Lavender (2025)

Lavender (2025)


Does lavender need full sun or shade? ›

Light: Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil to grow best. In hot summer climates, afternoon shade may help them thrive. Soil: Lavender grows best in low to moderately-fertile soils, so don't amend the soil with organic matter before planting. Lavender performs best in neutral to slightly alkaline soils.

Does lavender come back each year? ›

Lavender is a perennial, so it will come back every year as long as you care for it properly, which includes giving it plenty of sun, a little bit of water, and a lot of love. If all of its needs are met, you can expect your lavender plant to bloom every year, for about three to five years.

Where does lavender grow best? ›

Lavenders thrive in the arid West, but are best grown as annuals or container plants in the South, as they do not thrive in areas of high humidity (with the exception of Lavandula dentata and L. stoechas). Most are hardy from Zones 5 to 9; Spanish Lavender (L. stoechas) is only hardy in Zones 7 to 9.

What does lavender symbolize? ›

Lavender flowers represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness. Purple is the color of royalty and speaks of elegance, refinement, and luxury, too. The color is also associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity.

Do lavender plants spread? ›

Lavender is a small shrub that usually grows 20 to 24 inches tall and wide. The height includes the flower stalks, so when not in bloom, the foliage may be only a foot tall. The plant does not spread as thyme, oregano, and other herbs tend to.

Does lavender do well in pots? ›

Yes, almost all lavenders grow quite well in pots. Dwarf and smaller varieties are better suited, but even large lavenders that mature into small shrubs can be grown in pots for several years before being transplanted into the ground.

Does lavender keep bugs away? ›

Lavender scares away moths, fleas, flies and mosquitoes. For centuries, this lilac-colored plant has been used to add a sweet and pleasant fragrance to homes and clothing drawers. And while the vast majority of humans love the smell of lavender, mosquitoes, flies, and other unwanted insects hate it.

Should you deadhead lavender? ›

Should you deadhead lavender? Yes, deadheading lavender can promote more blooms and extend the flowering period. It also helps the plant maintain its compact shape and prevents it from becoming too woody.

What happens if you don't prune lavender? ›

Like all perennial plants, pruning is essential to keep the plant healthy and maintain a good shape. Lavender in particular has a tendency to get leggy when not pruned. Not only does this not look as attractive, the more leggy the plant, eventually sections will start to split and break.

What is the best companion plant for lavender? ›

While it will flourish without much care, one way to ensure a successful harvest is by growing lavender next to companion plants. Sowing lavender in tandem with other garden staples—like marigolds, rosemary, garlic, or sage—creates a plot full of plants that mutually benefit each other.

Is lavender safe for dogs? ›

When it comes to our furry friends, lavender ingestion can be a real no-no. The plant's leaves, flowers, and especially the essential oils contain compounds like linalool and linalyl acetate, which are not exactly doggy-digestive-friendly.

What side of the house do you plant lavender on? ›

Plant them in a microclimate close to the south-side of your house or a sunny stone wall. Planting lavenders among large, protective stones can also help them overwinter.

What does the Bible say about lavender? ›

In the Bible, lavender spiritual symbolism represents regal luxury and beauty. This nard was an expensive plant out of reach for most. The flower is also viewed as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The spiritual meaning of lavender is innocence, serenity, and faithfulness, so it makes a fitting match.

What does a lavender front door mean? ›

Yes, purple is the color of royalty, but like other colors, the shade you choose makes a big difference in where you stand in the royal family. Choose a lavender color for your entry door, and it says you're sophisticated. Pick a robust shade such as violet, and it might suggest you're a bit brash or a risk-taker.

Why is lavender queer? ›

It was not until 1995 that President Clinton signed an executive order ending the ban on security clearances for gay workers. In 1969, the lavender came to symbolize empowerment, as the queer rights movement began to reclaim the color as a symbol of resistance.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.