improve Bowel movement
  3. Is the Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Toxic?
  4. When to Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit
  5. How to Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit?
  6. Conclusion

Where can you Buy Monstera Deliciosa Fruit?

Getting your hands on Monstera deliciosa fruit may not be as easy as finding other popular fruits. It is mainly because indoor-grown Monstera fails to produce edible fruits.

Growers specializing in personal gardening would not produce enough fruits for sale; hence, you need to rely on a few sellers.

You can easily find deliciosa fruit in the market if you reside in or around Southern Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Belize, the native habitat of the Monstera plant.

Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (2)

Do not be surprised if you have to pay a hefty price for a handful of deliciosa fruits, ranging from $100 to $200.

Miami Fruit is a seller who would be willing to sell you Monstera fruits. They are the one-stop shop for all kinds of exotic and tropical fruits in the US.

As the fruit may not be available around the year, you should place a pre-order on the website. You can also check out their Tropical Fruit Ripening Guide.

They take orders from small (3-5 lbs) to large boxes (7-10 lbs) with accordingly different price ranges. The small box costs $127, and the Large box costs $197.

You can also order in bulk, and it will be shipped within 1-2 weeks in the season.

Pro Tip: Get in touch with local nurseries in your area to check whether they grow Monstera deliciosa for the fruits.

Benefits of Monestra Deliciosa Fruits

They offer a lot more benefits in terms of nutrition and taste that sets them apart from many other tropical fruits. Here is a list of the benefit of Monstera deliciosa fruit.

1. Rich Taste and Aroma

This tropical species is not easy to grow for its fruits, but once it does, it gives a high taste value to each fruit.

Fruits Info points out that the Monstera fruit gives a multitude of tastes depending on when it is harvested.

Did you know the title “Deliciosa” came after the delicious Monstera fruit that tastes and smells lovely when ripened?

On the first day, its flavor tastes like guava, then mangosteen, lychee, passion fruit taste, sweetsop fruit, and grape on each consecutive day.

However, the best flavor is obtained on the ninth day when the fruit perfectly ripens, giving a sweet aroma.

Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (3)

2. Nutritional Value

The Monstera deliciosa is a life-saving plant offering a handful of benefits to the parent.

Their leaves effectively trap dust and air-borne toxins like toluene and formaldehyde from ending up in your lungs.

Imagine what its fruit can do to your health. The juicy tropical plant is full of macro and micro minerals that top the daily nutrition chart.

Here is a brief nutritional chart of the Monstera deliciosa fruit served per 100 gm.

PrincipleNutritional Value
Vitamin C60g

National Institute of Health points out that an adult should take 65-90mg of Vitamin C each day.

Isn’t it good that deliciosa fruit per 100gm provides ample vitamin C?

3. Good for Instant Energy

Monstera deliciosa fruit is loaded with lots of Vitamin C.

It contains a surplus amount of Protein, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, and Carbohydrates that provides an instant energy boost.

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that helps treat fatigue and stress by boosting endorphins.

Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (4)

In fact, it contains a lot of good carbs, some Vitamin B, and almost no fat, which makes it a perfect fruit item to relish daily.

It makes a perfect energy supplement for athletes going for a run, swim, or a bike ride.

4. Recovery from Radiotherapy Treatment

Experts advise people rehabilitating after radiation treatment to gobble up nutritious and fulfilling meals that help heal tissues and fight infection.

Deliciosa fruit would make a perfect fruit to have after radiotherapy to help boost rich antioxidants in the body.

Along with low-fat meat, fresh beans, lentils, and soy products, fruits like Monstrea are mostly recommended for their antioxidant and nutritional properties.

Moreover, it will provide essential macro and micronutrients to help regenerate and heal tissues.

5. Improve Bowel movement

Eating seasonal fruits is known to induce gastrointestinal juices that will help with improving bowel movement.

WebMD points out that eating fruits daily helps with relieving constipation naturally.

Monstera deliciosa fruit contains many micro minerals, fibers, and antioxidant properties that will help with improving your bowel movement.

Is the Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Toxic?

Monstera, which comes from the word “Monster,” boasts delicious fruits considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, but they are also toxic.

You have heard it right! All species of Monstera plant are toxic and so do their leaves, stems, and fruits.

Monstera deliciosa produces a resin called calcium oxalate crystals (insoluble) that is highly toxic and may easily poison humans and animals when they come in contact.

The deliciosa fruit may also produce toxins Proteinase and Proteolytic enzyme that releases poisonous agents like histamines and kinins that does severe bodily damage.

Find out if your Highly beneficial and aesthetic looking Monstera is Toxic to Dogs.

When to Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit

Before you eat Monstera deliciosa fruit, you should check whether the fruit has ripened and is suitable for consumption.

Typically, Monstera Deliciosa would start producing fruits after producing blossoms, which would take a year to become fully ripe.

Fruit is usually ready to eat in the fall or winter of the following year after it starts growing.

Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (5)

Since the toxin only resides in an unripened Monstera fruit.

Wait until the greenish scales begin naturally falling off or can easily be brushed off using your fingers. Eat only the white part that resides just below the greenish scales.

Beware of eating unripe fruits as the calcium oxalate crystals may affect sensitive tissues inside your mouth, tongue, throat, and digestive tract.

Touching the sap with naked skin may lead to itchiness, rashes, and stinging, while consuming the unripe fruit could cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Once fully mature, the fruits can grow up to 10 or 12 inches long and give a greenish texture with hexagonal scales.

How to Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit?

There are multiple ways to relish this delicious, exotic fruit. Here are a few ways you can enjoy Monstera deliciosa fruit.

  • Remove the greenish scales and bite off the juicy white parts.
  • Prepare a homemade jam using the fruit extracts and serve it with toast, ice cream, or pancakes.
  • Cut the fruit into bit sizes and freeze them in freezer bags to enjoy frozen fruit cuttings.
  • Dice the fruit into small pieces and mix with other tropical fruits to create a fruit platter or salad.


Monstera deliciosa fruit is a gem of tropical fruit that you should not miss.

Order a fresh batch online or grow one yourself at home using the Monstera growing guide to obtain delicious exotic fruits.

However, beware of eating unripe Monstera deliciosa fruit, which is equally dangerous to your health.

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Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Benefits with Where to Buy - Plants Craze (2024)


How do you get Monstera fruit? ›

How to Grow Monstera Deliciosa Fruit?
  1. Provide Plenty of Filtered and Indirect Light. For flowering and producing larger fruit, the plant needs a combination of filtered and indirect light to grow healthy. ...
  2. Keep Track of the Timing. ...
  3. Take It Outdoors. ...
  4. Imitate Its Native Environment. ...
  5. Feed It Right.

Is Monstera fruit good for you? ›

The fruit is considered edible and safe for humans, but make sure you eat it ripe; unripe monstera fruits contain needle-like, crystalline structures can irritate the mouth and throat.

How much is a monstera plant? ›

Young, smaller monstera varieties might start off as low as $10, with more mature or less common varieties costing up to $100.

How long does it take for a monstera to bear fruit? ›

Fruit can be expected after 2 or 3 years. Soluble fertilizers applied over the whole plant during the warmer months of the year will encourage establishment. Established plants generally require no fertilising.

How do you get monstera babies? ›

Propagating New Monstera Babies

Choose a vine tip that has several leaves and the beginning nubs of aerial roots. Cut just below a leaf node for a piece 4 to 5 inches long. Then remove the lower leaves to expose at least two to four leaf nodes and root nubs. If rooting in water, that's it.

Is monstera a rare plant? ›

There are a few different variegated varieties, of which the Monstera Delisioca 'Albo-Variegata' is the most striking one. But they are very rare and quite expensive. Beginning of 2020 a Swiss cheese plant sparked an online bidding war as a botanist spends thousands on it.

How is monstera toxic to humans? ›

Philodendron (and Monstera)

This genus of plants is mildly toxic to humans, and toxic to both dogs and cats. Symptoms of exposure include: Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

What is so special about Monstera? ›

The holes in a Monstera leaf have a function.

By developing holes in its leaves, the large Monstera leaves are better suited to withstand heavy rainfall and wind as they let the elements pass through the holes. These abnormal leaves (monstera means strange in Latin) gave the plant its name.

Why is Monstera so popular? ›

Fast-growing and easy to care for, Monstera deliciosa is one of the world's most popular indoor plants. Its graphic, holed leaves are regularly featured on everything from posters to pillow slips, and variegated varieties can sell for hundreds of dollars.

How long do Monstera plants live? ›

Monstera plants can live up to 40 years and are considered heirloom plants.

What's the most expensive plant? ›

Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

When the Shenzhen Nongke Orchid sold at auction for roughly $224,000 in 2005, it set the record for the most expensive flowering plant ever sold. It took eight years for scientists to develop this blossom in a university lab. Only every five years does it blossom.

How many years do Monstera plants live? ›

Like many other houseplants, monstera can live upwards of 40 years and more. It's all about how well you care for this tropical houseplant, such as providing bright light.

Is Monstera fruit poisonous? ›

Symptoms: All parts of the plant contain calcium oxalate crystals which if eaten or chewed can cause immediate burning pain, and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue and throat. Swelling may cause copious salivation and difficulty breathing, swallowing or speaking.

How do you know when a Monstera fruit is ripe? ›

The fruit is ripe when the scale on the outside starts to come loose and the inside turns yellow like a banana. Unfortunately, the Monstera Deliciosa fruit is not easy to get in northern Europe. Your best chance is to go to a country where it grows and look around at local markets.

Can you grow Monstera fruit indoors? ›

Monstera Deliciosa can and will thrive in an indoor environment, but it will most likely never produce fruit. If you really want to get fruit from your Monstera, you will probably need to live in a tropical climate and plant it outside.

What does a monstera baby look like? ›

Young monsteras have solid, heart-shaped leaves, and they almost look like a different plant! With good light, the right amount of water, and a little fertilizer, your monstera should grow and eventually develop those beautiful holes and splits on its own when it's 2-3 years old.

How fast do baby Monsteras grow? ›

In ideal conditions, with bright indirect light and consistent moisture, Monsteras can grow 1-2 feet per year.

How hard is it to grow monstera? ›

Monstera deliciosa is so easy to grow - it virtually thrives on neglect. 2. Its glossy, Swiss-cheese like leaves make a naturally beautiful statement in any style of home.

Is Monstera lucky plant? ›

Monstera deliciosa is a favourite plant among decorators thanks to its dramatic and unusual leaves, and it is also an ideal plant to attract money and good fortune according to Feng Shui.

Are Monstera plants toxic to touch? ›

Philodendron and Monstera Deliciosa

While these won't hurt your hands, they can irritate or sting your lips, mouth, or tongue if you touch them after touching the plant. "At its worst, it can feel like your larynx is paralyzed," says Myers. Wearing gloves or washing your hands after handling these plants can help.

What makes Monstera expensive? ›

Variegata Monstera plants are rather expensive because they are uncommon/ rare. A mutation in the plant's chlorophyll formation gives a marbled or half-moon appearance to the leaves. Monstera prices vary from $100 to thousands of dollars depending on their size and variegation pattern.

Do all Monstera produce fruit? ›

Hanco*ck says it's unlikely. While Monstera deliciosa is the most common Monstera species grown as a houseplant, and may produce flowers, it needs to be pollinated to make fruit. “As a houseplant, Monstera rarely gets large enough or has enough light to produce fruits,” he explains.

How does Monstera reproduce naturally? ›

Monstera deliciosa also produces seeded fruits (which are apparently delicious and give this plant the deliciosa part of its name), so the plant can establish itself in new areas via seed dispersal as well. When it comes to reproducing a Monstera at home, the most popular choice is water propagation.

Can indoor Monstera produce fruit? ›

Monstera Deliciosa can and will thrive in an indoor environment, but it will most likely never produce fruit. If you really want to get fruit from your Monstera, you will probably need to live in a tropical climate and plant it outside.

What is the rarest Monstera? ›

Monstera Obliqua is one of the rarest - and most demanding - monstera varieties out there and it's an expensive challenge only the most passionate plant parents attempt. If you're absolutely serious about getting one of these stunning houseplants, here are a few things you want to know about the Monstera Obliqua.

Is Monstera deliciosa toxic to humans? ›

Philodendron (and Monstera)

This genus of plants is mildly toxic to humans, and toxic to both dogs and cats. Symptoms of exposure include: Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

What does Monstera mean in English? ›

The genus Monstera is named from the Latin word for "monstrous" or "abnormal", and refers to the unusual leaves with natural holes that members of the genus have.

What does Monstera plant symbolize? ›

Symbolism. It's said that Monstera deliciosa represents suffocation because of the rapidly growing leaf-bearing vine and aerial roots. That's why we prefer to stick to the Chinese symbolism, where the Monstera is a symbol of a long life and the honouring of elders and respected people.

How do you know if Monstera is happy? ›

How Do I Know if My Monstera Plant is Happy? A monstera that is happy and thriving will have lots of new growth and split leaves. Unhappy monsteras will have yellow leaves, brown tips, no split leaves, slow growth, and might sprawl to try and reach sunlight.

Where is the best place to put my Monstera? ›

Place your Monstera where it can receive medium to bright indirect light. While it is tolerant of lower light conditions, you may notice leggy growth as a result, so a spot where it will receive bright indirect light a few feet removed from a southern, western, or eastern facing window is ideal.

Does Monstera plant clean air? ›

Large-leafed philodendron plants, including the trendy monstera plant, were shown to be one of the most effective for reducing air pollution. Just don't let small kids or pets eat the leaves since they're toxic.

Can Monstera grow in just water? ›

Monsteras are one of the best plants to grow in water long-term. The leaves look stunning in a vase and the roots adapt quickly to water growth. If you want to give this fun gardening experiment a go, here's how to get it right.

How do I get my Monstera to flower? ›

The soil should be nutrient rich and the container should be large enough to provide ample growth space. A support such as a moss covered slat should be used to keep the stems from breaking. Water deeply and then allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Make sure to water the moss covered support as well.

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