Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (2024)

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (1)

Decentralized finance (defi) has set a trend during the latter half of 2020 and into this year, as statistics show $168 billion is locked in defi across various blockchains. The Bitcoin Cash network now has the Smartbch protocol and in recent times, a decentralized exchange (dex) platform has joined the defi fray. The newly launched Smartbch dex platform gives users the ability to earn via liquidity pools, and swap tokens in a noncustodial fashion.

Bitcoin Cash Supporters Flock to for 1,000% APY and Decentralized Trading

Five months ago, the BCH community anticipated the benefits of a project that combines the forces of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with the Ethereum (ETH) network. The project is called Smartbch, a smart chain that maximizes the throughput of EVM and Web3 on a sidechain of Bitcoin Cash.

Smartbch has matured quite a bit since News reported on the project successfully launching three nodes. Now BCH community members have been leveraging a dex trading platform called, a clone of the dex

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (2)

Basically, the ability to earn yields and swap tokens in a noncustodial manner is now possible using bitcoin cash (BCH), the Smartbch sidechain, the SEP20 token protocol, and The dex operates similarly to swapping platforms like Uniswap, Pancakeswap, and Sushiswap. In order to leverage you will need a wallet like Metamask to interact with the Smartbch network and connect with

A Comprehensive Guide for Smartbch Newbies, Leveraging the Coinflex Bridge and the ‘Green Ben’ Token

In order to get started, there are a few prerequisites, which are explained in comprehensive detail in a guide posted to the blogging site The Smartbch for newbies walkthrough written by “Moregainstrategies” shows the reader how to configure Metamask to work with the Smartbch network.

Furthermore, the blog post explains that for the time being, the only bridge to access sBCH is via the trading platform Coinflex. Because sBCH is required, anyone looking to test the network’s capabilities must swap bitcoin cash (BCH) for sBCH. The only cost a person will pay when swapping BCH over to the SEP20 token sBCH will be BCH network fees.

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (3)

Coinflex only requires an email address to register, however, a person can also simply use Metamask and avoid registration. After the account is registered or tethered to a Metamask wallet, the user needs to deposit bitcoin cash (BCH) into the Coinflex wallet. After the funds have been confirmed, the user can withdraw but instead, they need to withdraw sBCH using the SEP20 standard.

The Metamask wallet address is the address needed to send the sBCH to, and after a small wait, the sBCH should arrive in the wallet. From here, can be used to either swap Smartbch tokens or join a yield farm in order to gather passive income from their liquidity tokens. For instance, on the platform there is a section where swaps can happen for Smartbch tokens like “$cats,” “arg,” “green ben,” “honk,” and more. The token green ben (EBEN) is the native token for and is also leveraged for governance decisions.

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (4)

At the time of writing, a single green ben (EBEN) is trading for $2.4826019 per EBEN and there is a circulating supply of 5,723,529 EBEN today. The price per EBEN and the number of tokens in circulation give the coin a market cap of around $14.2 million. In addition to being able to swap tokens in a noncustodial fashion, users can stake LP tokens to earn EBEN via liquidity pools.

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (5)

Current Smartcash Farms Show Yields Between 200% and 1,000%+ APY

The current annualized percentage yields (APY) for liquidity pools are quite high. For instance, the EBEN-BCH liquidity pool at the time of writing gives a user 1,070% paid in EBEN, minus fees. There’s also the $CATS-BCH and $CATS-EBEN liquidity pools which have current APYs between 210% and 290%. It should be noted that APYs hosted on can fluctuate like the myriad other dex applications that offer liquidity pools.

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (6)

It should also be noted that is a clone of the BSC dex, which is in the midst of being audited by Certik Security. This means the audit is not yet complete; all dex applications come with risks, and users should leverage due diligence and make sure their wallet’s network settings and token contracts are not malicious or falsified. Audited or not, traders should never invest more than they are willing to lose on any dex application.

Bitcoin cash fans have been discussing the dex regularly on the forum r/btc and on Twitter. The r/btc Reddit forum has a number of posts that discuss how works and that it’s the first dex to build on top of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network.

What do you think about the Smartbch project and the dex? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps (2024)


Is Bitcoin Cash BCH a good investment? ›

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Prediction For

As with any other cryptocurrency, it is hard to say whether Bitcoin Cash will be a good investment or not. Yet, its high market cap and solid technical foundation, as well as great potential usability, can help to keep its price afloat if the market crashes.

When was BCH launched? ›

The fork that created Bitcoin Cash took effect on 1 August 2017. In relation to Bitcoin it is characterized variously as a spin-off, a strand, a product of a hard fork, an offshoot, a clone, a second version or an altcoin.

What is the history of BCH? ›

Bitcoin Cash was created as an alternative for users who opposed the addition of SegWit2x technology to Bitcoin in July 2017. To address concerns over scalability and staying close to Satoshi's original vision of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash utilizes an increased block size with an adjustable level of difficulty.

What is BCH used for? ›

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) provides cheaper, faster transactions, attracting budget-conscious investors. BCH emphasizes peer-to-peer cash transactions, contrasting Bitcoin's store of value focus. Challenges include adoption lag, centralization worries, and lack of distinctiveness, hampering BCH's investment appeal.

Will BCH reach $1,000? ›

As a comparatively cheaper alternative, known for massive moves due to its lower market cap, the altcoin could hit $1000. Therefore, the BCH price prediction suggests a bull run in April 2024.

What are the disadvantages of BCH? ›

Disadvantages of BCH
  • Relatively low acceptance and use compared to Bitcoin.
  • Higher transaction fees than some other cryptocurrencies.
  • Limited availability of developers and resources.
  • Risk of double spending on BCH transactions if not properly handled.
  • Volatility due to limited liquidity.

Why BCH is better than BTC? ›

Bitcoin Cash has cheaper transfer fees (around $0.20 per transaction), so making transactions in BCH will save you more money than using BTC. A BTC transaction can cost around $1 USD per transaction, although it previously went up to around $25 per transaction! BCH has faster transfer times.

Who owns BCH? ›

Nobody controls or owns Bitcoin Cash. There's no CEO, and you don't need to ask for permission to use it. Pseudonymous. Identities are not tied to transactions.

What blockchain does BCH use? ›

It's a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain, meaning the network “split” in two at a certain block as decided on by various miners and developers within the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin Cash uses an increased block size with an adjustable level of difficulty to ensure fast transactions as its user base scales.

How to sell BCH for cash? ›

How to sell Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?
  1. Enter the amount of BCH that you wish to sell.
  2. Input the bank or card details where you'd like to receive your funds.
  3. Confirm the information to create your sell order.
  4. Send the exact amount of Bitcoin Cash to the provided wallet address.

Who invented BCH? ›

Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by the creator or creators of Bitcoin. The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is not publicly known.

Is BCH faster than BTC? ›

Bitcoin Cash has a transaction block size of 32MB, allowing for over 100 transactions per second, while Bitcoin can only process seven transactions per second. Bitcoin has become known more as a store-of-value investment, with its three-year ROI far outperforming that of Bitcoin Cash during the 2021 bull run.

Is BCH traceable? ›

Yes, bitcoin transactions are traceable. Every transaction made on the Bitcoin network is recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain.

What happens if you send BCH to a BTC wallet? ›

If you do this, the funds will only exist on the BCH blockchain; they won't appear on the BTC blockchain. If you have the same backup phrase for both your BCH and BTC wallets, then the sent BCH will automatically show up in your BCH sub-wallet, so you don't need to recover it.

Why does BCH take so long? ›

The time it takes for a transaction to be confirmed depends on several factors, including the network congestion, the transaction fee, and the size of the transaction. If the network is congested, it may take longer for transactions to be confirmed.

Does BCH have a future? ›

Additionally, Bitcoin Cash's price is forecasted to gain 20.75% in the next six months and reach $ 566.82 on Oct 30, 2024. Finally, Bitcoin Cash is expected to trade at $ 534.55 on May 3, 2025, following a 13.87% value decrease in one year.

Can BCH overtake BTC? ›

Will Bitcoin Cash overtake Bitcoin in the future? No, Bitcoin Cash probably won't overtake Bitcoin in the future, at least in the next few years. As BTC is the oldest and most well-known cryptocurrency on the market, its price is unreachable for any other crypto at the moment.

What is the price prediction for Bchg 2025? ›

Long-term Grayscale Bitcoin Cash Trust price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
YearYearly LowYearly High
2025$ 10.69$ 50.51
2026$ 8.92$ 28.38
2027$ 9.78$ 20.02
2028$ 14.43$ 34.05
2 more rows

Is BCH a stable coin? ›

With BCH, you can: Enjoy lower fees and faster, cheaper transactions. Store value in a stablecoin with a high return on investment.

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