Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (2024)

Guest post by Amber Beltran of A Squirrel & A Scholar Soap Co.

A Squirrel & A Scholar Soap Co.

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (1)


Father’s Day is fast approaching, and my husband is running out of soap! I know you must be thinking, “But Amber, you’re a soap maker! How is it that your fella is running low on soap?”! Well, as I’m sure it’s become pretty apparent by now, I’m quite the sucker for making soap with big, soap-frosted tops! Although my husband certainly appreciates the artistry of such soap designs, when it comes to the type of soap he prefers to lather-up with, he enjoys a more straight-forward, simpler bar. I secretly get a little excited whenever my husband lets me know he’s getting low on soap... His preference for a simpler design means I get to employ one of my most favorite methods of soap making: CPOP!

Since this week’s project has a more masculine theme to it, I decided to embrace both that, and Father’s Day, and make this a special Father’s Day treat for anyone who might like to try this at home in their own soapy creations! Unfortunately, I’m running a little behind, so the actual soaps (Should you choose to make them!) won’t be fully cured by the time Father’s Day rolls around, BUT... They’ll still make for great “guy gifts” nonetheless, and will be well worth the wait! So, let’s dive on in, and get to boppin’ and CPOP-in' some cold process soap!

To begin, let’s talk about CPOP for a little bit! What exactly is CPOP? Well, “CPOP” (Pronounced: “see-pop”) stands for Cold Process/Oven Process, and is a popular soap making method for promoting gel phase in your handmade soaps. Basically, it’s using heat from your oven to extend the temperature phase during saponification in an effort to promote or “force” gel-phase. What is gel phase, you ask? Gel phase is a temperature phase during saponification, where temperature is increased and maintained for a time, causing your soap batch to take on a more gel-like appearance. In hot process soap making, the look of this phase is often compared to the slightly translucent look of applesauce. Gel phase in cold process soap making can be promoted intentionally, through CPOP or insulation, or naturally (Such as in the case of added sugars, or a particular fragrance oil, which heat up in your soap batch.).

So, why exactly would someone want to force or promote gel phase in their cold process soap batches? There are quite a few reasons actually, and in discussing these reasons, we can get into the “pros and cons” of CPOP soap making! Many soap makers choose to promote full gel in their soap batches in an effort to prevent what’s called “partial gel”. If you’ve ever made a batch of soap that looked like it had a wet spot right in the middle of each bar, then you’ve already had firsthand experience with partial gel! Partial gel is exactly that... It’s a batch of soap where only a portion (namely, the center of the batch) has gelled, leaving the outer edges un-gelled. Although this has no negative impact on the soap itself, many soap makers find this to be aesthetically unpleasing. In an effort to prevent any partial gelling of their batches, many soap makers will often do one of two things: Either force gel, or prevent it entirely. Preventing gel would entail making sure temperatures remain cool during saponification, and ways to do this are placing your batch of soap in the fridge, or leaving it uninsulated in a cool room.

A fully gelled batch of soap will produce a bar of soap that is harder straight away. Not only will the soaps be harder faster, many soap makers believe gelled soaps last longer in the shower too. Because gelled soaps harden fast, batches are usually ready to be unmolded and cut much sooner than un-gelled batches. In my own experiences, my gelled soap batches are usually completely ready to be unmolded and cut about eight hours after being poured. This is especially helpful for the busy soap maker who needs to stay productive, but may be working with a limited number of soap molds. Along with producing a bar of soap which feels hard and oh-so glassy-smooth to the touch, colors and designs in gelled soaps often appear crisper and more vibrant as well.

Keep in mind that not every soap colorant likes to get overly hot though, and this is where a “con” of CPOP soap making can come into play. In my personal experiences with CPOP soap making, most colors do indeed appear more vivid and vibrant in gelled soaps, with some exceptions. Coral shades are pretty adamant about not getting too hot, as well as some orange and yellow shades too. Oftentimes, orange and coral micas tend to take on a more peachy-tone in soap batches that get too hot, and a few shades of yellow seem to lose some of their brightness as well. If you’re making a coral or orange-colored batch of soap, and it’s imperative those colors remain as bold and bright as possible, I’d recommend keeping temps a little cooler.

Other instances where you may want to avoid CPOP (Or keep a close eye on it!) are soap batches which contain a lot of natural sugars, or sugar-containing additives. Sugars are known to heat up in soap batches naturally, and when a batch gets too hot, some pretty unsightly things can happen! Things like cracking and “alien brains”. Yes, “alien brains” is a real thing! Cracking is pretty self-explanatory, but “alien brains” is a common soap making term for a batch which has developed folds or ripples across the top which resemble the folds of a brain. These things certainly don’t affect how awesome your bars of soap actually are, but sadly, they’re just not very pretty!

Another “con” in CPOP soap making can actually be considered a “pro”, depending on how you look at it, and what you’re trying to achieve in your soap’s design. I’m talking about glycerin rivers. While many soap makers are already aware that titanium dioxide is especially prone to the possibility of developing glycerin rivers, this possibility increases with both heat and liquid. Excess liquid in your soap batch can increase the likelihood of glycerin rivers (And this is because water/liquid expands with heat.), and when paired with excessive heat, that likelihood can increase even more so. The good news is that there are ways to help prevent AND promote this! If wishing to prevent the greatest possibility of glycerin rivers in your CPOP soap batches, liquid discounting will help! You can also opt to skip using titanium dioxide, and use a white mica instead. While this won’t guarantee glycerin rivers won’t form, it will certainly help decrease the likelihood or severity of them. On the other hand, if the beautiful, crackled look of glycerin rivers is what you’re aiming for, a CPOP soap batch with titanium dioxide and/or more water will almost certainly give you results!

As for other “cons” that come to mind, it really comes down to what you want out of a batch of soap. For example, if the prospect of a harder, smoother more colorful bar of soap is less important to you than say, producing bars of soap which appear soft and creamy, then CPOP may be a soap making method you’ll wish to skip. That’s the beauty of soap making though; there’s truly no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to the end result that you desire! And speaking of end results... When it comes to CPOP soap making, you’re going to find that many different soap makers have their own approach to it, and that’s absolutely fine too! Some soap maker’s ovens run hot and some run cool. Some crafters prefer to pre-heat their ovens, then turn them off, allowing their batches to warm in the ambient heat, while others prefer to keep their ovens on during the process. Some soap makers keep a close watch on their batches, turning the oven off as soon as their soap has fully gelled, while others just set a timer for an hour and walk away! I’m here to tell you that absolutely no method or process is wrong! The goal (or end result) of CPOP soap making is to produce a batch of soap which has fully gelled. No matter which way you go about doing that, if the result you get is the one you wanted, well then, you did it right!

This is just how I personally like to CPOP my soap batches, and I’m honored to share this with you! If you find a way that works better for you, then by all means, rock that better way! What works best for me and what I want out of my soap batches might not be the same for you, and that’s perfectly okay! Before we jump into making this batch of CPOP soap though, I want to quickly share with you something I wish I would’ve known when I started experimenting with CPOP. This “something” I’m referring to is silicone rash!

When I first began making my first few batches of CPOP soap, I was positively perplexed when one of my batches came out having all these little holes or “pock marks” all over it. The inside of the soap was fine, but the outside was just riddled with them! I quickly learned that this odd phenomenon was called “silicone rash”, and I wanted to know why it had happened and what I could do to prevent it from happening again. The “why” turned out being pretty simple. When silicone undergoes extreme temperature changes, it expands and contracts; expanding with heat, and contracting when it cools down. It was this expansion and contraction of my silicone mold during CPOP which caused all those little pock marks to form on the outside of my soap. The best way I found to prevent this was to prevent the silicone itself from expanding. A silicone liner in a wood mold won’t cause silicone rash since the wood mold literally stops the silicone from expanding. I was absolutely delighted to be able to show you an example of this with this batch of soap! As you can see from the picture here, a very, very mild case of silicone rash did form on my batch, but only at the very top of the soap, where the silicone liner had a little more space between it and the wooden mold. The rash stops right there though! The rest of my batch came out gorgeously smooth, thanks to the wood mold preventing the silicone liner from expanding!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (2)


For this soapy project, it was actually my husband who chose the fragrance blend after he couldn’t decide whether he liked Nurture Soap’s “Pheromone” or “Earth Meets Sky” fragrance oil better! His indecision led me to blending these two drool-worthy fragrances together, and the result was drop-dead sexy! If you’d like to try this dapper, rich and clean blend (I HIGHLY recommend it!), 3-parts “Pheromone” fragrance oil to 1-part “Earth Meets Sky” fragrance oil smells like pure heaven!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (3)

The mica colors I chose for this project included Nurture’s incredible “Winter White”, “Caribbean Blue”, “Kashmir” and “Belize Blue” micas, but you might notice one tiny problem with that! “Belize Blue” was actually discontinued by the manufacturer (I literally hoard this color!), so unfortunately, if you don’t already have it on-hand, it’s no longer available. All is not lost though! Nurture Soap has got your back with their “Celestial Silver” mica! As you can see from this picture, “Belize Blue” and “Celestial Silver” micas aren’t identical, but both will produce a gorgeously “frosty”, silvery-blue color in soap! So, if you don’t have any “Belize Blue” mica on-hand (Or you want to share your stash with me!), “Celestial Silver” mica is an excellent substitute!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (4)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (5)

The design for this project is entirely up to you, and the sky is truly the limit! For me and my soapy daydreams, I decided to color the majority of the batch white, and pour off three smaller portions for the three blue mica colors. I kept my temps low (around 85 degrees Fahrenheit) and my soap batter nice and fluid; only blending to a very light trace, so I’d have lots of time to create some pretty, blue swirls within the soap!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (6)

The fragrance oil blend itself behaved beautifully, and I had absolutely nothing to worry about when it came to pouring this batch! I was able to take all the time I needed pouring a tiger-swirl down the center of my mold, then following-up with a hanger-swirl. There’s truly no right or wrong way to execute a hanger-swirl in this soap design, but for me, I kept it simple! Starting from the middle-top, I brought my hanger tool down, completed four large loops before hitting the bottom of my mold with the tool, then pulled it right back up and out of the soap, moving it in a slight zig-zag motion on the way up... That’s all there was to it!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (7)

With any remaining soap batter, I just spooned it right on top of the loaf (No drop of soap left behind!), then used the back of a spoon to create soft peaks and texture. Once I was happy with the soapy hills and valleys I’d made, I used one of Nurture’s incredibly handy Glitter Spay Pumps to give the top of the loaf a beautiful metallic-like sheen with the help of the always-stunning “Blue Enigma” mica!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (8)

The design of this soap was easy, and so much fun to create! Since my husband prefers a simpler bar of soap, understated elegance was the look I was going for! From here, all that was left to do was to get this batch gelled in the oven! While I was playing around with the top of my soap batch, using the back of a spoon to create eye-catching texture, I used that time to get my oven pre-heated. My oven runs a bit on the warmer side, but 170 degrees Fahrenheit is as low as it will go. As soon as the oven was pre-heated and ready, I popped my soap in the oven and quickly closed the door to keep all that beautiful warmth in there! When I first started experimenting with CPOP, I went by the general guideline of allowing my soap to remain at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour. For my oven though, I found this was a little too long. Because my oven does run a tad warmer, I’ve found that 40 to 45 minutes is perfect for achieving a fully gelled batch of soap. Your oven may require more or less time, but as you grow in your CPOP experience, you’ll learn exactly how much time is needed to fully gel your own soap batches. If CPOP soap making is completely new to you though, I would recommend placing your soap in the oven for 45 to 60 minutes at 170 degrees Fahrenheit, then adjusting from there as/if needed.

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (9)

It’s going to be really, really tempting to open that oven door and take a peek at your batch of soap. I’ve been there and completely understand, but try as hard as you can to resist that temptation! You can certainly turn on your oven light to check on your soap, but keep in mind that when it comes to promoting gel phase, the key isn’t just heat, it’s also maintaining it. Gel phase is a process, which if interrupted could result in a partially-gelled soap batch, so allow your soap to remain in the ambient heat of your oven long after you’ve turned it off. Many soap makers prefer to do this overnight, and while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, sometimes it’s just not feasible... Especially when you have a hungry family to feed and only one oven! In my experience, I’ve learned that as soon as my batch no longer maintains heat, and begins to cool down, it’s reached and completed gel phase. It’s at this point that you can remove your soap from the oven and allow it to cool down the rest of the way at room temp. Once removed from the oven, the cool-down happens very quickly, and it’s around this time when my batches are also ready to be unmolded and cut. Depending on the recipe, this is most often around 8 hours after pouring them.

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (10)

The first thing you’re going to notice about your gelled soap is just how much harder the bars are, and how incredibly smooth they feel. You’ll also notice (and more noticeably in lighter or uncolored portions) that the bars themselves look less “creamy” and more translucent-like. Your colors will be bolder and brighter, with your design crisper and more defined. Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed a beautiful batch of CPOP soap!


My Father’s Day-inspired batch of CPOP soap was looking AND smelling awesome, and I was extremely happy with the results! If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts though, you know I never know when to leave well enough alone! I think I’m physically incapable of making a batch of soap and not including a little extra something! In this situation it was dragons! I can’t imagine anyone not loving dragons, and to me, this soap batch was just begging to have some included in its design! I grabbed some Low Sweat, Clear Soap Base, and made dragon embeds colored in “Belize Blue” mica (Which will look just as frosty-blue and beautiful in “Celestial Silver” mica too!). The task proved to be pretty tedious, since each dragon embed needed to be trimmed and “cleaned up” by hand, but it was definitely worth it! If you’d like to get your hands on the mold used to make these dragons, it can be found at several shops on Etsy. To give the dragons a bit more definition and metallic shimmer, Nurture Soap’s “Shimmer Gold” mica looked jaw-dropping when dry-painted atop each one!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (11)

The plan was to attach each melt & pour dragon embed onto the face of each cold process soap bar. I’ve briefly described how to do this in previous blog posts, but wanted to cover it again here, since I feel I’ve finally come to the best method of doing this, while also achieving an inseparable bond between the two different types of soap. Naturally, another way to do this would be to melt down a little melt & pour soap base and use it as “glue” to attach the embeds to the cold process soap, but in my personal experience, I’ve found this method to only be temporary... For some reason, melt & pour soap just doesn’t want to stay attached to cold process soap for the long-haul, and many times, I found myself feeling frustrated when the embeds would eventually pop right off again. I wanted to find a way to attach melt & pour embeds to the face of cold process soap bars and have them stay there for good (No popping back off!), so for me, the process I’m about to describe has worked extremely well for doing just that!

As general tip, melt & pour embeds seem to achieve the best adherence to cold process soap when the embeds are freshly-made, and the cold process soap is freshly cut, so I would strongly suggest not waiting too long to attach the newly-made embeds to your soap bars (Especially with CPOP soap, where the bars come out harder from the get-go.). It seems the initial extra moisture in both types of soap helps to create a stronger bond... It’s the excess moisture which forms it, while the process of cure makes it inseparable. The supplies you’ll need include: Distilled water, any type of liquid soap suitable for skin application (It can be liquid hand soap, skin-gentle liquid dish soap, or liquid castile.), a small cup, cotton swabs, a soft-bristle paintbrush, and a non-serrated scraping/trimming tool of your choice.

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (12)

The first thing you’ll want to do is take your scraping/trimming tool, and shave off the topmost layer of soap from the backside of the melt & pour embed. Use your tool to shave down the embed so that it will sit as flush as possible to the face of the cold process soap bar, without any large gaps. This also serves a double purpose in that shaving off the topmost layer of soap from the embed also exposes a slightly “tacky” layer beneath the surface of the melt & pour soap.

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (13)

Next, you’ll want to create a watery “glue” of sorts. To your small cup, add about 1TBS of distilled water. To the distilled water, add about 1/2TSP of liquid soap, then stir this well to combine. If you rub this water/soap mixture between your fingers and it feels slightly “slimy”, it’s perfect! Using your soft-bristle paintbrush, generously saturate the backside of the melt & pour embed with the water/soap mixture. Don’t be afraid to get that embed fully saturated, paying attention to the outer edges of the embed as well. Use your paintbrush to place a small dab of the water/soap mixture to the cold process soap also; just in the spot where you’ll be attaching the melt & pour embed.

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (14)

Lastly, take a cotton swab and gently clean up around the edges of the embed. Applying pressure can push some of that water/soap mixture out from underneath the embed, but a gentle swipe of a cotton swab will take care of this, no problem!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (15)

At this point, you should be able to stand your soap bars up, and the melt & pour embeds will stay put. Avoid touching the embeds in any way for at least 24 hours. The two different types of soap need uninterrupted time to form that bond with each other. As your cold process soaps cure, the bond between the two soaps will grow increasingly stronger!


The rich, steely-blue colors of this soap project, paired with a touch of metallic shimmer, whimsical swirls, a positively sexy aroma, and the addition of everyone’s favorite fantasy creature (Dragons!) is only made more wonderful through the process of CPOP! Its colors and design really do stand out, sharp, crisp and defined, and the look and feel of the bars themselves is as hard and smooth as polished stone! “Steel Dragon” just seemed the perfect name to represent this soapy theme, and in trying this method and design in your own crafty creations at home (If you’d like!), I hope you will agree!

While I was only able to cover the tip of the “CPOP Iceberg”, I truly hope it was just the right amount of information to at least get you started in your own exciting CPOP soap making adventures! Covering the basics is always a great place to begin when trying something new, but I hope this inspires you to delve deeper too! There are so many more fascinating things to learn and know when it comes to CPOP soap making, with many extraordinarily skilled, knowledgeable and talented crafters ready to guide you every step of the way! The shared knowledge is out there and available for anyone who wishes to take their CPOP soap making to greater heights, and I’ll be here rooting you on as well! May you thoroughly and always enjoy the soapy ride, and may the special fellas in your life enjoy their “Steel Dragon” handmade soaps! Happy soap making, and a very happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there!

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (16)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (17)


*For CPOP, place in preheated oven at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 to 60 minutes. After time is up, turn oven off and allow soap to remain in ambient heat until cooled.

  • Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) @ 5% Superfat
  • Distilled Water @ 33% Lye Concentration (2:1/Water: Lye)
  • 40% Olive Oli
  • 30% RSPO Palm Oil
  • 25% Coconut Oil
  • 5% Castor Oil
  • 6% Fragrance Oil Blend (3-Parts “Pheromone” Fragrance Oil: 1-Part “Earth Meets Sky” Fragrance Oil)
  • 3% Sodium Lactate (Optional. Added to cooled lye solution.)
  • 1TBS/PPO White Kaolin Clay (Optional. Mixed into fragrance oil blend.)
  • 2TSP/PPO “Winter White” Mica
  • 1TSP/PPO “Kashmir”, “Caribbean Blue” & “Belize Blue” Micas (Substitute “Belize Blue” mica with “Celestial Silver” mica as/if needed.)
  • “Blue Enigma” Mica (Dusted on top.)
  • Melt & Pour Dragon Embeds in “Belize Blue” Mica (Substitute “Belize Blue” mica with “Celestial Silver” mica as/if needed.)
  • “Shimmer Gold” Mica (For dry-painting melt & pour embeds.)


Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (18)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (19)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (20)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (21)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (22)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (23)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (24)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (25)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (26)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (27)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (28)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (29)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (30)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (31)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (32)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (33)

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (34)

Tags:Color,Fragrance,Soap making

Let’s CPOP! (Plus, How to Attach Melt & Pour Embeds to Cold Process Soap!) (2024)


Can you put melt and pour embeds on cold process soap? ›

Prepare your cold process soap, soaping at a temperature of 100ºF or cooler. Pour a small amount of soap into the bottom of the loaf mold and then tap the mold down to eliminate any air pockets. With gloved hands, gently place the melt & pour soap embed into the poured cold process soap.

How do you add embeds to cold process soap? ›

Pour a thin layer of base soap into the mold and allow it to cool and harden for 10-20 minutes. Then, pour another thin layer of soap, spritz the embed and the soap in the mold with 99% isopropyl alcohol, and place the embed where you want it. You may need to hold it in place for a few seconds.

How do you add embeds to melt and pour soap? ›

Embeds, which can include soap, luffa, or toys, are a great way to jazz up soap and make interesting design effects. To embed shredded soap, curled soap, pre-formed soap embeds, and soap chunks into a new soap, simply spray generously with rubbing alcohol, place in mold and pour soap over the embeds.

Can you make melt and pour soap look like cold process? ›

The thin, liquid texture of melted melt and pour soap can not be manipulated to create a textured top, like cold process. Cold process soap batter with a medium to thick trace has a texture similar to pudding. You can use a spoon or spatula to move the soap around to create peaks and divots, and it will keep its shape.

Should I wrap melt and pour soap? ›

Wrap the final Melt and Pour soap bars immediately in non-porous packaging, such as cling wrap/film. If a Glycerin soap bar is not wrapped, the soap will be susceptible to sweating and shrinkage. Finally, before and after use in the shower, store Melt and Pour soaps in a cool, dry place.

What should not be added to melt and pour soap? ›

DO NOT add butters or oils to melt and pour soap. They compromise lather, cause separation, and prevent the soap from fully hardening. Instead, choose a soap base that is formulated with butters/oils like Crafter's Choice Shea Butter Soap Base or bases with Essential Oils.

Can you add extracts to cold process soap? ›

Extracts are great additives in lotions, creams, hair care products, cold process soap and melt & pour soap.

How much cornstarch do I add to cold process soap? ›

Starch powders such as cornstarch and arrowroot powder are also used as a fragrance fixative in cold process soap. These powders work the same way as clays by absorbing the scent and helping the scent last longer in soap. To use, mix your fragrance with the powder and then add to traced soap. We recommend ¼ to ½ tsp.

What is the best way to package melt and pour soap? ›

Plastic Food Wrap - Plastic food wrap is a great way to package MP soap. You can tightly wrap your soap to keep out moisture. We have found that cheaper plastic wrap works best as it seems to be more stretchy than name brands.

What is the best melt and pour for embeds? ›

We recommend using LCP White Melt and Pour Soap Base when embedding into cold process soap. LCP stands for “like cold process” and refers to melt and pour soap that contains less glycerin. It melts at a slightly higher temperature, which helps prevent some morphing or melting if the soap goes through a hot gel phase.

Can you add powder to melt and pour soap? ›

Like most Additives, Milk Powders can be added to Melt & Pour Soap Base at a rate of 1 – 2 tablespoons per pound of soap. To add the Milk Powder, mix it with a small amount of warm water to form a slurry or paste.

Can you swirl the top of melt and pour soap? ›

In general, melt and pour soap does a great job of swirling when poured. If using a tool to further swirl the soap, just a few motions will do the trick. Pouring the melted soap into different areas and at different heights will help create more interesting swirls.

How many times can you remelt melt and pour soap? ›

You can reheat MP Soap up to two times. If soap is reheated, add 1/2 tablespoon of distilled water per pound of MP Soap Base each time the soap is reheated. Soap should not be reheated more than twice because incorporating additional water may lead to clouding of clear base, difficulties unmolding, and MP Soap bloom.

Can you wrap melt and pour soap in parchment paper? ›

If your soap is fully cured, it's perfectly fine to wrap the bars in paper. It could be brown parchment paper, gift wrapping paper, tissue paper, handmade paper, or even baking paper. Wrapping up bars of soap in paper makes each one like a mini- gift. Literally any paper will do too!

Can you sell soap made from melt and pour? ›

There are different avenues for selling your melt and pour soap products. If you're looking to sell person to person, consider places like local shops or craft shows. These don't have to be your exclusive selling avenues; it's not a bad idea to diversify where you're selling.

What does alcohol do to melt and pour soap? ›

When making both cold process and melt and pour soap, a spray bottle of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol is helpful. Also known as rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol helps to prevent soda ash on cold process soap, and helps layers stick together when working with melt and pour.

How many bars of soap can you make with 1 lb of soap base? ›

1 lb Bar. Makes Approximately 4 Bars of Soap (Standard Size Molds)

Can you use lakes in melt and pour soap? ›

Lake colors are water dispersible; use lake colors in water-based or clear products, such as melt and pour soap, liquid soap, lotion, bath salts, bath fizzies, and bath bombs.

Should I refrigerate my cold process soap? ›

Store the bars in a dry, cool place until you're ready to use them. Avoid the fridge - that can cause glycerin dew or make the soap brittle.

What happens if you use cold process soap before it cures? ›

If you use your soap before it has fully cured it will dissolve more quickly not just because it has a higher water content but because not all of the longer chain fatty acids have formed soap crystals at that point and it is the crystalline component of soap that is predominantly made up of longer chain soaps which ...

How soon can you cut cold process soap? ›

After the soap is made, it takes about 24 to 48 hours until it is un-molded and cut. Cut soap 36 hours after it was made. Once the bars are un-moulded, sliced and set on the shelves (racks), the curing period starts. The place where the soap is cured needs to be an airy, out of direct sunlight, and a dark place.

Can you add extract to melt and pour soap? ›

EXTRACTS. Extracts introduce the beneficial properties of their original plants into the soap. They can be added to the melted soap at a rate of 1-2 tbsp per each pound (0.45 kg) of soap and stirred in with a spoon just before the mixture is poured into the mold.

Can you put vanilla extract in cold process soap? ›

Vanilla extract should not be used in soap, as adding alcohol to soap can cause unpredictable and negative results. Plus, vanilla extract won't leave any scent in your soap, making it a waste.

Can you use vanilla stabilizer in cold process soap? ›

Vanilla Color Stabilizer for Cold Process Soap prevents the vanilla in fragrance oils from turning lye-based soap brown. It only prevents color changes due to vanillin. For Cold Process Soap and Bath Bombs and Fizzies Only.

Can you add cornstarch to melt and pour soap? ›

Adding cornstarch to Melt and Pour soap turns your soap into a play dough fantasy land! Let your kids sculpt soap into any shape and let it air dry. These hardened shapes can be used in the bath or embedded for a unique soap look.

How do you increase lather in cold process soap? ›

If you are looking to stabilize or sustain lather in your soap recipe, try:
  1. Using castor oil at 5% to 10% of your recipe. ...
  2. Adding or increasing oils that support lather, like almond oil, lard, tallow, cocoa butter, palm oil, shea butter, or sunflower oil.

Why do you add sugar to cold process soap? ›

Glucose, fructose and sucrose not only up the lather but they also contain incredible antioxidant compound and antibacterial properties. It is important to keep in mind that the addition of sugar in your cold process soap recipe raises the temperature at which the batter moves from a liquid to a solid state.

What is the best paper to wrap melt and pour soap? ›

Kraft paper is perfect for packaging cold process soaps. If you would like to use it to wrap melt and pour soap, we would recommend using either cello or shrink wrap underneath the kraft paper to product the paper from moisture.

How do you make melt and pour soap smell stronger? ›

For a strong scent, you can add 0.7 ounces of fragrance or essential oil per pound of cold process soap. For melt and pour, you can add 0.3 ounces per pound. This number will vary based on what oil you choose.

Will melt and pour soap melt in the mail? ›

FAQ: Will soaps melt in the mail? This is a good question, especially since it is over 100F here these days. Cold-processed soaps will melt at high temperatures of about 150-170F, but they should be fine in the mail even in hot climates. Melt-and-pour soaps on the other hand can melt at about 120-130F.

How long does melt-and-pour last? ›

Melt and Pour Soap Bases is 1-2 years. If you do not plan to immediately use your Melt and Pour Soap Bases after purchase, we encourage you to store them in an air-tight plastic storage container. This will ensure that your soap doesn't dry out prematurely.

What temperature is melt-and-pour? ›

It's All About Temperature!

With melt and pour soap, temperature is key. Melt and pour begins to melt around 120-125 ° F. When pouring layers, it's crucial that the top layer is not too hot or it will melt the soap below. Make sure that the top layer has cooled to 125 ° F or below before pouring.

Which is better melt-and-pour or cold process? ›

Cold processed is time consuming and can take a lot of trial and error to prefect a recipe, but in the end, you have a high-quality soap. Melt and pour has less control over the ingredients used, can leave you with glycerine dew, but is a lot simpler of a process!

How much carrier oil can I add to melt and pour soap? ›

In melt and pour soap, more often than not, 2% will be sufficient. So for our tutorial on making our Strawberry and Kiwi Massage bar, you'll see we used 2% of Strawberry Kiwi Fragrance Oil.

Can you add Epsom salt to melt and pour soap? ›

1/3 cup melt-and-pour clear glycerin soap. ¼ teaspoon Essential oil. ½ teaspoon Epsom salt.

Can you add witch hazel to melt and pour soap? ›

I have successfully used all floral waters in bath bombs, but if you are starting out we recommend the Witch Hazel. It is also sometimes used for Melt and Pour Soap making due to it's alcohol content, however Isopropyl Alcohol is a more reliable choice for Melt and Pour Soaping.

How do you make melt and pour soap more creamy? ›

Vegetable butters and vegetable oils can be added during the heating of the melt and pour soap base. Adding additional oil or butter will add greater moisturizing and nutritive properties to your final bars. A good rule of thumb is to use approximately 1-2 tbs. per pound of soap base.

At what temperature do you swirl melt and pour soap? ›

Juggling Soap Temperatures: The best swirled designs happen when all three soap bases are roughly the same temperature when pouring. This becomes increasingly difficult if you only have one microwave! Melt each soap being extra careful not to overheat any of the colors. We recommend getting the soaps to 140ºF each.

Can you swirl colors in melt and pour soap? ›

Colors Ready to Swirl

Just like you would line up all of your mixed colors before you did a cold process soap swirl, do the same with your mixed melt and pour soaps.

What can I add to melt and pour soap for more lather? ›

Sugar works by increasing the friction when you use the soap, which can create larger bubbles. Sugar can increase lather in soap. Add up to 1 teaspoon of white sugar per pound of melt and pour soap base. You can also make a sugar scrub soap that has more lather.

How do you make vibrant colors in melt and pour soap? ›

How to Get Vibrant Colors in Soap
  1. Micas: Mica colorants are a great option for melt and pour soap. ...
  2. Pigments: Pigments are a great option for achieving brightly colored cold process soap. ...
  3. LabColors: These liquid dyes are super concentrated and work for cold process and melt and pour soap.
Nov 11, 2015

What is the best way to color melt and pour soap? ›

Melt and pour:
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of pigment with 1 tablespoon of glycerin or 99% isopropyl alcohol. Add ¼ teaspoon of dispersed color to the melted soap until you get a color you like.
  2. Add shavings of Color Blocks to the melted soap until you get a color you like.

Why do you use rubbing alcohol in soap? ›

Isopropyl Alcohol or Rubbing Alcohol, as it is commonly known, has many uses. For the soap maker it is most useful when spritzing your newly poured melt and pour soaps. Helping to remove surface bubbles, but it is also a powerful solvent with many useful applications.

Can you put cold process soap in molds? ›

One of the questions we get asked all the time is, “Can I put cold process soap in your plastic molds?” The answer is yes, absolutely!

Can you layer melt and pour soap? ›

While melt and pour can't swirl quite like cold process can, melt and pour can create extremely clean and straight layers. Because melt and pour soap cools quickly, you can wait for the soap to completely harden before pouring the next layer.

What can you add to cold process soap? ›

In general, there are no limits to what kind of natural purees you can add to soap. In my new book, Pure Soapmaking, there are recipes that include purees of blueberry, cucumber, tomato, aloe leaf, banana and potatoes. Here on the blog, you can find soap made with purees of pumpkin, strawberry, carrots and avocado.

How do you insulate cold process soap? ›

Insulating the soap involves covering the mold with a lid or homemade device (we often use cardboard) to keep the soap warm. In addition to covering the soap with a lid or cardboard, you can also wrap the mold in a blanket to insulate.

How long should you wait to cut cold process soap? ›

After the soap is made, it takes about 24 to 48 hours until it is un-molded and cut. Cut soap 36 hours after it was made. Once the bars are un-moulded, sliced and set on the shelves (racks), the curing period starts. The place where the soap is cured needs to be an airy, out of direct sunlight, and a dark place.

Can you put vinegar in cold process soap? ›

Adding vinegar at trace matters very little, since most of the oil remains unsaponified at trace. But if you add vinegar to finished soap, either after the HP cook, or during curing, or prior to use, you can convert some of the soap to fatty acid, thus lowering the pH.

Can you put coffee grounds in melt and pour soap? ›

Used coffee grounds are best for both melt and pour and cold process soap. Dry grounds can bleed in the soap, creating a halo of color. After making a pot of coffee, place the grounds on a towel and pat dry. A general usage rate is about 1 teaspoon per pound of soap.

What is the best way to wrap melt and pour soap? ›

Plastic Food Wrap - Plastic food wrap is a great way to package MP soap. You can tightly wrap your soap to keep out moisture. We have found that cheaper plastic wrap works best as it seems to be more stretchy than name brands.

What does alcohol do to cold process soap? ›

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, is a multi-purpose product that every maker needs in their collection. Spray it on top of cold process soap to prevent soda ash, spray it on melt and pour to pop bubbles and help layers stick, or use it to disperse micas. It's also great for cleaning spills.

What oil is best for cold process soap? ›

Any soap can be made with just one oil, but the only ones we recommend using up to 100% are olive oil or coconut oil. The others can feel too sticky, too hard, etc. Learn more in the Single Oil Cold Process Soap Lather Tests.

What is the best temperature to make cold process soap? ›

The temperatures in both the soapmaking ingredients and the room temperature in which you are making soap can affect how quickly a soap traces. The higher the temperatures, the faster the trace times. Ideally, your temperatures should be below 110 degrees F for best results.

Does cold process soap need to go through gel phase? ›

The gel phase is a part of the saponification process that happens after the soap has been poured into the mold. During this time soap gets hot, up to 180°F, and becomes more translucent in appearance. Though this is a part of the soap making process that can happen naturally, it is not completely necessary.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.