Millionaires Giving Money (2024)

Table of Contents
Sunday 23 February 2020 I Need $2000 Dollars Right Now I Will Do Anything I am Desperate! I Need 2000 Dollars Right NOW List 1. Rent Your Home for $2000 2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have 3. Learn How to Do High Paying Jobs 4. Penny Shares and Option Trading 5. Deep Cleaning Homes 6. Recycling Other People's Cell Phones 7. Take Part in Clinical Trials for more than 2000 Dollars 8. Sell Items from Alibaba 9. Create a YouTube Channel to Earn 2000 Dollars 10. Become a Designer to Generate 2000 Dollars Quickly Bonus: Invest in Cryptocurrencies! I Need 2000 Dollars Right Now! Wednesday 12 February 2020 I Need Money Right Now - 10 Ways to Make Money Now! I Need Money Right Now10 Options to Make Money Right Now I Need Money Right Now10 Options to Make Money Right Now Option1: Ask for a Pay Rise If You Need Money Right Now Option 2: Look For a Better Paid Job If You Need Money Right Now Option 3: Take on a Second Job If You Need Money Right Now Option 4: Take on an Under The Table Job If You Need Money Right Now Option 5: Sell All Your Clutter If You Need Money Right Now Option 6: Ask Your Parents If You Need Money Right Now Option 7: Ask Your Friends if You Need Money Right Now Option 8: Take Out a Loan if You Need Money Right Now Option 9: Take Out a Pay Day Loan If you Need Money Right Now Option 10: Increase Your Financial Intelligence Monday 7 November 2016 I Need 4000 Dollars Now - I Will Do Anything I'm Desperate Please Help Check Out These Posts Too Need 4000 Dollars Now I Need 4000 Dollars – Donate Body to Medical Science Where Can I Borrow 4000 Dollars? How to Get 4000 Dollars Where Can I Get 4000 Dollars? Related Articles Wednesday 21 September 2016 I Need to Make Money Now - 23 Websites to Help You Make Money I Need to Make Money Now Give Yourself a Pay Rise Get Paid to Spend Money Need to Make Money by Stoozing I Need to Make More Money Now I Need to Make Money Selling Items Help Need Cash Now I Need to Make Money Now Popular Posts FAQs

Showing posts with label I need money right now. Show all posts

Showing posts with label I need money right now. Show all posts

Sunday 23 February 2020

I Need $2000 Dollars Right Now I Will Do Anything I am Desperate!

If you followThe Millionaires Giving Money Blogthenyou'll know that these posts are a series of guides. These guides provide financiallydestitute people with ideas for making money really fast, and moreimportantly legally. If you need $2000 dollars really fast and you're willing todo anything then there are ways you can achieve this. Be sure to check out howyou can make $10,000, $5000 and $1000really fast which are listedbelow.

I Need 10,000 Dollars Right NOW

I Need 5,000 Dollars Right NOW

I Need 2,000 Dollars Right NOW

Now that you want to learn how to make $2000 quickly because you'redesperate you need to know that there is an element of risk involved. You'll bethrown out of your comfort zone and you'll really have to test yourselfmentally and physically. If you do pull through then this will be a greatpersonal victory and it will teach you to dig really deep and make thingshappen so you can rise out of poverty.

I Need 2000 Dollars Right NOW List

1. Rent Your Home for $2000

This is something I tried and it has worked. I rented my home out fora year for $2000 provided I was still allowed to live there. There were somerules like being paid upfront. Lots of people will be interested because theywill save money if they pay in advance. To make everything above board youcould draft property contracts and rental agreements where you agree to rent your house for a year for 2000dollars.

Another way I made $2000 dollars per month was by living in a caravan Ibought on eBay and then subletting my home out to tenants after rigorousvetting, Living in a caravan is extremely difficult however I was determined todo it to pay off my debt and it worked. After a year I was debt free and ableto move back into my property if I choose to. If you need $2000 dollars right now and are desperate these are the sacrifices you must make.

2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have

If you've got any assets that are of value or are generatingincome you could sell shares in this asset. It is a bit complicated but please bear with me. If you've got property rented outor have an online business then quickly work out how much money it's generatingin a month and then put a value on it, you could then sell some shares in theasset and generate income for the buyer. If you've got an online business orproperty that is generating $1000 per month, you could sell 20% of this for$2000, the investor would recoup the money in 10 months and enjoy payments forthe rest of their lives as long as the income keeps coming in.

You could have a clause to repurchase the shares in your asset onceyou've used the money to do whatever you need to. Previously, I have sold shares to my familymembers in the properties that I rent out. They enjoyed 20% of the payments for$20,000 upfront and after a few years I was able to repurchase the shares backfrom them. Its important that you understand and forecast your cash flowproperly otherwise there is a possibility you might miss payments. Havecontingency plans in place.

3. Learn How to Do High Paying Jobs

By quickly learning 'high paying trades' and then doing jobs at knockdown prices is a great way to earn fast money. If you need $2000 very quicklyyou could learn how to install a boiler, how to laminate floors, how todecorate houses. What you are looking for is a job that pays you a lot of moneyvery quickly. Decorators can decorate a house within a week and get paid a lotof money, plumbers usually charge $2000 to install a system which takes about aweek. If you can align yourself with an expert and offer your help you couldmake a lot of money.

I learnt how to replace boiler systems from a qualified plumber. Icharged $500 dollars to replace these systems and the work took me 4 hours. Iwas able to replace two systems per day and I was able to make $800 per dayjust by keeping busy. Create an effective marketing systems and offer theservice at a knock down price and you will make money I kid you not!

4. Penny Shares and Option Trading

Penny shares can offer explosive growth. Sometimes these stocks can doubleor quadruple in value. If you can leverage the money and use strict stop lossesyou could make a lot of money if you choose the right stock. You could also buycheap options on companies just before they report. A lot of investors makemoney by investing in cheap items like penny stocks and options and thencontrol their risk and let the upside run up.

Learn how to analyse stocks fundamentally and technically, Also learnmoney management strategies so if you make a wrong decision you wont be wipedout completely. Its recommended that you paper trade to begin with, this will give you invaluable experience/practice just until you get the hang of trading penny stocks. Avoid all tipsand rumours because you will eventually lose money if base your decision onthese things.

5. Deep Cleaning Homes

My friend tried this and it worked. If you live in an area whererental turnaround is high you could visit all the estate agents in your areaand offer a deep cleaning service. Normally agents pay anything between $500 to$1000 for a deep clean which you can do in a couple of days. If you can securea few contracts like these then you'll be well on your way to making$2000. You have to get your hands dirty but it's worth it because you can make a lot of money.

6. Recycling Other People's Cell Phones

Recycling cell phones or mobile phones is big business. Youwon’tmake afortune recycling your own phone but just imagine how much money you could make by recycling otherpeople'sphones. To get started create a marketingcampaign asking for old phones. To get people to give their own phone you couldgive a proportion of the profits to charity. Most people just throw away their phones. However, if they think they can help someone then its more thanlikely they'll give it away for recycling. If you can go door to door for oldphones you will be able to generate 2000 dollars very quickly. I know someonewho used this strategy and now he has his own mobile phone recycling business!it works, you just have to put in the hard work…

7. Take Part in Clinical Trials for more than 2000 Dollars

I love clinical trials because you're compensated for your time. You also get an overwhelming feeling of WELLBEING because you're helping humanityby creating new cutting-edge medicines. You can make anything between 2000 and 5000dollars when you take part in clinical trials depending on your level ofhealth. Healthy people as well as ill people can take part. You can find awhole list of clinical trials by going to the official government site. If youcan take part in 4 clinical trials a year you could make up to 20,000dollars.

8. Sell Items from Alibaba

China is the economic powerhouse of the world and you can get extremelycheap goods from wholesale sites such as Alibaba. To make 2000 dollars quicklydo some research to find items on eBay which have excess demand. You then needto find a supplier in China who can sell you these items. You can then list theitems on eBay and watch the revenue come in. The key to success here giving agreat service, maintaining good relationship with suppliers as well asresearching thoroughly on items which are likely to sell well.

9. Create a YouTube Channel to Earn 2000 Dollars

This idea is for creative people who love to presentthemselves and VLOG. To get started right now think of a subject you want to talk about. Youcan also pick a product or service area that you want to review. Make surethere is commercial value in these niches so you can be sure to make a profit.Create high quality HD videos and promote these videos using social media andmonetize using an advertising agency. If your video goes viral you couldpotentially make 2000 dollars with just one well placed highly creative video.There are YouTube channels which make over 100,000 dollars per month, so it ispossible to make 2000 dollars quickly.

10. Become a Designer to Generate 2000 Dollars Quickly

Designing is big business as more and more people are getting creative inthis world. If you're creative then learn a popular software design platform andoffer services on Fiverr, oDesk andeLance. You can charge anythingbetween 50 and 500 dollars for a design. If you can do a few of these designsper week you can easily generate 2000 dollars quickly. It really ispossible, but you have to graft at the beginning and build your technical skills.

Bonus: Invest in Cryptocurrencies!

Cryptocurrencies are now very popular. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the the market leaders and have high volatility. Learning how to trade these high volatility instruments with robust risk reward strategies can easily make your 2000 dollars per month. You can also invest in new coins. Sometimes coins like Shiba and Dogecoin can 1000x. You have to do your homework and learn about these coins and invest early. Fortunately, the internet provides all the research material you need to find the next 1000X coin.

I Need 2000 Dollars Right Now!

Making $2000 dollars fast can be done, let me say it again it canbe done. If you're willing to work hard, use your brains and are prepared tomove out of your comfort zone you can reach your target. If you're reallydetermined you will reach your goal. When you do you will feel liberatedbecause you know you've dug deep to do what you set out to do. Here are thesuggestions again.

1. Rent Your Home for $2000

2. Sell Shares in Assets You Have

3. Learn how to do high paying jobs

4. Penny Shares and Options Trading

5. Deep Cleaning Houses

Millionaires Giving Money (1)

If you need urgent financial assistance then you could try gettingfinancial help from the Government through the USA.Gov website. The Governmenthave mortgage assistance programs, debt management & debt consolidationprograms, financial help for self-employed and financial help for pensioners.

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Wednesday 12 February 2020

I Need Money Right Now - 10 Ways to Make Money Now!

I Need Money Right Now10 Options to Make Money Right Now

I Need Money Right Now is a frequently asked question on The Millionaires Giving Money Blog, I receive a handful of these emails everyday asking for money. I also get questions likeI Need Money Right Now for Free. I wanted to write this post to share 10 options to make money right now. If you are experiencing financial hardship and need money quickly or just want to beef up that emergency fund or take a nice holiday check out these 10 options which might inspire you to make more money. I've also shared some insights at the end of the post if you are experiencing financial hardship and just want to feel better about money and remove all money worries. Either way, I hope these ideas and insights can help answer the questionI Need Money Right Now!

Millionaires Giving Money (2)

I Need Money Right Now
10 Options to Make Money Right Now

Option1: Ask for a Pay Rise If You Need Money Right Now

OK, so you're making statements such asI Need Money Right Now, the quickest way you can raise money is to ask for a Pay Rise. Before you ask for a pay rise really put in the hours and make a real difference for the company you work for. Your aim is to make yourself indispensableso the company is desperate to keep you, take on more responsibility and really earn your buck. Once you've put in the hard hours you can ask your boss for a pay rise. Suppose your boss agrees you will have more money, if your boss refuses you can start looking for a better paid job, either way your income will increase eventually.

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Post 2: I Need a Personal Loan But Have Really Bad Credit

Option 2: Look For a Better Paid Job If You Need Money Right Now

IfI Need Money Right Now the second option I would explore is to find a better paid job even if I was given a recent pay rise. Suppose you are earning $20.000 dollars per year and your pay rise makes your salary elevate to $22,000 dollars per year, that's all great. But Imagine you can find a job that pays $32,000 dollars per year, you've instantly increased your monthly income by $1000 dollars per month which is amazing. Start brushing your CV up and take on more responsibilities and qualifications to make yourself a superior candidate in your field. If you can pull this off your personal finances will thrive and you will feel much better about money.

Option 3: Take on a Second Job If You Need Money Right Now

When you make statements such asI Need Money Right Now you have got to be prepared to work hard, this might involve taking on a second job on the weekends and evenings. There are so many second jobs you can take on such as tutoring, hospitality, cleaning, etc. The key is to keep yourself really fit and healthy so you can sustain a second job, the other key is to save every penny you earn from your second job so that you can save money and improve your personal finances so you feel better about money and worry less.

Option 4: Take on an Under The Table Job If You Need Money Right Now

WhenI Need Money Right Now I always think about under the table jobs, these are jobs that pay cash near you and there are no formal contracts and nothing is declared to the authorities. There are so many under the table jobs near you, these include decorating, cleaning, gardening, mowing lawns, jobs. The more skills you have the more money you can charge for these under the table jobs. I know people who earn thousands of dollars just from these under the table jobs, this is several times their salaries! Get excited and make a start, ,make a list of all the under the table jobs you can do and then start advertising your service, if you are good people will come to you.

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Post 4: I Need 5000 Dollars Right Now Please Help

Option 5: Sell All Your Clutter If You Need Money Right Now

WhenI Need Money Right Now I start selling all the junk I bought and never really used. You can do the same by having an incredible clear out. Remember, one persons junk is another persons treasure. Start by making a comprehensive list of all the items you don't need, try and aim for a clear out worth 1000 dollars, trust me, if everyone sells the clutter they don't need they can definitely raise 1000 dollars and fast. Once you've made your list you can start selling on eBay, if you've priced everything properly you will sell items and make money.

Option 6: Ask Your Parents If You Need Money Right Now

IfI Need Money Right Now right now and I'm desperate and have nowhere to turn to I have no option but to ask my parents. I know it's awkward, however, if you're desperate you need to take drastic action. What I noticed is when you ask your parents for a loan in a professional manner they are more likely to agree to the terms. So do the following, make a professional loan agreement contract and then set the terms which includes the loan amount and the repayment dates, sign the document and have a security just to sweeten the deal, you could also have a bonus payment. As ever, don't take liberties with your parents, pay them back on time or next time they will tell you to go where the sun don't shine.

Option 7: Ask Your Friends if You Need Money Right Now

Another option, similar to asking your parents is to ask friends for financial assistance. Again like before don't just blurt ourI Need Money Right Now, instead make the request professional. Like before, draft a professional agreement, have the loan amount, repayment dates and standing order set up. Also have a bonus payment and security so it makes the deal secure where there is no loss for your friends. Every time you do this you will have a better chance of getting money from your friends, just make sure you have enough to pay them back.

Option 8: Take Out a Loan if You Need Money Right Now

Option 8 is going to your local bank, I've left this option near the end of the list because paying interest will make you poorer so leave this as a last resort. Before you apply for payday loans ask your bank manager to loan you money. Suppose you have bad credit go to a bank where you have a good standing credit relationship with. Explain to your bank manager the reason for your bad credit, if you can demonstrate this was a one off it is quite likely that you'll be approved for the loan. Getting a loan from the bank is much better than getting a pay day loan because you'll pay less in interest and interest as we all know makes you poorer.

Option 9: Take Out a Pay Day Loan If you Need Money Right Now

WhenI Need Money Right Now and I'm desperate and have nowhere to turn to and I've explored all the other 8 options only then will I consider taking out a payday loan because they're so damn expensive. Payday loans provide a good bridge when you can't make ends meet, but, if you make a habit of taking out payday loans you will start to lose control of your finances and get poorer. As ever, when you take out a payday loan find the cheapest one, consider car title loans and pawn shop loans to to make sure you're paying the least amount in interest as possible.

Option 10: Increase Your Financial Intelligence

Making statements like 'I Need Money Right Now' all the time should indicate that you need to get a handle on your money. What you need to do is increase your financial intelligence. The more you know about the ins and outs of personal finance the better you will get with money. Read gems such as Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Millionaire Next Door, Automatic Millionaire and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. All these books will get you in the mood to get better with money. I really hope these 10 Options for 'I Need Money Right Now' will inspire you to make more money now!

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Monday 7 November 2016

I Need 4000 Dollars Now - I Will Do Anything I'm Desperate Please Help

Reader Question: I need 4000 dollars right now, I do notwant to get into the reasons of why I need the money but I just want to know if itis really possible. I’m desperate to raise the money as fast as possible and amprepared to do absolutely anything which is within the law and legitimate. Ineed 4000 dollars right now so the faster I can get the money the better.

I receive emails like this on a regular basis and alwaystry my best to offer legitimate ideas to help people make money. Making 4000dollars quickly requires a lot of energy and you will be thrown out of yourcomfort zone. The good news is it can be done and there are many strategiesthat smart people use to raise money fast. With patience and perseverance youcan raise 4000 dollars now. I have some other popular posts that you might want to check out if you need money quickly. Remember it is possible!

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Need 4000 Dollars Now

Millionaires Giving Money (3)If I needed 4000 dollars right now I would ask richpeople for help. Many readers of Millionaires Giving Money regularly ask richpeople for help and get something in return. If you have a legitimate hardshipor financial need you should be contacting millionaires, billionaires,celebrities and philanthropists for help.

1: Ask Millionaires for Help

You can turn to local millionaires for help. Find out allthe prominent millionaires in your area and then contact them to see if theyhave any money which they want to donate to a worthy cause. When you have alegitimate hardship or need these wealthy people are willing to help. Make sureyou explain that you want a donation and not credit or loans. Do not misleadthese rich people and keep everything legitimate.

2: Ask Celebrities for Help

Celebrities such as Ellen and Oprah are always helping peoplein need. They have a specific section of their show devoted to helping peoplein need. You can contact Oprah and Ellen through their sites contact form.Oprah and Ellen regularly invite individuals and families who are experiencinghardship and then help them with financial assistance. Go to the Oprah andEllen website now and check for any opportunities to get on the show. Manypeople ask celebrities for help and do receive some sort of assistance. Oprahand Ellen have given away homes, vehicles, and education scholarships to helppeople in need.

3: Ask Philanthropists for Help

You can find a list of philanthropists in site. This site lists more than 100 philanthropists who areprepared to give away half of their wealth to charity. Some of the philanthropistsinclude Bill Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates haspledged to give away half of his wealth which is an astonishing $30 billion tohelp people in need. Warren Buffett has also pledged to give away 97% of hiswealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which amounts to $69 billion.You can get access to this money by finding all the programs and grant opportunitiesavailable for people in the USA.

I Need 4000 Dollars – Donate Body to Medical Science

Millionaires Giving Money (4)

After thinking hard about what else I would do if I need4000 dollars now I started to think about clinical trials. I remembered readingan article on the web where a blogger managed to create a substantial passive incomestream just by donating plasma, eggs and taking part in clinical trials. It ispossible to apply for clinical trials and take part and receive anything between$500 and $10,000 as compensation.

4: Donate Plasma

Donating plasma is one of the easiest ways to generateincome. Get your body is a healthy state and then find all the blood banks inyour area that offer compensation for your effort. You can expect anythingbetween $30 and $100 for your blood depending on the type. If you have a rareblood type like AB then the chances are you could be compensated handsomely.Find a few clinics and then donate on a regular basis. While you might now beable to make $4000 quickly by donating plasma it will make a contribution towardsyour grand total.

5: Donate Eggs

Donating eggs is one sure way of raising money fast. Eggdonations do require time however some clinics are prepared to offer an advanceso long as you are healthy and have no issues with regards to your menstrual cycle.If you do have a healthy body then you could receive cash of up to $4000 tostart with and then once the process is completed could get another $6000. Eggdonation is in demand and it certainly worth considering if you’re after a bigpay day.

6: Clinical Trials

Taking part in legitimate clinical trials can generateincome on a regular basis. You can find all these clinical trials on clinicaltrials.Gov.If I needed 4000 dollars quickly I would find all the trails I am eligible forwhich have a high payout. High payout clinical trials take a number of monthsto complete however some hospitals and medical research clinics are prepared tooffer cash advances if your services are desperately required.

Where Can I Borrow 4000 Dollars?

Millionaires Giving Money (5)Borrowing money is never on the top of my lists howeverif you’re desperate for money it might be the quickest option. You should considertaking out interest free loans, then low interest loans and only considerpayday loans and installment loans as a last resort. Knowing how to get $4000dollars by borrowing interest free makes sense because you will repay only whatyou borrow.

7: Interest Free Loans

Credit cards offer cash advances with interest freeperiods. If you need $4000 right now consider checking what offers areavailable. At the time of writing this post you could borrow $4000 interestfree for more than 18 months from Capital One. If you have a decent credithistory and credit score you could apply for these cards and take advantage ofthe interest free period. You can also ask friends and families for interestfree loans. Offer a security if you fail to make the repayments and make theproposal professional by offering contracts binding the loan agreement.

8: Payday Loans

You will need to get several payday loans to borrowmoney. If I need 4000 dollars now I would have to take out several payday loansbecause these financial instruments are designed for short term low amountborrowing. The maximum you can get is $1000 which would make a contribution towardsthe grand total. The APR on payday loans are extortionate so be careful andonly borrow after you know how much you need to repay. If the amount is affordableyou can borrow the money.

How to Get 4000 Dollars

Millionaires Giving Money (6)Knowing how to get 4000 dollars is not easy. There are anumber of high risk strategies that you could use however the chances ofsuccess are low. Quick money always involves risks and it’s rare to make moneyonline now for free. Some of the ways to make to make money on the internetfast and legally include writing for revenue sharing websites, blogging and affiliateselling.

9: Revenue Sharing Websites

If I needed 4000 dollars right now my spare time would beallocated towards writing high quality articles for revenue sharing sites suchas, and These sites share anything between50% and 99% of the revenue generated depending upon your activity. There aremany prominent writers and reviewers who are making over $4000 per month justwriting online

10: Blogging for Money

If you’ve got a passion and have a voice then let youropinions be known. Blogging is a great way to make money. Once you’ve built areadership you can start to recommend products and services which you reallybelieve in. Top bloggers such as Pat Flynn dreamed to make $4000 at thebeginning; they are now making more than $80,000 per month blogging aboutsomething they are passionate about.

Where Can I Get 4000 Dollars?

There are plenty ofways to get 4000 dollars and depends on your appetite, tolerance to risk andability to step out of your comfort zone and step into unfamiliar territory.Most of the ideas listed allow you to make the money from home. Some of theideas will allow you to generate money fast online for free. All these unusual moneymaking ideas are generally fast and legal. Take action today and try out someof these ideas and see how far you can go. Feel free to leave a comment belowand feel free to share the content with anyone who will find it useful. GoodLuck

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Wednesday 21 September 2016

I Need to Make Money Now - 23 Websites to Help You Make Money

I Need to Make Money Now

I'm always receiving emails from my readers asking mequestions such as I need to make money now what can I do? and how can I makefast cash now? The reality is you can make a significant income on the side butyou have to be prepared to put in the effort. You won’t be able to make thousandsof dollars from home however it can be done eventually. Building a passiveincome stream takes time and patience. If you’re prepared to put in the hoursyou could start creating income now and continue whenever you need to makemoney.

The money making suggestions listed below are alllegitimate ways to make money. Some methods are quick money and some methodsare unusual ways of making cash. None of these methods involve taking out aloan or applying for financial products which require countless credit checks.These methods are legitimate ways of boosting your income.

Give Yourself a Pay Rise

Everyone can increase their income by 20 to 30% by makingsimple chances. Whatever you’re spending now try to find a similar productwhich costs 50% less. This includes clothes, food, mortgages, loans, credit cards,car payments and all other expense you have. Whenever I need to make more moneyI find a monthly expense which I can remove or find cheaper. Businesses arealways fighting for our custom and offering discounts. It is our responsibilityas consumers to find the best deal so that we can lower our expenses.

Millionaires Giving Money (7)

1: - Excellent post from Budgets are Sexy outlining 9 budgets to download from personal finance bloggers. You can download the income and expenses form and start populating the form so you can see exactly where you can save money.

2: Reduce Expenses Increase Income- Interesting article from The Money Principal which shows how to reduce expense or increase income to improve your personal finances.

3: Forty Ways to Reduce Monthly Expenses- Excellent post from Trent Hamm of the Simple Dollar offering 40 ways to reduce monthly expenses.

Get Paid to Spend Money

Millionaires Giving Money (8)Every time I spend money I try to make money. You can usecash back credit cards and cash back sites fast and legally every time you shop.Suppose you spend $20,000 in a year you could get an average of 3% cash back onall items which means that you could earn up to $600 for free. I have listedall the best cash back sites and cash back credit cards so you can get startedASAP. The key is to replace all your cash transaction and debit cardtransactions with credit cards which offer cash back. Once you’ve made the switchyou can use cash back sites to boost the free money.

4:Swagbucks- Get cash back for just spending

5:MyPoints- Cash back on household products

6:Ebates- Online cash back for virtually anything

Need to Make Money by Stoozing

Millionaires Giving Money (9)Credit card stoozing is fun! You work to increase yourcredit score and then apply for credit cards which offer 0 percent credit for aset period of time. At the time of writing this monumental post there were offersof 24 month interest free cash on purchases and transfers. There are twomethods you can use for stoozing. You can either transfer the money to yourcurrent account with a charge then put the money in a savings account whichexceeds the charge. Suppose the charge is 1% for the transfer to your checkingaccount you must find a savings rate which exceeds 1% to generate the freemoney.

The second way is to use your interest free credit cardto make all your purchases and then save all of your income in a high interestsavings account. By the time you’ve exhausted your credit limit you should havea substantial amount of savings earning a high interest. Once the zero percentperiod is over you can pay off the debt using the savings and have some freemoney left over in terms of interest. Here are some great cards to startstoozing along with some great guides.

7:Citi Simplicity Card 0% for 24 Months- Transfer to high profit bank account

10:Stoozing Forum - Find the latest credit cards offering zero percent interest

I Need to Make More Money Now

I always write online whenever I want to make more moneynow. Writing online is a great way to generate residual income. If you need tomake money now I strongly recommend this way of making money. Revenue sharing sitesshare advertising revenue with content producers. If you can write a wellresearched article which is beautiful and helpful you could make a lot ofmoney. If you can invest some time into learning search engine optimisation andkeyword research you can make money online for free and from home. This passiveincome is completely legitimate and uses services such as Google Adsense tobring advertisers and content producers together. Some of the greatest onlineincome earners are earning over $100,000 per month just writing great contenton their blog. Here are some revenue sharing sites to get you started.

11:Infobarrel- Write online about subjects which interest you and receive up to 90% of the revenue depending on how active you are. There are writers on Infobarrel who have earned up to $2800 per month in passive income.

12:Seekyt- You can earn up to 99% of the advertising revenue by writing creative in depth articles on subjects which interest you. If you include keyword research and search engine optimisation into your strategy you could make up to $1000 per month.

13: Hubpages- You can generate advertising revenue from Google, Amazon and other affiliate programs. There are contributors who have made more than $12,000 per month writing quality in depth articles to help other people and to make the internet a better place.

14:Xomba- Xomba offers 60%. The site has been penalized by Google for writing low quality spammy posts but has been improving lately. Update: As of 2015 Xomba has taken down its website.

I Need to Make Money Selling Items

Whenever I need to make money I turn to selling itemsonline. I sell all my old stuff on sites such as eBay and andalways buy used so I can keep my expenses low. On occasions I buy items onlineand then sell them on for a profit by adding value to the item. You can alsosell photography, arts and crafts online. If you need to make money now and you’recreative start selling stuff by writing creative advertisem*nts on eBay. Thenstart buying and selling stuff by adding value. Use free listing days to sellitems for free. Here is a list of resources to get you started.

15:Become Power Seller in 90 Days or Less- Excellent eBay post from seller explaining how to sell high volume products on eBay

16:10 Tips to Make Money on Etsy- Excellent tips from HandMadeology explaining how to generate passive income from arts and crafts

Help Need Cash Now

When I was unemployed and broke years ago I turned to thegovernment and they helped me until I got myself back on my feet. If you’vepaid all your taxes don’t be afraid to ask the government for help if you needcash/money now. If you’re unemployed through no fault of your own then youcould get anything between $300 and $450 per week on unemployment benefitsdepending on which state you reside in. You could also be eligible for Food Stampsthrough the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. You could also beeligible for mortgage assistance, rental assistance through the US Housing andUrban Development. Finally you could be eligible for energy assistance throughthe Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Here are all the linksto get you started.

17:Unemployment Benefits For US Citizens - Weekly income for unemployed people who have lost their job through no fault of their own.

18:Mortgage Assistance - Assistance for home owners who are struggling to make payments. You can restructure or refinance at cheaper rates.

19:Rental Assistance - Help with high rents. You can either rent from subsidised landlords or use section 11 vouchers to get partial help with your rent.

20:Food Stamps - Get help from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for groceries and foods.

21:Energy Assistance - Stay warm in winter and cool in summer with help towards energy bills.

Become a Freelance Expert

More and more people are turning to the internet to freelance their skills and expertise. Sites like oDesk and eLance have merged to create Up Work which is a digital platform offering all kinds of freelance services. If you're an expert in a particular field you could advertise your services here and wait for people to hire your expertise on an hourly basis. You could also join sites who welcome people who are experienced in IT, Law, Electronics, and Plumbing. If you can offer a professional service on either of these sites you could make a lot of money.

22: Up Work - Offer your expertise as a freelance expert

23: Just Answers - Get paid to answer questions at an expert level

I Need to Make Money Now

There are so many ways to boost your income and I will beadding more posts as I find more ways to make money online and offline. Every timeI needed to make money I used the money making ideas listed above and itworked. These might be unusual ways to generate extra income but they arecompletely legitimate. These money making ideas will help you earn money fastand legally. Making residual or passive income online/offline requires time andpatience. Do everything properly and always strive to add value and quality.When you switch your thinking from making money to helping people your incomewill start to rise significantly.

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Millionaires Giving Money (2024)


Are there millionaires who give away money? ›

There are several millionaires who are known for their philanthropy and generosity in giving away money for free . One notable example is Warren Buffett , the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway , who has pledged to give away 99 % of his wealth to charitable causes .

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Mackenzie Scott, one of the world's richest women, has given away $14 billion, nearly half her fortune, in just 3 years. Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott's quest to give the bulk of her wealth to charity continues. MacKenzie Scott's quest to give the bulk of her wealth to charity continues.

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Millionaires prioritize avoiding consumer debt, making wise financial decisions, and aligning spending with long-term goals.

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If you aren't sure exactly how to get help, crowdfunding is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reach a lot of people at once and share your needs. By starting an online fundraiser, you can give people who care about you the opportunity to lend a hand and make a real difference in your life.

What billionaire gives everything away? ›

After piling up billions in business, he pledged to donate almost all of his money to causes before he died. He succeeded, and then lived a more modest life.

Which billionaire gives the most to charity? ›

Michael Bloomberg Tops the List of America's Biggest Donors in 2023. The 50 donors gave a median of $100 million and a total of $11.9 billion.

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GoFundMe remains a very much perceived crowdfunding stronghold, giving the needy free money for individual causes, crises, clinical costs, instructive pursuits, and more. Given its ubiquity, it fills in as a perfect field for those looking for monetary help, with princely patrons promptly supporting different missions.

Who's giving away money? ›

Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates have a lifetime giving of $42.5 billion, with a giving focus on health and poverty alleviation.

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A philanthropist is a person who donates time, money, experience, skills or talent to help create a better world. Anyone can be a philanthropist, regardless of status or net worth.

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Average donation amounts for affluent households are as follows: $25.5K in 2015, $29.3K in 2017, $43.2K in 2019 and $35.0K in 2021. Average donation amounts for general households are as follows: $2.5K in 2014, $2.8K in 2016 and $2.6K in 2018.

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They are ordinary people who build extraordinary wealth, often funding non-profits with enormous gifts. Secret millionaires fit few if any of the cultural stereotypes of “the wealthy.” They are secretaries, teachers, janitors and librarians.

What is the website where rich people give away money? ›

GoFundMe remains a very much perceived crowdfunding stronghold, giving the needy free money for individual causes, crises, clinical costs, instructive pursuits, and more. Given its ubiquity, it fills in as a perfect field for those looking for monetary help, with princely patrons promptly supporting different missions.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.