Is 46 Degrees Too Cold for Tomato Seedlings? (2024)

By Doug Johnson Updated October 26, 2020

Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are an incredibly popular and important crop, and as such, many home gardeners are keen on finding the ideal temperature for tomato seedlings so they can grow their own. Thankfully, tomatoes are quite hardy, so they can grow in many conditions. However, there is a sweet spot when it comes to the temperature for tomato seedlings.


Tomatoes are not cold-weather crops. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can prevent the seedlings from growing.

Get to Know Tomatoes

According to Britannica, tomatoes are widely cultivated for their edible fruits, though they are often mistakenly called vegetables, in part because of their nutrient content. They are flowering plants in the nightshade family. They tend to grow many branches and can spread as much as 72 inches. They take on a trailing quality when fruiting, though some varieties are more compact and grow more upright than others.

Their leaves are quite hairy and smelly and can reach up to 18 inches long. Their petals are yellow and small, clocking in at around 0.8 inches across, and they are born in clusters. Their fruits can vary in diameter quite dramatically, from 0.6 inches to 3 inches or more. While most commercially available tomatoes are red, there are many other varieties that can take on numerous other colors, including purple and yellow. Tomatoes enjoy warm weather, though they can tolerate a few different temperature ranges without dying.

Tomato Temperature Tolerance

Tomatoes are grown widely around the world and in myriad different temperatures, but there are ideal temperatures for tomato seedlings. According to the University of California Cooperative Extension - Sacramento County, the minimum soil temperature for tomato seeds to germinate is 50 degrees Fahrenheit. As such, 46 degrees might indeed be too cold for the plants. Rather, opt for a sweet spot between 65 and 85 degrees when trying to grow tomato seedlings. Anything over 95 degrees is too much for them.

According to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, tomato temperature tolerance is different when the plants are more established. Temperatures greater than 95 degrees will reduce the rate at which their fruits set; opt instead for temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees. Temperatures below 55 degrees might make the plants yield misshapen fruit. Tomatoes are decidedly not cold-weather crops, so try to keep them warm for optimum plant health and fruit growth.

Thinking About Tomato Care

Before looking into propagating or growing tomatoes, it pays to know some factors beyond temperature that can contribute to their health or act as hindrances to it. Fitting of their status as a warm-weather crop, tomatoes appreciate full sun, though they can handle a little shade. They are often grown with stakes or cages to help them grow their fruit well off the ground to avoid some of the diseases they can catch. Also, it is a good idea to consistently water the tomatoes.

The plants, unfortunately, can suffer from myriad pests and diseases, for which gardeners should watch as the plants grow. Among the diseases they can face are various forms of wilt, including Fusarium wilt, early blight and mosaic virus. Among the common pests that afflict tomato plants are tomato hornworms and nematodes. To avoid using pesticides and fungicides, consider planting resistant varieties and rotate genetically different crops into the area in which the tomatoes were planted the year prior.

Is 46 Degrees Too Cold for Tomato Seedlings? (2024)


Can tomato seedlings survive 45 degrees? ›

Low Temperatures

Although tomato plants can survive temperatures down to 33 degrees Fahrenheit, they show problems when temperatures drop below 50 degrees F, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service.

Is 46 degrees too cold for seedlings? ›

Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can prevent the seedlings from growing.

What is the coldest temperature tomato seedlings can handle? ›

Tomatoes need to be kept well above freezing to survive. There's no point trying to put them outside – or even into a greenhouse – until your last expected frost date has safely passed. Temperatures below 10ºC (50ºF) can result in slow growth and problems with flowering and fruiting.

Can tomato seedlings survive 40 degree weather? ›

Tomatoes' Temperature Range

Although mature plants might survive light frosts, temperatures below 40 F damage flower and fruit production, making tomatoes perennial only in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 12 and up.

How much cold can a tomato seedlings tolerate? ›

Tomato plants are also susceptible to chilling injury at temperatures between 0 and 5° C. Chilling can cause stunted growth, wilting, surface pitting or necrosis of foliage, and increased susceptibility to disease. Low soil temperatures also stunt plant growth and prevent root development.

What temperature kills tomato seedlings? ›

Low Temperatures

Temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit are too low to grow a healthy tomato plant, says The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.

Should I cover my plants at 46 degrees? ›

Our recommendation would be to remove the cold protection covering once temperatures are above 32 degrees. If you leave the covering on when it gets warm and the sun is shining brightly, it may get too hot inside the cover and stress out the plants.

Will 46 degrees hurt plants? ›

If you're wondering at what temperature threshold you should be bringing your plants, there's a short answer: when nighttime temperatures reach 45 degrees (F), it's time to bring your plants indoors.

How do you know if seedlings are too cold? ›

Signs Your Plants May Be Too Cold
  1. Curling leaves. A sign of a chilly plant is when its leaves begin to curl under.
  2. The leaves brown and fall off. If your plant is too cold, it may begin to die, and its leaves will brown and fall off.
  3. The leaves turn yellow. ...
  4. Stunted growth. ...
  5. No flowers. ...
  6. Black spots.

At what temperature should I cover my tomato plants? ›

To keep your tomato plants productive for as long into autumn as possible, they will need to be covered up each evening when temperatures dip below 50°F (10°C).

How do you know if a tomato plant is too cold? ›

Symptoms of Tomato Cold Damage

Newly transplanted tomatoes may have olive green and yellowing leaves, with a purplish underside. Leaves on more established tomato plants will turn black and wilt. These blackened leaves may be pinched off, but leaves that are still green will recover when warmer temperatures return.

Will tomato seedlings recover from cold? ›

Tomato plants are surprisingly resilient. Depending on the extent of the frost damage, your young toms may come back even stronger! If they are beyond recovery, replace them and know, you are not the first gardener to lose a plant or two to the weather.

What temperature can tomato seedlings go outside? ›

An important temperature to remember: tomatoes can be planted in the garden when the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

How cold can seedlings tolerate? ›

Seedlings, with their tender new leaves, often give up the ghost when temperatures dip to 32-33°F. Tropical plants have differing low-temperature thresholds. Some keel over when temps fall to 40°F; others crumble at 35°F. Other plants are just hardy by nature and can withstand temperatures as low as 18-20°F.

What temperature does tomato seedlings harden? ›

Tomatoes are warm-weather plants and are very fragile at this stage of growth. Hardening off should be done on clear or overcast days (no rain), when daytime temperatures are at a minimum of mid-50 degrees, with little to no wind.

At what temperature can I put my seedlings outside? ›

Be sure to bring them in each night. And use those plant parenting instincts—don't put plants outside if temps are forecast to dip below 45°F, or strong winds or snow are expected.

What temperature should tomato seedlings be at night? ›

The night time temperature should not go below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius). Lower temperatures make your plant suffer, thereby stunting growth a bit.

Is 46 degrees cold? ›

Yes, 46F is cold to most people in normal circ*mstances. Room temperature is usually taken as 68F - 72F which is the range of temperature most people feel comfortable.

How long do tomato seedlings need heat? ›

4) Using Bottom Heat for Seed Starting:

Tomato seeds should germinate within 5-6 days if you can keep the soil temperature around 80º F. Peppers take a little longer with a little higher temperature (7-8 days at 85º F).

How hardy are tomato seedlings? ›

In their native tropical growing range, tomato plants are perennials that live for many years. In cold climates, however, they do not survive winter outdoors because they are not frost-tolerant. Because of this, most gardeners grow tomatoes as annuals.

How do you keep tomato seedlings alive? ›

  1. Water in the early morning so that plants have sufficient moisture to make it through a hot day.
  2. Water generously the first few days that the tomato seedlings or transplants are in the ground.
  3. Then water with about 2 inches (about 1.2 gallons) per square foot per week during the growing season.

Is 45 degrees at night too cold for plants? ›

I did some research and found out that houseplants need to be taken indoors before overnight temperatures dip below 45 degrees. Most tropical plants suffer harm from temperatures below 40 degrees.

Will plants freeze at 45 degrees? ›

This varies by the specific plant, but in general, 32 degrees Fahrenheit will damage most frost-sensitive plants. Frost can form at higher temps, however, when the dew point drops below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can I water my plants at 45 degree weather? ›

When temperatures are consistently warm in fall and winter, take advantage and keep the plants hydrated. Avoid watering when temperatures are below 40°F or when sustained freezing temperatures are expected within 24 hours as this water will freeze and not be available to the plants.

At what temperature should you cover your plants at night? ›

So, keep an eye out for your local weather forecast and get your plant coverings ready when temperatures are forecast to dip to 32 degrees F and below.

What temperature should you bring your plants in at night? ›

You'll want to move your houseplants indoors before night temperatures get below 45°F. Any colder, and you're likely to see damage, especially on tender new leaves and stem tips.

How do you keep seedlings warm overnight? ›

Surround plants with water-filled bottles, which will absorb heat during the day then release it at night, warming the air around your plants. This is especially effective within a greenhouse, tunnel or cold frame. You can also fill plastic bottles with hot water on cold nights to protect seedlings.

What temp should you bring seedlings inside? ›

WHEN TO BRING PLANTS INSIDE. As a general rule, tender plants should be brought in when nighttime temperatures are below 50 to 55 degrees F, even if they are hardy for your zone. A plant's roots are more exposed when planted in a container versus in the ground.

How do you keep new seedlings warm? ›

Drape clear plastic or garden fleece over recently sown blocks or rows of young seedlings. Individual plants can be protected with squares of plastic or fleece cut to size, or by using purpose-sold cloches. Alternatively, make your own from clear plastic drinks bottles.

Should I cover tomato seedlings? ›

Use a Cover to Protect Tomatoes

When frost or temperatures are in the forecast for overnight (mid-30s or even 40ºF), cover your tomato plants with clear plastic or a tarp. If you face an extended cold pattern, consider using quality frost protection regularly.

How do you protect tomatoes from cold nights? ›

How to protect tomatoes from fall frost
  1. Wrap tomato plants. Wrap your tomatoes plants in old sheets or trap on colder nights. ...
  2. Drape plants with 'floating' fabric. Use floating row cover to wrap or drape over your beds on cold nights. ...
  3. Use recycled materials to build cold frame. ...
  4. Go for a greenhouse. ...
  5. Hang tomatoes upside down.
Sep 30, 2021

Do tomato seedlings need bottom heat? ›

Tomato seeds need bottom heat in order to germinate. If you have a seedling heat mat, place the tray on the mat, plug it in and leave it on until the seeds start to sprout. Some people place their tray on a warm spot on top of their refrigerator, or somewhere else warm in the house.

Do tomato seedlings need heat? ›

Tomato seedlings do not need heat after germination unless soil temperatures dip below 60°F (15°C). Tomatoes grow best when daytime temperatures are 70 to 85°F (21 to 29°C) and nighttime temperatures are 60 to 70°F (15 to 21°C), so seedlings will benefit from added heat in cold, wintry conditions.

When should I put tomato seedlings in cold frame? ›

Tomato plants can be placed outside once all risk of frost has passed, but they will do better if kept in a greenhouse or indoors overnight until the summer when daytime temperatures are no lower than 17C.

When should tomato seedlings be planted outside? ›

Plant tomato seedlings outdoors when overnight temperatures remain above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't rely solely on the average last frost date, however. Generally, tomatoes can go outside about a week or two after the last frost in an area, but this isn't a strict rule. Weather conditions can vary from year to year.

How long before tomato seedlings can be planted outside? ›

It takes about six to eight weeks to produce transplants of tomatoes and peppers from seeds grown under indoor lights. ANSWER: It takes about six to eight weeks to produce transplants of tomatoes and peppers from seeds grown under indoor lights.

What is the most cold tolerant tomato? ›

Hybrid Tomatoes for Cold Climates
  • Celebrity Tomato.
  • Golden Nugget Tomato. Hybrid, determinate, 60 days, yellow, cherry (1 inch), resistance:V. ...
  • Husky Gold Tomato. ...
  • Orange Pixie Tomato. ...
  • Oregon Spring Tomato. ...
  • Siletz Tomato. ...
  • Bush Beefsteak Tomato. ...
  • Galina's (Galina) Tomato.

Do seedlings need warmth to grow? ›

One of the odd things about seedlings is that, as much as almost all seeds need warmth and stable temperatures to germinate well, once they germinate (once leaves appear), they grow best in cooler conditions and actually prefer it when temperatures drop at night.

Why are my tomato seedlings growing so slow? ›

Slow growth: Have patience. When seedlings seem to be taking forever to grow, it is usually due to low temperatures or inadequate nutrition. Over-watering: Many growers harm their tomato plants by over-watering. Soggy soil may cause your tomato seeds to rot.

How do you strengthen tomato seedlings? ›

Brushing plants helps them grow stronger, stockier (though shorter), and more able to withstand transplanting into the garden. You can help strengthen a growing tomato plant by making it move! There are two ways you can give your tomatoes a workout: brush them and blow air on them.

Can tomato seedlings survive cold? ›

Sun-loving tomatoes can suffer outdoors during spells of cold weather, with ideal temperatures from 18-24°C and no lower than 13°C. If it is too cold there might be poor pollination, curling of leaves and the fruits might be scarred, with holes.

How do you protect tomato seedlings from cold? ›

How to protect tomatoes from fall frost
  1. Wrap tomato plants. Wrap your tomatoes plants in old sheets or trap on colder nights. ...
  2. Drape plants with 'floating' fabric. Use floating row cover to wrap or drape over your beds on cold nights. ...
  3. Use recycled materials to build cold frame. ...
  4. Go for a greenhouse. ...
  5. Hang tomatoes upside down.
Sep 30, 2021

At what temperature should you cover tomato plants? ›

To keep your tomato plants productive for as long into autumn as possible, they will need to be covered up each evening when temperatures dip below 50°F (10°C).

How do you keep tomato seedlings warm? ›

Maintaining room temperature above 60ºF will get the job done, but there are also seedling heat mats, heat lamps and many other tricks that farmers and gardeners have concocted to speed up the process.

How much heat do tomato seedlings need? ›

The temperatures at which tomatoes thrive are between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Check plant tags for information on the varieties you plant, but by and large, tomatoes will not set fruit when temps hit 85 degrees, and may have trouble setting color in the heat.

When should I put fans on tomato seedlings? ›

When do you put a fan on seedlings? Immediately after seed germination, we begin to run oscillating fans on low over our seedlings.

How do you keep a tomato plant warm overnight? ›

Use a Cover to Protect Tomatoes

When frost or temperatures are in the forecast for overnight (mid-30s or even 40ºF), cover your tomato plants with clear plastic or a tarp. If you face an extended cold pattern, consider using quality frost protection regularly.

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