LTCG ( Long Term Capital Gain ) Calculator - Capital Gains Tax Calculation Online (2024)

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What is LTCG?

The assets owned by an individual that may or may not be connected withbusiness or profession are called capital assets. The common examples ofcapital assets include bonds, mutual funds, jewellery, patents, ortrademarks. However, furniture and clothes for personal use, ruralagricultural land are not capital assets.

The LTCG or long-term capital gains tax is charged on the profitgenerated from an asset such as shares, bonds, commodities, or realestate that is held for the long-term. The period of holding, which is‘short term’ or ‘long term’ differs across various assets. It is definedas per the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The table below shows you how the capital assets are classified asshort-term or long-term based on the holding period.

Capital AssetHolding period of the capital asset
Short TermLong Term
Immovable Property such as House PropertyLess than two yearsTwo years or more
Movable Property such as Gold JewelryLess than three yearsThree years or more
Listed SharesLess than one yearOne year or more
Equity-oriented mutual fundsLess than one yearOne year or more
Debt-oriented mutual fundsLess than three yearsThree years or more
  • Long-term capital gains tax is levied on the capital gains from sharesand equity-oriented mutual funds, that are held for one year or more.
  • The long-term capital gains tax is charged at the rate of 10%, on thegains above Rs 1 lakh in a financial year. Short-term capital gainstax is charged at the rate of 15%.

What is an LTCG Calculator (Long Term Capital Gains Tax Calculator)?

The long-term capital gains or LTCG Calculator is a utility tool, whichshows you the long-term capital gains and the LTCG tax liability, forequity-oriented mutual funds and listed equity shares.

The LTCG Calculator consists of a formula box, where you enter theholding period, the purchase value, and the sale value of theequity-oriented fund. The calculator will display the taxable short-termcapital gain or long-term capital gain, depending on the holding period.

How Does LTCG Calculators Work?

You can understand the working of an LTCG calculator with this example.You purchased 200 shares of XYZ Company Ltd at Rs 1,000 per share in May2018. You sold all the 200 shares at Rs 1,800 per share in January 2020.

You have held the shares for more than one year. The profit of Rs1,60,000 (200*1800 – 200*1000) is called long-term capital gains.

You have to pay the long-term capital gains tax on the gains that areabove Rs 1 lakh in a financial year. You have the LTCG tax on Rs 60,000.(Rs 1,60,000 – Rs 1,00,000) at 10%. You pay a long-term capital gainstax of Rs 6,000. (Rs 60,000@10%).

Suppose you sold the 200 shares in January 2019 when the share price wasRs 1,500 per share. The total purchase value of your 200 shares in May2018 was Rs 2,00,000. You have held the shares for less than one year.The profit of Rs 1,00,000 (200*1500 – 200*1000) is called short-termcapital gains.

You must pay short-term capital gains tax at 15% on the short-termcapital gains which is Rs 1,00,000 *15% = Rs 15,000.

The announcement for the introduction of the long-term capital gains taxon equity-oriented instruments and shares was made during the UnionBudget 2018. The new rule was applicable for all the transactions thatare made on or after 01 April 2018.

How to Use the ClearTax LTCG Calculator?

  • You must choose the period when you sold the shares or equity-orientedmutual fund units. If you select before 31 March 2018, there is nolong-term capital gains tax on the investment. If you choose after 01April 2018, you will incur a long-term capital gains tax.
  • You then select the holding period as less than one year if you haveheld the investment for the requisite period.
  • You must enter the sale value and the purchase value of theinvestment.
  • The ClearTax LTCG Calculator will show you the short-term capital gainand STCG taxes.
  • You must select the holding period as more than one year if you haveinvested for this duration.
  • You then select the sale value of the investment.
  • You must select the date of purchase of the units as after 31 January2018 or before 31 January 2018 as applicable.
  • If you select the latter option, the calculator will ask you for thefair market value.
  • The ClearTax LTCG Calculator will show you the long-term capital gainand LTCG taxes.

Benefits of Using the ClearTax LTCG Calculator?

  • The ClearTax LTCG Calculator will show you the long-term capital gainstax on the purchase and sale of equity-oriented funds and shares in amatter of seconds.
  • You get a birds-eye view of the actual return from the investmentafter accounting for the taxes. It helps you to plan the duration ofthe investment in equity funds and shares for maximum tax-efficiency.
  • You can plan the investments in equity instruments as you already knowthe short-term or long-term capital gains tax you would incurdepending on the holding period.

FAQs on the ClearTax LTCG Calculator?

  • Why does the ClearTax LTCG Calculator ask you for the date ofsale of equity shares or units?

    The long-term capital gains on the sale of equity-orientedfunds and shares were made taxable during the Union Budget2018. The rule would apply for all transactions made on orafter 01 April 2018. If you had invested in equity-orientedsecurities or shares before 31 January 2018, all gains tillthat date are considered to be grandfathered and exempt fromtax.

    However, STCG would continue to be taxed at 15% (excludingsurcharge and cess). Any long-term capital gains above Rs 1lakh that arise from the transfer of equity-oriented mutualfunds and shares after 01 April 2018 are taxed at 10%. TheClearTax LTCG Calculator considers this rule and calculatesthe long-term capital gains tax.

  • Why does the ClearTax LTCG Calculator ask for the holdingperiod between the date of purchase and sale of equityunits?

    The ClearTax LTCG Calculator asks you to select the holdingperiod as less than one year or one year or more. If youchoose the option as less than one year, the calculator willshow you the short-term capital gains tax on the investment.If you select the latter option, the calculator displays thelong-term capital gains tax on the asset.

  • Why does ClearTax LTCG Calculator ask you to fill the FMV (FairMarket Value)?

    To make sure that only the gains after 01 February 2018 areconsidered for taxation, the government introduced agrandfathering clause. You must calculate the cost ofacquisition as per the formula shown below:

    The cost of acquisition of the asset is the higher of:

    a) The actual cost at which the asset is acquired.

    b) The lower of the fair market value as of 31 January 2018and the total amount you receive when selling theequity-oriented fund or share.

    Let us understand the calculation of long-term capital gainsfor different scenarios:

    Example 1: You have purchased an equity share on 01February 2017 at Rs 150. The fair market value as of 31January 2018 was Rs 250. You sold the share on 01 May 2018at Rs 300.

    The actual cost of acquisition at Rs 150 is lower ascompared to the fair market value (FMV) on 31 January 2018.The FMV of Rs 250 is taken as the cost of acquisition. Thelong-term capital gains tax will be the difference betweenthe selling price of the asset and the fair market value,which is Rs 50 (Rs 300 – Rs 250).

    Example 2: You have purchased an equity share on 01February 2017 at Rs 200. The fair market value as of 31January 2018 was Rs 150. You sold the share on 01 May 2018at Rs 300.

    The fair market value on 31 January 2018 at Rs 150 is loweras compared to the actual cost of the acquisition at Rs 200.The actual cost of Rs 200 will be taken as the actual costof the purchase. The long-term capital gain will be thedifference between the selling price of the asset and theactual cost of the acquisition, which is Rs 100 (Rs 300 – Rs200).

    Example 3: You have purchased an equity share on 01February 2017 at Rs 200. The fair market value as of 31January 2018 was Rs 250. You sold the share on 01 May 2018at Rs 100.

    In this example, the actual cost of acquisition at Rs 200 islower as compared to the fair market value as of 31 January2018 at Rs 250. The sale value of the asset at Rs 100 isalso lower as compared to the fair market value of Rs 250and the cost of the acquisition at Rs 200. The actual costof acquisition of Rs 200 is taken as the cost of theacquisition. The long-term capital loss is Rs 100 (Rs 100 –Rs 200) for this scenario.

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LTCG ( Long Term Capital Gain ) Calculator - Capital Gains Tax Calculation Online (1)

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LTCG ( Long Term Capital Gain ) Calculator - Capital Gains Tax Calculation Online (2)
LTCG ( Long Term Capital Gain ) Calculator - Capital Gains Tax Calculation Online (2024)


How to calculate tax on LTCG? ›

Upon redemption of the units, it is charged at the rate of 10% on the returns above Rs. 1 lakh in a financial year. So, in simple terms, if an investor sells his/her units of an equity-oriented scheme after a holding period of 1 year, he/she is liable to pay LTCG tax at the rate of 10% on the gains exceeding Rs.

Does TurboTax calculate capital gains? ›

When you file your tax return, the IRS requires you to report any capital assets you sell during the year. If you have any, fill out a Schedule D and submit it with your tax return. TurboTax can guide you through this including calculating your gains and determining which tax rates apply.

What is the easiest way to calculate capital gains? ›

This is the sale price minus any commissions or fees paid. Subtract your basis (what you paid) from the realized amount (how much you sold it for) to determine the difference. If you sold your assets for more than you paid, you have a capital gain.

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

The capital gains tax over 65 is a tax that applies to taxable capital gains realized by individuals over the age of 65. The tax rate starts at 0% for long-term capital gains on assets held for more than one year and 15% for short-term capital gains on assets held for less than one year.

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The Long-Term Capital Gain (LTCG) can be calculated as the difference between the value of sales and the acquisition cost, minus transfer expenses. The liability of tax is calculated at 10% of the long-term capital gain over Rs. 1 lakh.

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Exemption under Section 54

Under Section 54, you are exempt from paying LTCG tax if you buy a new house either 1 year before the sale of the old property or within 2 years of selling it. If you are planning to construct a new house, this should be done within 3 years of sale of the old property.

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Under the grandfathering rule, LTCG is calculated by deducting the cost from the sales value. The acquisition cost is calculated using a formula that reduces tax liability on such assets. For example, the grandfathering rule can reduce the net tax liability on gains from assets held for over 7-8 years.

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The seller must have owned the home and used it as their principal residence for two out of the last five years (up to the date of closing). The two years do not have to be consecutive to qualify. The seller must not have sold a home in the last two years and claimed the capital gains tax exclusion.

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Capital Gains Tax for People Over 65. For individuals over 65, capital gains tax applies at 0% for long-term gains on assets held over a year and 15% for short-term gains under a year. Despite age, the IRS determines tax based on asset sale profits, with no special breaks for those 65 and older.

What is a simple trick for avoiding capital gains tax on real estate investments? ›

A few options to legally avoid paying capital gains tax on investment property include buying your property with a retirement account, converting the property from an investment property to a primary residence, utilizing tax harvesting, and using Section 1031 of the IRS code for deferring taxes.

Is capital gains tax based on total income or taxable income? ›

Net capital gains are taxed at different rates depending on overall taxable income, although some or all net capital gain may be taxed at 0%. For taxable years beginning in 2023, the tax rate on most net capital gain is no higher than 15% for most individuals.

What is the tax rate for long-term capital gains on TurboTax? ›

Short-term capital gains are taxed the same as ordinary income. Long-term capital gains occur when the taxpayer owned the asset for more than one year, and are taxed at capital gains tax rates. These long-term gains will be taxed at 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your income.

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In addition to the home's original purchase price, you can deduct some closing costs, sales costs and the property's tax basis from your taxable capital gains. Closing costs can include mortgage-related expenses. For example, if you had prepaid interest when you bought the house) and tax-related expenses.

How much is capital gains tax on 100k? ›

In this example, you see a capital gain of $100,000 on your home sale. If your income and asset class put you in the 20% capital gains tax bracket, you pay 20% of your profit. That's 20% of $100,000, or $20,000. You don't need to pay 20% of the entire $350,000 sale because you had to spend $250,000 to buy the asset.

How much are capital gains on $15000? ›

2024 federal capital gains tax rates

Just like income tax, you'll pay a tiered tax rate on your capital gains. For example, a single person with a total short-term capital gain of $15,000 would pay 10% of $11,000 ($1,100), then 12% on the additional $4,000 ($480), for a total of $1,580.

How many months for long term capital gains tax? ›

Generally, if you hold the asset for more than one year before you dispose of it, your capital gain or loss is long-term. If you hold it one year or less, your capital gain or loss is short-term.

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Taxation Of Debt Mutual Funds Before 1 April 2023

These STCGs were taxed at slab rates. Long-Term Capital Gain: However, if they were sold after 36 months, then the gains were termed long-term capital gains (LTCG). These long-term capital gains were taxed at 20% with an indexation benefit.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.