Mohg, Lord of Blood | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)

Mohg, Lord of Blood Boss Video Guide

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Mohg, Lord of Blood Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for Mohg, Lord of Blood:

  • The player can find theMohg’s Shackle item in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds under Leyndell just before the Leyndell Catacombs Site of Grace at the bottom of the pipe/water area. Can be used similar to Margit’s Shackle during the boss fight to tether him for a short bit. You will NOT be able to tether him once he has reached the health threshold for second phase; use it while he is just above that to give yourself a generous window to burst him down.
  • Mohg will recite Tres, Duo and Unus at certain health thresholds, placing a red ring around the player. At the start of his second phase, he will chant Nihil three times, doing large damage and healing himself for each ring on the player. In order to survive this attack, you will need a potion made with the Purifying Crystal Tear, or will need to heal. The damage will cancel any ongoing healing and interrupt the player, so the optimal time to do so is during the interval between the second and third Nihil.
  • The Purifying Crystal Tear will provide the player with a shield, which prevents all three counts of bleed in the mid-battle attack described above. This is obtained by defeating the NPC invader Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger.
  • Equip fire and physical damage reduction to aid survival.
  • The Lord of Blood's Exultation will provide a substantial damage boost for a lot of the fight, given the numerous hemorrhage opportunities on either side.
  • If you can, aim to burst through his first phase as he takes his time counting down to the phase change. If you manage to stagger him before he actually uses Bloodboon Ritual, it's possible to kill him without seeing phase 2.
Melee Users

Mohg, Lord of Blood is a hard hitting boss with the capability of creating hostile environments that cause bleed buildup. However, he also has slow combos with plenty of openings for a melee user to take advantage of.


One of Mohg's key mechanics is his Blood Curse mechanic. Throughout Phase 1 he applies up to three layers of Blood Curses on the player, and during the Phase 2 transition he uses the Blood Curses to drain HP from the player while simultaneously dealing massive bleed damage. The player can use the Purifying Crystal Tear in their Wondrous Physick to greatly mitigate this damage.

Mohg also heavily relies on causing bleed buildup on the player with his bloodflame, especially during Phase 2. It is highly recommended the player boost their robustness and prepare consumables that will help mitigate bleed.

Players can also obtain Mohg's Shackle to stun him twice during Phase 1. Mohg's Shackle has no effect during Phase 2.

Upon entering the boss arena, the player has more than enough time to buff and use consumables before Mohg comes into attacking range. If the player wishes to maximize their buff duration, it is perfectly acceptable to start buffing after entering the fog gate.

Phase 1

Most of Mohg's damage in Phase 1 comes from his physical attacks using his trident. He uses many sweeping attacks that often carry him forward, but his attacks are also slow and telegraphed which provides players with ample time to dodge and counterattack. That being said, Mohg has many attack patterns that use the same startup sequence but ends with different mixups, so it is important to stay on alert on how his combos will progress. As a general rule of thumb, most melee attack combos that end with Mohg stepping away from the player signify that his combo is over, so players can look out for that behavioral cue to attack Mohg without fear of being counterattacked.

For melee users with faster weapons, they have opportunities between each large swing to connect a quick hit before rolling through the next sweeping attack. For melee users with slower weapons however, this is not possible as the delay between attacks during a combo is not long enough to swing a colossal weapon and recover to dodge the next attack. For users with slower weapons, it is highly recommended to wait until Mohg finishes his combo before attacking.

Mohg also uses some limited Bloodflame movesets during this phase, mainly throwing Bloodflame at the player or using the Bloodflame Claw spell. While these spells all cause bleed buildup when they connect with the player, they are also highly telegraphed and players should not expect to take significant bleed damage during Phase 1.

For melee players looking for stance breaking for critical damage the greatest barrier to this is Mohg's Bloodflame pool, where he defensively summons a pool of Bloodflame around him. Mohg can use this move to prevent melee users from attacking without taking damage, and when used multiple times in a row can cause stance damage the player dealt to decay away making stance breaking difficult.

Throughout Phase 1, Mohg applies up to three stacks of Blood Curses on the player (Tres/Duo/Unus). Each time he applies a stack he always swings his trident to his right hand side, and players should take advantage of this by staying at Mohg's left side and dealing as much damage as possible.


When Mohg hits 50% health, he applies the last stack of Blood Curse on the player (Unus) and immediately begins draining the player's HP afterwards. From the moment he starts applying the last stack, the player has the freedom to do whatever they want as long as they stay away from Mohg's right side, as that is where he swings his trident. Players are recommended to drink their Wondrous Physick with Purifying Crystal Tear before Mohg starts his transition, so that they do not waste precious time drinking their Physick. During this time, players should look to either buff themselves, use consumables, attack Mohg or apply status effects (e.g. Scarlet Rot) on Mohg while he performs his transition. Once Mohg completes the phase transition, he would have healed approximately 25% of his total health, his trident enhanced with Bloodflame, and wings sprouting out of his back.

Phase 2

Mohg in Phase 2 is where things become difficult for a melee user. His Bloodflame infused trident now sprays bloodflame on every attack, which covers the boss arena and causes bleed buildup for players. However, most of his key movesets remains almost identical to his movesets in Phase 1 albeit now enhanced with Bloodflame. Melee users are encouraged to stay as close to Mohg as possible as his bloodflame usually does not land right up against Mohg allowing players to avoid as much bleed damage as possible. That being said, it is near impossible to avoid all pools of bloodflame and players inevitably accrue bleed buildup over time. Players should keep an eye on their bleed meter and disengage from Mohg when it becomes nearly full, allowing the bleed damage to trigger far away from Mohg so that the player can immediately heal and return to the fight. If the bleed damage triggers while the players is close to Mohg, they run the risk of being caught by an attack the moment the bleed damage staggers the player character which usually results in death.

Mohg also makes heavy use of his wings during this phase, the most notable movesets being his plunging attack and his swooping attack. Of these, the plunging attack is especially devastating as it deals heavy damage and is also followed up by a delayed explosion. Players will have an easier time dodging his plunging attacks by simply strafing to the side instead of rolling, as it appears that he adjusts his landing position specifically to catch rolls.

At the site of grace ensure you mix the Purifying Crystal Tear, and the Speckled Hardtear into your Wonderous Physick Mix, both of which will mitigate some of the difficulty in his second phase. Regardless of the benefit of your Physick, though, this fight is going to be TOUGH, and the only way to survive is with high maneuverability. The flame and blood attacks both melt through your HP regardless of armor, so make sure you're at least light enough to avoid the fat roll here. Obviously, we'll want to use a spirit ash that pulls aggro, and between the Black Knife Assassin, the Mimic Tear, and the Jellyfish you have options.

As for the actual strategy: The best method for eating Mohg's health bar is a combination of Cold and Blood Loss, alternating between the two. Personally I used the Warhammer with the Bloodhound's step ash of war - modified with Cold, and the Winged Scythe. Both of these weapons are heavy, and that's another important aspect of this fight: Poise Break. For a god-tier boss such as Mohg, he has a surprisingly low poise.

Putting this into practice: The second you walk through the fog-gate, you need to 1: summon your spirit ash, 2: drink your physick, and 3: ready Mohg's Shackle(detailed above). Ideally you'd want to use the first of shackle's two charges before Mohg can launch his first attack, allowing you and your ash to wail on him, get a level of frostbite or bleed, and begin ticking down his poise. Then when you've cut Mohg's health down to about 60% or so, you'll want to use this again. The shackle only works in the first phase and with a strong spirit ash and your own concerted effort you can likely melt Mohg's healthbar to about a third before he begins his second phase.

This is where the maneuverability really comes into play, and why it's so important to reduce his health as much as possible before his second phase is triggered. The big thing here is dodging through his reaching attacks, not away from them, getting one or two hits in, then dodginglaterally out of the range of his close range attacks before ultimately retreating. Otherwise the same strategy as the first phase (minus the shackle) applies here. Try and poise break him, and try to mix those two status effects.

Magic and Ranged Users

For the majority of the fight, this plays rather similarly throughout both phases if you're playing from a distance. Due to Mohg's extremely slow walk, dodging backwards out of most attacks and keeping your distance will limit him to two possible attacks (An arced Bloodflame spray and a sling of Bloodflame) which are both well telegraphed and fairly narrow. Roll backwards, and do not attempt to block this. These two attacks leave a large opening, and you can fairly easily lead Mohg in circles while slinging spells. You should be able to cast spells with a moderate wind up time fairly safely, such as a fully charging a Sling Flame or Carian Glintblade (for Faith and Intellect spells respectively). When taking Phase 1 Mohg, you will eventually run into the ends of the arena and be forced to content with close-mid range, which is going to be met with either Mohg's horizontal sweeps, the arc of Bloodflame, or an overhead slam. In either way, try to avoid backing into the corner and back into getting distance. The stairs on the backside of the arena assist well when using spells affected by gravity. If the player is overly greedy and spends too long charging an attack or casting too many times, however, Mohg can sometimes throw an overhead slam that will often come off and bonk you before your spell finishes.

For the Transition from Phase 1 to 2 at 50% Health, like other strategies suggest, bring the Purified Crystal Tear in mixed physick to avoid taking large damage during the transition and to gain a window of free time. The attack will do virtually no poise damage and very small damage (if you used the mixed physick above) which gives you ample time to reapply any buffs and prepare long-windup spells once more. Spells like Blessing of the Erdtree and Golden Vow can be reapplied here (If playing with cooperators, this also gives ample time to regroup for aforementioned buffs). You can drink the Physick at any time, but it's recommended to use the flask either at the start or as the transition occurs if you are using shortlived buffs to assist with Phase 2.

For Phase 2 itself, the same attacks apply very similar windows of opportunity. However, Mohg will begin doing flying lunges, charging at the player and dousing a line in front of him with Bloodflame in the process, using slams that have high damage flings of Bloodflame, and a handful more. These attacks give virtually no room to cast spells as a retaliatory option, and the Bloodflame cannot be parried well with Carian Retaliation (Needs further verification). His original arcs of Bloodflame are still safe to punish, and his charging attack can leave a moderate window for attack as well. Having a Melee Alternate spell on backup such as Carian Slicer or Catch Flame can also be of minor assistance here for a quick hit when he ascends and sweeps down at the player.

In either case, Mohg has a very sizable health pool and regenerates health in the transitional phase. Spells like Black Flame which deal percentage damage are useful, but have somewhat reduced effectiveness with Mohg as a result. Because of this, you may want to bring additional Cerulean flasks.

  • For Sorcery/Intellect Focus:
    • The majority of spells will work well here, even those with long windup times. Some notable spells are the usual Glintstone Pebble variants like Glintstone Cometshard or Comet.
    • Mohg is extremely aggressive in close-quarters combat in both phases, so using spells like Carian Slicer or Carian Greatblade may be more dangerous than usual.
    • Carian Retaliation, both the Ash of War and the spell itself, are not recommended unless you can consistently parry some of his physical attacks with the Ash of War. However, using Cuckoo Glintstones and Glintstone Scraps and then using Carian Retaliation on the created projectiles does produce effective results. Thops' Barrier may be a preferable alternative against his Bloodflame sprays if you struggle with dodging these.
  • For Incantation/Faith Focus:
    • Most Godslayer spells are rather potent due to Mohg's high health pool, such as Black Flame, but will lose virtually all inital damage. Only the damage over time will deal significant damage without very high investment into these spells due to his high Fire resistance, and the damage over time will deal a percentage of his health at high FP cost. If used, simply use the uncharged versions for faster attacks and extremely similar results.
    • His initial walk to the player gives an egregious amount of time for buff setup or Dragonbreath attacks. For those struggling massively with the fight, this does give a very large window for Rot Breath and Ekzyke's Decay to trigger Scarlet Rot and thus massive damage over time. However, you will have to run rather far from Mohg and be cautious of being overly greedy with many dragon communion incantations due to visual filler potentially making it hard to see when Mohg's bloodflame lines or horzontal sweeps are about to claim your head.
    • Frenzy spells and Fire Monk spells, due to not being able to afflict Madness to the foe and/or their high Fire focus, are not overly recommended. However, many are potent enough on their own to warrant usage regardless of resistance. Physical focused spells such as Aspects of the Crucible: Tail, AotC: Horns, Beast's Claw, or Stone of Gurranq can deal much more damage than their elemental compatriots for this fight.
    • Be careful of any incantations that afflict Blood Loss; These can cause Mohg to deal much more damage than usual by granting him a 20% damage buff. Using incantations like Bloodflame Blade, Swarm of Flies, and others will cause him to bleed extremely easily and thus take a major amount of damage in exchange.
  • For Bow/Greatbow/Crossbow/Ballista Focus:
    • Avoid using ammunition that deals Fire Damage and Blood Loss, such as Perfumer's Bolts and Flaming Arrows. Blood Loss is extremely effective for this fight, but also will trigger Mohg's damage bonus buff and can be extremely dangerous for squishier builds that often come with these setups. In fact, using largely Physical ammos such as generic Arrows, Lordsworn's Bolts, and Ballista Bolts are highly recommended.
    • Mohg's walks are ample time to line shots for headshots, and during Phase 1 you should even be able to get off Ash of Wars like Mighty Shot and Through and Through in conjunction to that, dealing extreme damage if done correctly. However, you will be hard pressed to achieve the same results during Phase 2 due to the walking window being more brief and a fair amount of bodily rotations and flight.
    • Crossbow users can often find time to reload their weapons while preparing to roll out of the way of an attack or while having to run/roll past Mohg to continue laps around the arena. It is not recommended to attack with Bows at close range in this case, and recommended to have a massive amount of distance if using Greatbows or Ballistae for your offensives to make up for the high start up frames and end lag these weapons often have.

Mohg, Lord of Blood Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Bloodflame Talons Mohg slashes an clawmarkin the air with his left hand, which then explodes.
He mayalso lunge forward with this attack.
Roll away at the moment it detonates. Be careful if you're aggressively rolling into his spear swipes, as he can combo into this attack to roll-catch you.
Bloodboon Mohg reaches into the air and tosses out a splash of bloodflame. This also sets some of the floor on fire and contributes to hemorrhage buildup if stood in. It can come in a wide arc, a narrow cone, or a shower at his area.
  • The arc variant (horizontal swipe) is often used at medium range and can be rolled into.
  • The cone variant (over-shoulder swipe) can be dodged by rolling to the side.
  • The shower variant is performed if you're too close to him, and is used to force you away. You can circle behind him for a free hit before backing away. The shower move can be parried by Carian Retaliation.
Spear Swings Comes in horizontal spear swipes that come in a slow 2- to 3-hit combo. May end in an overhand slam. Roll forward with each swing to cause them to whiff. If he slams the spear onto the ground, he has a long punish window.
Thrust Thrusts his spear into the ground and then tugs it out. Roll past the thrust and catch him in his back. If you're still in front of him, the punish window is after he tugs out his spear, not while it's still in the ground.
Mohg thrusts his spear into the air, generates a ring around the player, and then swipes his spear in front of him. He does this three times in combat as his HP drops (approx 10%, 25%, 40%), counting down "Tres", "Duo", "Unnus". Stay out of his immediate front when it happens. His back is completely vulnerable when this happens; you can also use this as a window to heal when you see this attack.
Bloodboon Ritual After reaching half health and finishing his Ritual Countdown three times, Mohg thrusts his spear into the air three times, chanting "Nihil!" with each thrust. The attack is unavoidable and triggers hemorrhage on the player while also healing him. His spear also gets coated in bloodflame as his second phase begins. The Purifying Crystal Tear greatly decreases the damage from this attack and prevents you from bleeding out, while also reducing the amount of healing he does. This gives you the window to wail on him as you won't stagger from bleeding. Otherwise, you have to out-heal the bleeding from this attack.
Mohg takes to the skies and throws out a splash of bloodflame, before charging towards his target. Dodge forward to avoid both attacks
Blood Tax Mohg thrusts his spear forward, imbued with bloodflame, and twists it, dealing damage and building up Hemorrhage. Roll to the sides.
Spear Slam + Explosion Mohg slams his spear into the ground, which glows before exploding. Roll away.
Upwards Swing and Slam Mohg swings his spear upwards, releasing bloodflame, before slamming down and releasing an explosion. Roll towards and/or behind him to get a few free hits.

Mohg, Lord of Blood Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

Mohg song lyrics?

The youtuber Antonius Tertius (aka MAGISTER-ORGANI),who contacted music producers and singers of Elden Ring, revealed that Mohg's lyrics are just random syllables arranged in way to make them sound like some ancient languages, as a matter of fact most of them don't even resemble Latin at all; thus the lyrics are nonsensical and obviously they cannot be translated, as they mean nothing. Antonius published the official lyrics and how Bandai created them on his channel. Additionally, know that Mohg's quotes (unus,nihil etc) during the boss fight are not part of his song, those are uttered by the voice actor; should the player mute the voice & sound effects, no quotes will be heard.

When do you kill Mohg Elden Ring?

This is a frequently asked question that could be referring to either the Lord of Blood or Mohg, the Omen.Both bosses are optional so there is not a specific time that you will need to kill either of them. However you can come acrossMohg, Lord of Bloodnaturally as you get through each region and eventually make your way to the Consecrated Snowfield where there will be a way to Mohg's Location. Mogh can be found at the end of The Mohgwyn Palaceregion. This Locationis found beneathCaelid, but is only accessible from a gateway teleporter in the frozenwest ofConsecrated Snowfield(northwest of theYelough Anix Ruinsand west of where the Sanguine Noble invades you) or by using thePureblood Knight's Medalgiven byWhite Mask Varréat the end of his questline. As you work through the natural storyline, you will natural progress past Mt. Gelmir, complete Volcano Manor, Leyndell, Royal Capital, then make your way up to the Mountaintops of the Giants and the Consecrated Snowfield.

This is where you can make your way from the waygate from the Consecrated Snowfield. This will teleport you to a set of caves southeast of Mohgwyn Palace. Thecaveshere are linear, so simply follow the path out and down. To locate him follow the Location instructions above thatleads youfrom the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance site of grace. This will eventually take you to an elevator that will lead you to the Boss arena.

Mohg, Lord of Blood Other Notes

  • Voice Actor: Con O'Neill
  • While initially appearing as simply another Shardbearer, Mohg's true intention wasto raiseMiquella, whom he hadstolenfrom the Haligtree, to godhood and become his consort (or partner).
  • Mohg is the twin brother of Morgott, the Omen King. Because they were both hidden underground, they lack seats at the Elden Throne, which may explain why Morgott does not deem him a traitor.
  • He has many more horns than Morgott and his face appears to be much more deformed, which may show that he did not resent his Omen nature the way that his brother did.
  • Mohg gained his power via communion with an Outer God known as the Formless Mother.
  • A similar boss, Mohg, the Omen, can be found in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds in Leyndell, Royal Capital.



Dearest Miquella. You must abide alone a while.

Welcome, honored guest. To the birthplace of our dynasty!

During Fight:

Each time roughly a quarter of his health is depleted:

Trēs! (Three)*

Duo! (Two)*

Ūnus! (One)*

Upon reaching roughly 1/4 of his health and using his healing attack:

Nihil! Nihil! Nihil! (Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Meaning zero)*

*Translations come from the Latin student youtuber Antonius Tertius.

Defeating player:Miquella is mine and mine alone.

After Fight:

Ahh, I can see it, clear as day! The coming of our dynasty!


Mohg, Lord of Blood | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)
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