LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (2024)


LIQUID PARAFFIN belongs to the group of medicines called 'laxatives' used to treat constipation in conditions like piles, fistula, fissures, pre/post-operative conditions, elderly and bed-ridden patients. Constipation refers to infrequent bowel movements in which the stools are often dry, painful, and hard to pass.

LIQUID PARAFFIN consists of liquid paraffin, which works by lubricating or softening the faeces and coating the intestine or bowel with an oil film. Thus, LIQUID PARAFFIN reduces the pain caused by anorectal diseases like piles, fistula, or fissures, thereby relieving constipation.

You are advised to take LIQUID PARAFFIN for as long as your doctor has recommended it for you, depending on your medical condition. You may experience certain common side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, pain, or cramps in some cases. Most of these side effects do not require medical attention and will resolve gradually over time. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if you experience these side effects persistently.

Do not take LIQUID PARAFFIN for more than a week as it might cause dependency on LIQUID PARAFFIN for a bowel movement. Talk to your doctor if you notice any sudden changes in bowel habits that persist for over 2 weeks. Consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. LIQUID PARAFFIN should not be given to children as safety and effectiveness have not been established.



Medicinal Benefits

LIQUID PARAFFIN belongs to the group of medicines called laxatives used to treat constipation associated with piles, anal fissures, hernia, cardiovascular disorders, endoscopy, bowel clearance before radioscopy, pre/post-operative conditions, elderly and bed-ridden patients. LIQUID PARAFFIN is a lubricant that works by lubricating the bowels and softening the stools.

Directions for Use

Take the recommended dose/quantity of LIQUID PARAFFIN by mouth using the pack's measuring cup. Shake the bottle well before each use.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight


  • Diarrhoea
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Pain or cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warnings

Do not take LIQUID PARAFFIN if you are allergic to any of its contents, if you have had acute abdominal surgery, intestinal obstruction, or undiagnosed abdominal pain. Drink plenty of fluids (at least 6-8 glasses) while taking LIQUID PARAFFIN. Do not take LIQUID PARAFFIN for more than a week as it might cause dependency on LIQUID PARAFFIN for a bowel movement. Talk to your doctor if you notice any sudden changes in bowel habits that persist for over 2 weeks. Consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. LIQUID PARAFFIN should not be given to children as safety and effectiveness have not been established.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug Interactions: LIQUID PARAFFIN may have interaction with antibiotics (tetracycline), diuretics (furosemide), and steroids (prednisolone).

Drug-Food Interactions: No interactions found/established.

Drug-Disease Interaction: LIQUID PARAFFIN may interact with intestinal obstruction disorder, appendicitis, intestinal blockage, and bowel inflammation.

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

  • Safety Advice

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (1)



      It is not known if alcohol interacts with LIQUID PARAFFIN. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns regarding this.

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (2)



      Please consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN if you are pregnant. Your doctor will recommend you LIQUID PARAFFIN if the benefits outweigh the risks.

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (3)

      Breast Feeding


      Consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN if you are breastfeeding. Your doctor will decide if LIQUID PARAFFIN can be taken by breastfeeding mothers or not.

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (4)



      LIQUID PARAFFIN has negligible influence in your ability to drive.

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (5)



      Please consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN if you have liver impairment/liver disease.

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (6)



      Please consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN if you have kidney impairment/kidney disease.

    • LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (7)



      LIQUID PARAFFIN should not be given to children as safety and effectiveness have not been established.

    Habit Forming


    Diet & Lifestyle Advise

    • Try maintaining a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Stay hydrated, and drink enough water and fluids.
    • Exercise regularly, and stay fit.
    • Get enough sleep.
    • Try making time to empty your bowels whenever the body tells you to.
    • Eat food rich in fibre such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, flaxseed, nuts, beans, lentils, fruits (berries, apples, oranges, bananas, pears, figs), and vegetables (broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados).

    Special Advise

    Do not use LIQUID PARAFFIN for more than 7 days without a doctor'sadvice.

    Patients Concern

    Disease/Condition Glossary

    Constipation: It refers to infrequent bowel movements. The stools are often dry, painful, and hard to pass. Constipation is a condition in which the person has fewer than 3 bowel movements in a week. However, bowel patterns may vary from person to person. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, and feeling as if the bowel movement is incomplete. Constipation occurs when the normal muscle contractions in the large intestine slow down, which causes the incomplete elimination of the bowel from the body. Constipation could be associated with a sudden change of diet, a diet with less fibre, not drinking enough liquids, lack of exercise, loss of tone of the bowel muscles in older people, or staying in bed for a longer duration.


    Is it safe to take LIQUID PARAFFIN for longer durations?

    Do not take LIQUID PARAFFIN for more than a week as it might lead to dependency on LIQUID PARAFFIN for a bowel movement. Taking LIQUID PARAFFIN for longer durations might also cause dehydration, imbalance of fluids, and salts in the body, affecting the intestine's tightness. If your bowel movement is irregular even after taking LIQUID PARAFFIN for a week, consult your doctor.

    Does LIQUID PARAFFIN help in weight loss?

    LIQUID PARAFFIN does not help with weight loss. It does not reduce the absorption of calories or nutrients. LIQUID PARAFFIN may cause dehydration which feels like weight loss. Drink enough liquids to prevent dehydration.

    Can I take LIQUID PARAFFIN with other medicines?

    Consult your doctor before taking LIQUID PARAFFIN with other medicines as LIQUID PARAFFIN may increase the rate of gastrointestinal transit, and this may affect the absorption of other orally administered medicines given simultaneously.

    Does LIQUID PARAFFIN cause dehydration?

    Overuse or prolonged use of LIQUID PARAFFIN may cause dehydration. Severe dehydration may cause weakness, tremors, fainting, and blurry vision. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms. Drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.

    Does LIQUID PARAFFIN cause diarrhoea?

    Diarrhoea might occur if LIQUID PARAFFIN is taken in larger doses. Drink lots of fluids and eat non-spicy food if you experience diarrhoea. If you find blood in your stools (tarry stools) or experience severe diarrhoea, consult your doctor. Do not take anti-diarrheal medicine on your own.

    LIQUID PARAFFIN: Uses, Side Effects and Medicines (2024)


    Is liquid paraffin good or bad for you? ›

    Overuse or prolonged use of LIQUID PARAFFIN may cause dehydration. Severe dehydration may cause weakness, tremors, fainting, and blurry vision. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms. Drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.

    Does paraffin have side effects? ›

    Eating a lot of paraffin can lead to intestinal obstruction, which can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and possible constipation. If the paraffin contains a dye, a person who has an allergy to that dye may develop tongue and throat swelling, wheezing, and trouble breathing.

    What does paraffin do to your body? ›

    It acts like a form of heat therapy and can help increase blood flow, relax muscles, and decrease joint stiffness. Paraffin wax can also minimize muscle spasms and inflammation as well as treat sprains.

    What is a medicinal liquid paraffin used for? ›

    Usage in medicine

    Liquid paraffin is primarily used as a pediatric laxative in medicine and is a popular treatment for constipation and encopresis. Because of its ease of titration, the drug is convenient to synthesize.

    Who should not use paraffin? ›

    Do not use paraffin if you have lost feeling in your hand or foot, such as from diabetes (diabetic neuropathy). Wait until you are fully healed if you have a rash or any open sores on the hand or foot you want to treat with paraffin. Paraffin can catch fire if it's heated too much.

    What are the cons of paraffin? ›

    Paraffin wax has some drawbacks as well. First, it isn't renewable and doesn't burn as cleanly as soy wax does. Additionally, paraffin wax can be difficult to clean up and may cause a fire hazard if not used properly. Lastly, it isn't as easy to work with as soy wax.

    Why not to use paraffin? ›

    Someone with a chemical sensitivity may experience a rash, swelling, or breakouts if they use paraffin wax as it is a petroleum product. People with poor circulation or a history of numbness in their hands should not use paraffin wax, as they may not feel the temperature accurately.

    What is the alternative to liquid paraffin? ›

    Answer: Instead of liquid paraffin mineral oil is used.

    What are the side effects of topical liquid paraffin? ›

    The most common side effects of LIQUID PARAFFIN+WHITE SOFT PARAFFIN are redness, irritation, and sensitization. Most of these side effects of LIQUID PARAFFIN+WHITE SOFT PARAFFIN do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects persist or worsen, please consult your doctor.

    What does liquid paraffin do for your hair? ›

    It locks water in and protects from the toxins (which could penetrate the hair) and other damaging environmental factors (frost, strong wind, or sunlight). The oil delivers good conditioning, shine, softness, and smoothness, thickening the structure and closing cuticle scales.

    Is paraffin an anti-inflammatory? ›

    One of the mechanisms of action of paraffin therapy is that it significantly increases microcirculation expands local capillaries and accelerates blood circulation abates tissue edema and excludes pain-causing substances allowing inflammatory infiltration and absorption to achieve the purpose of detumescence and pain ...

    How long does it take for liquid paraffin to work? ›

    The cheapest, most rapid acting product is liquid paraffin. A large dose can be given initially so that within 24 hours defaecation is pain free or almost so. In children, depending on their age, a dose of 20–30 mL to start can be followed by 10–15 mL twice daily.

    How often can you take liquid paraffin? ›

    Adult: Up to 45 ml/day, usually in the evening but should not be taken immediately before going to bed. Max duration of treatment: 1 wk. Child: 3-12 yr: 0.5-1 ml/kg (max 30 ml) once daily; 12-18 yr: 10-30 ml once daily, normally after evening meal but not immediately before going to bed.

    How often should I take liquid paraffin? ›

    Adults over 18 years of age should take 10 to 30ml at night when needed to relieve constipation. Do not take the medicine immediately before going to bed.

    Can you still get liquid paraffin? ›

    It can be purchased in liquid form and is taken by mouth.

    What are the disadvantages of liquid paraffin for skin? ›

    The most common side effects of LIQUID PARAFFIN+WHITE SOFT PARAFFIN are redness, irritation, and sensitization. Most of these side effects of LIQUID PARAFFIN+WHITE SOFT PARAFFIN do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects persist or worsen, please consult your doctor.

    Is liquid paraffin safe on skin? ›

    It gives relief from dryness, itching, and redness. Due to liquid paraffin uses and its properties, it is considered safe even on the most delicate skin, which makes it the ideal product to make different skincare, baby care, and personal care products.

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    Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.