Is This the Way to Curb Student Loan Defaults? (2024)

What if student loan payments were treated like Social Security taxes — automatically withheld from a person’s paycheck? Fewer people would fall behind and risk having their wages garnished or credit score plummet. But some may struggle to cover living expenses if their education debt takes priority.

Those are some of the central arguments in favor and against a novel policy gaining traction in Washington. Automatic payroll deduction for student loan repayment has long had broad support among liberal and conservative policy wonks, but it could come to fruition with the backing of Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.).

The chairman of the Senate education panel hailed the idea last week in a speech outlining his priorities for reauthorizing the Higher Education Act of 1965, a federal law that governs almost every aspect of the sector. Although reauthorization has endured fits and starts in a divided Congress, Alexander has pledged to complete the task before he retires next year. As a result, his support for payroll deduction is giving new life to debates over the issue.

Speaking before the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute last week, Alexander proposed consolidating the existing nine repayment plans into two options.

One would maintain the standard 10-year repayment plan, while the other would expand the Obama-era plan Revised Pay as You Earn, or REPAYE. That program caps payments to about 10 percent of discretionary income — that means earnings above 150 percent of the federal poverty line ($18,735 for a single person) — and forgives any existing balance after 20 years. Alexander would marry that option with automatic payroll deduction.

“Borrowers would never have to pay more than 10 percent of their income that is not needed for necessities,” Alexander told the audience. “And if a borrower loses his or her job and doesn’t make enough to make a payment, they would not pay anything, and it would not hurt their credit score.”

Alexander gave several examples of how the proposal could work for borrowers. Take an engineering graduate with $28,500 in debt and a starting salary of $60,000. The first $18,735 would be untouched, leaving about $41,000 in discretionary income. Therefore, her student loan payments would be about $343 a month. If this borrower never gets a raise, she will pay back her loan in nine years.

“Under this payment system, students will have a manageable payment. Most will completely pay off their loans, which is good for the student and good for the taxpayer,” Alexander said. “And it should end the nightmare that many students have worrying how they’re going to pay off their student loans.”

Some consumer advocates worry Alexander’s plan could create an entirely new nightmare for low-income borrowers.

On Monday, the National Consumer Law Center issued a policy paper criticizing automated payroll deduction as shortsighted. The liberal advocacy group argues that many student loan borrowers lack stable employment and have fluctuations in income.

Automatic payroll withholding could mean diverting money from rent or food, the paper said. It could operate much like wage garnishment, depriving families of income to cover necessities. Borrowers should be able to prioritize their expenses and debts in a way that allows them to meet their other obligations, the paper said.

“While the student loan repayment system is in desperate need of overhaul, forced automatic payroll withholding misses the mark,” said Persis Yu, a staff attorney and director of the National Consumer Law Center’s Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project.

Paycheck withholding was considered during the Clinton administration after a 1995 report examined whether the Education Department should transfer student loans to the Internal Revenue Service. But the idea failed to gain momentum, despite successes elsewhere.

Australia is among a handful of countries that have adopted payroll deduction for student loan repayment. There, payments kick in once graduates start earning at least $44,000 and increase alongside income. The Consumer Law Center paper points out that unlike Australia, income-driven plans in the United States are determined by household income, placing married couples at a disadvantage.

Alexander’s push for payroll withholding lends heft to the issue, but it may prove a hard sell for some in Congress. A Democratic aide on the House education committee said Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-Va.), chairman of the committee, is concerned automatic payroll deductions take away incentives to make college more affordable. A Republican aide on the committee said it is a complex idea worthy of discussion. Aides for Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the top Democrat on the Senate committee, declined to comment on policy proposals before negotiations get underway.

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Is This the Way to Curb Student Loan Defaults?Is This the Way to Curb Student Loan Defaults? (2) Reviewed by Student Loans Center on February 12, 2019 Rating: 5

Is This the Way to Curb Student Loan Defaults? (2024)


How do we fix the student loan crisis? ›

Reducing interest rates on federal student loans could make repayment more manageable for borrowers. This policy change could help lower the overall cost of education and prevent the ballooning of loan balances. Addressing the root cause of the crisis involves finding ways to make higher education more affordable.

How to reduce student loan default? ›

You should choose a repayment plan that is best for your financial situation. You lender will assist you in making a choice. One way to avoid default is to apply for student loan deferment or forbearance. This helps to postpone your loan payments until you can afford to do so once again.

What is the strategy for reducing student loans? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce your total cost of your loan over time. Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster.

Will defaulted student loans be forgiven? ›

Defaulted loans are not eligible for any of our student loan forgiveness programs. But if you take advantage of Fresh Start, you'll get out of default status. Then you'll regain the ability to apply for forgiveness programs, including Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

What is the real problem with student loan debt? ›

Loan Debt Is an Economic Drag

According to a CNBC report, “85 percent of student loan borrowers say difficulty in saving has delayed their ability to buy a house,” and other research indicates that “Those with student loan debt also are less likely to have taken out car loans.

What has caused the student loan crisis? ›

For decades, there had been enthusiastic bipartisan agreement that states should fund high-quality public colleges so that their youth could receive higher education for free or nearly so. As a result of this ideological swing, student loan debt began to mount.

How many student loans are in default? ›

How Many People Are Currently in Default on Their Student Loans? By the end of 2021, roughly 3 million people were in student loan default — that's about 7% of all borrowers.

Why should student loan debt be eliminated? ›

The burden of student debt does not exist in a vacuum. Debt has multigenerational consequences and impacts the mental health and retirement plans of borrowers. Cancellation followed by intentional investments to make higher education affordable is good for the overall education and wealth of the nation.

Why is defaulting on student loans bad? ›

Your wages can be garnished without a court order. You can lose out on your tax refund or Social Security check, because the money is applied to your defaulted student loan. Credit reporting companies are notified, which generally means a lower credit score for you.

What is the government program to reduce student loan debt? ›

An IDR plan bases your monthly payment on your income and family size. If you repay your loans under an IDR plan, any remaining balance on your student loans will be forgiven after you make a certain number of payments over 20 or 25 years.

Can student loans be reduced? ›

Your monthly payment amount depends on what repayment plan you're on, so you may be able to lower it by switching plans. If you're already on an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, you may be able to lower your payment by updating your income information.

Can student debt be reduced? ›

If you need a lower payment, consider applying for an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, like the SAVE Plan. Under the SAVE Plan, making even periodic or partial payments may lower the amount of interest you accrue each month.

Do defaulted student loans go away after 7 years? ›

If the loan is paid in full, the default will remain on your credit report for seven years following the final payment date, but your report will reflect a zero balance. If you rehabilitate your loan, the default will be removed from your credit report.

Are defaulted student loans forgiven after 20 years? ›

If you have loans that have been in repayment for more than 20 or 25 years, those loans may immediately qualify for forgiveness. Borrowers who have reached 20 or 25 years (240 or 300 months) worth of eligible payments for IDR forgiveness will see their loans forgiven as they reach these milestones.

Do defaulted student loans go away after 20 years? ›

The remaining unpaid balance of loans is forgiven after 20 or 25 years. Pay As You Earn (PAYE)—Payments are generally 10% of your discretionary income, but never more than the 10 year Standard repayment plan amount. The remaining unpaid balance of loans is forgiven after 20 years.

Why can't student loans be bankrupted? ›

Filing for bankruptcy on your student loans is hard to do

They have to demonstrate that paying their student loans would cause them “undue hardship.” “Congress didn't define what it meant by 'undue hardship,' so it was left to the courts to decide,” says higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz.

Why should student loans be cancelled? ›

The burden of student debt does not exist in a vacuum. Debt has multigenerational consequences and impacts the mental health and retirement plans of borrowers. Cancellation followed by intentional investments to make higher education affordable is good for the overall education and wealth of the nation.

Why should student loans be canceled? ›

Three of the major arguments in favor of broad student debt cancellation are: Student loan debt slows new business growth and limits consumer spending. Broad student loan debt forgiveness may help boost the national economy by making it more affordable for borrowers to participate in it.

How can the US make college more affordable? ›

Educate students about financial aid by requiring or encouraging financial aid advising. Prioritize need-based institutional grants. Commit to maintaining grant levels for the duration of a student's academic program.

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