Jasmine Care: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jasmine Flowers | Gilmour (2024)

Delicate and dainty with small flowers, jasmine is known around the world for its unique tropical smell and pretty blossoms that attract bees. The jasmine flower is usually white, although some species are yellow or cream, and it can bloom all year long. Jasmine can grow in a pot or hanging basket. It can also be planted directly in the ground and trained to climb or grow as bushes or ground cover.

Interested in growing Jasmine? Learn everything there is to know about jasmine plant care so you can enjoy its sweet-smelling flower and full, hardy look.

  • What are Jasmine Flowers?
  • Planting Jasmine Flowers
  • Jasmine Plant Care
  • Types of Jasmine
  • Common Questions About Jasmine

What are Jasmine Flowers?

Jasmine flowers are tropical blooms that thrive in warmer climates. Most varieties have a distinct scent that is popular even off the vine. The smell of jasmine can be found in everything from teas to candles to soaps to lotion. Jasmine has bright green, glossy foliage and likes sun to light shade and relatively fertile, well-drained soil. Some jasmine plants are evergreen, meaning they will keep their green leaves year-round. While growing jasmine does require some effort, it’s well worth it, as the plant will put on a profuse, showy display of blooms that can liven up even the dullest of yards.

Planting Jasmine Flowers

Planting jasmine is easy. Just follow these simple tips.

  • When to plant jasmine – Plant jasmine bushes any time between June and November.
  • Where to plant jasmine – Jasmine will grow well in full sun to partial shaded areas. Summer-flowering jasmine does better in a sunny spot, while other varieties, such as winter jasmine, like a more shaded area.
  • Soils that jasmine thrive in – Jasmine needs well-drained but moist, moderately fertile sandy loamy soil.
  • Supports for jasmine – If planting a twining vine variety and wanting jasmine to climb, the plant will need a support structure. A trellis or fence will both work.
  • How to space jasmine – Jasmine should be planted at least 8 feet, sometimes more depending on variety, apart to accommodate for its future root growth, as it will grow tremendously and does not like to be crowded.
  • How deep to plant – Dig a hole for the jasmine that is just deep enough so the plant will rest at the same level in the ground as it was when it was in the pot. It doesn’t need to be planted in a deep hole.

Jasmine Plant Care

Jasmine is not particularly hard to care for, but it does require some attention in the beginning and needs regular feeding and pruning. Learn how to care for a jasmine plant below.

  • Watering – Jasmine flowers that are in-ground should be watered once a week. If it is unusually dry or hot, increase the frequency, but let the soil dry out in between. If your jasmine is in a container, it will likely require water multiple times each week, especially in the hotter months. Water it once the top 1 inch of the soil is dry.
  • Training – If growing jasmine to climb a structure like a trellis or fence, help it by training young vines. Begin to train jasmine just after planting by weaving young stems through the trellis sections or by gently and loosely tying them onto the fence or support.
  • Amount of sunlight – Jasmine needs full sun or part shade – usually about 6 hours or more of direct sunlight each day for full sun, and 2 – 4 hours per day for partial shade. The exact type of jasmine you plant, in addition to climate and other conditions, will determine how much sun a plant needs.
  • Tips on how to prune – To prune jasmine, first remove any damaged, diseased or dead stems from the plant to prevent any spread of disease. Then remove any stems that are tangled or that no longer flower. Help keep trained jasmine clean and tidy by snipping stems that are growing away from the plant. Prune jasmine blooms immediately after they flower so vines have enough time to grow before the following season. Pruning is easy – simply pinch the tips by squeezing them between your finger and thumbnail. Proper and regular pruning will promote lush, full foliage and rapid growth.

Types of Jasmine

Jasmine is a member of the olive family. The most common types are grown as vines, but there are some varieties that work as ground covers or shrubs, too. There are about 200 different species of jasmine, which is native to warmer, temperate tropical climates. Jasmine plant types will all have slightly different needs, so it is important to know about the varieties before choosing which one to plant.

  • Arabian Jasmine – This variety of jasmine is an evergreen shrub or vine. It has white, very strongly scented flowers that open in the evening. Arabian jasmine can grow from 3 – 9 feet tall.
  • White Jasmine – White jasmine is native to Burma and China and is an evergreen twining climber. Its pinkish flower buds show in late winter to early spring and bloom into white star-like fragrant flowers. White jasmine can grow 20 – 30 feet tall and 7 – 15 feet wide, so you will need ample room for this variety.
  • Purple Jasmine – The purple jasmine flower is also known as star jasmine. This twining vine blooms 2-inch flowers in the spring and summer. It can grow 20 feet as a vine, but can also be grown on a smaller scale as a hedge, shrub or ground cover.
  • Forest Jasmine – A woody climber, forest jasmine has dark green glossy leaves and bright white flowers that have a slight tinge of pink. It is a strong variety, with stems that can grow to more than 5 inches in diameter.
  • Winter Jasmine – Growing up to 15 feet tall if trained on a trellis, Winter jasmine is known for its striking yellow blooms. Winter jasmine is native to China and, unlike most jasmine, doesn’t twine. Because of this, it needs to be pruned more often than other varieties.
  • Spanish Jasmine – Another highly scented variety, Spanish jasmine is a deciduous climber or shrub that is widely used in perfumes. It can grow 6 – 13 feet tall.

Common Questions About Jasmine

Is Jasmine an annual or perennial?

Jasmine is a perennial that will grow year after year. Different varieties have different watering, space and sunlight needs depending on what zone they are growing in.

How much sun does jasmine need?

All types of jasmine will do well in full sun to partial shade – exactly how much sun a plant needs each day will depend on the variety.

Can jasmine grow indoors or outdoors?

Jasmine can grow both indoors and outdoors. Dwarf varieties do best indoors, but vines can also thrive inside the home. Just pinch or prune the plant in the dormant season to maintain the desired height and shape.

Can jasmine survive winter?

Many gardeners choose to grow jasmine in containers so they can bring the plant indoors over winter. If bringing jasmine inside because of extreme cold, do so gradually, over about a week or so, to allow the plant time to adjust to less sun once indoors. A good way to make this transition is by bringing the plant in at night, and then returning it outside during the day time, increasing the hours you leave it inside throughout the week. Once it is inside permanently, place it in the sunniest spot of the house.

When does jasmine bloom?

Jasmine blooms in clusters from spring until well into the fall. The sweet flowers are most often cream, white or yellow, depending on the variety, and will attract bees and other pollinators.

How long do jasmine flowers last?

With enough sun and the right watering and feeding, jasmine flowers will stay open and fresh for you to enjoy for several months.

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Jasmine Care: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jasmine Flowers | Gilmour (2024)
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