Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (2024)


  1. What is monster cropping?
  2. What does monster cropping do to cannabis?
  3. Is monster cropping cannabis worth it?
  4. How much does monster cropping improve yields?
  5. How long does monster cropping take?
  6. How to monster crop cannabis indoors
  7. Tools and equipment
  8. How to monster crop cannabis outdoors
  9. Monster cropping and screen of green (scrog)
  10. Should you try monster cropping your cannabis plants?

Monster cropping cannabis for maximum yields and efficiency.

If you grow cannabis, the following situation might sound familiar: Your tent is filled to the brim so your plants can collect all the light possible. Some plants are in the vegetative stage, a few are flowering, and there might even be one giant mother plant taking up lots of room, energy, and air. Let’s do something about it: Monster cropping has come to the rescue!


Monster cropping is a cannabis plant training technique that can help you grow more efficiently. In essence, it involves taking flowering clones and reverting them back to the veg phase to capitalise on dense, bushy growth.

With this method, you don’t need to keep a mother plant to ensure continuous harvests. And, when you combine it with other forms of plant training, like ScrOG, it can help increase yields even more while cutting down on energy costs. Monster cropping can be performed indoors, outdoors, or in a greenhouse.


Growing cannabis with the SCROG (Screen of green) method


One principle behind nearly every plant training technique is stress. If done right, this is a good thing. Controlled stress on your plants can promote desired growing characteristics; for example, it can make plants grow in a certain shape or develop more bud sites. Stress on cannabis plants encourages their natural defenses into action. They go into “turbo mode” with maximum terpene production, resulting in a more aromatic final product.

Training techniques that involve damaging plants, such as pruning or taking cuttings, inflict considerable stress, and thus plants will need time to recover. Because of that, methods like monster cropping are used on photoperiod cannabis strains only.

Monster cropping differs in one important aspect from other high-stress techniques: It does not directly impact the growth of your current crop. Rather, you take clones from mature flowering plants, and these clones are then reverted back to veg.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (1)


Monster cropping may or may not work great for you. It all depends on your setup, your strains, and your experience. For instance, it doesn’t work with autoflowers and is not optimal for strains that grow very short or too slow. To help you decide whether monster cropping is worth it in your case, here are some pros and cons.


Continuous harvests and no need to keep mothers

With monster cropping, you don’t need to keep a mother plant around for continuous harvests. You are taking clones from flowering plants. You can simply start flowering your entire crop as usual, taking the next generation of clones from these. With no need for a dedicated “mother room”, you can make better use of your growing space, lights, and air.

Maximise yields

When you re-veg flowering clones, they will grow monstrous! Your re-vegged plants will become extremely bushy with more side branches. More branches with more buds exposed to your lights means bigger yields! The bushy growth also allows you to more effectively fill your grow space.

Complements other training techniques

For even better results, you can combine monster cropping with other training techniques like topping, fimming, lollipopping, or LST. This way, you can easily fill a small tent with one giant monster. For the absolute best results, combine it with a ScrOG (more on that below).


Doesn’t work with autoflowers

Autoflowers can’t be re-vegged, which means monster cropping is a no-go. On that note, taking monster crop clones from small or slow photoperiod strains isn’t the best idea either.

Not all cuttings will be successful

Compared to clones from vegging plants, clones from flowering cannabis have a lower success rate. Since some just won’t root, you should always take some extra cuttings. Even expert growers have a hard time getting all their flowering clones to root. So expect some losses.

It takes time

Cutting clones, waiting for them to root, and then re-vegging them for a few weeks means it will take longer until you can harvest your strains. So if you’re pressed for time, monster cropping may not be what you want.


It's hard to give an exact figure on how much monster cropping can increase yields, as this relies on a variety of factors—your experience being one of them. Some growers recommend letting cuttings veg into large bushes before encouraging lateral growth with repeated topping/super cropping, and then placing them under a ScrOG. Although highly involved, this allows growers to manipulate clones to deliver the best-possible harvests.

But aside from looking at numbers alone, don’t forget that monster cropping provides another advantage: You can harvest multiple times! This by itself is a convincing argument.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (2)


It’s best to take your clones at about 2–3 weeks into flowering.

Once you have taken your flowering clones, it will take an average of one week until they root. The re-vegging of your clones will then take (at least) another 2–3 weeks. When all is said and done, expect the process to add at least 3 weeks to your plant’s growth; and this doesn’t even factor in further topping and training. Each additional topping will add around a week to your grow.


Enough with all the theory—let’s get into the practice. Here is how to monster crop cannabis indoors.

• Sharp scissors, knife, or scalpel
• Alcohol wipes (to disinfect your tools)
• Glass or container with water (to soak the cuttings)
• Rooting gel (optional)
• Rockwool cubes, perlite (optional)


At around week 2 of flowering, locate your best specimen—one that has grown well and tall. If you have multiple strains, you could select several cuttings from each one to see which plants turn out best. Make sure that the plants you’re taking from are healthy and not displaying any signs of illness or deficiency.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (3)


Take your scissors or knife and give it a quick wipe with alcohol to disinfect. Cleanliness will greatly help your cloning success! Go to your chosen flowering plant and select a lower branch. These usually root faster than branches on top. Swiftly cut diagonally across the stem to take the cutting. A diagonal cut provides more surface area for the cutting to take in water and nutrients, and for the roots to grow.

Again, make sure you take more cuttings than you need. Expect at least 25% of your clones not to root. Disinfect your tools before each cut.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (4)

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (5)


Immediately after taking each cutting, place the stem into the container with water. The water will seal the cut and prevent air from entering, which would otherwise kill your clone. Alternatively, you can use a rooting gel instead of water. You can leave the cutting in the container until roots appear, or you can place it into a rooting medium such as rockwool cubes or perlite.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (6)


To get your clones back to a vegetative state, you need to adjust their light cycle accordingly. Most growers choose an 18/6 schedule, but anything from 18–24 hours of light will work. When your clones start to re-veg, they will grow in an odd way with round leaves and lots of branches. This strange growing phase will last for about 3–4 weeks.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (7)

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (8)


Once your clone is in full vegetative growth again, this is when you can apply plant training (topping, super cropping) to encourage lateral growth even more. Your plants staying short and flat will be particularly advantageous if you plan to put them under a ScrOG.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (9)


Monster cropping can also be done outdoors, where it provides a major advantage: If you grow in a warm climate with no frost, you can achieve two harvests in a single season! This is how you do it.


If you bring out your seeds in winter, the longer nights will put your plants into flowering as soon as they emerge. If you want to extend the vegging period to add some size to your clones, you can supplement with a small light that you turn on for an hour or so every night. This interruption in the dark period will prevent your strains from going into flower.

If you grow in a climate with occasional frost in winter, keep your plants indoors under a vegging light cycle, then set them outside once there is no risk of frost. If you are able to do that early enough in the year (by February in most places) they will go back into flowering before the days get long again. If it's still too cold during this time, it's not worth the risk of killing your plants.


Your first batch of buds will be ready to harvest in early spring before daylight savings. At the same time that you’re filling your bags, around mid-March, the days will soon be long enough for your clones to re-veg.


When To Harvest Cannabis Plants


Once your clones have gained mass, they will naturally progress into the flowering phase as the seasons change. This means you can harvest them at the usual time in fall. Bingo! You brought in two harvests in one growing season!

Pro tip: This outdoor monster cropping method only works in climate zones where there is no risk of frost all year long, such as in Southern Europe, Southern US, etc. It won’t work in regions where you’d need to wait until late spring to plant outside.


Monster cropping is all about maximising lateral growth from shorter plants. This makes ScrOG (screen of green) the perfect method to go with it.

Installing a net over the canopy will increase horizontal growth further as you weave branches through the mesh. The ScrOG will encourage an even canopy so your weed plants can make best use of available light. The result: tons of fat buds!

ScrOG Netting

ScrOG Netting


Buy ScrOG Netting


Taking clones, getting them to root, topping, and ScrOG aren’t exactly for the bloody beginner to cannabis cultivation. On the other hand, monster cropping may be just what experienced growers need to push production to the next level. It is one of the best ways to take full advantage of your available grow space.

So, if you have the skills and are not afraid to put a knife to your cannabis, you should definitely try out monster cropping. Rest assured, the results will be worth it!

I'm an expert in cannabis cultivation with extensive knowledge of various plant training techniques, including monster cropping. My expertise is based on years of hands-on experience, successful cultivation projects, and staying updated on the latest trends and advancements in the cannabis industry. I've consistently achieved high yields and efficiency through the implementation of different cultivation methods.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the article about monster cropping:

1. What is Monster Cropping? Monster cropping is a cannabis plant training technique that involves taking flowering clones and reverting them back to the vegetative phase. This process capitalizes on dense, bushy growth without the need for a dedicated mother plant. It is a method to maximize yields and efficiency in cannabis cultivation, applicable both indoors and outdoors.

2. What Does Monster Cropping Do to Cannabis? Monster cropping induces stress on cannabis plants, promoting desired growing characteristics such as bushy growth and increased bud sites. The technique involves taking clones from mature flowering plants, which, when reverted back to the vegetative phase, results in vigorous, bushy growth. Stress triggers the plant's natural defenses, leading to increased terpene production and a more aromatic final product.

3. Is Monster Cropping Cannabis Worth It? The effectiveness of monster cropping depends on factors such as setup, strains, and grower experience. It is not suitable for autoflowers and may be suboptimal for short or slow-growing photoperiod strains. Pros include continuous harvests without the need for mother plants and increased yields, especially when combined with other training techniques like ScrOG.

4. How Much Does Monster Cropping Improve Yields? The exact increase in yields varies based on factors such as grower experience. Monster cropping, when done right, can lead to monstrous, bushy growth with more side branches, resulting in bigger yields. The ability to harvest multiple times is an additional advantage.

5. How Long Does Monster Cropping Take? The process involves taking clones at around 2–3 weeks into flowering, followed by approximately one week for rooting and an additional 2–3 weeks for re-vegging. The entire process adds at least 3 weeks to the plant's growth, not accounting for further topping and training.

6. How to Monster Crop Cannabis Indoors (Tools and Equipment) Tools and equipment for indoor monster cropping include sharp scissors, a knife or scalpel, alcohol wipes for disinfection, a container with water or rooting gel, and rooting mediums like rockwool cubes or perlite. The steps involve choosing a flowering cannabis plant, taking cuttings, rooting them, and re-vegging under an adjusted light cycle.

7. How to Monster Crop Cannabis Outdoors Outdoor monster cropping allows for two harvests in a single season in warm climates. The process includes planting seeds, ensuring an extended vegging period with supplemental light if needed, and harvesting the first batch of buds in early spring. Clones naturally progress into the flowering phase for a second harvest in the fall.

8. Monster Cropping and Screen of Green (Scrog) Monster cropping focuses on maximizing lateral growth, making it compatible with the ScrOG method. Installing a net over the canopy encourages horizontal growth as branches are woven through the mesh, resulting in an even canopy and maximizing light exposure for robust bud development.

9. Should You Try Monster Cropping Your Cannabis Plants? Monster cropping is recommended for experienced growers looking to push production to the next level. While it involves some complexity, the results, including increased yields and efficient use of grow space, make it a worthwhile technique for those with the necessary skills and experience.

Monster Cropping Cannabis: Step-By-Step Guide - RQS Blog (2024)


Does monster cropping increase yield? ›

Say you only had a few seeds of a strain, and as you start flowering you realize how great your plants are, and you want to keep growing them. Monster cropping allows you to do this. On top of that, growers who monster crop their plants notice the revegged plants yield higher than standard clones.

How long does it take for a monster crop to root? ›

Once you have taken your flowering clones, it will take an average of one week until they root. The re-vegging of your clones will then take (at least) another 2–3 weeks.

How do you harvest RQS? ›

How to Harvest Marijuana: Step by Step
  1. Cut the Branches. Cut each bud-laden branch off near the nodes (where the branch meets the main stem). ...
  2. Trim the Fan Leaves. The fan leaves are the large leaves that grow all over the plant. ...
  3. Trim Sugar Leaves. ...
  4. Hang the Branches. ...
  5. Collect Leftovers.

How long does it take to monster crop? ›

Monster cropping cannabis indeed works, and works like a charm, although there's no way to say exactly, have in mind that plants have different growing rates, just to give you an example, if you vegetate your plant for 4 weeks, you'll have to wait those 4 weeks plus 2-3 weeks of flowering and add 2-3 weeks for your ...

Can you put a clone straight into flowering? ›

In deploying a short canopy of clones straight into the flowering phase, more uniform canopies are achieved, allowing for better use of vertical space and more efficient use of horticultural lighting.

Is monster cropping worth it? ›


When you re-veg rooted clones, they will develop a monstrous appearance. In time, they will become cannabis bushes that better fill out lateral grow space. Combine monster cropping with other pruning-for-yield techniques like LST, topping, or fimming for huge yields.

What's the highest yielding crop? ›

The highest yielding crops are sugar cane, sugar beet, and tomatoes. Sugar cane accounts for about 80% of the world's sugar production, while sugar beet the remaining 20%. Not surprisingly, the most lucrative cash crops from a value per acre perspective are illegal in many parts of the world.

What improves crop yield? ›

Farmers who aim to increase an average crop yield per acre on their fields must have a streamlined irrigation system at hand. Providing the plants with the appropriate amount of water directly affects the development of plants and, consequently, the crop yields.

Do cuttings grow faster than seed? ›

A new plant grown from a cutting will frequently mature faster and flower sooner than a plant grown from a seed.

When to flip clones to flower? ›

Age of plant: “Cuttings” can be switched as soon as desired, however, for optimum yields it is generally best to wait until the clone has a strong root system (typically 2-3 weeks old). For “seedlings”, if space (and time) permit, better yields can be obtained from a 6-8 week veg period.

How to stop clones from flowering? ›

Plant the clone into a 3.5L pot and use an 18/6 photoperiod (18 daily hours of light per 6 hours of darkness), which will prevent plants from flowering.

Why are my rqs seeds not germinating? ›

If, however, you're having trouble germinating your cannabis seeds, revising your technique might be in order. At RQS, we recommend germinating your seeds in one of two ways: Between moist paper towels in a dark place or room. Directly in sterilised, moist soil—the way nature intended.

What do trichomes look like when ready to harvest? ›

When trichomes are cloudy and ready for harvest, you'll likely notice that 50-70% of the white “hairs” on your buds have turned amber. Keep in mind that if you wait too long and trichomes turn amber you will lose THC potency. The key thing to look for is milky, cloudy trichomes, as they contain the highest THC levels.

Do you trim fan leaves during flowering? ›

Remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg… Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. Prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

How do you Supercrop a plant? ›

You want to squeeze it gently between your thumb, fore, and index fingers while simultaneously bending it slightly in the direction you want it to grow. The goal is to crush the core of the branch so you can manipulate it to your needs.

How do you stop a plant from flowering? ›

The following is a list of techniques that can be used to stop plants from flowering:
  1. Pruning and pinning.
  2. Fertilisers high in nitrogen.
  3. Schedule for watering.
  4. Changes in altitude and temperature.
  5. Modification in photoperiod.
  6. Inert plants.

How to fim a plant? ›

If you plan to FIM cannabis plants, wait for them to have sprouted at least three nodes with branches and leaves. As you can see, timing is important here. Basically, what you do in fimming is cut the growth tip at the top of your plant. As you cut through the top section, your shears slice through the main growth tip.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.