Major currency pairs (2024)

What are the major forex pairs?

Opinions differ slightly over a definitive list of major currencies, but most will include the traditional ‘four majors’ – EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and USD/CHF – as well as the three most-traded ‘commodity currencies’ against the US dollar, which are AUD/USD, USD/CAD and NZD/USD.

While many lists only include these seven majors, some traders would also include key currency pairings which don’t feature the US dollar at all – otherwise known as ‘cross currencies’ – in their list of major currencies. Some of the most traded of these are the GBP/EUR, EUR/CHF and EUR/JPY.

The table below gives more details about the majors, as well as their nicknames on the market.

List of major currency pairs

Currencies in the pairNickname
EUR/USDEuro and US dollarFiber
USD/JPYUS dollar and Japanese yenGopher
GBP/USDBritish pound and US dollarCable
USD/CHFUS dollar and Swiss francSwissie
AUD/USDAustralian dollar and US dollarAussie
USD/CADUS dollar and Canadian dollarLoonie
NZD/USDUS dollar and Canadian dollarKiwi
GBP/EURBritish pound and euroChunnel
EUR/CHFEuro and Swiss francEuro-swissie
EUR/JPYEuro and Japanese yenYuppy

The four traditional majors

Below is a profile on each of the four traditional major currencies, as well as what affects their price movements. It's worth mentioning that the most popular currency pairs in terms of trading volume are not always considered majors. As an example, AUD/USD is currently the fourth most traded currency pair in the world, but it's not counted among the four traditional majors.1

The four traditional majors are:

  1. EUR/USD
  2. USD/JPY
  3. GBP/USD
  4. USD/CHF

Trading EUR/USD

EUR/USD is the most traded forex pair in the world. It holds the euro as the base currency and the US dollar as the quote currency, so the price represents how many dollars you would need to spend in order to buy one euro. For example, if the price quoted for EUR/USD was 1.2500, you would have to spend $1.25 in order to buy €1.

The popularity of EUR/USD as a currency pair means that it is highly liquid and that brokers often offer tight spreads. Equally, it tends to be less volatile than other currency pairs because the US dollar and the euro are backed by the world’s two largest economies.

Major currency pairs (1)

Source: IG Charts

But, this does not mean that there is no volatility in this pair – and there is still an opportunity for traders to realise a profit. This was particularly true with the uncertainty surrounding Brexit. It was also true the 2020 US-China trade war affected the value of the euro and the US dollar respectively. The above price chart highlights the fact that a degree of daily volatility can be found in even relatively stable currency pairs.

Trading USD/JPY

The first thing that many traders will notice about USD/JPY is that the value of a single pip is much larger than that of the majority of other currencies – often only being quoted to two decimal places. This is the case for any currency pair in which the yen appears as the quote currency, and it occurs because of the relatively low value of the yen against the dollar.

The yen’s low value relative to the dollar is due in part to the quantitative easing and low interest rate policies of the Bank of Japan. The low interest rates are an attempt by the Bank of Japan (BoJ) to combat low inflation and slow growth, which has resulted in near-zero or even negative interest rates in Japan at many points in the last 20 years.

Major currency pairs (2)

The yen is often used as one half of a carry trade, which is where a trader borrows money in a country that has low interest rates and invests in a country that has higher ones. Additionally, the yen is widely recognised as a ‘safe haven’, which can see it rise in times of economic uncertainty. This also leads the value of the USD/JPY pair to be correlated with the USD/CHF pair – because CHF is also seen as a lower risk currency, which is explained in section four.

Trading GBP/USD

GBP/USD has the pound as the base currency and the US dollar as the quote currency, meaning it shows how many dollars you'd need to spend to buy one pound. GBP/USD is colloquially called ‘cable’ on account of the deep-sea cables that used to transfer price information between London and New York.

Generally speaking, 14:00 (UK time) is when liquidity is most concentrated in this pair, due in part to the fact that this is the time which sees the most overlap in activity for traders in both London and New York.

Learn more about stock market trading hours around the world

Trading USD/CHF

The presence of the Swiss franc among the top four currencies can look a little odd at first glance. After all, Switzerland isn’t a major global economy – unlike America, Europe, Japan or the UK.

But – similar to the yen – the Swiss franc owes much of its popularity status to a relatively stable currency. This has made the franc a popular currency in times of economic uncertainty or market turmoil, as traders seek markets that are perceived as less volatile – similar to the USD/JPY pair.

Switzerland’s long-held reputation for financial stability, safety and neutrality ensures that its reputation is all but solidified. Equally, when market volatility is low, the Swiss franc will usually tend to follow the market movements of the euro, due to the close economic relationship that Switzerland has with the eurozone.

    Commodity currencies

    Commodity currencies are individual currencies or forex pairs in which the price is determined largely by the value of a certain commodity on which that currency’s economy is heavily dependent.

    The three commodity currencies that most traders will include on a list of the ‘majors’ are:

    1. AUD/USD
    2. USD/CAD
    3. NZD/USD

    Trading AUD/USD

    If you want to start trading AUD/USD, it is important to keep an eye on the value of coal and iron ore on the commodities market, as well as the value of other metals such as copper. This is because any fluctuation in the value of these commodities will likely cause a reciprocal fluctuation in the value of the Australian dollar relative to the US dollar.

    As with other commodity currencies, the value of the US dollar greatly affects the pricing of the AUD/USD pair. This is because a stronger US dollar often means that Australian exports will be cheaper, which can reduce the value of the Australian dollar.

    Trading USD/CAD

    The value of the Canadian dollar is largely tied to the price of oil because the commodity is Canada’s main export. As a result, if the price of oil changes – perhaps because of a change in the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production quotas – then the price of the Canadian dollar will likely be affected.

    For example, if the supply of oil was increased by OPEC, oil’s price would likely fall which, in turn, would bring down the value of the Canadian dollar. Similarly, since oil is priced in US dollars, any fall in the value of oil will likely see a reciprocal strengthening of the US dollar.

    Just like with the AUD/USD pair, this means that Canadian oil exporters will receive less money for their oil.

    Learn more about how OPEC influences oil prices

    Trading NZD/USD

    The final commodity currency which appears on most major currency lists is the NZD/USD pair. This is the New Zealand dollar against the US dollar – otherwise known as the ‘kiwi’. Agriculture – as well as international trade and tourism – is key to the New Zealand economy, so the price movements of soft commodities will often play out on NZD/USD.

    As with all currency pairs, the role of each country’s central bank shouldn’t be underestimated. In this case, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand sets interest rates that can have a major impact on NZD/USD, especially when they don’t line up with what the US Federal Reserve (Fed) is doing.

    As a result, traders should keep themselves informed on the different monetary policies of both central banks before opening a position on the NZD/USD pair.

    Cross currencies

    Cross currency pairs are those which don’t contain the US dollar. Some traders won’t include these pairs in a collection of major currencies. But, for this article we will briefly explore some of the cross currencies which are sometimes included as majors.

    Examples of highly-traded cross currency pairs include:

    1. GBP/EUR
    2. EUR/CHF
    3. EUR/JPY

    These three are the cross currency pairs with the most liquidity because they all contain a different combination of the traditional majors.

    Trading GBP/EUR

    GBP/EUR is a key currency pair that explores the relationship between the British pound and the euro. GBP/EUR experienced significant volatility and has been especially volatile ever since the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU) on 23 June 2016. The pair also displayed notable movements during 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic all but shut down national economies across the UK and Europe.

    The nickname for this pair is ‘chunnel’, representing the connection between Britain and Europe via the Channel Tunnel which runs from Dover to Calais.

    Major currency pairs (3)

    Trading EUR/CHF

    Similar to GBP/EUR or USD/CAD, EUR/CHF sees two closely-tied economies pitted against each other – the Swiss economy against and the eurozone. Like other CHF pairs in this article, EUR/CHF can be seen as a relatively stable pair due to Switzerland’s safe haven status.

    An example of the franc’s stability in relation to the euro can be seen during the European debt crisis of 2008 – after which the franc strengthened as investors turned to it as a safeguard for their capital.

    For four years after 2011, the value of the franc was pegged to the euro by the Swiss National Bank. Contemporarily, the franc operates under a floating exchange rate – but this has not affected its reputation as one of the most stable currencies on the market.

    Major currency pairs (4)

    Trading EUR/JPY

    As the world’s second biggest currency, the euro is another key pairing with the Japanese yen. It is heavily influenced by the volume of JPY carry trades, as well as market sentiment.

    Major currency pairs (5)

    Liquidity in the EUR/JPY pair is often concentrated between 8:00 and 15:00 (UK time). EUR/JPY is not as volatile as some of the other pairs on this list, but it still offers ample opportunities for traders.

    What affects the price of forex pairs?

    There are a number of factors that affect the price movements of every forex pair. These include interest rates, geopolitical instability, the strength of their country’s economy and the level of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the domestic market.

    Interest rates are controlled by the monetary policy of that currency’s respective central bank. For example, if the US Federal Reserve (Fed) raises interest rates it will usually cause the US dollar to strengthen against the euro, causing the price of EUR/USD to drop.

    This is because investors will tend to favour countries with higher interest rates than those with lower interest rates when they are deciding where to store their money. Essentially, an investor will receive a higher return for their initial capital in an environment with higher interest rates.

    Geopolitical instability could mean that investors and traders lose confidence in a country’s ability to govern or expect that there will be difficult times ahead for the economy. This might mean that the currency stagnates or becomes too volatile to trade.

    Trading a volatile market all depends on an individual trader’s appetite for risk, with some traders preferring markets with frequent movements as an opportunity to realise a quick profit.

    Luckily, with the majors, such movements are less frequent – although important political events can still affect the price of sterling and euro currency pairs.

    FDI can affect the price of a currency pair because an increase in FDI is indicative of greater investor confidence in that country’s economy and infrastructure. This, in turn, can increase demand for that country’s currency, which will cause the price to rise.

    For example, if there was a significant increase in FDI in the American economy, it would be expected that the value of the US dollar would strengthen relative to other currencies that it is paired with.

    The strength of a country’s economy and the level of FDI are often directly correlated.

    How to trade the major forex pairs

    1. Research which forex pair you want to trade
    2. Carry out analysis on that forex pair, both technical and fundamental
    3. Choose a forex trading strategy and check you’re comfortable with your exposure to risk
    4. Create an account and deposit funds
    5. Open, monitor and close your first position


    1 Bank for International Settlements, 2019

    Major currency pairs (2024)


    What are the major currency pairs? ›

    Major currency pairs (“majors”) are those that include the U.S. dollar and are the most frequently traded. There are seven of them: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, and NZD/USD.

    What are the major currency pairs today? ›

    Currency pairs of the major economies
    SymbolPriceChange %
    3 more rows

    What are the most important currency pairs? ›

    7 major forex pairs
    • The euro and US dollar: EUR/USD.
    • The US dollar and Japanese yen: USD/JPY.
    • The British pound sterling and US dollar: GBP/USD.
    • The US dollar and Swiss franc: USD/CHF.
    • The Australian dollar and US dollar: AUD/USD.
    • The US dollar and Canadian dollar: USD/CAD.
    • The New Zealand dollar and US dollar: NZD/USD.

    How many currency pairs should you trade? ›

    While there are many pairs you could trade for most traders, it is best to stick to one to five pairs and become an expert. There is always a temptation to change markets when making losses. Other forex pairs can appear to have stronger trends, higher volatility, and easier-to-make profits.

    Which currency pair is most profitable today? ›

    The EUR/USD pair holds the throne as the most traded forex pair globally, known for its liquidity and stability. Traders often turn to this pair for its reliability and consistent profit opportunities.

    What's the best currency pairs to trade? ›

    The most popular currency pairs traded in the forex market include the following:
    • EUR/USD (Euro/US dollar)
    • USD/JPY (US dollar/Japanese yen)
    • GBP/USD (British pound/US dollar)
    • AUD/USD (Australian dollar/US dollar)
    • USD/CHF (US dollar/Swiss franc)
    • USD/CAD (US dollar/Canadian dollar)
    May 23, 2023

    What are the 5 major currency pairs? ›

    List of major currency pairs
    Currencies in the pairNickname
    EUR/USDEuro and US dollarFiber
    USD/JPYUS dollar and Japanese yenGopher
    GBP/USDBritish pound and US dollarCable
    USD/CHFUS dollar and Swiss francSwissie
    6 more rows

    What is the safest currency pairs to trade? ›

    List of Top 10 Stable Currency Pairs
    • USD/JPY. ...
    • USD/CAD. ...
    • AUD/USD. ...
    • USD/CNY. ...
    • USD/CHF. ...
    • GBP/JPY. ...
    • EUR/CHF. Though EUR/CHF (Euro/Swiss Franc) is not a major currency pair, it is popular among traders, particularly due to its inverse relationship with EUR/USD. ...
    • NZD/USD. NZD/USD ("Kiwi") is a popular minor currency pair.

    What is the hardest currency pair to trade? ›

    Exotic currency pairs are the most difficult pairs to trade. They are highly volatile and provide very little liquidity and widest spreads. Due to the very high volatility these pairs are extremely difficult to anticipate and trade. These pairs include: AUD/NOK, AUD/PLN, AUD/SEK, AUD/SGD, CAD/SGD, CHF/SGD, etc.

    Which currency pair is easy to trade? ›

    Opting for stable, liquid, and easily understandable currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, and AUD/USD provides a solid foundation for novice traders.

    What is the best time to trade forex major pairs? ›

    For Indian traders, the overlap of the London and New York sessions (5:30 pm to 9:30 pm IST) provides an excellent opportunity for trading. During this period, major currency pairs are more actively traded, offering increased liquidity and potential profit opportunities.

    What currency pairs have high pip value? ›

    Currency pairs like GBP/JPY, EUR/JPY, AUD/JPY, and USD/ZAR are notable for their substantial pip movements. Traders seeking opportunities in these pairs must tailor their strategies to the inherent volatility, prioritize risk management, and stay vigilant about economic developments.

    Should I trade only one currency pair? ›

    Trading only one forex pair can limit your opportunities and expose you to unnecessary risk. Here are several reasons why diversifying your forex trading beyond just one pair is advisable: Market Volatility: Different currency pairs exhibit varying levels of volatility at different times.

    What are the 27 currency pairs? ›

    • EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar)
    • USD/JPY (US Dollar/Japanese Yen)
    • GBP/USD (British Pound/US Dollar)
    • USD/CHF (US Dollar/Swiss Franc)
    • USD/CAD (US Dollar/Canadian Dollar)
    • AUD/USD (Australian Dollar/US Dollar)
    • NZD/USD (New Zealand Dollar/US Dollar) EUR Pairs.
    • EUR/JPY (Euro/Japanese Yen)
    Jan 12, 2024

    What are the 6 major forex pairs? ›

    The 6 Major Currency Pairs in Forex: A Guidance to the Most Traded Currency Pairs. In this post, we will look at the six major currency pairs in Forex: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, AUD/USD.

    What are the 6 currency pairs? ›

    In India, currency trading is restricted to seven pairs: USD/INR, EUR/INR, JPY/INR, GBP/INR, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY. These transactions are facilitated by three stock exchanges, namely NSE, BSE, and Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India, all regulated jointly by SEBI and RBI.

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