Money Saving Tips for Women (2024)

Do you find it hard to manage your monthly budget?

Struggle in meeting your expenses?

Have little or no savings at all?

Then probably it’s time you started managing your personal finances.

In this context, saving money becomes utmost important.

Saving money not only improves your personal financial situation but also paves the way for a happy and prosperous future, as well. Though at the outset, money saving may look a little bit scary and unpractical, but believe me money saving is 100 percent possible and achievable. Money saving requires well directed, focused and continuous efforts from your part. You just need to begin the journey.

As a woman, you too require saving money so that you can make your present and as well as future more secure, happy and prosperous.

Money Saving Tips for Women (1)

Here, we have listed some very useful and practical money saving tips for women which can make your money saving habit absolutely easy.


Pay your bills on time

Usually you have many recurring expenses that you have to take cared each month. Examples may include electricity charges, insurance premiums, school fees of children, even college fees, credit card bills, etc. Develop your habit to pay your bills on time. This can save you money which you would pay otherwise as late fees, financial charges and as miscellaneous other charges.

Open up a Savings Account

Opening up a Saving Account can be one of the foremost steps you can take in order to save money. You can transfer your regular savings in your savings account which will help to grow your money. Having a saving account will encourage you to save more. It would be better off to have a saving account without a debit card. By this, you can avoid unnecessary withdrawals and also refrain from frequent withdrawals thus enabling you to save money.

Use Piggy Bank

Regular money saving habit can be easily developed by using Piggy Bank. For many women, regular money saving is a problem. If you too are facing the same problem, then Piggy Bank can be of great help to you. The idea that money saving is only good when you are able to save a lot of money is a myth. Even small, but regular saving can definitely build a big corpus of money for you.

Here, a Piggy Bank can enable you to save money on a regular basis. Begin with saving small amounts of money. Regularly put money in your Piggy Bank. Place your Piggy Bank in such a place from where you can see it easily. This would remind you of saving money. Even one dollar a day is good in the beginning. Gradually you will inculcate the habit of saving and realize that money saving is not only easy but rewarding too.

Eliminate unnecessary expenses in your budget

Preparing a budget and following it religiously is required if you really want to make your money saving effort a success. In this context, you need to plan your budget carefully and moreover try to eliminate unnecessary expenses in your budget. You can re-plan your Fun Money so as to reduce your expense on dining out, watching movies in atheater buying expensive clothing and accessories, and other related stuff. Doing such little things you can end up saving a lot of money.

Use Discount and Coupon Codes

Shopping is fun but usually turns out to be a costly affair. Usually women love shopping and so usually tend to spend lots of dollars each month just on shopping. Well, you can drastically cut down your shopping expense by using discount and coupon codes. You have a great option online as there are plenty of such sites, which list down discount coupon codes for various categories of items. Use Discount and Coupon Code each time you shop and save big money. You can use your saved money when you shop next time.

Use Cash instead of Credit or Debit Card

Nowadays the use of Credit or Debit Card is on the rise. Well, they do offer certain advantages, but their biggest disadvantage is that you end up spending extra money, which otherwise could have been saved. This is because of your spontaneous buying habit. You overlook the amount you are spending while shopping and buy out expensive items, goods or accessories.

This however can be controlled when you use cash instead of credit or debit card. When you carry limited cash, you exactly know how much you can spend and so never exceed that limit. You never buy such items, which are beyond your shopping budget. You become more conscious and responsible while doing shopping and hence can save money each time you use cash instead of credit or debit card.

Set short term Saving Goals

Money saving requires continuous and dedicated efforts. However, you can surely encourage and motivate yourself to save more money by setting short term saving goals for yourself. Instead of having long term saving goals of say 10, 15, or 20 years, you can begin by having saving goals of six months or a year. This way you can keep track of how much you are saving or rather how much more you need to save in order to reach your target. You need to set achievable goals and begin saving for it. For example, you can plan to save for buying an iPad, or going out on a vacation with your family. This way you can motivate yourself to save money.

Adopt ‘Do it yourself’ Approach

There are plenty of day-to-day tasks on which you regularly spend money. However, you can save your money easily by adopting ‘Do it yourself’ Approach. For example, cooking food at home rather than buying it from a restaurant can save your money. Moreover, you also get the satisfaction of doing things on your own. Likewise, you can learn to repair appliances or rectify a leaking tap all by yourself. Following this approach really helps to save your precious money.

Reduce Your Energy Consumption Costs

Energy Consumption Costs constitutes a major portion of your monthly expenses. Moreover, it is a recurring expenditure which you have to meet each month. So reducing your energy consumption costs can result in saving money for you on a regular basis and that too with a little bit of efforts on your part. Some of the things which you can do easily include using energy efficient lighting bulbs and other sorts of energy efficient electric and electronic appliances. Regular servicing of your vehicle(s) and driving at optimum speed can reduce your gasoline consumption costs, as well. You can even switch to public mode of transport and thus save money.

Have a grocery list before you shop

Being a woman, you need to buy grocery items on a regular basis. Grocery expense is another vital expenditure source which you need to manage in order to save money. One of the easiest ways to control, manage and reduce grocery expense is to have a grocery list before you shop. Doing this, you exactly know what grocery items you need to purchase and so shop accordingly. This way you can curtail spontaneous buying spree and do not overspend by buying extra or unnecessary grocery items. You then follow your grocery budget and thus end up saving money.

Compare prices of items

While shopping or making purchases, you usually ignore or forget to compare prices of items. Well, here you need to remember that unit prices of items tend to vary depending upon their brand or company. The little difference in unit pricing actually sums up to a large value when you buy number of items. This particularly holds good for grocery items and other sorts of items as well. If you compare prices of items before doing the final purchase, you will end up saving lots of money.

Use Online Shopping

Online shopping offers another very profitable way for saving money. Nowadays, there are various online shopping stores which offer a wide range of items, goods and accessories right from jewelry to electronic gadgets. They run discount deals and other attractive offers through which you use to save money. With online shopping, you also save your travelling expense. The items are usually delivered free of shipping charges.

Plan your trips

Generally, shopping trips can result any time whenever you feel like, but if you want to save money then you should invariably plan your each and every trip. The trip can be for shopping, for watching movies, dining out, going out for a picnic or even to an exhibition. Planned trip can help you to save money so that you can enjoy many more such trips.

Set up Emergency Fund

Emergency situation can arise any time. In order to meet any sort of emergency situation, you need to build upon your Emergency Fund. Allocate a definite and reasonable proportion of your earnings to the Emergency Fund on a regular basis. It should be your main priority to set up Emergency Fund and manage it well. You can even open up a separate saving account for Emergency Fund and make sure to build up your saving in the Emergency Fund Saving Account. This way you can save money for any eventuality or financial crisis.

Go for Investing Money

Another, very important money saving or rather money growing tip is that you should go for investing money. You can begin with by choosing systematic investment plan. Initially you can begin investing with a small amount and then gradually increase your investment amount when you save more. This way you can invest regularly and maximize the returns on your invested sum.

Thus, you can see that you have more than one ways or in fact number of ways by which you can save money. The above list on money saving tips for women aptly shows you the effective and easy methods of saving money so that you can lead a happy and prosperous life.

Money Saving Tips for Women (2024)


What is the 30 20 20 savings rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How do women save money? ›

A single woman can save money by defining her long-term and short-term goals and then budgeting accordingly. Follow the 50, 30, 20 rule of budgeting to spend 50% of your income on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings and investments.

How to save $1,000 every month? ›

The experts we spoke to recommended taking these steps.
  1. Analyze your finances. If you want to save $1,000 in a month, then you need to earn $1,000 more than what you spend. ...
  2. Plan your meals. ...
  3. Cut subscriptions. ...
  4. Make impulse purchases harder. ...
  5. Sell unneeded items. ...
  6. Find extra work.
Sep 26, 2023

How to save $10,000 easily? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

What is the 7 rule for savings? ›

The seven percent savings rule provides a simple yet powerful guideline—save seven percent of your gross income before any taxes or other deductions come out of your paycheck. Saving at this level can help you make continuous progress towards your financial goals through the inevitable ups and downs of life.

How much savings should I have at 50? ›

By age 50, you'll want to have around six times your salary saved. If you're behind on saving in your 40s and 50s, aim to pay down your debt to free up funds each month. Also, be sure to take advantage of retirement plans and high-interest savings accounts.

What do females spend the most money on? ›

A $526K Lifetime Tab: All the Ways Women Pay More Than Men
  • Personal Care Products. On average, women's shampoo costs around $9 while men's shampoo costs close to $6, Business Insider reported. ...
  • Home Ownership. ...
  • Feminine Care Products. ...
  • Clothing and Accessories. ...
  • Beauty Products. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • The Total Cost.
Jan 19, 2024

How to survive financially as a single woman? ›

If you'd like individualized advice on financial planning, consider working one-on-one with a financial advisor.
  1. Save for Emergencies. ...
  2. Pay Off Debt. ...
  3. Plan for Retirement. ...
  4. Budget, Budget, Budget. ...
  5. Diversify Your Investments. ...
  6. Consider Your Insurance Options. ...
  7. Create an Estate Plan. ...
  8. Financial Planning Tips.
May 6, 2024

How can women build wealth? ›

Here are six tips to get started.
  • Set Realistic Financial Goals. Meeting your financial goals is so much easier when you develop a saving mentality. ...
  • Build Your Credit History. ...
  • Invest in Your Career. ...
  • Start Saving for Retirement ASAP. ...
  • Provide for Your Growing Family. ...
  • Work With a Professional.

How can I save $5,000 in 100 days? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

Is saving $500 a month good? ›

The short answer to what happens if you invest $500 a month is that you'll almost certainly build wealth over time. In fact, if you keep investing that $500 every month for 40 years, you could become a millionaire. More than a millionaire, in fact.

How can I save $5,000 in 6 months? ›

Here are a few ideas that could help:
  1. Opt for groceries over restaurants. The costs of eating out and ordering delivery can add up fast. ...
  2. Cancel pricey subscriptions or memberships. Make a list of what you pay for streaming services, the gym, and other monthly expenses. ...
  3. Find free activities where you live.
Oct 23, 2023

How to save on food costs? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

What is the quickest way to save? ›

8 ways to save money quickly
  • Change bank accounts. ...
  • Be strategic with your eating habits. ...
  • Change up your insurance. ...
  • Ask for a raise—or start job hunting. ...
  • Consider a side hustle. ...
  • Take advantage of a credit card that offers rewards. ...
  • Switch up your transportation habits. ...
  • Cancel subscriptions you don't really need or use.
May 8, 2024

How to save money for a house fast? ›

6 ways to save money for a house
  1. Build your budget. Creating a budget is one of the most important steps when setting a financial goal. ...
  2. Downsize your expenses. ...
  3. Pay off debt. ...
  4. Increase the income from your main job. ...
  5. Look for other ways to earn. ...
  6. Plan for the extras.

What is the 70 20 10 rule for savings? ›

The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

What is the 60 20 20 rule for savings? ›

If you have a large amount of debt that you need to pay off, you can modify your percentage-based budget and follow the 60/20/20 rule. Put 60% of your income towards your needs (including debts), 20% towards your wants, and 20% towards your savings.

What is the 80 20 30 rule for savings? ›


In the 50/30/20 budget, you spend 50% of your income on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. The 80/20 budget is a simpler version of it. Using the 80/20 budgeting method, 80% of your income goes toward monthly expenses and spending, while the other 20% goes toward savings and investments.

What is the 50 20 30 rule for savings account? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.