Is There a Cryptocurrency Price Correlation to Equity Markets? (2024)

Increased and growing awareness from retail and institutional investors since 2017 created market movements that, at first appearance, seem to suggest that cryptocurrency and equities markets are correlated. However, it isn't so much a correlation as it is an indication of how cryptocurrency is being treated by the market that gives it this appearance.

From 2009 to the mid-2010s, the broader economy's lack of cryptocurrency awareness and understanding was apparent in the low prices and trading volumes of the times. During that period, it acted as a way for investors to speculate on an emerging financial technology. As awareness grew, prices rose, and investors became more interested. Treating cryptocurrency the only way they know how, as an investment opportunity, prices began to rise and fall dramatically based on investor sentiments, economic circ*mstances, regulator actions, and all of the factors that affect traditional investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Cryptocurrency and stock prices are somewhat correlated after accounting for cryptocurrency's volatility.
  • Many of the factors that affect stock prices also affect cryptocurrency prices.
  • Investors and traders treat cryptocurrency the same way they treat stocks, so prices tend to trend the same.
  • You should be cautious when investing in cryptocurrency because it is still relatively new—the market is exploring its role as an asset.

What Factors Affect Stock and Cryptocurrency Prices?

The equity market has been preferred by investors for a long time. As a result, the factors that affect stock market prices and performance have been studied extensively.

The table below lists some factors that affect stock prices. Because cryptocurrencies are treated the same as stocks, bonds, and commodities, these factors also affect their prices.

Factors That Affect Prices
Equity MarketCryptocurrencies
Investor sentimentsInvestor sentiments
Economic conditionsEconomic conditions
Monetary policyMonetary policy
Regulatory changesRegulatory changes
Stock issuer financial healthDevelopment changes

Supply and Demand

It's fairly well known that supply and demand significantly affect the prices of products and services. These influences also affect the price of equities; it appears that they also affect Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. For example, there will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin created—the future supply is dwindling while demand increases, which tends to raise its price over time. Other cryptocurrencies follow suit as investors explore them for investment opportunities.

Investor Sentiments and Expectations

One of the most significant factors that have to do with prices is investor sentiment. In the equities market, investor sentiment is the expectation investors have for the market. In this regard, they are grouped into two segments—those who believe prices will increase and those who believe prices will decrease. They then base their investing decisions on their outlook.

Cryptocurrencies more popular with investors tend to follow these conditions as well, although at an intensified rate. Bitcoin is the prime example here—based on its massive gains since it was introduced, many investors expect more from it. This is evident in many instances—for instance, a media employee accidentally announced that the Securities and Exchange Commission had approved a Spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund in October 2023. The SEC had not approved one, but Bitcoin's price rose nearly $2,000 in a matter of hours after the announcement, then dropped back to its previous level shortly after that. Investor expectations (and hopes) fueled this rapid rise and fall.

Economic Conditions

How the economy is behaving has a significant impact on investment prices. The economy, measured by gross domestic product, increases and decreases over time. It has natural cycles it follows, but macro events can force it into specific portions of the cycle. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 caused an economic downturn that resulted in a short recession and plummeting stock market prices.

Monetary Policy

Monetary policy changes such as an interest rate decrease can cause investments like bonds to produce fewer yields, decreasing investor interest—they feel they can get better returns elsewhere. Additionally, monetary policy measures taken to fight the effects of inflation can slow economic growth, in turn affecting stock and cryptocurrency prices.


Political decisions between different countries influence the stock market and cryptocurrency prices because trade restrictions or other political actions can affect the supply of materials, labor forces, shipping, and more. As a result, those who invest in assets affected by political actions fear price instability or volatility and buy or sell according to their beliefs.


Regulatory changes influence cryptocurrency and stock prices. For example, in 2021, the Chinese government pressured mining farm operators to shut down and leave. Large mining operations began moving in late May. In June, Sichuan Province introduced measures that declared them illegal. Bitcoin's price dropped from about $53,000 to $32,000 by the end of July, and China effectively banned cryptocurrency in September. Bitcoin's price recovered after miners relocated, but it wasn't until October that prices reached previous levels.

Developmental Issues

Cryptocurrencies, at their most fundamental level, are data. They are managed by software created and maintained by developers. Development issues with the software or disagreements between developers can cause concern for investors. For example, when Bitcoin Cash emerged after a hard-fork from Bitcoin in July 2017, investors reacted, and Bitcoin's price dropped by nearly $600.

Cryptocurrency Prices vs. Stock Prices

Interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as an investment asset class emerged sometime around late 2016, as witnessed by the slow, steady price increases through that year into 2017 when Bitcoin's price crossed $1,000. Media outlets covered the phenomenon, and prices climbed throughout the year to peak at nearly $17,000 before settling down to fluctuate between $3,000 and $10,000. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 created a significant worry for investors, who panicked because businesses and economies were slowing and shutting down.

Many investors fled the stock market and placed their assets in Bitcoin during the pandemic, whose price quadrupled through 2021, then fell to hover around $30,000 until May 2022, when its price began to drop and fell below $30,000 for the first time since June 2021.

During the pandemic, the S&P 500—the stock index used most by investors to gauge the market—lost more than 110 points as investors transferred their assets to alternative investments. The U.S. economy floundered into a short recession, then began a recovery in which stock prices climbed to more than double their value by its end.

By the time the index and economy had recovered to pre-pandemic levels, investors were convinced that Bitcoin was a new asset class that could be used to realize returns under some of the most austere market conditions. Many corporations had already begun to sink money into cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin's performance during the pandemic reinforced their positions and outlooks. Bitcoin had made its investing debut, attracting a large following of retail investors, institutions, and enterprises.

Bitcoin, which had been traded like a stock for several years on cryptocurrency exchanges by early adopters, began to be treated like a stock by traders and investors—solidifying its position as an asset class.

Crypto Price Correlation

As Bitcoin morphed into an asset class, more interest was created. Brokerages and institutions gained traction with regulators and offered investment opportunities like Bitcoin-linked ETFs. Because institutions were providing familiar instruments, investors appeared to become more comfortable with cryptocurrencies.

From late 2021 into 2022 and through 2023, cryptocurrency prices rose and fell similarly to equity prices (albeit with much more volatility). The chart below shows Bitcoin's (BTC) price compared to the S&P 500 (SPX) and the Nasdaq Composite (ICIX) from November 2022 to November 2023.

Is There a Cryptocurrency Price Correlation to Equity Markets? (1)

SPX is a measurement of the performance of large-cap stocks. ICIX measures the performance of 2,500 capitalization-weighted stocks on Nasdaq. You can see prices rising and falling with each other—although Bitcoin demonstrates much more volatility—suggesting that Bitcoin is viewed and treated very much like a stock by traders and investors.

The cryptocurrency price correlation that has emerged appears not to be that Bitcoin is related to equities in any way but instead that investors and traders are inadvertently creating a correlation. They are trading Bitcoin the only way they know how—the same way the asset classes they are most familiar with are traded.

What Does It Mean for Investors?

Cryptocurrency's price correlation with equity could be a coincidence or indicate that cryptocurrency prices are indeed following trends in equity prices. So, what does this mean for investors?

It is possible that because investors appear to be treating cryptocurrency like stocks, digital assets can react to market influencers just like equities do. For example, on May 4, 2022, the Federal Reserve announced that it was increasing its target federal funds range to 0.75%–1%. On May 5, 2022, Bitcoin fell to around $31,000. The Nasdaq 100 (NDX) lost about 1,400 points, and SPX lost about 150 points. The cryptocurrency price was much more pronounced, but the effect was the same.

It is also likely that investors, as a whole, are treating cryptocurrency the way they treat equities temporarily. Cryptocurrencies are still in their price discovery phase, where the market is determining the role they will play. When they were first introduced, investors paid them no attention.

What this means is that investors should approach cryptocurrency cautiously. It is difficult to tell how the market and prices will act in the future. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could remain correlated to equities, or they might not. If you're interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, it's best to talk to a professional financial advisor familiar with them. They can help you determine what is best for your financial circ*mstances and investing goals.

Is the Crypto Market Correlated to the Stock Market?

There does appear to be a crypto investment and trading activity that emulates the stock market based on price data.

Do BTC and ETH Have Correlation?

According to Tradingview, BTC and ETH appear to correlate, suggesting that cryptocurrencies, in general, have been trading similarly to each other.

Is Bitcoin No Longer Correlated With Stocks?

There is much debate between analysts and fans about Bitcoin and stock market correlation. Depending on who you talk to, it is still correlated, it isn't correlated, or it never was correlated. Analyzing by only prices, there is the appearance of correlation.

The Botton Line

Bitcoin has come a long way from its meager beginnings as a payment method. Regulatory and classification debates between regulators, fans, and investors continue—but the cryptocurrency keeps demonstrating it is an investment asset, a currency, and a novelty all at the same time. Its price loosely correlates to stock market prices, likely because traders and investors treat it the same way they would any other asset—as a way to store value, protect capital, generate income from small trades, speculate on price actions, and more. The longer it survives in the market, the more investors will use it in their strategies.

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Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

  1. S&P Global. "S&P 500."

  2. South China Morning Post. "China’s Cryptocurrency Crackdown Intensifies as Sichuan Province Orders a Stop To Mining Operations."

  3. The State Council of the People's Republic of China. "Circular on Further Preventing and Disposing of Hype Risks in Virtual Currency Transactions Yin Fa."

  4. Coinbase. "Bitcoin Price."

  5. ProShares. "ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF."

  6. TradingView. "Bitcoin to USD." Click on plus symbol next to BTCUSD, search for USD, add to chart.

  7. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. "Implementation Note issued May 4, 2022."

  8. Nasdaq. "NDX."

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Is There a Cryptocurrency Price Correlation to Equity Markets? (2024)


Is There a Cryptocurrency Price Correlation to Equity Markets? ›

Some crypto market and stock market correlations do exist. Companies that are directly involved with the crypto markets through investment or business tend to correlate to the underlying price movement. However, there is no concise and consistent correlation between stock benchmark indices and the crypto markets.

Is there a correlation between crypto and stock market? ›

The stock market's return significantly impacted Bitcoin's return in high uncertainty periods. The volatility spillover effect from the stock market to Bitcoin was found during high uncertainty periods. No effect of stock market on Bitcoin during low and medium uncertainty periods (or without COVID-19).

What is the correlation between S&P 500 and BTC? ›

In general, there is little correlation between bitcoin and the S&P 500. An exception occurs when bitcoin makes a large move to the upside (+5%) or more to the downside (less than -5%).

Is Bitcoin correlated to Nasdaq? ›

Interestingly, Bitcoin moves in sync with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq, with an impressive correlation. Meanwhile, the correlation between Bitcoin and Gold has sharply decreased recently, contrasting with claims that investors see crypto as a safe haven or hedge against inflation, a role traditionally played by Gold.

What is the correlation between market cap and crypto price? ›

Market cap is the total value of a cryptocurrency calculated by multiplying its current price by the total circulating supply. It affects crypto prices by influencing investor sentiment and perceived value, as higher market cap can indicate higher demand and potential stability.

What is the correlation between S&P and crypto? ›

The correlation coefficient between Bitcoin prices and the S&P 500 index is 0.802 and indicates quite a good correlation. At the same time to investigate the real relations between these two values, more deep analysis is needed.

Do investor sentiments drive cryptocurrency prices? ›

Moreover, unlike traditional assets, cryptocurrencies are not driven by economic fundamentals but move with investor sentiment (Burggraf et al., 2020, Bouri et al., 2021).

What stocks are most correlated with Bitcoin? ›

The primary assets showing a strong correlation with Bitcoin are companies heavily involved in cryptocurrencies, such as MicroStrategy (MSTR), Coinbase (COIN), and Riot Blockchain (RIOT).

What is Bitcoin price correlated to? ›

Bitcoin's price is primarily affected by its supply, the market's demand, availability, competing cryptocurrencies, and investor sentiment.

What is crypto negatively correlated to? ›

Historically, cryptocurrencies and traditional assets have a moderate negative correlation. This implies that cryptocurrencies tend to underperform when traditional assets perform well and vice versa.

Does gold price follow Bitcoin? ›

Over the past six months, the correlation between Bitcoin and gold is very low at 7.2%—a 100% link would denote the two assets trade in sync. Over the past month, this correlation has faded over the past month to just 3.5%.

What is crypto positively correlated to? ›

Nonetheless, their association with the stock market (equities) reflected in indexes such as the S&P 500 (SPX) has been consistently favorable. Some people view cryptocurrencies as riskier investments, and they have a history of moving positively correlated with equities during bull markets.

Is Bitcoin leading indicator of stock market bottom? ›

Traditional market investors looking for hints of a potential bearish-to-bullish trend change in U.S. stocks should keep a close eye on bitcoin. The leading cryptocurrency by market value tends to lead major stock market bottoms by at least six weeks, analysis of past data by Delphi Digital shows.

What year will the last Bitcoin be mined? ›

After all 21 million bitcoin are mined, which is estimated to occur around the year 2140, the network will no longer produce new bitcoin. The block subsidy will go to zero but miners will continue to receive transaction fees, which will make up an ever greater portion of the block reward.

Should I buy crypto with low or high market cap? ›

Importance of Market Cap

A high market cap can indicate a strong project with widespread adoption and stability, while a low market cap may signal a newer, potentially riskier investment. Keep in mind — those that find low market cap projects early, get the highest return on their investment.

What determines crypto prices? ›

Put simply, the price of a given cryptocurrency is determined by how much interest there is in the market to buy (demand) as well as how much is available to buy (supply). If there is a high demand, but low supply, the price goes up. If there is a low demand, but a high supply, the price goes down.

Is it better to invest in crypto or stocks? ›

A broadly diversified stock portfolio generally presents a safer option than cryptocurrencies because of their intrinsic value and history of delivering solid long-term returns. Cryptocurrencies may hold greater potential for outsized gains, but come with significant risk.

What asset is most correlated to Bitcoin? ›

According to a Cointelegraph report, the most correlated assets with Bitcoin are crypto-specific stocks, silver, and growth funds, according to a recent analysis spanning from October 2019 to October 2022.

Should I invest in both stocks and crypto? ›

Investing in both crypto and stocks can be a good strategy for diversifying your portfolio and potentially increasing your returns.

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